A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1030

Vol 7 Chapter 91: Panicked Snape

Seeing Ron foaming at the mouth, as if he had rabies…

Harry thought it was Ginny’s charm of words that gave Ron 4396 damage, plus 443 critical hits.

And Ron’s defense is only humble to 58.

As a result, he almost kicked his legs, covered with a white cloth, blew the suona, and the whole school came to eat.

But of course that’s impossible, Ron was just poisoned, nothing to do with Ginny.

It is a colorless, odorless poison that has passed its shelf life.

So the question is, is the expired poison expired, or is the poison added to the poison?

Anyway, there is no chance to verify it. There are three potion masters at the scene, so I can’t see if Ron can survive it.

So Ron was lucky. Although he was poisoned, whether it was William, Slughorn or Snape, any one of them would be enough to save him.

The latter two might be caught off guard, but not William, since Malfoy appeared, he knew the other party wanted to poison.

Both sides have maintained sufficient tacit understanding.

It’s just that Ron didn’t expect it to be the unlucky one.

After Ron was rescued, he was immediately transferred to the school hospital for continued examination by Madam Pomfrey.

And the party ended in shock.

Many people thought that this was the poison of the insiders present, and they were going to take them all in one pot.

Sure enough, the enemy is at Honneng Temple!

So the question is, who is this “enemy”?

The house-elf is ecstasy, just a scapegoat, and the murderer is someone else.

Slughorn didn’t know that the wizards he invited were all he believed.

But it’s hard to say, it’s impossible to tell who has been hit with the Imperius Curse these days.

So, Slughorn didn’t dare to hold a party anymore, his life was at stake!

This wave is good news for William, who can’t bear harassment.

Harry showed his sharpness as always.

Or rather, indecisive, little Malfoy.

Draco is about to become a new generation of pot king, don’t care, in Harry’s eyes, it’s all Malfoy’s fault.

Well, he did, but Harry had no proof.

So he temporarily dropped his investigation of Snape and his mother Lily, and started stalking Malfoy.

Too bad he didn’t get the chance at all.

Because it wasn’t just Harry who was looking for Malfoy recently, it was Professor Snape.

Young wizards can often see that Snape frequently seeks out Malfoy and calls it: tutoring.

As the most fertile land for rumors, it spread within a few days:

After Malfoy was put in jail, Snape wanted to father Draco and be his father!

in the twilight,

Dumbledore and Snape wandered the deserted castle grounds together.

There were small hailstones rustling in the sky, but neither of them used magic to block them, but let the particles hit their bodies.

Dumbledore seemed to like the feeling, and he reached for the hailstone, as happy as a child.

Snape, on the other hand, was so preoccupied that he didn’t notice his hair, which was already white.

From a distance, it looks more like two old people walking.

The snow was fluttering and the north wind was howling, but neither of them was actually too cold.

Dumbledore, who was getting older, was wearing thick clothes and wool socks that Annie had knitted him on his feet.

Very warm.

Even though Snape was only wearing a thin black robe, as if he was showing off, he was actually secretly in his underwear, wearing the Akali store’s warm-up badge that William had given him.

Of course, he definitely won’t say anything to the outside world, and he still maintains a high degree of coldness.

It’s just that he, who has been smoking above his head, exposed all this.

Of course Dumbledore would not take the initiative to expose this arrogant man, he whispered:

“How, that boy, Severus?”

“Very well, Draco is very talented in Occlumency, at least much smarter than Potter.” Snape said coldly.

“But aren’t you afraid that he will use it against us after he learns it?”

Snape was worried that Draco was also acting as a double agent.

On the surface, he was carrying out Voldemort’s tasks, pretending to submit to them behind his back, but in fact he was still working for Voldemort.

Mission Impossible Mission Impossible!

As a double agent Snape, he is the ancestor of this business, and naturally no one trusts him very much.

“Don’t worry, William will persuade the boy.” Dumbledore smiled.

“Draco has a deep affection for his father, he’s not bad by nature, just keep teaching him Occlumency.

This also counts as fulfilling your vow with Narcissa. ”

During the summer vacation, Narcissa once found Snape and made an unbreakable oath with him:

Ask Snape to help Draco.

Snape was now teaching Draco Occlumency, which was in William’s interest, but on the surface, he was also completing his agreement with Narcissa.

“You came to me, didn’t you just want to discuss this?” Dumbledore asked.

Snape was silent for a long time, and finally said:

“Potter may have discovered…my relationship with Lily…”

He told Dumbledore about the party.

The old man sighed and said, “I ignored Horace… There’s nothing I can do.

You and Lily are friends. With this kind of relationship, there will be traces left, and it is impossible to have no insiders.

Harry will find out sooner or later. ”

Snape’s face was heavy, and he said angrily, “He will definitely go back and ask Penny!”

Although Snape didn’t like Lily’s sister, and the two even had a bad relationship, she certainly remembered him.

“You help me write a warning letter to Penny, or amend her memory!”

“With all due respect, Severus.” Dumbledore stopped and sighed.

“You’re just kidding yourself, as you said, Harry already knew about your relationship with Lily.

He went back just to confirm, and it was useless for Penny to forget everything! ”

“It’s useless!” Snape insisted, “I once begged the Dark Lord to spare Lily’s death.

He only knew that I wanted to get Lily, but he didn’t know that we were together and had a deep relationship.

If he knew these details, he would definitely be suspicious of me and wouldn’t trust me so much.

And Potter asked Penny that the Dark Lord could connect directly to his mind! ”

“No, Voldemort is afraid of that connection.” Dumbledore said ~www.readwn.com~ The Ministry of Mysteries Division was ambushed by William not long ago, and he was already afraid of being deceived again.

Also, if he wanted to enter Harry’s mind, he would experience pain like never before.

He’s not trying to get into Harry’s mind, I’m sure. ”

“I don’t understand!” Snape shook his head.

“Voldemort’s soul is incomplete, he can’t get close to Harry’s soul, it’s like tongue sticking to frozen steel, flesh touching fire…” Dumbledore explained.

Voldemort got Harry’s blood and could indeed touch Harry physically.

But the broken soul is still not good, he can’t attach to Harry, and he can’t spy on his mind.

This is also the reason why Harry didn’t learn Occlumency, and Dumbledore still assured him of the Horcrux.

Fear of Voldemort finding out was just an excuse.

Snape’s real reason was to let Harry discover his relationship with Lily.

Therefore, Dumbledore’s explanation could not convince Snape, he shouted: “You promised me back then, you swore…”

“Yes, I promised you, Severus.” Dumbledore sighed, looking at Snape’s agitated and painful face.

“I swore never to tell the best of you, especially not to Harry.

I’m tight-lipped, but this is what he found out on his own.

We can’t stop what’s coming, and we can’t master everything, can we? ”

Dumbledore paused slightly, stared at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said slowly:

“Besides, what if Harry knew?

I never felt that the past between you and Lily was an unspeakable thing. ”

“We should remember what happened: good, bad, who’s alive…who’s gone.”

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