A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 151: The Disciple


Unobtrusive music, the clink of glasses and the hum of conversations.

Two Shinobi were sitting at a table in the corner. One is white-haired, the other is red-haired.

The first had a sad and slightly melancholic face, and the second... the second had a thoughtful mood.

– Thirty years ... – muttered Jiraya looking at his reflection in the glass – You can say half of life is over… –

– You've been rubbishing this for a week. Tetsuya shook his head, "It's time to accept that you're thirty years old. –

Jirai's eyes wearily and irritably shifted their gaze from the glass to Uzumaki's face – Fuck off, I don't want to hear about age from your mouth. –

– What is it? –

– You still ask? You're twenty-six yourself, but you don't look more than twenty-one. You seem to be bursting with life, energy and youth. Besides, you are Uzumaki and you will live at least twice as long as me. –

– Well, sorry, life is not fair. Tetsuya spread his hands

Rolling his eyes, Jiraya took a few sips from the glass – You have a big family, several beautiful women who love you to the grave, and this list is constantly being updated. You are a Shinobi God, and your goal is to unite the Shinobi world... and what about me? Thirty years, and so I go to bars, yes to pubs in search of someone who will brighten up one evening of my life… Mission after mission, murder after murder… –

– You're completely out of control. Don't forget that you have several students. Minato, Nagato, Yahiko, Conan… –

Jiraya interrupted him – Yeah, only Nagato, Yahiko and Conan returned back to Ame, and Minato, like me, disappears on missions. Well, okay, that we're all about me, yes about me. I see your day didn't go so well, did it? –

Tetsuya said nothing and took a sip from his glass

– Did Madara do something? –

Uzumaki shook his head – No, there have been no problems with him for a long time, especially since he became a jonin. Many already trust him… Well, except for Uchih. They are still wary of him. –

- hm. Then I don't even know what can unsettle you… –

Tetsuya leaned his head on his arm – Orochi… –

Jiraya wanted to take a few sips, but froze when he heard his friend's name.

– Why are you silent? Come on, say I'm a fool. –

Jiraya nodded– You're a fool. –

- thanks. –

– Please. –

Tetsuya grabbed his face with his palms and began massaging it – What should I do, Jiraya? –

– Take it or don't take it, there is no other choice. –

– How difficult everything is… –

– I wouldn't say. – Jiraya shrugged his shoulders – Especially after Orochi revealed the reason for her reincarnation. She was a woman from the very beginning... if it weren't for a genetic error, a mutation that happened to her in the womb of her mother, she would have been her from birth. The poor girl did not live in her body... she lived as if in darkness ... and when, it would seem, life began to play with colors, she fell madly in love with one Uzumaki, but her feelings, as well as her hopes, broke against the stale wall that that guy had built. –

Tetsuya cast a displeased glance at Jiraya – Oh, shut up. It's good for you to speak from the outside ... especially since the words of a pervert, in such a situation, are not quoted. –

– Super-pervert! –

– Yes, yes, a super-pervert. –

Grinning, Jiraya took a few sips – It's quite funny that a hidden pervert like you is in such a stupid situation… –

- what? –

– Sleeping with your own mother, niece and going to sleep with your aunt… And at the same time, you don't dare to accept Orochi... well, isn't it a laugh? –

– You don't understand, it's different... – Tetsuya waved his hand

– No, it's the same thing. – Jiraya grinned, waving his hand – You're a fucking Shinobi God, Tetsuya. Even if you started to "love" with a horse, no one would dare to say something about you, both in person and behind your back. –

– Yes, I wanted to shit on the opinion of others. – Uzumaki waved his hand – You should have understood this even when I started a relationship with my own mother, who is several generations older than me and a niece. –

"Then what's the problem?" –

"I'm the problem, that's all. – Tetsuya shrugged his shoulders - Orochi is a good girl, perhaps the one everyone dreams of, however, when I think that we are getting to bed and… –

– And? – the super-pervert raised an eyebrow

– And I'm starting to feel some kind of trembling inside… The tremor that spoils everything… –

– Well, there's no one to help you here. The situation is extremely unique and hardly has analogues. You'll have to deal with it yourself. –

– Oh, Cami, you opened my eyes, I didn't understand it at all… Indeed, the intellect of Jirai, the Sage from Mount Myoboku, knows no bounds. –

Jiraya grinned and waved his hand – Fuck you… –

– By the way ... – said Tetsuya, getting up from his chair – I do not advise steaming because of the age when the "Shinobi God" drinks with you, capable of rejuvenating. –

Having finished this, Uzumaki put the money on the table, paying their total bill in full and left the restaurant.

Jiraya was stunned by Tetsuya's speech, and therefore followed him with a shocked look to the exit.

Only after a few seconds he regained his composure and closed his eyes, grinned – Asshole… –

Orochi Laboratory

In a quiet and gloomy room, Orochi was sitting in the lotus position. Purple markings covered her eyes, which indicated that the girl had successfully entered the sage mode.

Slowly these marks disappeared from her face, and the girl opened her eyes. Even though she had just managed to enter sage mode, she didn't show any joy.

Orochi's thoughts were filled with thoughts about Tetsuya and how to prove to him that she was worthy of his love.

About four years ago, she realized that she had strong feelings for her friend.

These feelings were new. They were intoxicating, you could say they developed an addiction, like a drug. And the closer she got to her chosen one, the stronger her heart beat and the happier, more beautiful the world around her became.

In fact, she fell in love with him much earlier, but she managed to figure herself out only a year later ... and then another goal besides immortality appeared in Orochi's life. The goal is to win the heart of Uzumaki Tetsui and make him accept her.

As it turned out, it is much more difficult to do this than to unravel the secret of immortality.

At first, everything was very good, Orochi slowly and unobtrusively moved along the "friendly service", becoming closer with Tetsuya and learning a lot about him.

That's just at one point she reached the peak of their friendship and had to take a step to cross the line and become closer than friends.

On the wings of happiness, she took this step thoughtlessly and the consequences were not long in coming.

Tetsuya seemed to instantly notice that Orochi had taken the initiative to become a "romantic interest" and distanced himself from the girl.

The pain was unbearable. The pain of such a refusal, one might say, was like a hound tormenting the soul. Yes, she did not admit to Tetsuya and as such there was no refusal, but the girl understood perfectly well that she had no chance of anything more than just friendship... yet. She wasn't going to give up, and she was used to experiencing defeat. Water sharpens a stone, Orochi thought and started a great war for her happiness.

This war was hidden, and no one knew about it except the participants of the battles themselves.

Only in the last year, Orochi decided to change tactics. She decided to conquer Tetsui's harem first, and then somehow win this war with his support.

It turned out to be much easier here. Mito, Tsunade, Kushina already treated her well, so it was not difficult to prove to them that Orochi was worthy of entering Tetsui's harem. Slowly they took her side and began to help the girl on the sly, like partisans, waging a hidden battle with Tetsuya.

And so this battle continued. It seemed that victory was so close, but at the same time so far away... Something prevented Tetsuya from accepting it... Orochi had to rely on time… Water sharpens the stone…

And of course, during this war for happiness, the girl once tried to "fall out of love" with the red-haired asshole, but everything did not go according to plan.

No matter how much she saw him. No matter how much time passed, her heart still ached and yearned. She was told that time heals, that everything will pass soon, but she did not find the truth in these words. On the contrary, the pain and anguish became stronger and there was nothing she could do about it.

The girl realized that, perhaps, her unique body is to blame for this, which means that the only chance to get rid of the heartache is to return to darkness and lose all feelings again ... or to achieve Tetsui and gain "wings".

Thoughts of immortality were now associated with eternal suffering, which means she definitely needs to achieve victory in this war for happiness.

Senju Residence


"Master..." the servant said softly, opening the door a crack

There was only one Tetsuya left in the room, who decided to take a nap longer than usual today.

He woke up instantly and, stretching in bed, answered – Yes? –

– A young man is looking for you… He came early in the morning and waited under the gate of the residence... It's been hours. –

With his eyes closed, scratching his face, Uzumaki asked – What kind of young man? What's your name? If he didn't introduce himself, then what does he look like. –

"He introduced himself as Maito Guy, sir. –

Tetsuya's eyelids instantly opened as soon as he heard the guest's name. A second later, he felt the child and his chakra under the gate of the residence – Okay, I'll meet him. Escort him to the garden, I'll be waiting there. –

The girl nodded and closed the door.

Smiling, Tetsuya sat up on the bed with a jerk – Interesting. –

Senju Residence


– Come in. – the girl said, pointing to the arch

– S-thank you. Guy answered nervously , passing through the archway directly into the garden

The servant did not follow the guy, which made him even more nervous

Slowly moving along the corridor of bushes, Guy finally came to the center of the garden, where Tetsuya was waiting for him in the shade of a large tree

Exhaling and gathering his thoughts, Guy came up and abruptly assumed the dogez pose, said – Please! Take me as an apprentice! –

Tetsuya, if he was surprised by this, did not show it… What really surprised him was the assignment.


A suitable event has been detected… You are given a task!

Task: "The great teacher of the school of Youth!" added!

Goal: Under your patronage, Maito Guy must master the "Eight Heavenly Gates" technique by the age of twelve.

Reward: The ability "The Great Power of Youth!"


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