A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1029

Vol 7 Chapter 90: Ginny Shark Is Crazy!

Harry was still brainstorming, in a schizophrenic mode of emotionally wanting Ginny and morally self-blaming.

Unexpectedly, Ron had already rushed over before him.

“Hey, I said you two!” He was furious. “Give me a break!”

Dean and Ginny separated, and when they found out that it was Ron, Ginny said impatiently:

“What’s the matter with you?”

“What’s wrong with me?!” Ron yelled. “I don’t want to see my own sister hugging and hugging others in public.”

“There’s no one in this corridor, you broke in by yourself!” Ginny began to accumulate anger.

“Um… let’s go, Ginny,” Dean whispered. “Let’s go back to the common room…”

He has a headache when he sees Ron now, this kind of ultimate sister-in-law controlling sixth brother, it’s terrible.

“You go back first!” Ginny said. “I’m going to have a few words with this idiot!”

Dean left immediately, and he was eager to get out of this place quickly.

“Okay,” Ginny shook her red hair.

With her rage value already stacked to 20%, she asked:

“Let’s be clear, Ronald Weasley! Who am I with, what do I do, and what has it got to do with you?

Why do you care about me? Are you teaching me what to do? ! ”

Since the beginning of this semester, Ron has been picking on her every now and then, and he has written letters home saying that she is in a relationship.

Ginny had had enough, and now she just wanted to teach this nasty brother a good lesson.

“Yeah, that’s right!” said Ron angrily, “You think I’d care about you?

I just don’t want people to say my sister is a—”

“What is it?” Ginny’s anger reached 75% all of a sudden, she pulled out her wand and pointed it at Ron.

“What is it, tell me clearly!”

“Nothing, Ginny…” Harry didn’t care about schizophrenia, and quickly stopped between the two.

“Nothing? He clearly wanted to call me a slut, or did he want to call me an easygirl?!”

“Ginny, he didn’t think so!” Harry mumbled.

Although he knew that Ron meant it that way, after all, he was always mad at Dean in the dormitory.

Ginny, who was full of anger, began to write a murder book: “That’s what he thought!”

“Just because he has never cuddled with another girl in his life, he has only been kissed by our Aunt Muriel since he was a child.

She was a dozen years older than Dumbledore! ”

For some reason, Harry suddenly wanted to laugh. Although he hadn’t hugged a girl before, it wasn’t that bad.

But Harry hastily tightened his face again, his fingernails on his skin.

No, laugh out loud now, and Ron won’t be friends anymore.

“Shut up!” Ron became angry, his face turned from red to purple.

“No, I won’t shut up!” Ginny continued to shake Ron’s dark history.

“You like the proprietress, Mrs. Rosemerta, every time you go to Three Broomsticks, you have to spy on her, you are disgusting!

Also, you like that veela named Fleur, and toad invites people to the Christmas ball who wants to eat swan meat.

It’s a pity she doesn’t even look at you, she likes William…”

Ginny’s murder book was full, and she began to output frantically:

“If you hugged and cuddled a little yourself, you wouldn’t care so much about what I was doing!

But it’s a pity that no one looks down on you at all, not even the ghost of Myrtle. ”

“Do you know why?” Ginny was still outputting, she murdered and said:

“The girls around me think you’re funny, funny, and follow Harry’s **** all day long, like a clown!

If you have time to take care of what I’m doing, it’s better to take care of yourself.

Or read more books, so at least in the useless, you can have more advantages! ”

Ron drew his wand, panting heavily, pointing his hands at Ginny with trembling.

Harry quickly stood in the middle to prevent “brother and sister filial piety” and “brother and sister respectful”.

Ron tried to get around Harry and give Ginny a solid shot, but Harry stopped him.

He exclaimed:

“What nonsense are you talking about! Slander me! Just because I’m not in public—!”

Ginny let out a harsh jeer, and she turned on the True Musou mowing mode.

“Who wants to make out with you in public?

Was it the splotches that the wormtail became? Or the picture of Aunt Muriel you hide under your pillow? ! ”

“You!!” Ron’s eyes were red, and he raised his hand with a spell.

Harry raised his arm, and the bright orange light was reversed and hit Ginny just inches away.

Harry hurriedly pushed Ron against the wall and shouted:

“What are you doing, are you crazy, Ron? That’s your sister!”

Ginny was reluctant, but there was already a cry in her voice:

“When my mother went to school, I went on a date with my father and only returned to the lounge in the middle of the night.

Cedric had also made out with Cho, in Madame Paddy’s teahouse.

Also, Hermione and William. About our age, I heard Annie say they’ll be engaged when William graduates next year. ”

“Only you, Ron, see this as disgusting.

That’s because of your experience, it’s not as good as a cat like Bobo Tea!

You’d better be a bachelor for the rest of your life! ”

After she finished speaking, she walked away angrily.

Harry let go of Ron, and both were stunned.

Are William and Hermione getting engaged?

The first thing Harry thought about was how much money he should bring;

Ron stood there, gasping for breath.

Later, Filch’s cat Miss Alice appeared in the corner, breaking the tense atmosphere.

Miss Norris, who apparently went with Bobo Tea on a date.

It seemed that Ginny was right, their experience was indeed inferior to that of a cat.

“Come on, Filch should be here in a minute,” Harry said.

They left the hallway and went back to the party again.

At this time, during the party, something happened again.

Many people from outside the school came to the school, and the security work was naturally done very carefully.

Can’t be admitted without an invitation.

Malfoy slipped in and was caught by Filch.

“Never mind, Argus.” Slughorn waved.

“It’s not a sin to want to go to the party. Forget it this time, not next time. Draco, you can stay.”

Malfoy smiled and thanked Slughorn.

“Nothing, nothing.” Slughorn waved his hand and said, “After all, I knew your grandfather…”

“He’s always complimented you, sir,” Malfoy flattered immediately, checking William’s location.

He didn’t want to kill people when he started doing it for a while.

“My grandpa also said that you are the best potions expert he knows…”

If Snape was here, it would probably sound familiar, because Draco had said the same to him.

Fortunately, he doesn’t know where to hide now.

Draco didn’t see William~www.readwn.com~ but Harry saw Draco.

From Harry’s point of view, choosing a girlfriend is very simple… There are autumn elections in autumn, gold in autumn, no gold in autumn, little Malfoy.

Now that Qiu and Jin were not around, Harry resolutely forgot the unpleasantness just now and moved towards Malfoy.

In the past six months, he has paid attention to this kid for a long time, and even thought that he became a Death Eater, or the murderer who attacked Katie.

Be sure to approach him now and eavesdrop on his first-hand conversation.

But Slughorn was trying to get rid of Draco.

Although he used to have a good relationship with Grandpa Draco, Lucius was a Death Eater and was in prison.

Now that he chose Dumbledore and William, he should stay away from the Death Eater family.

So seeing Harry approaching, he immediately walked towards Harry and Ron.

Draco stared fiercely at Harry and Ron, and apparently heard Peeves propaganda that Harry invited Ron to the party.

A house-elf stumbled over, as if drunk.

Slughorn beckoned and picked up a bottle of oak-aged mead from his plate.

“Come on, have some, I like this kind of wine the most.”

Slughorn poured three glasses of wine and handed them to Harry and Malfoy.

Seeing Ron beside Harry again, he poured him a glass and said, “You don’t look very well, Ralph—”

“It’s Ron!” Harry whispered.

Ron didn’t care, he hadn’t recovered from the wave of taunts Ginny had just received.

He was holding the glass, wanting to get drunk, and before Slughorn could raise it, he poured it into his mouth and swallowed it.

For a moment, Ron felt his ears buzzing, as if all troubles were gone.

Ron dropped the cup and fell to the ground. His limbs spasmed violently, he foamed at the mouth, and his eyes bulged.

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