A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 191: Instruction

Like a ghost, Ryuu found himself behind the two rapists who were talking.

The third, meanwhile, apparently waited for his turn and climbed to the cut-down Mine.

"It's my turn, doll. Congratulate me. I got the honor to "print" your little pussy.

The girl was naked. There were abrasions and cuts all over the body. One eye was missing.

A pair of deformed toes, on her feet, looked clearly in the wrong direction.

Ryuu calmly jumped up behind the two bandits to be at their eye level.

He took both of them by the heads with a steel grip.

For a moment, both bandits were taken aback when they were suddenly touched – What for... / Are you kidding?

However, these were their last words.

Additionally strengthening his hands with prana, Ryuu, with all the available power, hit the bandits with their heads against each other.

The result was the same. Their heads exploded like rotten watermelons, showering blood, flesh, brains and the remains of the skull all over the room.

The death of these bandits was quick and painless, but Ryuu saw no point in torturing them. They would have died at his hands anyway. Death would have leveled all his labors. Of course, with the help of torture, you can quench anger and rage inside, but Ryuu never liked to torture people, unlike Esdes. It did not bring him any pleasure and spoiled his mood.

In addition, he did not have time for this, he was still waiting for a crippled Mine and the last bandit from whom it would already be possible to extract information by torture.

The last bandit, by the way, was now looking at him in horror. Forgetting to breathe sometimes, he wet his pants – a monster!

Having come to his senses, the bandit put a knife to Mayne's neck – Don't come near! Stay away or I'll kill you!

Ryuu smiled coldly and calmly pointed his index and middle fingers at the bandit, as if they were the muzzle of a gun.

The next moment, two distal phalanges flew out of his fingers at great speed and tore off the fool's hand with a knife attached to the Mine.

Through the eyes of the Emperor, Ryuu calculated everything so that the girl would not suffer.

– And? – the bandit stared stupidly at the hand that was missing the brush. Finally, the pain "caught up" with him and he instantly passed out, falling next to the girl.

The fingers that Ryuu used to shoot instantly healed, and the bones recovered.

He quickly approached Mayne and the bandit. Putting his hands on both of them, he restored most of Mayne's body and healed the bandit's arm so that he would not die.

When the girl's life was out of danger, Ryuu exhaled and calmly lifted her right eyelid with his fingers. Naturally, the eye socket was empty. Prana could not restore what does not exist if the subject's body itself is not capable of at least some kind of regeneration of lost tissues and organs.

His higher techniques of iryenin will not help here either, since they simply will not help without a spiritual component. He has only physical energy and the energy of life at his disposal, that is, prana.

There is, of course, fuinjutsu, but again, nothing will work without the spiritual component. And Ryuu is only at the stage of experiments using fuin on prana.

There was only one way out. You need to find the lost eye of the Mine, or find someone who will donate the eye to the girl. Naturally, the donor must also be a child.

The Imperial Zone was reactivated, as were the Emperor's Eyes.

The desired eyeball turned out to be on the floor of the room. It looks like recently trampled by a foot in dust and dirt. It is possible to restore this, although it is difficult.

Looking at Main's calm face, Ryuu reached for his right eye: "I didn't really like you in the canon, but now you're just a child who suffered because I relaxed. This will be my gift and apology."

With a habitual movement of prana, he cut off the nerve endings, and then pulled out the eye.

After a few seconds, his eye was restored with the help of prana. His body had regeneration, so it's not a problem for him to grow something.

Opening the girl's eyelid, Ryuu inserted an eye and pranoy attached it. – "Hmm, my eyes are blue, hers are pink... I will temporarily change the pigment of my former eye to pink, but it will still return its blue color. Hmm, you'll be like me, in the last world, with heterochromia." – Ryuu smiled slightly, stroking Main on the head – "It's a pity I can't correct your memory, without spiritual energy... I'll try to erase my memories with prana. You will remember everything vaguely, as if everything that happened was just a bad dream."

Fortunately, Mayne's mind itself wanted to get rid of traumatic memories, so now the girl will remember all the atrocities that happened to her vaguely.

Ryuu picked Mein up in his arms and carried her to a nice hotel. There he rented a nice room for six months. Three meals a day, access to the baths. The girl will live well for the next six months.

– "Now you." – thought Ryuu, when he returned to the house to the sleeping bandit.


– What?! – the rapist woke up abruptly, from a good slap Ryuu –T-you...


A new slap in the face with a bang tore out the bandit's jaw and crushed the cheekbone. From the pain, the lout could only cry, mumble, spray snot and suffocate. – Mmmm!

Ryuu restored the bandit's face with prana and immediately asked calmly, "Why did you torture the girl?" Say everything quickly and clearly, otherwise I will slowly scalp you, pull out your nails, pinch your balls and tear your nipples with ticks. Then I will restore your agonizing body and begin the torture anew. Believe me, I really don't like to do this, but if necessary, I will do it.

Ryuu said all this in the most calm, everyday tone, as if he was listing a list of goods to the cashier that he would like to see.

– I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything! – dropping tears and snot, said a two–meter unshaven man full of muscles - We were looking for you and that blue-haired girl! Our comrades and other guys from another gang were found crumpled in an alley. All we knew was that they were chasing you. We wanted to find you and find out about what happened. – panting, hysterical, said the bandit

– And? So you found me, what now?

– Sorry, sorry, I didn't know! I didn't know who you were! It's the boss!

"Did the boss make you torture the girl?" Did the boss give the order to abuse her?

Naturally, the bandit nodded, as if he admits now that this is the initiative of their trinity. He nodded, by the way, so Ryuu was a little afraid that the rapist's head would just come off.

Ryuu also saw perfectly well, with the help of the Emperor's Eyes, that he was being blatantly lied to.

– And where is your gang located? –

– Warehouses in the north of the city! Our base is there!

- "Also a lie." Very good. And finally. Look what a funny situation is coming out. I had to break your jaw before you told me everything. In fact, I didn't even torture you, but you and your friends tortured a little kid.

– I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Excuse me, sir!

– I'm sure she cried and said she didn't know where we were. But you didn't believe her and continued to torture her, having fun...

- No! We didn't get it!..

"And yet I'll let you go. I won't lower myself to your level. You can keep your miserable life for yourself. You've already paid for everything with your brush. Ryuu finished and disappeared into shunshin

– Thank you, thank you! – the rapist spoke into the void for several minutes, and therefore, gathering his courage, he ran out of the house

Naturally, Ryuu did not forgive anyone. He just decided to follow the fool and find a real shelter for the bastards.

He didn't have the brains of a moron, so he immediately ran to his boss, hoping that a crowd, and with the boss, they would definitely kill some child.

The base was located in the south of the city in an abandoned winery.

Climbing onto the roof of the winery, Ryuu scanned it with the Imperial Zone. That's how he found out about the whereabouts of each bandit.

– "Well, let's start lynching." - Ryuu mentally said and controlling the bone tissue, he created large blades on his hands that started from the shoulder itself.

The blade itself was almost completely... borrowed from Mercer and Heller from a game he once had the opportunity to play.

Ryuu quietly flew into the window of the winery and began his bloody, deadly dance.

There were thirty people in the winery.

All of them, on this day, lose their arms and legs, turning into complete invalids.

Ryuu wasn't going to kill anyone. All of them will remain to drag out their miserable existence as long as they can in this form.

Since they remain alive, Ryuu has applied tortures to everyone that will make even a seasoned executioner shudder.

Right after that, Ryuu went to the second gang that was looking for him.

He also made them completely disabled, but did not torture them. And so it took quite a long time for all this, and he still had to come back and feed Akame, Kurome and Esdes.

Of course, he could go and even enlist the help of Esdes, which he would gladly agree to try the scumbags, but he did not want her to do this, for obvious reasons.

All of them are still alive and will be a reminder to all those who try to pull this off.

In particular, every bandit in the city will know that it is more expensive to touch the Mine.

Ryuu could not, and did not want to hang around with this girl forever, and therefore he left such a living instruction in the form of crippled scumbags.

And something told him that such an instruction would work and Mayne would be safe for a very long time.

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