A Light Within Darkness.


Now the disciples were setup to start off on their own cultivation journey, plus with the massive amount of resources we had from killing the demons and chaos-tainted monsters that attacked us while we built the Sect itself, we certainly had plenty of supplies for the next couple weeks if not a couple months if we stretch them out.

As of now, I was keeping an eye on the servant class disciples that hadn't earned their way into the sect, with the children and infirm women giving them menial ultra-simple jobs like polishing the sect's Steele's or otherwise sweeping the paths to and from the Sects facilities. Meanwhile, the men had the more arduous task of basically open pit mining out the surrounding mountainside to expand the sect's available space.

Although you would think that being a miner would be terrible dredging work and would harm them, but it was very much not the case as even the other male true disciples were joining the Servants in the work as the exertion helped increase their comprehension and adaption to the Diamond Body Technique and bringing ores to the Sect Treasury would give more contribution points than actually going out and chancing their lives killing some of the chaos touched beasts that prowled the Sect's barrier hungering for the purified spiritual energy within.

I had long noticed that my spiritual energy was a powerful tonic for Warp-based creatures as they could easily absorb the spiritual energy into their own chaotic existence that was of the same line as true chaos entities were very much spiritual entities at their core.

"Jake, shouldn't you lower the price for all the ores? The disciples aren't going out to fight the monsters congregating outside the barrier, I had to clear out a large group of them and it's becoming a bit of a chore." Elesmere complained and I had to nod despite wanting to amass a large amount of Chaos-touched ore that I could refine into artifacts and among other things.

"I don't want either of us to wipe out the beasts in their entirety... It's bad for the future potential of the disciples as they need combat practice to progress in their cultivation." I grumbled as I thought up a couple of different scenarios to turn people away from the whole mining without cutting down the amassing ore deposits I was collecting.

"Besides, what are you going to do with all that ore? I thought at this point the human's cultivation was basically a waiting game for them to make a foundation?" Elesmere continued to question and that gave me a bright idea.

I could make a super-sized alchemy pot/furnace to help temper the disciples' bodies inside.

Though... I would need to go into the jungles surrounding the mountain, the Sect was built upon to find some herbs that will help with the body refinement.

"Very well I have a plan, let me send that village elder a message to his disciple token to meet here," I muttered at the end as I took out my Master token and basically sent a text message to the village elder's older man who was missing an arm that I needed to find out his name with the way he was helping guide his people into fitting in.

Not even five minutes later the one-armed man at our temple's front door and kneeling in wait for me to walk out the door of the temple.

Checking his Disciple tokens info, I saw his name was as per usual a more imperial-style name, with his name apparently being Antiochus. "Antiochus, being new to this planet I have need of your knowledge of the herbs and special items that can help bring positive effects to the body," I demanded and with a slap to my space bag I sent a small plain wooden chair for him to sit upon while I sat in a much more ornate chair in front of him.

"Yes, Sect Master uhm... Well, Sect Master, purely beneficial herbs and natural treasures as you described are extremely rare. We normally use the less dangerous herbs and use other things that would cancel out the bad effects of the herb together." Antiochus explained and then actually reached into a bag strapped to his back to show me a couple hardy almost vine-like tubers that he said would quickly kill off any infections to where someone rubbed its ground-up juices at.

But just as he said, it was still a dangerous herb as instead of only killing what I knew to be germs and such, it literally killed fucking everything it was applied to, in a supernatural manner and the way they got around that little tidbit was to quickly apply another herb that went the other way, the herb gave so much lifeforce that the body would violently mutate with the rapidly expanding and splitting apart cells overloading the body to the point of it exploding like an overripe boiling hot pimple if left alone.

Yeah, turns out that herbs touched by Choas was nowhere near as cut and dry as cultivator herbs from other universes...

"Very well, thank you for your time, and I will call this book of illustrations for the herbs as a contribution to the Sect's library... Here, take these points and if you desire, I can make you an artifact to replace your missing arm?" I offered as making something akin to my Kasaya Beads except in the shape of an arm to fit onto his arm stump was nothing too difficult.

Antiochus surprisingly shook his head and then bowed to me. "Sect Master I am proud to have already found my own path of cultivation in the Unfettered One Sword Technique." Hearing his words, I remembered that kind of similar to my Open Sword Heart Orifice, a body constitution that would nurture a sword within my body with its various essences, like my solar flames, Qi, and other things.

The Unfettered One Sword Technique was similar in that, one would nurture a sword slowly over time, but different from my physique that could regenerate my sword should it be broken simply by putting it back into my heart, his literally had a chunk of his very soul in the sword which would strengthen the sword over time with his comprehension of sword intent. So should his sword break that was it, his soul would shatter, and he would never be able to walk the sword Dao again having betrayed his prior sword.

If he didn't just die outright with his sword shattering.

"Antiochus... I made sure to put a warning about the consequences of training in the Sect techniques without a foundation correct... And what the fuck sword did you even use as a soul-bound partner?" I questioned irately wanting to smack the stupid fucking disciple over the head as the low-ranking swords I have placed in the Sect treasury weren't at all worthy of someone who was talented enough in the technique for the Sect's Steele's to forgo making him pay the learning price.

The dude was like some decade older than me, yet he still did the equivalent of sticking his dick in a fucking light socket due to how impatient he was.

"Sect Master I used the village heirloom with the blessing of the rest of the villagers in order for me to become stronger and help Blaxis fill up the divine pot you gave him, to help keep the disciples fed with the compressed food so we can train and work harder." Hearing his words, I couldn't help but groan as such, comradery in helping everyone grow together was frankly... Outside of my calculations, as between this being 40k and having a cultivator mindset, I believed everyone would work for their own agenda rather than helping others.

"Let me see this supposed heirloom," I muttered as I didn't want this potential sword cultivator to be hampered by having a completely shitty weapon. Granted the sword didn't need to be anything too special as was shown by me using an Imperial Commandante's cavalry sword and making it strong enough to cut through tanks without issue.

But there needed to be a foundation and if it was a rotting pitted piece of garbage only worthy of being wielded by one of Nurgle's spawn, then I would need to do a lot of work to salvage the damned thing.

"Please follow me then Sect Master, I left it at my apartment as meeting you with a weapon seemed inappropriate." He said grimacing and I knew what the grimace was for so I soothed his thoughts.

"Antiochus, as a Sword Cultivator, the sword is your life, allow no one to take or make you hide your sword as it is your life's blood. The sword that is your life-bound partner is to always be at your side... Hell, actually you will be escorting me around the Sect to pick up herbs, I am myself a sword cultivator and I will teach you some techniques if you plan on feeding your whole damned village Haha!" I laughed happy to see such a talented disciple.

As although he was certainly a bit on the older side to start cultivating, thankfully sword cultivators themselves didn't need too strong of a body anyway when a soft swing of their sword could cut a mountain in half from a hundred miles away with their sword intent which is why sword and other weapon intent cultivators had the strongest offensive power by far in cultivation.



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