A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 27: Leveling Up

The door into the room opened, interrupting Min, and Kemah’s chattering. A servant walked in, carrying a tub of water. Behind her walked another servant, holding fresh clothes.

The two servants left their items there, bowed, and left the room, leaving Kemah and Min alone again.

“Kemah, you’re going to have to help me. I still can’t move my legs,” Min said. Her flesh had healed somewhat, but her bones would take longer. It would take a little while before she could move her legs or severed arm, once more.

“Of course,” Kemah said. She grabbed a washing cloth and soaked it in the water. Then she started rubbing Min’s body, cleaning all the blood off her. After Min was clean, she washed herself.

She had the blood of three people on her. When Dralu’s arm had been severed, and his chest sliced, the blood had sprayed over Kemah’s body. And when she’d carried Min, she’d naturally gotten covered in Min’s blood. And then there was the blood of the Holy Knight.

After the two were clean, they finally got into bed. Kemah didn’t want to leave Min alone, so she snuggled tightly with her.

The two spent several minutes, just staring into each other’s eyes. Kemah was so happy. She’d confessed her feelings for Min, even though she thought Min was unconscious. And Min had agreed to become lovers.

Kemah knew Min was a strange girl. Whether she actually loved Kemah back or was just willing to try this anyway, she didn’t know. But she didn’t particularly care. As long as she could be with Min, Kemah would be happy.

“Min, you lost a lot of blood today. You’re a Dhampir, though, so if you want to, you can drink some of mine,” Kemah suddenly suggested, as she bared her neck for Min.

“Really? Even if I didn’t have blood loss, I wouldn’t say no to that. Blood is quite tasty, actually. At least when you’re me,” Min said, before slowly licking Kemah’s neck. The soft, wet touch of Min’s tongue made Kemah gulp. She had been licked by Min before when they’d had a threesome, but she wasn’t about to get bitten back then. The thought excited her.

Min’s two fangs sank into Kemah’s flesh, drawing blood, and causing Kemah to let out a mild moan. The blood trickling out of the newly opened wound was immediately sucked into Min’s mouth. As the crimson liquid flowed past Min’s tongue, she was filled with a refreshing and savory feeling.

While Min didn’t get many chances to drink blood, she enjoyed it every time she did. She gulped, again and again, getting several mouthfuls of blood into her stomach. Finally, Kemah pushed Min away, so she didn’t lose too much blood.

Kemah looked at Min, a smile on her face. Min was a messy drinker, it seemed. There was blood all over her chin and cheeks, and a bit was even dripping from her chin.

Min just chuckled and licked herself as clean as she could get. Then, she bit into her wrist and stretched her arm out to Kemah.

“Drink a bit. It’ll make the wound close faster,” Min said. Kemah stared at the two bloody holes in Min’s wrist, hesitating. But Min’s healing capabilities were too fast. If she didn’t drink right away, the wounds would close.

“Okay,” Kemah mumbled, before finally taking a small lick at Min’s wrist. She licked the blood clean and then sucked lightly on the punctures until they were completely closed.

“It’s good, right?” Min asked, a sheepish smile on her pretty lips.

“It’s salty. And weird. But it doesn’t exactly taste bad. But it’s time to sleep. You need plenty of rest,” Kemah said, before covering both of them with a blanket.

“If you say so. But make sure to hug me tight. I want to feel your skin against my own,” Min said.

“No problem,” Kemah replied, as she got as close to Min as she could get. The two naked girls soon drifted to sleep in each other’s arms.

Min woke up the next morning to the sound of a door opening. Opening her eyes, she first saw Kemah, who also seemed to be waking up. As she turned her head, she instead saw Altraz, who had just entered the room.

“Good morning, Min. How are you feeling?” The Dark Elf asked. Min took a moment to move her body a bit, testing her limbs out.

“I can move around now, but my legs and arm still feel weak. It’ll probably be a little longer until I can run again,” Min said, before propping herself up. Altraz got a good look at her nude upper body, but as usual, Min didn’t care.

Kemah, on the other hand, was a bit shy, so she covered her front with the blanket. But due to still being sleepy, she didn’t put much effort into covering herself. Her entire back, including her ass, was revealed.

“The mission was a success, but you must learn to not be careless. If anyone but you had suffered that wound, they would have died. That Holy Knight may have been weakened, but that doesn’t mean he can’t fight. You must always treat every battle with the utmost caution, especially when dealing with someone strong. But nevertheless, you did eliminate the target. Tell me, what were your gains from the battle?” Altraz said.

“Oh, I haven’t checked yet. And Master, I’m sorry for disappointing you again,” Min said.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s already happened, so just make sure to learn from your mistakes, lest they cost you in the future. Now tell me what you gained,” Altraz spoke.

“Yes,” Min replied, before checking the screens that had been tucked away in the corner of her vision.

[Congratulations! You have received 2,151,916 XP for killing a LVL ??? High Elf!]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are now level 61!

As a Moonblessed Dhampir, you have been awarded with 6 attribute points to distribute!]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are now level 62!

As a Moonblessed Dhampir, you have been awarded with 6 attribute points to distribute!]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are now level 63!

As a Moonblessed Dhampir, you have been awarded with 6 attribute points to distribute!]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are now level 72!

As a Moonblessed Dhampir, you have been awarded with 6 attribute points to distribute!]

“Holy shit! I leveled up like twelve times! I got more than two million XP! I can’t even see the guy’s level. He must have been super strong!” Min said, excited beyond words.

“Indeed, the Holy Knights are powerful. There was quite a devious plot behind his weakness. Normally, a mission such as this one would have been left to much more powerful assassins. But we want you to get strong as fast as possible, which is why this mission was left to you. In the future, you’ll likely undertake missions similar to this one. After all, the fastest way to level is to kill those stronger than you,” Altraz explained.

“Yeah, about that, Kemah and I have actually decided that we don’t want to take any more missions. Just for a bit, though. We’re both pregnant, and we want to wait until our children are born,” Min said. The expression on her face was quite nervous. She was afraid that her Master would get angry at her. But this was what she wanted.

“Really? I must say I’m a bit disappointed. But I understand this mission must have given you a scare, and it’s natural for your maternal instincts to kick in. Very well. You’ll be exempt from any work until you give birth. But there’s something you must understand. It is not certain that you’ll be able to join the same team when you start working again. The others might have jumped too far ahead of you by that time,” Altraz said.

“Really? We might get left behind? So be it. I won’t endanger my child any further. We’ll just have to make sure to train extra hard! Oh, and there’s one other thing. Kemah and I plan to spend some of our time to start a business venture! Something that I’m sure will benefit the organization in the future!” Min said, proud of her great idea.

“Oh? Tell me about it,” Altraz said, his interest slightly peaked. He couldn’t help but get curious when this peculiar apprentice of his had an idea.

“We’re going to start a brothel! We’re going to hire some cute girls, and we’ll also work there ourselves. And then when we grow big, we can use it for information gathering, or even assassinations, like that time I posed as a crippled prostitute to kill that beast guy,” Min said, her words flowing increasingly rapidly out of her mouth. Kemah also listened excitedly by the side. She even forgot to cover her breasts

But since she’d settled on a cover career as a prostitute, she didn’t care too much anymore.

“Well, you’re free to use your money and free time as you see fit, so go ahead. Just make sure that it doesn’t affect your training. Also, just so you know, you’ll have to pay for everything yourselves. But with the monthly stipend you both receive, you should be able to rent a building somewhere. And the money you’ve got saved up should be enough. Especially Kemah, since she’s been working longer. Unless you’ve spent it all,” Altraz said.

“No, I’ve saved all the money I’ve got from doing missions. Since I get to live in the hideout for free, I don’t have much to spend money on. Just food, and the occasional clothes,” Kemah said.

“Wait, you don’t have to pay rent? Hey, how come I have to pay rent?” Min asked, her eyes piercing towards Altraz.

“Well, you have a family, and live in an apartment, instead of a hideout provided by us. Since you have a family, we can’t provide one of our hideouts for you. But if it were just you and Dralu, you’d be able to live with Kemah and the others,” Altraz explained.

“If you say so. Ah, but since Kemah is on, like, maternity leave now, she can totally live with us, right? Then we can sleep together with Dralu, and be all snuggly. You wouldn’t mind being in bed together with Dralu, right? You’ve had sex with him, so it shouldn’t matter,” Min said.

“I don’t mind, as long as I can be with you,” Kemah replied with a warm smile. Altraz just looked on as the two talked, a bit confused.

“Oh, right, Master, Kemah and I are a couple now. She confessed her feeling when she thought I was asleep. It was so cute!” Min said, wearing a dreamy look.

“So that’s how it is. Well, Kemah can live wherever she wants. If she wants to move in with you, she can do that,” Altraz said.

“Awesome! The Kemah, we’ll all live together in our brothel!” Min said. She was growing more excited by the minute.

“Sounds good to me,” Kemah replied.

“Alright, then let’s get started with planning. We need to think about a name for the brothel, what kind of girls we want to hire, where to rent. There’s so much to do,” Min said.

“Well, then I’ll just leave you two to it. Feel free to go home when you feel up to it. No need to stress your legs. Aldon will house you for another day if you need it,” Altraz said, before turning around.

“Okay. Bye, Master,” Min said, waving her Master goodbye.

“See you another time,” Altraz replied, before leaving the room.

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