A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 152: People are stupid

– Please! Take me as an apprentice! –


A suitable event has been detected… You are given a task!

Task: "The great teacher of the school of Youth!" added!

Goal: Under your patronage, Maito Guy must master the "Eight Heavenly Gates" technique by the age of twelve.

Reward: The ability "The Great Power of Youth!"


Little Guy, with a sinking heart, was waiting for an answer.

"You're Maito Guy's son, aren't you, Maito Guy?" –

- yes! – the guy answered quickly and sharply, without raising his head from the ground – Yesterday you saved me from being beaten… –

Tetsuya tilted his head, "How did you find me?" Yesterday, I thought you didn't recognize me. –

– My father told me who you are and where you live… It's an honor to be saved by the Shinobi God! Guy said loudly

– That's how… And why did you want to have a sensei? –

– This is ... – Guy pursed his lips, and then gave a long speech, overflowing with willpower – I want to prove that it is possible to become an unsurpassed Shinobi using only taijutsu! I want to protect my father's Youth Power... no, our Youth Power with him! I want to have the power to, at the right moment, be able to protect everything that is dear to my heart! –

– "It was... strong, especially for a child." – Tetsuya admired mentally – Okay, but why me? –

- what? Guy abruptly raised his head, looking at Uzumaki

– I ask, why me? There are a lot of people in Konoha who are suitable for the role of sensei. –

– P-because I don't know how to use ninjutsu and genjutsu, which means I don't need an ordinary sensei, but someone who can pave the way forward for such mediocrity as me... Besides, as far as I know, you are also the strongest taijutsu user. –

"And you were quite pessimistic as a child, Guy." Good. And the last question… What makes you think I'm going to take you on as an apprentice? I am the God of Shinobi and as soon as I shout, a queue of geniuses who want to be my students will line up. Why would I have a student who can't use ninjutsu and genjutsu? –

– Because... – the guy bit his lips

– Well? –

– Because… –

- Yes? –

Gathering his courage, Guy breathed in more air – Because the Power of Youth is burning in me! Because while your other students will run a hundred laps, I will run five hundred! Because when your students fall from fatigue, I will continue training through pain and fatigue! –

Tetsuya shook his head, mentally grinning

– And also… –

- Yes? –

– And you have already taken a whole class of students, in which, as far as I heard, there were mediocre people worse than me, but you still made beautiful shinobi out of them... and you mentored orphans from Amegakure, even though they were your friend's students… –

– "He collected some information about me, not bad… That's just how he found out about the orphans..." – Tetsuya squinted – How did you find out all this? –

– I asked Kushina-sama about it! Guy exclaimed with a smile

– That's how. –

- yes! She was on her way to morning training and almost knocked me down by the gate of the residence, under which I was sitting… As an apology, Kushina-sama offered me to eat ramen… Well, there she got to talking and told me about the students and orphans… Also, she said that I have every chance to become your disciple! Like that. –

– I see. Tetsuya closed his eyes and pretended to look thoughtful. Your will, or as you call it, the Power of Youth, made a good impression on me… Okay, I'll be your teacher. From now on, call me sensei. –

Kid Guy froze for a few seconds, looking with his wide–open eyes at the red-haired guy and his lazy smile, and then in an energetic rush, jumped into the air - Good sensei! Thank you for accepting me, I, Maito Guy, will not let you down. –

– I have no doubt. - Tetsuya shrugged his shoulders – And now come to me, I'll examine you. –

Guy nodded and quickly approached Sensei.

Tetsuya put his hand on the boy's shoulder and while he was examining his body, he decided to ask him more – And so, why did you start looking for a teacher? –

Guy tilted his head in confusion – Eh? Sensei didn't I say? I want to protect… –

– No, no, no. That's not what I wanted to hear. Why now? Not earlier, not later, but right now? It's because of those Chunins, right? –

– Yes, but not only... – Guy nodded – Before you came, Kakashi Hatake saved me… –

– I know this one. Tetsuya nodded

– He could easily beat those chunins who humiliated my father, and I couldn't even touch them… And I wondered, why is he so strong? A genius? Perhaps, but my father always said that a stubborn person always surpasses a talented and brilliant one. I believe that. But then what is the reason for this difference? –

– Have you found the answer? –

- Yes. – Guy nodded – Kakashi Hatake, despite his natural talent, also trains hard, like me. But that's not the main thing, even if he trains hard, I can always just put even more effort into it. It's about his father… –

Tetsuya was amazed – "Guy had a good intellect as a child… Where did he go with growing up? Although maybe an adult Guy just didn't show it to others..." Hatake Sakumo. You found out about him from Dai too, right? –

– Yes, sensei. Kakashi's dad, the great White Fang of Konoha, one of the strongest Shinobi of the village… And he definitely fulfills the role of a teacher for his son. That's how I realized that I needed Sensei to catch up with Kakashi. –

Tetsuya shook his head – "Even without me, you would have caught up with Kakashi, so I'm afraid, even with the slightest support from me, you will make poor Kakashi swallow dust..." – Tetsuya removed his hand from his shoulder and slightly frowning put his palm on the boy's stomach – But your father also teaches you. –

Guy slightly guiltily squinted to the side – Father Genin and ... and can't teach me much. He could only breathe into me the will, the Strength of Youth and support me in exhausting workouts. – In a firm voice, the kid added – For which I will be eternally grateful! He has a hard time, he constantly performs low-ranking missions, almost never being at home. Once I get strong, he can rest! –

– A laudable aspiration. Tetsuya nodded with a smile, and then frowned, "You have problems with chakra control, right?" –

Guy nodded–Yes, it was passed down to me from my father. When it turned out, he quickly got a lot of money and sent me for treatment. I know he feels guilty about it, hiding his feelings behind a smile. –

- "Money from the A-rank mission… That's where you put them, Give. And now you don't have enough money to send your son to the Academy for a fee, so you're going out of your way trying to earn and save money." The treatment didn't help, did it? –

- Yes. The Iryenins couldn't help me, it's innate. –

– I see. – Tetsuya took his hand away from the baby – I can cure your chakra coils. –

- what? Guy cocked his head comically in incomprehension

– Chakra coils. These can be said to be the organs that are responsible for the circulation of the chakra in the body. You have strong problems with them, but I can cure it with the help of irenjutsu and fuinjutsu. –

– And the father! – in a fit of feelings, Guy – Sensei shouted out, can you cure Dad? –

– Hmm? Yes, it's easy. But will he want it? –

Guy again comically tilted his head in incomprehension

– Dai has been following the path of taijutsu all his life, and wanted to prove that it is possible to be a shinobi and at the same time use only taijutsu. Do you think such a person would want to break the path he has walked with such difficulty? –

"But... but that's stupid! With the chakra and techniques, the father will become stronger! He will be able to become a Chunin or even a Jonin, and no one will dare to call him an Eternal Genin anymore! –

Tetsuya stroked the student's head with a smile – People, by their very nature, are mostly big fools, Guy. –

"Even you, sensei?" – the boy said in surprise

An image of Orochi instantly surfaced in Tetsuya's head, looking painfully at his back – Even me, Guy, even me. –

Removing his hand, Tetsuya waved his head, regained his optimistic look and the lazy calm and confident smile familiar to many – Well, let's start training. –

– OOOOOH! – Guy exclaimed, raising his hands – Always ready! –

– Great. Tetsuya nodded and a wooden clone appeared next to him from the ground – I will also train while my wooden clone will help you with training. –

– Good! Guy jumped up

Tetsuya calmly retreated under the shade of a tree and assumed the lotus position.

Meanwhile, the clone started training Guy – And so, let's start. –

– Yes sensei! I'll run five hundred laps, and if I can't, I'll do a thousand laps on my hands! –

– No, no, you will do another exercise. –

– And? What? –

– It's called burpee. –

– Be-rpi? – Guy said – What a strange name, Sensei. –

– What is. – The clone shrugged his shoulders – The essence of the exercise is that you have to take an emphasis lying down, do push-ups once, then quickly get up and make a jump. Then again, lying down, push-up, stand up, jump and again again, while maintaining a high speed and rhythm. –

– It doesn't sound too difficult. Guy rubbed his forehead

– It is, but the main thing is to do the exercise correctly so that it brings maximum benefit. –

The clone quickly showed how to perform the exercise and checked that Guy understood everything.

Finally, the moment of training came.

– And this is fun, Sensei! – Guy said with a smile , jumping up and down

– Maybe. – the clone smiled – I will do the exercise with you so that you have more fun. –

– Thank you! – the boy smiled "sunny"

Fifty burpees later.

Sweat appeared on Guy's forehead –It's not as easy as it seemed. –

– This is just the beginning. The clone grinned, bouncing up and down

Five hundred burpees later.

The baby's breathing was lost, sweat was running down his face. My hands are shaking, my legs are shaking. Even the guy's thick eyebrows seem to be quivering.


Guy's body fell on his stomach during another push–up attempt - This is… That was fast, sensei. – gasping for air, he said

– I wouldn't say. You have a great foundation, another child of your age would have fallen long ago. –

– Thank you for the praise, sensei. – Guy smiled radiantly - I've never run out of breath so quickly... a good exercise, as expected from Sensei. –

– Five minutes of rest and repeat. –

– There is! – Guy put his hand to his temple, caricatured – You're not sweating at all, sensei. –

– What did you expect? I am the Shinobi God. – the clone shrugged his shoulders

Tetsuya opened his eyes and came out of meditation and approached – I see you are doing well. –

The clone and Guy nodded at the same time

– Great. Guy, come here. –

Guy slowly got up and approached Tetsuya with an exhausted look.

– I'm going to put one seal that will help you in training. –

– Will it help? –

- Yes. With it, you will recover faster after training and battles, which means you will be able to train even more. –

– Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh! Thank you sensei! –

– You're welcome. Tetsuya chuckled and put a small seal between Guy's shoulder blades – That's it, keep resting. –

– Yes, sensei! –

Tetsuya smiled and nodded and walked away. He wasn't completely honest with the kid. The seal really helped to recover after training and battles, it even helped to perfectly restore mental strength during sleep, but its main feature is the support of "willpower".

The seal produces various hormones in the body of the fuin carrier, which are responsible for willpower. Roughly speaking, in difficult situations, when Guy is ready to give up, the seal will strengthen the willpower of the guy and he will be able to last longer in training or will be able to use not one hundred, but all one hundred and twenty percent of his strength in battle.

Tetsuya developed this seal while Guy was training with the clone. At first, he thought of giving Fuin the name "Seal of Perseverance" or "Seal of Will", but then, after looking at the student, he gave her the name "Flowering of Youth".

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this is a translation. pls add the site where we can find the raws. plus mentioning who the author is and that you are translating it. otherwise. youbare stealing the authors work

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The name is journey through the universe but he doesn’t leave the world he’s in so you should change the name

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The story is not bad in itself, the problem is that the author (or translator) changes the names of the characters. For example: Kohta is called Cat, Rei is Ray.... There are also very embarrassing parts of the story, it's exactly Mc in the way he acts and talks with other characters, he looks like a beta SIMp with OP skills.

<figure data-hvi="true" data-report-pdt="readerend" data-report-pdid="23102006005984205" data-report-l1="1" data-report-did="23345958706186900">

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