A Light Within Darkness.

Chapter 60

It was time to raid literally hell... Actually opening up a portal into the warp and then walking into the very armpit of this god-forsaken universe.

I sat with Ellesmere silently contemplating my entry into the greater asshole of the Warp and so long as I landed either in Nurgle or Khorn's realm, I would be happy as I needed to get to Nurgle's realm in particular.

The Gardens of Nurgle... The realm of the Plague lord is a paradise of death, decay, and disease and I was going there to basically fucking NTR the ugliest of bastards. What the hell has my life come to?

"The disease and rot isn't my main concern... My Yang energy will burn out any infection or rot that seeks to turn me that I cannot just absorb into more qi to fill my cultivation. I am actually more worried about the many plague beasts and other daemons of Nurgle." I spoke aloud as I made sure all my supplies were in order with Ellesmere hovering over me.

Ellesmere no matter how proud and ecstatic of my plan to spring her people's goddess from their chains in Nurgles care was actually not at all for me to go to Warp on foot. "Jake, why don't you wait for the delegations from Ulthwe and other Craftworlds?" She questioned softly but she still knew the answer.

After being pinned down by a single ship's laser batteries and almost killed in that engagement with the Grey Knights. I was made very aware that should an entire punitive fleet from any faction come to fuck up my day, I was literally screwed.

"An army of Eldar is a massive red flag and will easily expose us if I should try to get Isha out... Whereas I can sneak in and take my time absorbing the demons within the warp and see the full potential of my shadow legion while when I find Isha I can bind her to myself and just take her to realspace so Warp fuckery won't be able to touch her under my seals." I explained for the umpteenth time and Ellesmere merely sighed.

"I still don't like it..." She said bluntly and I chuckled as even I fucking didn't like the idea. The rotting puss-filled Garden of Nurgle was well known as the worst realm to fuck around for a damned good reason as it was utterly single-minded in its method of screwing over anyone who visited the realm with its endless rot, disease, monsters, and other terrible things.

And who was to say how long I would be in the demon god's realms within the warp with how fucky wucky time could be for people in there... Hell, who is to say I won't literally land in the castles of Tzeentch and get lost there, or any other realm for that matter?

But similarly to my time back in the Hive City, my growth was slowing down due to there not being enough challenges and my regular demon feasting didn't push me to grow as the battle with the Grey Knights did. "Ellesmere, here." I said passing her a small glass flask I created that was linked to another flask that I had and within the flasks were a small burning golden flame.

"This is a soul flask." I began to explain pointing at it. "I can faintly hear stuff through it but more importantly should I die, the flame within the flask will be extinguished as it has a tiny connection to my own soul," I said with finality and she sighed closing her eyes as she took the flask into her hands gently and placed it against her soul stone necklace between her voluptuous breasts.

Ellesmere bit her bottom lip before lightly leaning forward and pecking my lips with a kiss that only spoke of the mutual affection we had for one another and that had transcended our racial differences. "Be careful Jake, my people have been without their goddess for more than ten millennia, she and my people can wait a little longer if it gets too dangerous." She consoled me and I just squeezed her hands that were within mine in silent acknowledgment before I let go of her and took a step backward away from her as bloody red howling energy surrounded me.

"Wish me the best and pray for me to land in Khorn or Nurgle's realm directly," I said smiling wryly as Khorn's realm would be the easiest to get out of honestly, and obviously landing in Nurgles would be perfect as I could just begin the search for Isha from there.

With those final words spoken, I closed my eyes as the howling shrieking warp energies surrounded me and no longer was I simply opening a tunnel for demons to invade the mortal realm of real space. Now I was actually making a portal to invade into the Warp itself.

Terrible cries of pleasure-filled agony filled my ears, I could see endless knowledge and power just beyond my vision that I was just unable to perceive, the sickly sweet smell of rotting overabundance of life filled my nose, and finally, I could taste the iron filled bloody mist that filled the eddies of the warp.

Arriving into the Warp and the demon realms was not a simple thing as it was an entire experience that even was overwhelming for my cultivation-boosted mind as countless disembodied souls, both human, monster, demon, and countless other aberrations passed around me as I sunk deeper and deeper int othe Warp.

Just like the very sea on a planet, the Warp was light on the top, with thin weaker life living on the very surface of the Sea of Souls. But paradoxically the deeper you sunk into the Warp, the deeper you sank into its insanity, and the more things came together, the more like reality.

For what seemed like hours I sunk down through endless clouds of chaotic-filled energy some more violent than others and absorbing the energy from the baby warp storms did more for my cultivation than just eating the pieces of demons that came to the physical world. But eventually, like a plane coming through a dense cloud cover to land in their airport, I broke through the top layer of the Sea of Souls where the Imperium ships would fly through and I saw the demon realm below me.

"It's actually hell... It's Khorne's realm." I whispered as the sky above me turned blood red, filled with fire and smoke, the ground was coated in rivers of lava. And even with my cultivation-enhanced senses, there was only one constant.

From North to South, to East to West, all I could see was endless slaughter, and as I breathed in the smoke of endless burning demons and mortals I felt more fucking alive than ever before as my cultivation grew with that simple breath along with my Yang energy growing in intensity... I realized I was home.



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