A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 32: Kira

Min happily walked through the town, humming a pleasant melody, as she rested her hands on her belly. She was running a few brothel errands. Usually, Min and Kemah would go on these trips together, but Kemah was heavily pregnant at the moment.

It had been six months since they opened their brothel, meaning Kemah was more than eight months pregnant. She would be giving birth soon, so her belly was naturally very big.

Min, on the other hand, had actually been pregnant for a bit more than a year now, but her belly was much smaller. Although, it was very obvious that she was pregnant, by now. Her belly went about as far out as her breasts did.

Min entered the alchemy shop she usually went to. As soon as she entered, the thick smell of herbs ambushed her nostrils. This, she was used to, but the woman tending the shop, did surprise her.

In the past, there had always been an old lady tending the shop, but now there was a young lady. She was an elf like the old lady, and they did seem to resemble each other.

However, what was truly strange, was what this woman was doing. She seemed to have a heated conversation with what Min could only describe as a plain potato.

“Hey, Pummi, back me up here! I just can’t stand those damn potatoes!” The young elf suddenly shouted, as she turned her gaze to a nearby pumpkin. This was strange. Now she was talking to a pumpkin, but the pumpkin wasn’t even a carved one. Her tone seemed to grow much more pleasing, as she spoke with the pumpkin, too.

“Excuse me. Um, what are you doing?” Min voiced, getting the attention of the elf.

“Oh, a customer! Don’t mind those potatoes, they’re so rude. Pumpkins are much nicer,” the elf said. Min wasn’t quite sure what to say.

“What do you mean? Are you talking to these vegetables?” Min asked, trying to make some sense out of the woman in front of her.

“Of course! Just ignoring them would be even ruder,” the elf replied, as if it was a matter of fact.

“Um, alright then. Where’s that old lady that usually runs the shop?” Min finally asked, wanting to ignore the seeming insanity of the woman in front of her.

“She retired a few days ago. I’m her great-great-great-granddaughter, and as an alchemist, it was only natural that I take over. Now, what can I do for you?” The elf said.

“I’m here to buy some birth control,” Min replied.

“Birth control? Aren’t you already pregnant?” The elf responded, her eyes glaring at the very obviously pregnant belly on Min.

“I am, but it’s for my brothel. I’ve got a license and everything,” Min said, as she showed the girl the sheet of paper that allowed min to buy cheap birth control.

“Oh, a prostitute! How exciting, this is my first time selling birth control to a prostitute. How much do you need?” The elf asked. Min smile when she saw how excited this girl got about a prostitute visiting her shop. She was a strange one.

“Enough to last ten girls for one month,” Min said, as she put a few coins on the desk in front of her. The elf grabbed the coins and went into the back. She soon returned with a box of potions.

“Please have it delivered to the Moonshine Garden,” Min said, as she put another coin on the desk. There were thirty six potions, and she still had errands to run,  and she was pregnant, so carrying it herself wasn’t an option.

“No problem,” the elf said, as she snatched away the coin.

“Great. Until next time, then,” Min said, before turning away.

“Bye!” The elf said. Min’s next agenda was to visit the Royal Bank. Min intended to go take a loan, so she could buy the building her brothel was in. She and Kemah had been discussing it with their landlord, and they’d finally agreed on a price of sixteen thousand gold coins. It was a bit expensive, but Min and Kemah were willing to make the sacrifice. If they waited until they had even more money, it’d probably get more expensive.

“Good morning,” the receptionist greeted.

“Good morning. I’m here to inquire about making a loan” Min announced.

“Alright. Please wait a minuite, someone will be with you shortly,” the receptionist said. Min waited for a while, and soon, she was with a finely dressed man, in a private room.

“Very well then, Miss Min. What kind of loan do you intend to take?” The man asked.

“I wish to buy the building my business is located in,” Min revealed.

“What kind of business is it?” The man continued, a bit startled that someone so young could have own business. Since Min had an account with the bank, he naturally knew how old she was. But he didn’t know anything else about her background.

“It’s a pretty popular brothel, called the Moonshine Garden. We usually bring in a profit of three hundred to five hundred gold every month, after all costs. I’ve already discussed it with the owner of our building, and he’s agreed to sell for sixteen thousand gold,” Min spoke.

“Sixteen thousand gold. With your profits, we can give you this loan. How much can you pay yourself?” The man asked.

“We’ll pay fifteen hundred gold on our own,” Min replied.

“Alright. A loan of 14,500 gold. I’d recommend an eight year loan, with monthly payments of 177 golds, and 7 silvers, or a ten year loan, with monthly payments of 142 golds, 1 silver, and 5 coppers. It is also possible to go as far as twenty year loan. In this case, you’ll only have to pay 71 golds, and 8 coppers every month. In the end, you’ll have paid us back with about 17,060 gold coins,” the man said, after doing some calculations on a sheet of paper.

“I’ll go with the ten year loan, then,” Min said. With this, she’d have to pay more than she did with her current rent, but the building would be hers. When the brothel made some extra money, she could also make some bigger payments, gradually decreasing the amount she would have to pay each month. And in ten years, she wouldn’t have to pay anything! Well, other than the numerous other costs that came with running a brothel.

“Very well. I will draw up some paperwork. You should contact the person whom you’re buying from. We can take care of the transaction here in the Royal Bank,” the man said.

They continued talking a few details, and eventually agreed on the day the transaction would take place. After that was all finished with, Min slowly returned to the brothel.

Recent days had been quite calm for Min and Kemah both. Since they were pregnant, fewer clients were interested in them, and they’d usually only get a few customers every day, if any. They didn’t exercise much, either. Min had her magic training, but Kemah’s training was purely physical, so she spent most her time resting.

After returning to the Moonshine Garden, Min made her way to the third floor. Kemah was napping naked on the couch. Min spotted a bit of semen leaking out of her, so she’d probably been with a client before the nap.

In the kitchen was Ellie, preparing lunch. Since Min was pregnant, Ellie had opted to take the role of the family cook. At least when she wasn’t at work.

Ellie’s belly was flat as ever, even though she had sex every day. Since she was technically an employee of the Moonshine Garden, even if only part-time, she could also use the birth control.

Min approached Ellie and hugged her from behind. She gave her a kiss on the cheek, while feeling her skin brush against her own.

“Hello, my love,” Min said, as she held her daughter lovingly.

“Hey, mommy. You’re a bit late, my boss was here. He was looking for you, but since you were out, he did Kemah instead. He’s really happy with how many pregnant girls there are here,” Ellie said.

“Man, the big guy was here? I really like having sex with. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bigger dick than his inside me,” Min said, as she rested her head on Ellie’s shoulder.

The Orc really liked banging pregnant girls, and with Min, Kemah, and Rina all being pregnant, there was ample choice for him at the Moonshine Garden.

Another month passed. The transaction for the building was finalized, making Min the official owner of the house that the Moonshine Garden resided in. Of course, she considered Kemah to also be the owner, but it was her name in the documents.

But more importantly, Kemah had been pregnant for nine months, and her water finally broke! After a painful struggle, Kemah gave birth to a healthy baby girl! She had the same hair, ears, and tail, as her mother, but her skin was completely different. It was closer to Ellie’s skin, meaning the father was definitely not human, or any kind of animal kin. It couldn’t be a High Elf or Wood Elf, either. Most likely, the father was a Dark Elf, or a Drow, like Dralu. In fact, everyone hoped that Dralu was the father, but they wouldn’t be able to find out until the baby girl learned to speak.

“Haha, if I really am the father, I truly am virile. It was the same when Min got pregnant the first time. I was only one of many men to put their seed inside onboard that ship, but I turned out to be the father,” Dralu said, feeling quite pleased at the prospect of having his second child.

“I can’t believe it. I’m finally a mother at twenty-one years old. My very own cute baby Kira,” Kemah said, as she looked at her child, silently drinking the milk from her breast. Kira was the name of the child. Kemah was in love with it.

“Oh, I really want to give birth soon. I want my own adorable baby to snuggle with and to have drink my milk,” Min said. She really missed those days when Ellie used to drink her milk.

“Yeah. Seeing Kira almost makes me want to have another one. But I’m still breastfeeding Akon. Maybe in a year or two,” Ellie said, stealing a glance at Kinder. Her biggest wish was to bear Kinder’s child. Kinder treated Akon as he would his own son, but it was very obvious that they weren’t related by blood.

Kinder also wanted to get Ellie pregnant again, but they both realized that it would be best to way. Ellie wasn’t really in a position where she could have sex with only Kinder for a prolonged period of time.

As long as she was an apprentice at the restaurant, she’d be required to act as the Orc’s sex toy. There wasn’t any legal binding behind it, but if she refused him, she’d get fired. That was the deal she’d made when she got the position as apprentice.

Ellie remembered how shy, guilt, and embarrassed she’d been when she first started. Being fucked where everyone could her incessant moaning, and having the spend the entire work day with cum all over her body had shamed her to no end.

But now, she had no problem with it. Even if her boss fucked her in front of all the other employees, she’d just enjoy the ride. Having sex with a couple hundred strangers in the brothel had done wonders for her, in this regard.

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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