A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 192: Gozuki

Ryuu was quietly returning to the camp, carrying medicines and a set of spices in his hands. He only controlled the path he was following with the edge of his mind, devoting himself entirely to reflection.

Interference in the canon led to an unpleasant chain of events. Did Ryuu consider himself guilty? Only partially. By his appearance in this world, he has already changed the usual course of things for this universe. And Ryuu certainly wasn't going to run and control every step of the main characters of the canon. Let fate decide everything.

Today, fate decided that Main would get injured, but fate also decided that Ryuu would have time to save her. Of course, he didn't want Mein to get hurt, but because of this, he's not going to stop getting into the canon. What happened was just an unfortunate combination of circumstances and the result of his relaxation and, consequently, short-sightedness.

– "Besides, I'm not interested in small bitches..." – Ryuu concluded for himself, going out into the clearing, his and Esdes, temporary camp – "More guests..." – he squinted when he saw that a lean man with medium-length blond hair was sitting next to Kurome, Esdes and Akame.

From the outside, it seemed that they were all just talking nicely, but you shouldn't relax, especially after what happened.

Ryuu immediately used the Emperor's Eyes on him to find out more about the guest. He also activated the Imperial Zone, just in case.



Age: 32

Gender: Male

Faction: Empire, Rakshasa Demons

Taigu: Murasame

Sex Orientation: [show]

Fetishes: [show]

Emotions: Curiosity, Caution

Strength - 138

Dexterity - 159

Perception - 85

Endurance - 122

Mind - 73


- "Gozuki, Akame's future teacher… Strong, bastard. What did you forget at our campfire." – squinting, Ryuu thought, mentally preparing for battle

He was not hiding, and therefore was quickly noticed by Esdes and Gozuki himself.

"You're late, Ryuu... Esdes said, slightly displeased.

Then she closed her eyes, sniffed sweetly like a rabbit and grinned, said – What kind of massacre did you arrange that you smell so much of blood.

Meanwhile, Gozuki crossed his legs and smiled with his bristly face and said, "Yes, your brother really must have staged a real massacre. Such a strong smell…

Ryuu chuckled and caught sight of Kurome's bandaged leg, which was sitting on Akame's lap. – "It looks like I just wasted the money from the sale of cores… And where should I put these medicines now?"

– Well, what happened anyway? Esdes grinned vigorously

– The comrades of those assholes that we put in that alley were looking for a meeting.

– And?

Ryuu sat down on a stump, handed Akama medicines, just in case, and continued the cooking that was interrupted once – They decided to torture everyone we had met in that town to find out our location.

– Oh, then it's clear how they pissed you off. – smiled Esdes, who was not particularly worried about this – That pink-haired girl also got, huh?

- Yes. – Ryuu calmly replied and raised his head and looked directly at Gozuki – And now, introduce me to our guest Esdes, since the questions to me are exhausted.

Gozuki accepted Ryuu's eye contact with a smile–"That's a look. Clean and clear, as if he sees right through me… He's younger than his brilliant sister, but something tells me that the younger one is even more dangerous."

Esdes threw her hands behind her head – This is Gozuki, examiner Akame and Kurome. Akame, by the way, finally passed the test.

- hm. What kind of test?

This question was answered by Gozuki himself – A test for the top seven children who will become my students, and in the future, first-class assassins of the enemies of the Empire.

– That's how. Ryuu replied, although his mind was focused on Gozuki's sword. With the help of his abilities, he was now exploring the deadly Teigu in every possible way. - "Murasame. A sword capable of killing everything that has a heart with a tiny scratch… That's what you're like inside..."

If we immediately omit the fact that the sword is perfectly balanced and made in the Japanese style, then a unique unknown metal that was mixed with several unknown ingredients and the core of an unknown monster immediately catches the eye. In fact, this katana itself turned into a kind of core and even carried the will of the monster from whose core the sword was made.

However, the most interesting thing is the scheme of the supposed blood of the monster and the dust from the core that was inside the sword and connected in a strange complex system. It all looked, remotely, like a printed circuit board. Only instead of electricity, there is prana, and the source of energy is the user of weapons.

All this was only vaguely similar to the usual fuinjutsu for Ryuu. This sword was approximately close in level to the weapons of the Seven Mist Swordsmen in the previous world.

"You've got a good eye, kid. Gozuki said when he saw Ryuu's gaze on the sword, "This is my Teigu, Murasame. Have you heard of Teigu? – he asked everyone a question

– No. – Kurome answered first, turning her head

– I don't know either. Akame shook her head

Ryuu calmly replied – Teigu, a legendary weapon created by the first Emperor in the hope that his descendants could use it to protect his Empire.

– That's right. My sword is called Murasame. A cursed sword that kills everything that breathes from the slightest scratch. – Gozuki ran his eyes over the children in front of him and stopped at Ryuu – A terrible sword, right?

– Interesting. Ryuu replied with a small smile

Esdes supported her brother – Yes, a good tool for murder. Weapons that will make even the weak strong, and the strong even stronger.

Gozuki smiled – "Little monsters… You would be ideal students, but you will definitely not succumb to propaganda. It's too late..." I can't, I don't agree with you.

Ryuu looked at Kurome – You said that Akame passed the test, but what about Kurome?

Akame hugged her sister harder, who buried her face in her chest – The teacher says that she will go to the second department of murderers…

Gozuki shook his head, "Kurome doesn't have your potential, Akame. In addition, your family relations may interfere with your service to the Empire.

– "Well, time will rely on your magic voice and its bonuses." – thought Ryuu – And, in my opinion, it would be better to keep them together. If you look at Esdes and me, it's immediately clear that our bonds only help us in battle. We work very smoothly. Our attacks and movement are perfectly coordinated. This is extremely difficult to achieve even with a friend you trust with your life. As for the potential of Kurome, it is possible that she is smaller, but only by a crumb, she is just younger than Akame, therefore it seems that the difference between them is great.

Gozuki thought about Ryuu's words, and Ryuu knew that all that limited Gozuki were the seven Xingus that were issued by the Empire.

Exactly seven, so it didn't make sense to take more students, it seemed. – "These thoughts have a rational grain… As for Xingu... I think this issue can be solved, and during training someone can leave the squad forever..." - Gozuki thought a little and turned his gaze to Akame and Kurome, who were sitting with bated breath, waiting for a miracle – Well… You convinced me. I'll take Kurome as the eighth student…

Akame and Kurome hugged happily. The girls wanted to thank both Ryuu and Gozuki, but the latter interrupted them – But keep in mind, now I will expect much more from you than from other students. You will have to give more than your best. Is that clear?

– Yes, Teacher! – the girls answered joyfully, and Kurome began to cry with joy at all

Gozuki grinned and shifted his gaze to Ryuu's contented face – And you're a tongue-tied guy, Ryuu. Have you ever thought of making a political career instead of a military one?

Ryuu grinned and shook his head, hung a pot full of vegetables, meat and fragrant seasonings over the fire – No, I don't like to lie.

– I understand. – Gozuki grinned, getting up – Well, we have to go.

– Won't you stay for dinner? Ryuu tilted his head

– No, although your sister said that your dishes compete with those on the tables of the Gods.

Esdes grinned – They will be even better!

– Well, good luck then. Ryuu shrugged his shoulders

Gozuki nodded, beckoned to Akama and Kurome, and slowly left with them

That's how Ryuu changed the fate of Kurome and Akame. The first one will no longer be drugged and drugged, and the second, most likely, will not have to be torn between her sister and the revolutionary army.


The next day Ryuu and Esdes continued their journey.

It was decided to explore the Southern Lands of the Empire.

There were rumors that there live tribes that can transform into various animals and increase their strength many times.

Rumor also said that the past rulers of the southern lands were buried in truly huge crypts with many different treasures.

That is why mercenaries and various adventurers went there in droves in search of wealth and adventures.

On the way, Ryuu will collect the cores of a variety of monsters and experiment with them, finally getting the long-awaited result.

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