A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 186: Sparring

– "Now that the tribe, and especially the father, is gone, it is possible to change the tactics of inoculation with compassion..."

Due to the fact that they were under supervision before, Ryuu did not want to show his abilities, but now no one prevents him from doing it.

He managed to change Esdes' views a little, but only a little. He would have achieved much more if he had been equal in strength to Esdes, in her eyes, or even stronger.

Because of this fucking ideology, his words are like peas against the wall, because his babble is the babble of a weak person who definitely does not understand something in life, since he is weak. That's about what Esdes thought, who, although she loved her brother, did not take him very seriously.

However, Esdes must be given credit, even being such a baby, she already guessed that her brother was not so simple. Cooking, which quickly saturated and gave strength. Wonderful massages that toned the body and even accelerated its recovery. Precocious adult thinking and much more...

Feeling for the core inside the writhing beast, Esdes wondered, "How did you get here, Ryuu? There are dangerous animals all around, which I have only recently managed to cope with. Your stomping would definitely attract their attention..."

Meanwhile, Ryuu focused on the Esdes figure and activated the Emperor's Eyes



Age: 6 years old

Gender: Female

Strength - 33

Dexterity - 45

Perception - 32

Endurance - 30

Mind - 27


- "And really a genius." – he grinned – "It would be ideal if I could become equal to Esdes, in her eyes. Then she will be more willing to listen to my words... But the main thing is not to overdo it. If I become stronger in her eyes, then she will most likely perceive me as a threat and try to become stronger as soon as possible. Even if I didn't give reasons for such thoughts, she doesn't like to be weak and certainly won't want to be weaker than her younger brother. Plus, her father's ideology of social Darwinism is stronger in her now than ever before. After the destruction of the tribe, this ideology has strengthened in her, and although she is trying not to show her emotions now, I can clearly see that she is very sad. She's not grieving, no, just sadness and longing."

Esdes slowly pulled the core out of the beast, and then sharply stabbed the monster in the throat, finally interrupting his torment.

Sighing, she got up from her knees and walked over to the pile of white snow. In it, Esdes "washed" her hands and the core of the monster.

When she finished doing this, Ryuu's voice suddenly rang out for her–Sister, let's have a sparring match.

Esdes was standing with her back to Ryu, and therefore he did not see how her pupils narrowed – "Challenges me? My beloved brother refuses to obey... I knew it would be like this! Even if you try to seem kind and naive, but you have the blood of proud hunters of dangerous animals. Moreover, you are my brother, which means you can't just accept submission to anyone, even your own older sister. I'm glad that you finally "woke up", even if it took the destruction of the tribe for this."

The girl turned to face Ryu and smiled slightly, squinting – Why did you want to practice? You've always refused to train with me. What has changed?

Ryuu smiled kindly, as if he was a naive monk, in whose head selfish thoughts cannot arise - We need to become stronger, sister. Now that we are alone, we can only rely on each other in this cruel world. I don't want to let you down, so I'll start training seriously.

Esdes froze –"Hmm... It doesn't make sense... He's right and it looks like these are his real thoughts. Now only we have each other... and his words that he doesn't want to let his older sister down..." – at the end of her thoughts, Esdes mentally smiled – Ahem, good. Come on right now, it won't take long, and this clearing will fit perfectly.

- OK.

– Attack. Esdes said, beckoning Ryuu with her finger

– I'm coming. Ryuu said with a smile, and then ran to attack with all his might. Naturally, he was not going to use Prana at all in this sparring

– "Pretty fast for his age." – Esdes analyzed, watching her brother rush at her. In addition, her eyes caught on quite deep traces that he left – "He always weighed a lot, for no clear reason, so in a compartment with this speed, his impact should be quite strong. Let's check it out."

Running up close, Ryuu saw Esdes cross her arms in the block – "How not to overdo it." he thought and hit the center of her block, only slightly restraining the force

With the weight of his entire body and exorbitant strength for his four-year-old body, the fist landed on the Esdes block.

"'What strength!' she exclaimed, trying to soften the blow in every possible way. Esdes felt this blow with her whole body, as if a good-sized boar had just tried to knock her down.

From the blow, she backed up five steps – "That's a blow! What strength! Is this the difference between men and women that my father talked about?! I'm jealous! Why can he be so strong and I can't?!"

Ryuu took sparring quite seriously, and therefore immediately ran to Esdes and started a new bunch of attacks.

- "It's not worth getting hit by such blows. Maybe I don't have so much strength and weight, but I'm much faster!"– grinning, from the anticipation of a good fight, Esdes thought

Ryuu ran up and threw his fist with force towards Esdes' chest. Even though his arms also weighed quite a lot, but thanks to the explosive power, they would fly as fast as Esdes' blows. The girl could only move faster and freer on her own two feet. Thanks to her trained reflexes and instincts, Esdes dodged the blow relatively easily.

In general, Ryuu read Esdes even without the Emperor's Eyes, like an open book. It would not have been difficult for him to hit it, even with such a difference in speed, but he wanted to "become" equal to it, and not to take a swing.

"'Try this, brother!' she cried to herself with fervor. Esdes didn't even notice how she started taking this sparring seriously. Thoughts of succumbing disappeared and were replaced by the excitement of battle.

Slightly retreating, Esdes, spinning on her left leg, hit the Ryuu's hand block with all her might.

– "A great shot." – assessed Ryuu, calmly taking his sister's blow


The sound of flesh hitting flesh was quite loud, but Ryuu's hands didn't even flinch.

- "Amazing! Didn't even flinch! It looks like a huge persistent boulder! What a pity that he decided to come to his senses only now! So much wasted time!"

– It hurts sister. Ryuu smiled and tried to grab his sister's leg, but she quickly returned it to its place

– Nothing, only through pain we become stronger, Ryuu. Esdes grinned and quickly bypassed him, tried to attack in the back, but failed.

Ryuu managed to turn around and expose the block.


Again, Esdes' foot landed on the block, but this time she did not manage to remove it in time.

– Gotcha! Ryuu shouted with a laugh and grabbed his sister by the leg

Esdes grinned and jumped up on one leg, tried to pull the other out of Ryuu's hands, and also hit his right ear with her free foot.

– No, this is my victory! – he smiled excitedly and pulled his sister's legs down to the ground. As a result, her attack went astray, and she herself fell to the ground

- "Not good." – the girl only had time to think before Ryuu climbed on top of her and pressed her body to the ground

– I won! –

– I don't think so. Esdes replied with a grin, poking Ryuu in the back with her knife

"That's not fair, Sister. Ryuu muttered, playing the role of a disgruntled child

– We didn't discuss the rules in advance. Besides, there are no rules in a real fight and there can't be.

–Okay," I said. – he sighed reluctantly and stood up, held out his hand to his sister – Next time, the victory will be mine.

Esdes grinned in anticipation, grabbing his hand and standing up – Then try for this, Ryuu.

– Of course, Esdes. He grinned, scratching his head

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