A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 33: Miyumi

Miyumi woke up. Next to her laid a stranger. Miyumi did not know his name, but she remembered the sensual night they’d spent together, clearly. She was still naked, and the proof of all the sex they’d had was all over her body.

There was cum all over her, staining her cheek and chin, breasts, belly, and leaking out of her two lower holes. The man had been more than virile and had ejaculated in or on her more than a dozen times. The night of passion had left Miyumi so exhausted that she didn’t even bother to clean up.

This man she’d never met before had paid the great price of three gold coins to have her for the entire night. This was a great price for Miyumi, as taking the overnight package meant she’d have to serve him from midnight until eight in the morning.

Most customers came to her earlier than that, and eight hours would ordinarily only make her sixteen silver, instead of thirty silver.

Of course, it was actually noon now, so Miyumi had technically been with her client for twelve hours. But she was only obligated to serve him until eight in the morning. The two had sex from midnight until four in the morning, before going to sleep, so in reality, she’d made the brothel three gold in the span of four hours.

Of that three gold, Miyumi got to keep nine silver. Ordinarily, it would be four silver, and five coppers, but since she’d helped out in refurbishing this place, she got to keep thirty percent of her earnings, instead of fifteen percent. At least for a while.

Miyumi sat up, and started shaking the man awake.

“Mister, wake up,” she said. The man wearily opened his eyes, and looked at the beauty next to him. When he saw the state she was in, covered in his ejaculate, he smiled.

“Mister, it’s time to go. If you want, I can help you bathe, before you leave,” Miyumi said. Since this was a brothel with live in whores, it naturally had a small bathing area. Normal customers couldn’t use it, but if you stayed the night, you could use it.

“That’s be nice,” the man said, as he, too, sat up. Miyumi got out from bed, her ample breasts bouncing as she stood up. She grabbed the man’s arm, and helped him out of bed. Then she gathered his clothes from the floor and handed them to him.

“Here’s your clothes,” Miyumi said. The man thanked her, and put on his pants. The two walked out of the room, Miyumi still naked. If she got dressed, her clothes would just get dirty, so she’d just go nude.

After working in a brothel for a few months, she wasn’t shy about her body, anymore. And besides, at this time of day, she was unlikely to meet any men, anyways.

Miyumi and her client spent half an hour bathing. Miyumi gave great service and personally helped the man wash, even though she wasn’t on the payroll at the moment. The man was pleased because of this, and gave Miyumi two extra silvers as a tip.

Tips were a second source of income for the prostitutes. If they gave good service, their client might give them a few extra coppers. Min and Kemah didn’t take any of this money from them.

“Come again!” Miyumi said, as she waved the client goodbye.

“I will,” the man replied, before leaving. Miyumi’s next agenda was to return to her room and get dressed. She was still naked, but at least she was clean.

Afterwards, she went to the dining area, where her fellow prostitutes were eating lunch. After getting her meal, she sat down with Rina and Lina. The two were the same age as her, so they were very friendly with each other.

“Hello, Miyumi. You and your client really went at it last night. You were moaning nonstop until like four,” Lina said.

“Yeah, he had insane stamina. He fucked all my holes several times. It was amazing,” Miyumi replied, still a bit dreamy about the previous night. Miyumi really enjoyed her job as a prostitute. She’d always liked having sex and had slept around a bit in the past.

Nothing like Min, though. Just casual sex with a couple of boys, and a few boyfriends. But for someone her age, she could be considered somewhat experienced. Of course, that was before she became a prostitute.

Now that she’d been whoring for three months, she’d had sex with hundreds of guys. Maybe even a thousand. She found herself to be quite good at prostitution. She was amongst the most popular girl in the brothel. Only Min, and perhaps the twins, could outdo her. Both Miyumi and Man had the exotic part down, but Min was more skilled at sex.

Miyumi, Lina, and Rina chatted as they ate. After a while, Kemah entered the dining room, carrying a container in her hands.

“Girls, we finally got some birth control. Everyone who isn’t pregnant will take it every week, starting now,” Kemah said, as she placed the container on a table. Almost all the girls rushed over, with only Rina remaining behind. She was pregnant, so there was no need for her to take it.

“I do not want to get pregnant again. That abortion spell is so uncomfortable,” Miyumi said, as she grabbed a small bottle, containing a liquid inside it. Without hesitation, she gulped it down.

“Yeah, you’re very fertile. You just keep on getting pregnant, but you also get many clients,” Melinda, the head prostitute, said.

“Yeah, but I never got pregnant before. Granted, I never let anyone cum inside me, before I became a prostitute,” Miyumi said, as she put the empty bottle down.

“Well, back then you didn’t have sex with dozens of guys every week,” Kemah noted.

“True enough,” Miyumi replied.

After lunch was over, Miyumi left the Moonshine Garden on a little trip. She’d decided to go visit her parents. She hadn’t seen them, ever since she started whoring. Her decision to become a prostitute had definitely left a strain on their relationship. But what could she do? Miyumi’s parents didn’t support her becoming an adventurer, so the only way Miyumi could make the money she needed, was prostitution.

Becoming an adventurer was not a cheap thing, for someone like Miyumi. First, she needed to find a way to reach level 40. The easiest way to accomplish this, would be to hire an adventuring party to assist her in leveling up.

Next, she’d need enough money to buy any gear she’d need, and maybe to hire an instructor to teach her a combat skill. But being a prostitute made these things somewhat easier. She’d probably be able to find someone who would help her in exchange for sex. Or, more likely, give her a discount.

Miyumi walked through the streets, and the farther she went, the nicer the buildings around her looked. Soon, she arrived at a place that looked high-middle class. Her parents were relatively well off.

Miyumi entered the house, as if it was her own home. A few months ago, it had been.

“Mom? Dad?” Miyumi shouted, as she walked up the stairs.

“Miyumi? Is that you?” A female voice responded. Soon, a middle-aged woman that shared Miyumi’s heritage, entered her vision. Her hair was the same shade of black as Miyumi’s, but went farther down her back. Her physique was almost more ample and curvy. She was a quite attractive woman.

“Oh, it is you! Did you finally stop working at that place?” The woman said, as she hugged her daughter.

“Those clothes, they’re so revealing. Can’t you cover yourself up more?” She continued, as she examined Miyumi’s body.

“No, this is how I dress now. I’m still a prostitute, and I intend to keep being one for a long time. I like working there, and I like the people there,” Miyumi said, already getting annoyed at the verbal assault.

“Do you, do you really do that stuff with strangers?” Miyumi’s mother asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer. Somewhere in her heart, she hoped that she maybe only let them look at her. At least that would be better.

“You mean if I have sex with them? I do, sometimes more than ten in a day. I got pregnant three times already. We got birth control today, though, so that won’t be a problem anymore,” Miyumi revealed. She somewhat enjoyed the look on her mother’s face, when she revealed how many people she had sex with, and the fact that she’d been impregnated three times already.

“P-pregnant?” Her mother stuttered.

“Yes, pregnant. I’m not pregnant now, though. But listen, mom. If you really love me, you’re just going to have to accept my decisions. I actually really like being a prostitute. It makes me happy. The brothel I work in is very good to us. It’s owned by two lovely girls, and one of them is the same age as me. We’re friends now. And in a few years, I want to become an adventurer, but even then, I might not stop prostituting. When I’m not adventuring, I might even keep staying at the Moonshine Garden, if they’ll let me. I really like it there. All the girls there are my friends, and whenever we’re unsure about something, Melinda, the head-girl, will help us. It’s a good place,” Miyumi said.

“I’m sorry, but the thought of my daughter being… sexual, with so many strangers, is hard to accept. But… if you really are happy with what you’re doing, I won’t convince you to stop anymore. If having sex for money makes you happy and feel good about yourself, keep on doing it. Just, be safe,” Miyumi’s mother said.

“Thank you, mom. I love you,” Miyumi said, as she hugged her mother.

“I love you, too,” her mother replied, returning the hug. Later, Miyumi had to go through the same ordeal with her father. Even after conversing for an hour, he still wanted Miyumi to stop being a prostitute, but he eventually agreed to not voice his concerns. He was just happy that he could see Miyumi again.

Miyumi returned home to the Moonshine Garden around opening time. That night, she ended up breaking her own record for customers served in one night. The fact that she’d reconciled with her parents made her even more energetic in her work.

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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