A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 187: The Musician

The icy wind ruffled Ryuu's blue hair as he crouched, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Twenty meters away from him, there was a huge white wolf. The beast kept looking around, as if feeling the gaze on him.

– "Turn away, be kind, huh?" – Ryuu thought, not taking his eyes off the victim

Finally, the wolf seemed to hear this polite request and turned away.

Ryuu instantly took off from his place and silently ran out from behind the trees.

The legs reinforced with prana carried Ryu to the wolf very quickly. Halfway there, he grinned and held out his hand with the palm open.

Swirls began to appear in the center of the palm, and a sphere formed.

A second later, there was already a spiral ball of the physical component of prana in his hand.

The many streams inside rotated in different directions without touching each other.

The wolf sensed the danger late, and therefore, when he turned sharply in the direction of Ryuu, he was already grinning and slamming a rasengan from prana into his chest.

– Khar. – the wolf yapped during the strike, flying a few meters away

– "Great." – Ryuu thought, coming closer to the wolf, which, having fallen, twitched a little and died – "Rasengan made only of physical energy is much stronger than its usual version, but it is also much harder to control. However, this is not a problem for me."– he reasoned with satisfaction

Externally, there were no special defects at the site of the blow, but Rasengan simply ground the organs inside the wolf into a mess.

– Now I can finally take what I've wanted for so long...

Ryuu knelt down in front of the wolf and cut his chest. After that, he put his hand inside in search of the core.

He had been tracking this rare wolf species for several months.

This wolf wasn't too strong. Rather, he was too cowardly and cautious, while having excellent speed and unusual abilities.

"There you are." Ryuu smiled excitedly, feeling for the core.

The core was cold to the touch, and outwardly it looked more like a piece of ice with a perfect spherical shape.

Ryuu's prana burst into the core and came into confrontation with the residual prana and the wolf's will.

Ten minutes later, Ryuu suppressed the will of the wolf inside the core and, smiling, began the long-awaited experiments.

Having "connected" with the core, he felt the new abilities for which the killed fluffy asshole was famous.

The icy wind around Ryuu, under its influence, began to slowly spin, gradually accelerating and picking up the snow scattered around.

The resulting snowstorm grew until it reached a hundred meters. The wind inside the blizzard was rushing at a speed of twenty meters per second. Some tree branches broke off and joined the dance. He managed this blizzard as he wanted. It literally felt like a third hand.

- "Very interesting. This blizzard can cause problems, but it can hardly be called deadly... This furry coward liked to use it to disguise himself and used it when retreating. And it also eats quite a lot of prana... I wonder if it's even stronger, can I?"

With an excited glint in his eyes, Ryuu began to pour more prana into the core, from which it began to freeze and become covered with a thin crust of ice.

Meanwhile, the blizzard also began to intensify and grow.

Slowly, the blizzard turned into a severe blizzard. On the territory of two hundred meters, a strong wind with snow shook the age-old trees, threatening to topple them at least.

Broken branches flew in a deadly dance, which made them quite dangerous in a compartment with zero visibility.

Meanwhile, Ryuu frowned at the core in his hands. He clearly felt that he had reached the limit. If he wants more from this core, then it just won't stand. - "The limit... Haaa, not a bad ability of course, but too weak for me. Okay, for the first time, it will be suitable for training the windy element."

Ryuu withdrew the remnants of prana from the core and immediately lost his connection with the blizzard. To his surprise, he did not disperse, but continued his action.

After getting out of the blizzard, Ryuu watched for several tens of minutes as it gradually faded away. – "It can be useful." - he remarked and headed towards his and Esde's camp

It's been three years since they started surviving together. A lot has changed in these three years, especially regarding the dynamics of their relationship.

If earlier Ryuu was a stupid, but still a beloved brother, now he was a beloved, but overly sensitive younger brother with great potential. Simply put, Esdes has treated him as an equal for a long time. This means that she began to take his words seriously.

Naturally, Ryuu immediately took advantage of this and began to make the ideology of Esdes more "soft".

The results were there and the results are good. For example, now she doesn't think the weak deserve to die, now they're just boring fleas that aren't worth her attention.

It may seem that this is quite a tiny step towards easing Esdes, but even this step was quite difficult.

Surprisingly, Esdes has his own well-established worldview already in childhood, which is extremely difficult, somehow, to shake.

The strong will of this little girl is not even worth talking about.

But in truth, the Esdes personality is more than sane now. She still likes to torture enemies, but only enemies. She still loves battles, but clearly is not going to attack neutral and even more friendly people to her.

Ryuu suspected that even in the canon Esdes was quite normal, within this world, albeit on the verge, but after taking her teigu, she slowly changed and not for the better. Still, teigu was not called Demon Extract for nothing.

For three years they hunted, survived and trained in these forests.

At this moment, they could kill most of the dangerous beasts in this snowy area, but there was also a portion of dangerous beasts that were still too strong for them.

An unpleasant situation was showing up. Some monsters were too weak for their training, the other, stronger part, was too strong for their training.

In particular, this irritated Ryu, because he had not raised his level for almost several months, which indicated that either he was getting very little experience, or he was not getting it at all.

Of course Ryuu had a huge combat experience, amazing skills with bonuses and powerful abilities, but the dangerous beasts he feared were raw materials for xingu and even teigu. He personally once saw the monster from which Teigu Esdes, an Extract of a Demon, was created.

It was a twenty-meter amphibian that was located in the very north of the Empire. Nine big sharp eyes that deprived this creature of a blind spot. A huge mouth full of the sharpest teeth in several rows. Thick dark blue hide, two dozen long tentacles, which this creature perfectly wielded.

But the most important thing is that she could, on her own whim, create ice out of absolutely nothing, as well as manage thousands of cubic meters of ice around her.

To kill such a creature, in its habitat, where it is as strong as ever, is almost impossible. That is why Ryuu assumed that in the past people somehow lured this monster out of its habitat.

Fortunately for people, these monsters had a rather poor opportunity to reproduce, and they also spent most of their time underwater, in the ocean, to feed their huge carcass.

– Status. – Ryuu said calmly, on the approach to the camp



Name: Ryuu

Level - 25

Free Points - 55


Strength - 89

Dexterity - 88

Perception - 100

Endurance - 93

Reason - 95


Energy Control - [Level 6]

Mythical Masseur - [Level 5]

Magic Voice - [Level 6]

Resistance Phys. Damage - [Level 6]

Cold Resistance - [Level 5]

Irenjutsu - [Level 6]

Regeneration - [Level 6]

Legendary Cook - [Level 6]

Stealth - [Level 6]

Detoxification - [Level 4]

Heat Resistance - [Level 4]

Crafting - [Level 5]

Observation - [Level 5]

Shooting - [Level 4]

Musician - [Level 4]


The Gamer's Body

The Player's Mind

The Emperor's Eyes

The Imperial Zone

Orgasm School

Arbitrary Meditation

Thunderstorm of the Undead

Overwhelming Undead Field


The Great Power of Youth


– "Damn, even after killing this sucker, I didn't raise the level... We need to raise with Esdes the question of traveling around the Empire." –

All this time Ryuu didn't spend his free stats points and was going to continue in the same spirit for quite a long time.

It's very simple. In general, he regretted very much that he had spent his accumulated points then, because the stronger he was, the more difficult it was for him to raise the level. Basically, of course, this is due to the fact that there are simply no suitable enemies on which to level up. Therefore, it is worth waiting with the waste of points and doing the usual workouts while they make sense.

Skills were getting harder and harder to level up, for example, Ryuu failed to raise the level of Energy Control for three whole years.

There were no new skills either, he spent all his time training, hunting and pumping old skills, he accidentally discovered one skill for all of them.

Pumping crafting, Ryuu made a guitar and played it a little, as a result acquiring a new skill.


Musician - [Level 4]

Average talent in playing musical instruments

Your music conveys emotions and mood 40% more strongly, depending on the composition


He had to play guitar and sing quite often, because Esdes unexpectedly liked some of the songs he performed.

Apparently, his experience and big bonuses are to blame for this, because in the canon she was cool to all kinds of art, including music.

Ryuu even thought for a moment about the career of a bard, but you can't raise a lot of levels with a bard, so it's not an option.


"Back?" How's the hunt going? Esdes asked with a smile when Ryuu crossed the threshold of the cave

This cave was more comfortable and cozy than the homes of half the inhabitants of the Empire. There were chairs, tables, cabinets and other furniture on which Ryuu pumped his crafting skills. In addition, he also made weapons for himself and Esdes, and also quietly experimented with monster cores, trying to create weapons at least of the xingu level. So far, the experiments have been unsuccessful, but this only spurred Ryuu's interest.

– Everything went well. He didn't manage to get away from me. – Ryuu grinned , throwing the core into Esdes ' hands

– What a cowardly beast, huh? – she smiled, handing the kernel back to her brother – Dinner is ready, Ryuu, sit down.

– Great. He smiled and sat down at the table. There was stew waiting for him.

Ryuu tasted a little and said with a smile – Very tasty, Esdes.

– Yeah. – she replied, clearly not appreciating the compliment – Why do you even make me cook, Ryuu? You're obviously much faster and much tastier at doing it...

"Because I'm not a servant to do everything myself, Esdes. Ryuu replied with a smile, watching Esdes roll his eyes – I cook for a day, you cook for a day. Day I clean, day you. Everything is fair.

– Annoying. She answered and sat down at the table. Then she began to eat her own cooking with a lean face, which was very good, but the lady was used to cooking Ryuu, so she thought that she was cooking badly.

In general, Ryuu could cook constantly and even clean, it's not difficult for him. It's almost like meditation for him, but the problem is that it takes extra time, and he doesn't have the same shadow clones.

But even with shadow clones, he wouldn't do all the work, because his sweet sister would consider it a weakness. Esdes would have thought that Ryuu had bent under her, for this reason this girl is now forced to eat her food with displeasure.

– Esdes, what do you think about traveling around the Empire? – Ryuu suddenly asked a question

– Why such thoughts, brother? she raised an eyebrow

– I'm just tired of the local climate, animals and much more. In addition, it seems to me that we need to fight with different animals and people throughout the Empire in order to gain as much diverse experience as possible. Only in this way, I think, we can become stronger in our current state.

Esdes thought – Hmm. There is a grain of truth in your words... New monsters... New people... I like this idea, besides, I wanted to join the army of the Empire, so it would be good to travel before that.

– So, is it decided? – he tilted Ryuu 's head to the side

- Yes. Tomorrow we will go on a trip. Esdes grinned in anticipation of new battles

– Great. Ryuu grinned, pleased that everything went smoothly

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