A Light Within Darkness.

Chapter 59

My martial technique that absorbed all their laser and plasma fire was devastating as the hundreds of flying seeds violently exploded with pure yang fire that instantly killed literally every single human being that wasn't a Grey Knight that had come down from their ship.

Only the ship's shields and the Grey Knights Pysker-boosted armor protected the ship from being burnt and likewise, the Astartes from my all-out attack that was boosted by so much of their own firepower.

A loud thrumming rang out and my eyes snapped up to the large ship that was hovering over the planet as the drop ship's shields broke down and the ship began to turn to slag and melt a titanic laser beam was launched just shy of my position from the main ship and although I was immune to the heat from the laser I was most certainly not immune to the force of the laser as my form got rag dolled hundreds of meters away with my body being dredged through the ground as the laser being locked onto me pushed me through the surroundings bedrock surface.

With a mental flex, I finally unleashed my trump card as I felt one of my ribs crack and even as I was being hammered into the ground by the ships laser battery I could hear the dull heavy thrumming feeling that resounded down to my very soul as the barrier around the Sect fell down along with the barrier and glyphs surrounding the spiritual sun that flew above the Sect and with its intense gravity devoured any demons that entered the sect's grounds.

Even the ships laser battery that seemed hell-bent on killing me faltered as the Sect's barriers reset when the spiritual sun was ejected from its surroundings and only the many thick and strong barriers that were tied to the planet's ley lines kept the sect and its inhabitants safe as the spiritual sun swelled in size and power. As it burnt through the stored-up spiritual power of all the demons and spiritual essence it had gathered in the months that it had existed over the Sect.

"Get fucked assholes." I cursed as I staggered out of the hole the laser batteries put me into and then I went blind as the spiritual sun went off like a nuclear bomb of pure white light that stole my sight with me crying out in dismay as the force of the explosion slammed me through the now molten surface of the mountain that was melting under the obscene temperature of the spiritual sun death flare that went beyond simple temperature.

The spiritual sun that had devoured countless demons and the flesh of the invading Tyranids was far more powerful than I thought thanks to my Yang body I was immune to the fires and was able to see through the flames and watched as the ship's shields couldn't handle the spiritual flames to say nothing of the remaining Grey Knights whose very souls burnt away at the overwhelming flames.

The large Imperial ship was a slagged and burnt mess only held together by the machine spirits within but even as I saw the ship attempting to flee the area I only sighed as a silent missile was shot from the sect and as that missile collided with the ship I got to watch as reality and space twisted and rent itself apart as the high gravity missile I made as a trump card for the ship we used to get to this planet, to begin with.

Was finally used with the tiny gravity well that was created, easily squashing and crushing the massive ship into a ball of metal the size of a bowling ball before that ultra-dense ball fell to the surface of molten surface of the surrounding mountainous area with an earth-shaking clamor as the density of the ball of metal was ridiculous.

"I most certainly cannot deal with millions if not billions of enemies and a sky filled with endless foes... But a single ship no matter its size or defenses is just too big of a target." I muttered as I collapsed into the pool of lava beneath me and just relaxed into the soft consuming heat that contorted around my body almost like a water bed honestly.

Even as I relaxed into the lava I just ignored Ellesmere as she gingerly walked over the lava, with each step she took flash freezing the lava to stable ground for her to walk on as she made her way over to me.

"Did you have some kind of feelings or pity for that Sister of Battle Jake?" She asked quietly which broke the sounds of boiling roiling lava and the sounds of the surrounding mountain shifting with the massive temperature spikes.

To her question... I didn't answer. I just honestly felt tired, I didn't feel the glory from the battle nor, joy, sadness, or even regret for what I did. I just felt like it was the biggest fucking waste and just annoyance at the knowledge that I was likely going to face reprisals from the Imperium for daring to not roll over at their demands.

A whole hour passed by as I stared up at the purple atmosphere of this accursed planet until I finally spoke. "Lets go home. I need some time to clear my head." I said with a wry smile as Ellesmere rolled her eyes and poked me in the side.

"Jake don't get all huffy... This galaxy is built to make people suffer and overthinking it gets you nowhere, Heh, if anything you should focus on how you lost that bet... But if you are a good boy I will return the favor, Jake." Ellesmere said huskily and even as I deadpanned at her for wanting to do it right after literally killing tens of thousands of people at the minimum but a horny elf no matter if they were a space elf, was still a lewd elf so even as I went along with her half-heartedly at first.

She found my body willing and honest within moments.



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