A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 23: Cruelty

The moment the door opened, a black mist shot out of Min’s hand, aiming straight for the man sitting behind a wooden desk. The mist burrowed right into his eyes, clouding them to the point where they looked like black orbs.

“What the,” the man exclaimed, as he reached to his face with his hand. As soon as the man had been blinded, Kemah and Dralu rushed through the door, and charged right on up to the man.

Kemah jumped over the desk, and landed in the man’s lap. The force caused both of them to fall to the floor, with Kemah sitting on the brothel owner’s stomach.

With lighting speed and precision, Kemah swung her daggers, slicing a cross into the target’s throat.

“Fuck!” The man roared a gurgled scream of fear and fury. Out of nowhere, he suddenly held a dagger of his own in his hand. Not caring for what he might he hit, he lunged his weapon at the mass on his stomach.

“Shit,” Kemah spoke, before she rolled away, ensuring that the target would hit nothing, but air.

The next moment, Dralu arrived, his sword thrusting towards the enemies heart. Like stabbing into butter, the tip of the sword pierced through cloth and flesh.

However, the target was seemingly quick witted. In a moment of life and death, the brothel owner rolled away, allowing Dralu’s sword to cut a large wound into his chest, but avoiding his heart.

With speed fitting of his lithe frame, the man quickly crashed into a corner, as far away from his enemies as he could currently get.

“Damned assassins!” He roared. Suddenly, he put his hand under his jacket, and pulled out two flasks. One contained a bloody red liquid, while the other had a misty white substance within it.

The man immediately pulled out the corks, and jugged down the two potions. Within seconds, his deadly wounds disappeared, and the black mist in his eyes dissipated.

But Min didn’t care in the slightest. She just summoned forth her mana once more, and cast another spell of blindness. Another mass of black mist shot into the target’s eyes. However, this time, the mist disappeared the moment it touched the man.

“That potion gave immunity too? How’d he managed to hide those potions within his jacket, anyway?” Min said, as she summoned forth another spell, this time, an offensive one.

Having regained his vision, the brothel owner looked at his attackers.

“You two are whores that started working for me a month ago. I guess your plan was to kill me along, then?” The man said, as he raised his knife.

Despite having drunk a healing potion, he looked significantly paler than before.

“It doesn’t matter. You’re going to die anyway,” Min said, as she unleashed her spell. A barrage of black crescents started shooting out of her hand, landing all over the brothel owner’s body. Each crescent caused a shallow wound, but as he was hit by more crescents, more wounds would appear. In a matter of seconds, Min had already shot out more than ten crescents, using over five hundred mana.

As Min’s crescents rained on the brothel owner, Kemah and Dralu charged at him, preventing him from getting into close combat with Min.

Kemah’s knives moved like the wind, slicing all over the target’s body, while Dralu struck with deadly precision.

However, the brothel owner didn’t fall easily. He showed considerable skill with his single dagger, managing to block or dodge several attacks.

But his body was already covered in wounds. A pool of blood had formed below his feet, and Kemah’s body was stained with his blood.

Finally, he couldn’t keep up anymore. In a single second, Kemah appeared behind him, her knife drawing around the brothel owner’s throat, cutting deep.

Blood sprayed out of the newly opened wound, hitting Dralu right in the face, as his sword pierced into the man’s chest for the second time. This time, however, the brothel owner couldn’t save himself. The sword pierced through the flesh, and into the heart. In just a second, the target collapsed, dead.


[Congratulations! You have received 23,600 XP for killing a Lvl 85 Wood Elf!

Since you were not alone in defeating your foe, the XP has been shared equally!]


[Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are now level 60!

As a Moonblessed Dhampir, you are awarded 6 attribute points to distribute.]

Two blue screens immediately assaulted Min, when the brothel owner had fallen dead. Seeing the second thing was always something that made Min ecstatic.

“Alright! I leveled up! Let’s get out of here, so I can brag to the others,” Min urged.

“Let’s loot this guy first,” Dralu said, as he knelt down next to the corpse.

“Alright, but make it quick!” Min demanded. Dralu soon pulled out a small, cloth bag from under the man’s jacket. When he looked into it, Dralu showed a surprised expression.

“It’s a bag of holding! But there’s not much in here. Just some potion, and a few coins. Not a lot of money. But there might be some money laying around here, though, right?” Dralu asked.

“Well, we and the other prostitutes were just paid, and I doubt he’d keep the month’s earnings here. But I guess we can look around, real quick,” Min suggested. Even though she was eager to brag about her exploits, she also liked the prospect of even more money.

“Let’s look around then. Even if we don’t find anything, a bag of holding on its own is quite valuable,” Kemah said.

Bags of holding were expensive items great for storage. The space inside them was much bigger than on the outside. The brothel owner had been able to keep several potions and a dagger inside it, even though the bag was only about as big as a hand.

Min, Kemah, and Dralu spent a few minutes looking around, but didn’t find much. There was a bit of money, but not much.

The money earned throughout the day would probably be taken to a more secure location every day. It was already quite late, so it was entirely possible all the earnings had been moved already.

“Oh well. If there’s no loot, there’s no loot. Let’s go join the others,” Min said, before jogging out of the room. Kemah and Dralu quickly followed her.

They had spent a very short amount of time in total when killing the brothel owner, so they doubted that Kor and Haemir could have gotten very far.

Thus, the three went back to the corridor where Min and Kemah had been staying.

Min and Kemah immediately started entering the rooms, and bringing the girls out. Any clients that might be with them were ordered to stay put.

“Mara? What is going on? why are you dressed like that?” A prostitute asked, confused by everything that was going on. When she saw the other girls being gathered in the corridor, and the tough looking stranger, she only grew more confused.

“Wait until everyone’s gathered, I’ll explain then,” Min said, before leaving her to get another girl. Soon, a dozen or so confused girls were in the room.

“Calm down everyone. We’re going to bring you out of here. The owner of our brothel has planned to sell all the prostitutes working here, including us free ones! The guards have already been ordered to capture all of us. Luckily, our adventuring group learned of it, so Sila and I went undercover to prepare,” Min said. Soon, one of the whores spoke up.

“You were actually willing to become prostitutes for something like that? You’ve been here for more than a month, so you’be definitely had sex with more than a hundred guys,” she asked, finding it hard to believe.

“You really think that is too much to sacrifice for the sake of saving all of you guys’ freedom? But don’t worry, I’m a proud slut! This was like an extra money making opportunity for me. If I wasn’t an adventurer, I’d definitely want to be a prostitute!” Min said, meaning every word she spoke.

The last month had been pretty blissful for her.

“Oh. And Sila is the same?” The same prostitute asked.

“I wouldn’t say she’s a slut like me. She’s only recently been exploring her sexuality. But she’s super selfless! She’ll do anything for her mission, including having sex with countless strangers, if that’s what it takes. She’s admirable!” Min said, once more meaning every word she spoke. Min already considered Kemah like her best friend and valued her just as much as she would a sister.

In fact, Min valued her even more than she valued her own sister when she was young. This was only due to her much heightened intelligence, though. Back then, she didn’t understand life, death, and bonds as much.

“Enough talking. Let’s get going!” Kemah said, her cheeks a deep shade of pink, and her cat ears lying flat on her head. Hearing Min’s praise was embarrassing enough, but seeing the admiration with which the girls were looking at her now made it even worse.

But those girls were truly grateful towards Kemah, after hearing what Min said. The wast majority of women would not be willing to do what Kemah had. And she was so young too. It really was quite admirable, even if the real reason wasn’t what the girls believed it to be.

“Right, let’s get going. The others should have managed to gather the rest of the girls by now,” Min said. Then, she led the group out of the corridor. Soon, they started hearing the footsteps of a large group of people.

A few dozen half naked, and some completely naked, girls appeared from around the corner. Leading them, were the disguised Kor and Haemir. The girls had all been fed the same story Min gave them, but the ones that had been working hadn’t been given the time to get dressed, so many of them were naked. The five comrades all greeted each other, before Min faced the group of prostitutes.

“Seems like most of us are here, but we need to get everyone away. Look around you, and if there’s anyone you know that you can’t spot, please speak up!” Min said. A few of the girls spoke a few names, but it turned out they just couldn’t see the person they were looking for. Soon, they confirmed that everyone was there.

The girls were instructed to wait for a bit, while Min and the others discussed the next stage of their plans.

“Kemah and I are going to get our stuff from our rooms. You guys can get the girls out of here. We’ll follow from the roofs,” Min said, before taking Kemah’s hand and running away.

“See you later then,” the other’s replied. Min and Kemah soon arrived in their dorm again. The money they had earned as prostitutes, as well as some belongings were all stored in their rooms, so it was naturaly that they wanted to retrieve them.

The money they had earned as whores made for a handy sum. Since this was a high-class brothel, the prostitutes naturally earned a relatively high salary.

Even for the middle-class, they would be ranked quite highly in terms of salary.

Of course, it wasn’t easy to get a job in this kind of brothel. Great natural beauty was required, but luckily, both Min and Kemah possessed this. They were frankly stunningly pretty.

If they ever decided to profess as prostitutes, they would probably be able to get hired in even the top class brothels. However, getting hired in such a brothel would be a much more difficult and lengthy process.

A courtesan would be a more correct term for those prostitutes. They’d have to be educated in terms of etiquette, and even art and music.

But a courtesan who had finished her training would usually be quite wealthy, and could even be classed as an upper-class citizen.

They were naturally the wealthiest prostitutes around.

Min and Kemah quickly gathered their things into the same bag that Dralu had arrived in, before making their way out, and up to the roofs.

Even though the two were wearing makeup, their faces weren’t concealed, like with the men. Dragging two sets of full body covering leather armor with him, would have been too troublesome for Dralu.

Nevertheless, due to their makeup, they were completely unrecognizable. But they still decided to be on the safe side, and stay hidden after leaving the brothel.

On the rooftops, they they followed behind the slower group. They had to take the darker pathways, as a group of mostly naked prostitutes would attract too much attention. Luckily, the location they were going to take them was nearby.

Soon, they arrived in an alleyway, where they met more than a dozen armed men.

The prostitutes were puzzled when they saw this, but they had little time to panic, as the armed men all moved on them immediately.

Without warning, they pushed a paper seal on the girl’s arms that imprinted a black tattoo on them. Seeing this, the girls turned to an expression of panic and horror.

Anyone could recognize this for what it was. It was the magical tattoo that marked someone as the property of another. With this, they would never be able to disobey their owner, unless the tattoo was removed.

“Wh-what is going on? No, don’t! You said you would save us from slavery!” The girls cried and begged. Dralu, Hameir, and Kor only looked on silently.

“You tricked us! You betrayed us! Damn you Mara! Damn you Sila!” Another girl screamed, as the slave tattoo was forced on her.

Min and Kemah could only look on with emotionless expressions. They knew they had lied to them. They had consciously doomed these girls to a lifetime of sexual slavery. All for the sake of some money.

Min felt some guilt at it. But the guilt was drowned by her need to make her Master proud. If her Master ordered it, Min would do anything. She wanted him to be proud of her, to love her.


If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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