A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1021

Vol 7 Chapter 82: The Competition Of The Four Forces

Or the story of the legendary witch Aesop.

Before she dreamed of snakes, after arriving in North America on the Mayflower, she had rescued a Pukechi.

The Pukeqi was almost killed by the hidden beast, and Aesop drove the hidden beast.

Pukki hated wizards, but developed a deep friendship with Aesop and stayed with her until she died.

Aesop also nicknamed the Pukechi “William” after her father.

Even with his species, a college was established-Pukechi College.

After Aesop’s death, the Pukechi named “William” disappeared, and no wizard saw him again.

Many people thought he was dead a long time ago, but today William and Babbling confirmed that he has been alive to this day.

This is actually quite normal.

Pukeki is a distant relative of goblins and is also related to house-elves. They generally live longer than wizards.

And Pukeqi, a magical animal, is best at magic, which is hiding and transforming into other animals.

It’s possible that the wizards at the school couldn’t find him.

And he probably has been secretly guarding the school for Aesop.

When William followed Babelin and stole the woodcarving of the branch, he tracked it at the first moment and found the cave successfully.

This can’t be blamed for Professor Babuling’s lack of intelligence.

How can there be a perfect plan, all kinds of accidents are the most normal thing.

The only problem is that because of the arrival of this “William”, the four forces have gathered around this snake tree.

The first one to come was undoubtedly the long-horned water snake.

It was even laid out three hundred years ago.

Not only the dream, but also the snake’s horn, and even worked hard to dig a secret passage.

I don’t know how many years of digging, but this level of dedication is comparable to Shawshank’s redemption.

But it’s also typical to get up early and catch a late set.

Just digging the channel will cheapen the three forces behind.


I don’t know if it was predicted to this day three hundred years ago.

The second force is Tom.

He must have been to this cave before, but he just hid it and didn’t tell William and Babel.

William was sure that the reason he had come was very simple: the snakewood tree does not bloom, and it has been so for hundreds of years.

Tom came to Ilvermorny, and the tree blossomed.

Only he, a descendant of Slytherin, can awaken this snakewood.

According to the results of Professor Babbling’s investigation, Aesop was forced to bury Slytherin’s wand because of his helplessness.

Back then, when she stole her aunt’s wand, her aunt naturally refused and chased after her all the way.

In the end, my aunt died, and before she died, she used Parseltongue to order Slytherin’s wand to sleep.

Although Aesop is a descendant of Slytherin, he did not inherit Parseltongue.

Like Dumbledore, she could only hear Parseltongue, but could not speak the language.

After Tom came, he used Parseltongue to wake up the snake, which made the snakewood blossom.

So William concluded that he must have found this cave long ago.

Tom’s power is relatively large.

He has escaped from prison now, and it is estimated that he can successfully enter the top of the purgers.

With his ability, it will be a matter of time to control this force.

Plus he also has the help of the little spy “Targaryen”…

From Tom’s point of view, he discovered Targaryen back then, contacted him immediately, and flickered it for his own use, which was a stroke of genius.

Tom is confident…

It was indeed a stroke of genius, and both William and Babu Ling wanted to use this identity to trick him.

Better to kill him!

The two are this third-party force.

And the last force is Pukeqi’s side.

He seemed as weak as the Horned Water Serpent, but he actually had Ilvermorny’s back.

Snakewood is the public property of the school, and Ilvermorny must not let William and the others take it away.

It can only be said that it is still unknown who will kill the deer, it is possible, it depends on who hides the deepest.

After William and Baabling returned to Ilvermorny, Baabling threw the woodcarving in a corner of the castle.

Now that the cave has been found, the wood carving is useless.

If you send it back, you can send it back, but it is really uncivil behavior to throw it everywhere.

William was very contemptuous.

However, after hearing that the Aurors had already arrived, they stayed in the auditorium. William resolutely agreed with Babelin’s behavior.

He suddenly found that when he was acting together with Babel, the moral standard could easily be lowered.

This is not good!

William was determined to be a noble man, free from vulgar taste.

So when he heard about the Auror and Mela Picquili, he immediately ran away.

It’s better not to provoke this kind of girlfriend of “Targaryen” developed by Babling.

Now that the Aurors are here, Tom took a group of criminals and attacked Ilvermorny.

Why did he attack Ilvermorny?

Every time Tom does something, he will not aimlessly, but with great meaning.

When he did this, he was simply gaining prestige and prestige among the purgers.

Second, it is estimated that rehearsal for the future.

Snake wood is to be taken. If you can’t get it, you can only grab it.

But where is it so easy to grab, especially a magic school.

Tom had to test Ilvermorny’s magical defense capabilities and the speed of Auror support in the Magical Congress.

It turns out that Ilvermorny is not Hogwarts, nor is the American Auror the Great Auror.

Although they are all the fangs of the capitalist magical world, Lao Mei is still more powerful than Da Zhen.

Before leaving, William also met Tom as “Targaryen”.

Professor Babbling was right, Tom did not find the power of that prehistoric mystery.

He’s in the wrong place!

But why did Tom think it was an Appalachian prison in the first place?

In other words, there must be something in common with this prison where the prehistoric powers are hidden, so Tom can find the wrong place.

Where is the most special place in the Appalachian prison?

William didn’t say much, and Tom, who was sixteen, was much more cautious than Voldemort.

After Tom left, the Halloween turmoil ended there.

William still had some doubts, that is, the statue of Slytherin that he saw beside the snake root.

Why does this kind of thing appear in the cave?

William didn’t figure it out, he had to go back to Hogwarts to make sure.

After spending the night with Hermione at Ilvermorny, he used the Vanishing Cabinet to return to Hogwarts the next day.

There is no need to stay in Ilvermorny, just wait for the Serpentwood to wither.

After William returned to Hogwarts ~www.readwn.com~ found that there was no school with him and Hermione, and something went wrong.

Sure enough, the law that something will happen to Halloween is an inevitable event that cannot be avoided.

As soon as William inquired, he found out that it was a three-striped tiger that broke into Hogwarts during the Halloween dinner.

It also smashed the windows of the auditorium with one paw, injuring students.

Several professors used several stun spells to knock this magical creature unconscious.

William was speechless.

What about a sliding shovel that killed a tiger?

How come, at the critical moment, there is no one sliding shovel!

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