A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 28: A New Business Venture

Min and Kemah stood before a large building, three stories tall. It was wide, too, making for a lot of room. The person living here would be obviously well off, if not for one fact. It was impoverished.

It was in a state of disrepair, windows were broken, holes in the roof, and overgrown weeds everywhere.

“It’s not the best location, but with some work, this will soon become a brothel worth no less than any other,” Min said, her hands placed firmly on her hips.

“We got a good deal, even though we’ll have to do a lot of hard work. It’s definitely worth it,” Kemah continued.

Min and Kemah had spoken it over with the owner of the building, and they’d made a deal. While the building was still in this state of disrepair, the rent would be very low,. Even after they’d gotten it up to decent standards, they’d get a significantly reduced rent for the next two years, as thanks for their hard work.

“I can already imagine how perfect it’ll be. We can make a home on the top floor. The second floor will be the bedrooms for our whores, and the first floor will be a bar. I can’t wait for the sight of the first floor, full of drinking men, and the sounds of moans through the walls. It’ll be exciting,” Min said.

“It definitely will,” Kemah replied. They’d spent a week making plans, after their last mission, and now, everything was starting to come into shape.

“We should probably get started on cleaning this place up right away. And tomorrow, we can get started on hiring girls. If we hire them early, they can help us restore this place. And I also have a plan to help with advertisement,” Min said.

“Well, let’s get to work, then,” Kemah replied. The two immediately got started. They also recruited Dralu, Haemir, and Kor into their efforts.

By the time the day was over, they’d gotten rid of the weeds, and cut the grass outside, replaced a few windows, and patched the holes on the roof. It still looked shabby, but it was better than before.

They’d also been at work inside, cleaning everything. There were still many rooms that had to be washed and dusted, but at least the main floor was presentable.

Since all the rooms were empty, it wasn’t too challenging a task. However, they hadn’t done anything with the third floor, yet.

“Well, I guess that’s all we’ll get done tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll start recruiting. But you boys can still do some work here,” Min said.

“Aye, aye,” the guys responded, not entirely happy with the situation. House restoration wasn’t really in the description of the assassin job.

The night passed, and the morning arrived. Min and Kemah walked through the street, carrying a lot of posters in their bags.

“Kemah, you continue on. I’ll go look into some advertisement opportunities,” Min said.

“Alright. Where are you going?” Kemah asked.

“I’m going to pay a visit to Ellie’s baby daddy,” Min replied, before running off.

Sometime later, Min arrived outside Ellie’s place of employment. Ellie was working in the kitchen, so when she saw Min enter without Akon, she was confused.

“What are you doing here, mommy?” Ellie asked as she looked at her mother.

“I’m here to discuss something with that boss of yours. I want him to help me with my brothel,” Min said.

“Oh,” Ellie replied, not knowing what else to say. She wasn’t sure what a restaurant owner could help with. Min walked directly to the chef’s office and entered without even knocking.

“Who dares enter… oh, it’s you. What, hungry for the cock again?” The Orc asked, his lips shaping into a twisted smirk.

“It’s not why I’m here, but if you can give me what I want, I might consider it,” Min said, her own lips forming into a seductive smirk.

“Hmm, well, what is it?” The Orc asked.

“You see, I’m in the process of opening a brothel. Already got a location and everything. But I’m going to need some advertisement. I want you to take care of that. Tell all your patrons about my brothel, maybe send some people to give out posters in the street. You know, advertisement. In return, you get to have me not be angry at you, and you get to use all the girls at my brothel for free. That includes me, you know,” Min explained.

“So you’re opening a brothel, and you’re even going to work there yourself. Very well, since you’re almost family, and since you make quite a tasty offer, I’ll help you. Advertisement isn’t too difficult. Just make sure you don’t dirty my name,” the Orc said.

“Don’t worry, I intend to make the best brothel in the city. And when that happens, I might even give you a small share in profits, for your efforts,” Min said, giving the man a wink.

“Well, then I’ll make sure to work hard. But when should I start?” The Orc asked.

“We’ll probably be ready soon, but I’ll give you all the details later. I’ll be going now, I still have a lot I need to do. Goodbye,” Min said.

“Very well. Until next time,” the Orc replied. As soon as Min left the restaurant, she started putting up posters, and even handing it out to people. When she saw a pretty girl, she’d give her a poster. Most people refused her, but some said they’d think about it.

When Min was out of posters, she returned to the brothel. Dralu and the other men were hard at work, fixing the place up. But to Min’s surprise, Kemah was accompanying three other females.

“Who’re these gals?” Min asked.

“They’re here for the job of course. They’ve been waiting for a while, but I didn’t want to interview them without you,” Kemah replied.

“Oh. Well, let’s get to it right away. Sorry for the wait. You can come with us first,” Min said, pointing at the woman that interested her most, a pretty, exotic-looking girl.

“Yes. I look forward to working with you if you’ll have me,” the girl spoke. She had a slight accent to her voice. This and her special appearance made it apparent that she wasn’t from here.

The fact that she was human, with maybe a small hint of elvish heritage, supported this fact. She had slightly pointed ears, suggesting an elvish ancestor.

“Follow me. I’m sorry it’s so bare around here, but we’re yet to decorate the place. As you can probably guess, it will be at least a week or two before we open,” Min said, as she and Kemah lead the girl to another room.

This room had a table and a few chairs in it. It was the room they had chosen to use for the interviews.

“Go ahead and sit down,” Min said, as she and Kemah took their seats on one side of the table.

“Yes,” the girl replied and sat down on the other side.

“My name is Min, and this is Kemah. What’s your name?” Min asked as she rested her chin in her palms, casual as ever.

“My name is Miyumi. It’s nice to meet you. If you don’t mind me asking, will the owner not be here, or has he entrusted you two with the recruiting?” Miyumi asked.

“Actually, we are the owners. That’s why we are confident in saying this place will be like no other for a prostitute to work. We’re all girls, and we’ll all look out for each other. There will be no man to rule over us, here,” Kemah said. Hearing the answer to her question, Miyumi showed a visibly surprised expression.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just assumed because you’re both so young. Maybe you’re actually retired adventurers? I hope you don’t take offense, but that would explain your scars,” Miyumi said. This girl was surprisingly blunt.

“Well, it’s something like that. But we’re not permanently retired. We’re just taking a break because we’re both pregnant. Which is why we decided to spend our savings on this brothel. That way we have some income for the future,” Kemah said.

“I see. Congratulations,” Miyumi said.

“Thank you,” Min replied,

“Now, let’s turn the questions to you. You have a strange name, and you have a bizarre appearance. You’re clearly human, perhaps with some elvish decent, but I’ve never seen anyone like you. Where are you from?” She continued.

“I was born very far from here, in the east. When I was little, my parents relocated to here, though, so I’ve spent a large part of my life in Rymalona,” Miyumi replied.

“Alright. You’re exotic, so I’m sure you’d be popular. That’s a good thing. But how old are you?” Min continued the questioning.

“I’m sixteen this year,” Miyumi replied, speaking in her high pitched voice.

“Sixteen, that’s the same as me,” Min replied, her smile growing into a sheepish one.

“You’re that young? You look a bit older, like eighteen or twenty. I can’t believe you’re this successful, despite being just as old as me,” Miyumi said.

“I was just lucky. In the past, I was probably even worse off than you, though. But enough of that. Your face is certainly pretty enough, but we need to see your body, too. Would you mind taking off your clothes for us?” Min asked.

“No problem,” Miyumi said. She quickly took off her dress, revealing her nude body. She was curvy with big breasts, but not huge, and her ass was sizable, too. On her left shoulder blade, she had a single tattoo of a white lotus.

“No deformities and that tattoo is cute. Everything is good there. Now, one more question. Why do you want to be a prostitute? Is it due to desperation, or just because it’s a job that came your way? What’s your reason?” Min asked. Miyumi remained naked, as she answered the question.

“I’m not desperate or anything. You see, my dream is to become an adventurer, but to do that I need funds. And prostitution seems like an easy and fun way to get those funds. I like sex, and I’m a bit of a pervert, so it wouldn’t really be like work, you know? And I also like that I get to work with a bunch of other girls,” Miyumi answered.

“Good. I like you! You’re hired! I’m already hoping that someone will decide to hire both us for a night. Snuggling with those boobs looks comfortable,” Min said, wearing a dreamy look as she thought about burying her face in Miyumi’s breasts.

“Wait, you’re going to work as prostitutes, too?” Miyumi asked, shocked.

“Of course! We’ve both prostituted before, and we both loved it, so we want to join in on the fun. But we won’t be doing it as much as you girls. But you’ve got the job, so you can get dressed now. Oh, and as you probably know, we’ll all be living here together. The second floor will be where you all sleep. But we haven’t gotten any furniture yet, so if there’s something from home that you want to bring, feel free to do so. And we should all be wearing revealing clothing, so you can give me some of your clothes, and I’ll change them up for you. I’m a pretty good tailor,” Min said.

“Alright. Then I’ll bring all my stuff tonight. And thank you for this opportunity. I really appreciate it,” Miyumi said.

“Don’t mention it! We’re happy to have you here. Now get dressed. We still have two other ladies to interview,” Min said, before rising from her seat. After Miyumi left, Min and Kemah followed.

The two looked at the remaining two girls, before deciding who to interview next.

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