A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 26: This is not the End

The Holy Knight’s sword tore through the air, severing Dralu’s arm in one motion, and tearing deep into his chest.

The blade continued on, cleaving through Min’s hips, before cutting off her entire shoulder, dividing the Dhampir into three parts.

Kemah had already backed away and saw everything happen. She looked, as Min fell into three pieces, splashing into the bloody water. Dralu similarly collapsed, after his arm had touched the water, stumbling just two steps backward, first.

“No!” Kemah screamed. Blood poured out of Min’s waist, causing the water around her to grow redder and redder.

“I kill you, you fucking bastard!” Kemah screamed. She kicked into the water, splashing the crimson liquid behind her, as she charged at the heavily wounded knight.

Kor and Haemir’s expressions twisted, too. Kor’s eyes grew red, as visible fumes escaped his nostrils. His muscles bulged as he rushed forwards, holding his great ax above his head.

Typically, he fought with lighter weapons, but this was what had been given him when he became a guard.

However, at this moment, this weapon suited him better. He was a Half-Orc and had access to the Orcish racial ability, Berserker.

Under moments of rage, he grew visibly bigger and far stronger! Under this state, his weapon fell on the Holy Knight like a meteor!

The Holy Knight just barely managed to block the ax, while simultaneously undergoing Kemah’s frantic attacks.

But the power behind Kor’s blow was so great that Ser Leeran almost fell in the pool.

Meanwhile, Haemir wore an angsty expression, a single tear about to drip out of his eye. He knew that Min was an enduring girl, but how could she possibly survive being chopped into three pieces?

Haemir let go of the arrow in his hand, causing the projectile to shriek through the air, piercing directly into the Holy Knight’s throat!

“Graah!” The Holy Knight gurgled, as blood followed up out of his throat.

As the arrow cut into the man’s throat, Kemah’s dagger stabbed into the Holy Knight’s back, piercing right into his heart!

Finally, Kor’s final, furious blow came down, cleaving into Ser Leeran’s shoulder, cutting diagonally through his chest, dividing him into two!

“No!” Leeran gave a final cry of desperation before his soul left him.

The moment the knight died, Kemah abandoned him and went straight for Min, who didn’t show any signs of life. Her eyes were closed, resting on Dralu’s chest. She continued to bleed profusely.

“No, you can’t die! I can’t lose you!” Kemah begged, the tears flowing down her cheeks. But before she could do anything, the rageful Kor interrupted her.

“Graaah!” He roared, as he grabbed Min’s torso and legs and directly jumped out of the window. Kemah followed him to the window, puzzled and confused.

Under his current state, Kor’s steps were both more powerful and fast. Even though they were several stories high, he landed on the street with a loud thump, before charging onwards.

Kemah looked back to the tainted pool, seeing Dralu’s body and arm there, as well as Min’s arm, which Kor seemed to have forgotten.

“We have to get Dralu to Lord Aldon! He might still be savable! I trust that’s where Kor is going, too,” Haemir said, as he picked up Dralu. Dralu was a relatively big man, and he was wearing armor, so his weight wasn’t light.

However, everyone in the group of assassins had enhanced strength, so Haemir was able to carry him with ease.

Even Min, who had the weakest physical strength of the group, would be able to carry Dralu.

“Kemah, take their arms and follow me,” Haemir ordered, taking charge of the situation. Kemah was in a complete stupor at what had happened.

This was even worse than when Kemah almost died. This time it seemed like two people had actually died, and one of them was the girl that Kemah treasured the most. The girl who had taught her the pleasure of sex, and the girl who had comforted her when her body was ruined.

“Yes,” Kemah replied, before picking up the two arms. Dralu’s arm had been severed just above the elbow, but Min’s arm even had the entire shoulder still connected. It was a disheartening sight for the young woman.

But she couldn’t afford to bear it any mind. She immediately followed Haemir, who was carrying Dralu’s lifeless body away.

The two jumped out of the already broken window, running off in the same direction as Kor had done, earlier.

They ran as fast as they possibly could while trying to stay in the shadows. In the end, they were seen by several people, including some city guards, but they couldn’t waste any time. Anyone who saw them was ignored.

Soon, they arrived at Lord Aldon’s marble white mansion. The door was open, and a trail of blood went through it. In fact, if you followed the blood trail all the way, you’d arrive at the residence of the now-deceased Holy Knight, Ser Leeran.

Kemah charged straight inside, but Haemir took the time to give instructions to a nearby, frightened servant.

“Quick! Gather some people and clean up all the blood outside for as far as you can get! It’s imperative that the blood doesn’t lead anyone here!” Haemir yelled, scaring the servant even more. His voice was frantic, and he just couldn’t find the power to calm himself.

“Y-yes!” The servant stumbled, before rushing off to find some help. Then, Haemir continued following the trail of blood, quickly arriving in a room that Lord Aldon used to heal the wounded.

Inside, he saw Aldon, hovering over Min’s two halves. Haemir’s heart lightened when he saw Min’s torso and legs reconnecting. He immediately placed Dralu on another bed, about to implore Lord Aldon to care for him as soon as possible, but before he could say anything, Lord Aldon spoke.

“Kemah, take this potion. Poor some of his wounds, and feed him the rest,” Lord Aldon said, giving Kemah a red potion into her hands.

“Yes!” Kemah said, before running to Dralu’s side. She immediately poured some of the contents of the potion on Dralu’s wounds, before letting him drink the rest.

“You’ll be alright, I know you will. Min, too,” Kemah mumbled, as she held the top of the flash to Dralu’s lips.

Soon, Dralu’s wounds began closing on their own.

“Kemah, come back here. Min’s condition is stable now. I’ll go care for the man. Just make sure to hold Min’s severed arm in place, tightly. With the magic I’ve used on her, together with her own healing ability, her arm should reconnect on its own. Dralu will be more difficult, though. It will take a few hours. After Min is whole enough that she won’t fall apart again, move her somewhere else for me,” Lord Aldon instructed. Kemah immediately attended to her tasks.

“Yes, my lord,” She replied, as she held together Min’s nude body.

“After you’ve found a place to rest, you can go find some clothes for the two of you. And you’re both covered in blood, so you should take care of that, too,” Lord Aldon continued. Naturally, Kemah was still naked, too, since both girls had been nude during the assassination.

“Yes, my lord,” Kemah responded.

“Good. As for the two of you, go get rid of anyone who’s following the trail you left behind you. Kill them if you have to. It’s fine if you only superficially hide the bodies though. We’ll send someone else for that purpose, later,” Lord Aldon continued his orders.

“Yes, my lord. We’ll take care of it immediately,” Haemir replied, before dragging Kor away. Kor was still influenced by his boundless rage, so he did his best to remain silent.

These people whom he continually risked his life with were like family to him. Min and Kemah were like sisters to him. The only difference between them and an actual sister was that he’d gladly fuck Min and Kemah.

And Haemir was naturally like his blood brother. The two were incomparably close, just like Min and Kemah. Even Dralu was quickly growing closer to him, even though he’d only been with them for a short while.

So seeing Min get chopped to pieces had naturally filled the Half-Orc with incomparable rage to the point where he lost all control.

Lord Aldon continued to hover above the very pale Dralu, sweat pearling from his forehead, as he poured his mana into the man.

Kemah stayed by Min’s side until it seemed like her arm had somewhat connected. It was still far from fully healed. Even with her healing ability boosted by Lord Aldon’s magic, an injury like this would take a while to fully recover.

“Lord Aldon, I’ll be taking Min away now,” Kemah said, speaking in a low voice, careful not to disturb the healer.

Lord Aldon didn’t respond, so Kemah just took Min into her arms, carrying her like a princess.

After they got out of the room, Kemah had a servant guide them to a sleeping chamber. After they’d entered a room, Kemah further instructed the servant girl to bring them something to wear, and also some water to wash with.

As she waited, Kemah sat on the floor, holding the unconscious Min in her arms. She didn’t want to enter the bed before they were clean.

As she sat, her hand caressed Min’s body, resting comfortably on her abdomen.

“Thank god,” she said. Lord Aldon had quickly confirmed that Min’s fetus was still alive. Kemah knew how crushed Min would have been if she lost her unborn baby. She could imagine, because just two weeks earlier, Min had similarly confirmed that Kemah was pregnant.

If she calculated right, it should mean that Kemah had gotten pregnant just a few days before leaving the brothel. This made her happy because this meant that Kemah’s baby might be the sibling of Min’s children. Because she’d had sex with Dralu just about that time.

Dralu certainly wasn’t against this, since he’d like having a child that he knew would grow up at a reasonable pace, and also maybe wouldn’t be as slutty Min, and even Ellie. If it was a girl, that is.

Kemah was only a moderate slut, after all. Unless it were for a mission, Kemah wouldn’t have sex with strangers. She’d only do it with people she knew.

At least this was what Dralu believed. Min and Kemah still hadn’t told anyone about their plans to make a brothel that they would work in.

They weren’t hiding it or anything, it just hadn’t come up.

Kemah stared into Min’s closed eyes for a long while, her mind empty. Without thinking, she moved her face closer to Min’s. Suddenly, she kissed her. She pushed her tongue into Min’s mouth and started playing with Min’s tongue.

In an unconscious reaction, Min started reciprocating the motion. The two girls’ heated kiss caused saliva to leak through their lips until Kemah finally disconnected.

“I really love you, Min. I hope I’ll be able to tell you that, one day,” Kemah said. These were the feelings the cat-eared girl had felt almost since she first met Min.

Kemah loved Min. But she knew Min had Dralu. She even had children. In such an environment, would Min ever be able to be together with Kemah?

However, as Kemah thought these thoughts, much to her surprise, Min’s eyes opened. Her lips were formed into a weak smile, the weakness further supported by the unnaturally pale tone of her skin.

Min had always been very pale since she became a Dhampir, but now, her skin was almost white. Usually, she was pale blue.

“You just did,” Min spoke. Kemah stared into Min’s pearly eyes, a serene silence hovering above the two for the longest time.

“Do you feel the same way?” Kemah finally asked. She was visibly worried, but she had to ask. If she could become lovers with Min, her life would be complete.

“I returned your kiss, didn’t I? To be honest, I’ve always wanted to have a girlfriend, and no one would be better than you,” Min replied, her smile remaining weak, but heartfelt.

“But what about Dralu? Won’t he be against us? And surely you can’t break up with him. He’s the father of your children, and perhaps even mine,” Kemah asked.

“Of course he won’t mind. You know what our relationship is like. We first started going out on the basis that we would have sex with other people. I know he’s had sex with other women, and he definitely knows that I’ve had sex with other men. Although, when it comes to actual love, he probably won’t condone me loving another man, but if it’s a girl, he won’t mind. And you’re a girl. You’re my girl, and I’m yours,” Min said, bringing Kemah into a tighter hug

“Then I guess we’re girlfriend and girlfriend now,” Kemah said, her face showing the most satisfying expression she’d ever had.

However, suddenly, Min’s expression changed for the worse. Her face jerked to look down on her own bloody, exposed belly. She had just remembered.

“My, my baby!” Min cried, immediately growing frantic for the wellbeing of her unborn offspring.

“Don’t worry, your baby is fine!” Kemah said, as she tightened her hold over Min. Hearing this, Min grew slightly calmer, but she was still quite frantic.

“You were chopped in half, but only by your hips. You lost your pussy, but the sword didn’t touch the womb. The baby is just fine,” Kemah explained.

“That’s good. It’s also good that my lower body could be reattached. I don’t think I could even live without my pussy. But I don’t think I can ever go through something like that again. I’m going to tell my Master that I won’t go on missions anymore. Not until my baby is born, anyway. If he’s really cruel, he can force me. I can’t disobey him. If he wants to, he even can make me slave, without my resistance. But if he forces me to go on missions while I’m pregnant, I will hate him forever. I know that the contract I signed for him makes me love him, but my maternal instincts are stronger,” Min said, a look of determination in her eyes.

“I agree with you. Seeing what happened to you made me realize just how dangerous our job is. I don’t care if I die for the organization, but I don’t want my child to die. Until my baby is born, I, too, won’t go on missions,” Kemah said.

“Good. Then, how about this? Why don’t we start our brothel now? It’s okay if we don’t go all out right away. We can just rent a cheaper place for now, and when we make enough money, we can expand. And we don’t have to get a birth control license right away. I know there are spells for abortions. I’m sure I can get my Master to teach me one if I ask really, really nice. What do you say?” Min asked.

To start a brothel, you actually didn’t need a license of any kind. You just needed a building, and to hire a few girls to whore for you. However, a brothel like that would have a certain problem.

Since birth control was extremely expensive, you wouldn’t be able to get it for your whores. Those whores would definitely get pregnant because of this.

But brothel owners could purchase a birth control license. There were actually two kinds of licenses. The first one, and much cheaper one, allowed brothels to buy birth control at a much cheaper price.

After all, the ingredients for a birth control potion were actually very cheap. The only reason it was so expensive was to boost population numbers.

In other areas, where the population was starting to grow to large to support, birth control would instead become very cheap, if not free.

The following license allowed the brothel to make its own birth control. In the long run, this would become even cheaper, but this license was much more expensive.

Min would want to start with the first license, when she could afford it, and then later move on to the second license. But at this moment, she could afford neither, so she’d have to rely on the abortion spell.

But such a spell could only be a short term solution since it would have minor impact on the health. Using it once wouldn’t have any effect, but if you used it dozens of times, you might become sterile.

A whore who didn’t have access to birth control would definitely get pregnant many times in just a year, so this wouldn’t work in the long run.

“That’d be awesome! Let’s do that! I wonder if Ellie would be willing to whore a bit from time to time. I really hope Dralu is the dad of my baby. Then Ellie will be the sister of my child. Hey, since we’re lovers now, doesn’t that mean I’m basically Ellie’s stepmom?” Kemah asked.

“Sure, you can be Ellie’s stepmom! And I really hope Ellie will want to whore with us. My daughter is very cute, just like her mommy. And step mommy! So I’m sure she’d bring in many customers. Oh, and maybe he can have Akon’s dad help us advertise,” Min said, already making plans for her new business.

“It feels weird being the stepmom of a girl only five years younger than me. Although, you, her real mom, isn’t even one year older. Ellie’s birthday was just a few days ago, so you’re both sixteen, now,” Kemah said.

“Yup. I can’t wait to tell her about our plans. I bet she’ll be surprised that her mommy is going to become a real whore,” Min said, once more fantasizing about her whoring future.

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