A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1020

Vol 7 Chapter 81: Another William

William didn’t know whether Babu Ling could hold it, but he soon became uneasy.

Because the water is really deep, the waves are really big.

This is the literal meaning. I saw the long-horned water snake wandering around and approaching a big river.

The boulders on both sides are steep, the estuary shrinks and bundles up like a slender waist, and the rushing river water gathers into a horseshoe-shaped canyon.

Due to the dangerous terrain, the river surface is even more choppy, slapping both sides fiercely.

The wood-carved water snake entered the waterfall like this and dived all the way.

Fortunately, William has a lot of gills on his body to cope with this situation.

After diving for about a few hundred meters, the woodcarving entered a cave, and William and Babbling followed.

Outside the cave, the river was still flowing. Inside the cave, there is no cave.

The dazzling array of gems illuminates the cave.

Of course, there is not a jewelry storehouse hidden here, nor is there the legendary treasure of the Water Pirate King – OnePiece.

It was a cave, full of the bones of long-horned water snakes.

This creature has a companion gem on its forehead, which will fall off automatically after death.

In other words, this cave is a snake burial pit.

Only that snake tree can attract snakes so much, so this time the location is definitely not wrong.

Of course, William is more greedy for these gems now.

The gem of the horned water serpent, said to grant wizards the ability to become invisible and fly.

The flying cloak made by William has the grinding component of this gem.

The Invisibility Cloak made by Invisible Beasts can also be soaked in magic potion made of gems if you want to prolong the invisibility effect.

Most importantly, as the number of long-horned water snakes decreases, this thing is really expensive!

This trip to Ilvermorny is right for Lao Tzu to make a fortune!

The two went deeper and deeper along the passage, and at first they could hear the sound of water droplets falling from the top of the cave into the water.

With the gradual deepening, the temperature of the entire cave increased sharply, as if there was a fire burning hot underground.

This is not the set of “Adventures in the Center of the Earth”, at least the location of the two of them is far from the core of the earth.

Even in the light of William’s shallow scientific knowledge, such a strong temperature change would not have occurred!

Then again, we are all in the magical world… Scientist Newton, no! Alchemist Newton, okay!

So it’s not scientific, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

But since it doesn’t conform to science, it must conform to magic.

Could it be the temperature rise caused by the root of snakewood? Or is there something else burning underground?

Wouldn’t there be a Godzilla sleeping underground?

The two went deeper and deeper along the tortuous passage for about half an hour, and the temperature was getting higher and higher.

If it wasn’t because of Babbling, William would have wanted to run naked.

The corpses of the long-horned water snakes around them are also slowly decreasing, and the light is getting weaker and weaker.

William took out the night vision potion and shared a bottle with Babel.

After taking it, you can clearly see the environment in the cave in the dark.

Finally, the two finally reached the depths of the passage.

Surprisingly, the heat wave disappeared, and the cool air blowing in his face made William feel refreshed.

William can still feel the majestic breath of life.

The leaves of snakewood have powerful healing effects; this plant grown from a magic wand is eternally powerful.

This shows that the snake wood is in the cave.

And the scorching heat probably didn’t come from the snake wood, there was something else burning underground.

After William and Babu Ling used the Illusory Body Charm, they quietly entered the cave and were stunned by the sight in front of them.

The inside of the cave was excavated very large and covered with rhizomes of snake wood.

Those rhizomes are still only a part, and most places are rooted in the rock wall.

What surprised William most was that he saw stone pillars carved with entangled serpents, towering and supporting the cave.

Next to the stone pillar, a statue suddenly appeared:

An old-fashioned, monkey-like face, with a long, sparse beard, dragging almost all the way to the hem of the stone wizard’s robes, and two large gray feet, standing on smooth stone.

This is the statue of Slytherin, almost exactly the same as the statue in the Chamber of Secrets!

William was in disbelief, as if he sensed something was wrong.

At this moment, a sound jumped in his ears, it sounded like the sound of water boiling and bubbling, and there was a hissing sound similar to that of a snake.

That’s the snoring sound of a long-horned water snake!

William turned his head to look and found a huge python, hidden in the roots of the snakewood, sleeping undisturbed.

From its sharp teeth and nostrils, wisps of water sprayed the roots of the snakewood.

On its head, there is also a huge gem, the size of a Quaffle, and its two horns have been broken.

This was the white snake that Aesop dreamed of three hundred years ago.

It really did deliberately entrust the dream to Aesop, and fortunately, after Aesop’s death, he successfully found this snake wood.

This is also understandable, not only wizards have the ability to predict.

The long-horned water snake can get the warning sound in advance and see part of the future.

But here comes the problem…

This giant python, which is thicker than the basilisk, has guarded the root of the snake wood for three hundred years.

William didn’t think that after Snakewood died, it would obediently give Snakewood to himself.

However, now is not the time to disturb it, as long as William and Babu Ling find a place smoothly.

They were about to retreat quietly, when the sleeping snake suddenly moved its tail, scratching its abdomen, and the rhythm of its snoring also changed.

It didn’t wake up, it just changed positions and seemed to be having a nightmare.

Just when William thought it was a false alarm, the water snake suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a pair of green snake pupils.

Snakes have terrible eyesight and are more based on heat sensing to find prey.

Even if William and Babling use the Disillusionment Charm, it can lock them in.

But it wasn’t William and Babbling who woke it up.

Babelin seemed to sense something too, she suddenly hugged William and pulled him to one side.

After only ten seconds, an old magical creature appeared where William was standing.

The magical creature was small, grey-skinned, and had long ears, and it was…Pukeki.

Pukeki is a distant relative of European goblins, and like the miser at Gringotts, uses powerful magic.

Pukeqi rushed into the cave and confronted the snake.

There was no reason for this to remind William, Yang Guo saw the snake eagle facing each other.

If he goes to help the snake, will he become the hero of the snake, or Xu Xian?

Barbuling obviously didn’t want to help, so she pulled William and quietly backed out.

On the way back, William asked curiously:

“What’s the matter with that Pukeqi, how did it find here?”

“The woodcarving of the branch is lost. It must have been found along the way.” Babelin sighed.

“It’s a little tricky when he found out here. I was too careless, I didn’t expect him to be alive.”

“How did he know we took the wood carving?” William asked ~www.readwn.com~ Of course he knew. “Babling explained: “Because of the wood carvings of the four colleges, he helped Aesop to make them.

That’s right, this Pukechi has lived for hundreds of years! ”

Babbling glanced at William, and suddenly the corners of her mouth twitched and said:

“Speaking of which, this Pukechi is still Aesop’s godfather.

He has the same name as you, also… William! ”

fuck! (a magical ritual)

William was speechless. At this moment, he finally realized Tom’s troubles.

The name sucks!

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