A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 22: Commencing

Min was sitting in the lap of a man, riding his cock. Like all the other girls present, she didn’t wear a single article of clothing. Next to her, was another man, Kemah in his lap, also eagerly riding his cock.

Liquid trailed out of both pussies, as the cocks slid in and out. There were six other men in the room, and the same number of girls.

The men drank and chatted, as the girls either blew them or had sex with them. They were either celebrating something, or just plain partying, but Min didn’t really care. She just enjoyed the act of sex, happily riding her client.

The men all had to speak very loudly, so as to be heard over the moans of the prostitutes. Time passed.  Every girl was fucked by most of the men present, and eventually, their time with the prostitutes was up.

Min and Kemah walked alongside each other, heading to their rooms, still naked. They had been in the brothel for a month already, and it was now just about time to finish up.

At first, Kemah had struggled quite a bit, getting used to the prostitute life, but by now, she was very much used to it. Enjoyed it, even.

This mission had actually been a very good exercise for Kemah. She was now much more comfortable with sex and would be able to have it with anyone without any problems. This would make future missions where she might need to use her body much easier.

Min on the other hand never had this problem. She’d loved every second of her time at the brothel. It could almost be considered as a vacation to her, since she was just having sex all day long.

“Are you ready for this? The guys should be coming in an hour, and Dralu has already booked me,” Min said. Min and Kemah were quite the popular whores, so they were usually booked ahead of time.

About a week ago, Dralu had bought some time with both Kemah and Min, so they could discuss their plans. Of course, they’d also had sex. Now, every man in the group had enjoyed Kemah’s body. Back then, they had decided that Dralu would book Min, while Kor and Haemir would book a prostitute each from two specific wings.

That seemed like the best to infiltrate. Then, Kor and Haemir would get started on leading all the prostitutes out, while Dralu, Kemah, and Min would find and kill the owner. It was optimal for the three of them to do the assassination, since they were located closest to the owner’s office.

“I’m ready. I can’t wait to see my knives again. I’ve never been away from them for so long,” Kemah said, feeling a deep longing in her heart for her murder weapons.

“Yeah, I feel ya. My Master gave me my knives, so I’d be very sad if I ever lost them,” Min said. Finally, they arrived in their wing. A guard was present, so they could no longer discuss their plans.

“See you later,” Min said, giving Kemah a warm smile. Kemah smiled back and nodded to her.

Before Min managed to enter her room, the guard, Jak walked up to her. Jak and Min were quite friendly, since he was the first guard Min had gotten acquainted with. They’d have sex quite regularly.

“Are you free right now? I’m feeling quite hungry for that tight pussy of yours,” Jak said, wearing a naughty smile.

“Sure. I have close to an hour. Let’s enjoy ourselves,” Min said, as she grabbed the man’s hand and led him inside her room.

Jak quickly got naked and lied down on the bed. Min climbed into his lap, and inserted his cock into her pussy, letting it slide all the way.

“Aah!” Min moaned, as she bounced up and down, letting the cock slide into her repeatedly. The girth of the cock was enough to stretch Min’s pussy slightly, a thing she very much enjoyed.

She kept riding him for twenty minutes, until he finally came inside Min, filling her with his seed.

“That was nice. But I’m sorry about this,” Min said, as her hands reached for Jak’s throat.

“About what? What are you doing?” Jak asked, confused by the strange motion.

“Having to kill you, of course,” Min replied, a sad expression on her face. She kinda liked Jak, but she had to kill him. All the guards had to die.

“What?” Jak said, but before he could say another word, two black crescents shot out of Min’s hands, straight into Jak’s throat.

Due to the Min hand’s already holding him by the neck, the crescents cut straight through, decapitating him instantly. A look of shock was in his eyes, and his mouth was quivering, but not a sound escaped him.

Min grabbed his head, and hugged him, pushing his face into her naked breasts.

“It’s alright, it’ll all be over soon,” Min said, as she sensually caressed him through the hair. The look of shock in Jak’s eyes grew weaker and weaker, as he felt his life leave him. In a matter of seconds, he was dead.

“You were a nice guy, just a bit unlucky is all. If my baby is a boy, maybe I’ll name him after you. Ooh, and if I have twins, a boy and a girl, I could name them Mara and Jak. Then Jak could probably have a chance at having sex with Mara again,” Min said. Finally she lifted Jak’s head to her face and kissed him on the mouth, before placing his head on his chest.

Then, she stood, up letting Jak’s dead cock slide out of her pussy, and his still living cum leak out of her. She’d gotten blood all over her chest and belly, so she needed to get cleaned.

Dralu would be here in half an hour, so she wanted to look her best when he came. Which in her opinion might just be clean and naked.

Eventually, Min received word that her client had arrived. Only a few minutes passed, before the door once more opened, revealing Dralu’s form.

“Hey there, honey,” Min said, lying on her bed, the full front of her nude body on showcase, winking one eye. Dralu had a brown bag hoisted over his shoulder. Dralu had booked Min until tomorrow morning, so the staff believed that Dralu carried his clothes in the bag.

In reality, it was filled with Min and Kemah’s weapons and armor.

“Hello,” Dralu replied, as he placed the bag on Min’s bed. Min quickly sat up, and crawled over to the bag, taking her stuff out.

“I wish we could have sex, but we really do have to hurry a bit. As you can see, I already killed one guard. His name was Jak. He was a nice dude. Too bad he had to die,” Min said, while putting on her leather bikini armor. When she put the entire thing on, a faint, blue glow appeared around her for a moment, before disappearing entirely. This was the protection barrier generated from the enchantment on her armor.

Finally, she strapped her two daggers to her thighs, ready to fight.

“You say that, but then you chopped his head off. Seems a bit gruesome,” Dralu said, looking at the lifeless corpse on the bed.

“Well, that was the easiest and quickest way to do it. But let’s get going. Before we kill the owner, we should gather all the whores in our dorm. Those poor girls. There’s already a bunch of slaves here, so things won’t really change for them, but all the free ones will have to live the rest of their lives as sex slaves now. A lot of those girls only wanted to work here for a while so they could raise the money for other ventures. But oh well, no reason to think too much about it. As long as we get paid,” Min said.

“They’re just a bit less lucky in life, is all. Let’s go,” Dralu said, before opening the door. The corridor outside was empty. Min quickly led Dralu to Kemah’s room.

Inside, they saw Kemah getting fucked from behind by a fat, old man. The old man was rather rough, and Kemah’s boobs bounced a lot, as her ass was pounded. But when he saw the masked Dralu enter the room, he quickly stopped, and backed away in panic.

“Who are you?! What are you doing here?!” The man asked, fearing for his life. His eyes were tightly fixated on the weapon on Dralu’s hip. That slender longsword.

“Don’t say a word. When an hour has passed, you may leave. K, hurry up and get ready,” Dralu said, before passing the brown bag to Kemah.

When people were present that shouldn’t know their real names, Min and the others would use the first letter of their names as a codename.

“Will do,” Kemah replied. She quickly put on her own armor, appearing almost as skimpy as Min was. The biggest difference was that she wore skintight shorts, with small leather plates at the side of her hips, and a leather belt.

“All done. Let’s get going,” Kemah said, as she moved towards the door.

Dralu held his sword at the ready, Kemah kept her daggers in-hand, while Min was prepared to cast a spell at a moment’s notice.

Outside, in the corridor, it was as empty as before. However, faint sounds of moaning and sex could always be heard from inside some of the doors.

The three passed by all the doors, and made their way to the end. Their mission was to kill their target. Kor and Haemir would make their way over here with the rest of the whores eventually.

After exiting the corridor, Min and the others moved swiftly and silently. Any guard they came upon was quietly killed and disposed of, while any visitors or workers were sneakily avoided.

In a matter of minutes, they arrived outside a wooden door. Min and Kemah knew very well that this door led into the office of the owner. They also knew he was currently present, since they based their plans on when he’d be there.

“Well, we’re here. This is my first time, so I’ll let you two choose the plan of action,” Dralu said. Min and Kemah both took a step forward.

“There should only be him inside there, so I’ll use my blinding spell on him immediately,” Min began.

“Sounds good. Then Dralu and I can rush him and kill him as quickly as possible,” Kemah said with a sound nod.

“I’ll stay back and support with magic then. Are we all ready?” Min asked, looking at both Kemah and Dralu.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Dralu said, a hint of nervousness on his expression. But it was only a hint. Considering Dralu’s age and wealth of experience, it was much easier to stay composed for him, than Min and Kemah.

“Let’s go in, then,” Min said, taking the first step to the door. 

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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