A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1156

Vol 7 Chapter 69: New Death, New World (Finale!)

This hurried fall,

For everyone, it is destined to be an unforgettable memory.

First, the British Wizarding War came to an abrupt end, the Death Eaters were defeated, and Voldemort died;

Then, a murderous three-generation Dark Lord emerged. After destroying the Vatican, he destroyed four cities in seven days;

The most terrifying thing is that in one day, they were hit by meteorites, earthquakes and floods.

The meteorite didn’t fall, and the tremor had disappeared, but this flood… actually happened.

The first place to start is Constantinople.

In the afterglow of the sunset, a golden horn is dyed into a golden bay. Along the beach, there are many fishing men sitting.

As a professional fisherman, I didn’t catch a single fish, but I suddenly saw the Sea of Marmara spewing a column of water hundreds of meters high.

That water column is not sea water, but… blood water.

The red blood water, like a dye, reddened the Marmara Sea at the fastest speed.

Climb up to the world like the ghost of hell.

Standing on St. Sophie’s Cathedral, believers leaned over and looked over, corpses piled high in blood.

There are hundreds, maybe thousands; some still have a breath left, writhing and struggling in pain, enduring unimaginable ways of dying…

And that smear of blood red spread toward the Mediterranean Sea, like a sea of fire spreading in the countryside.

“God, is this your divine punishment?!”

The devout believer fell to his knees, begging God’s forgiveness.

But they don’t know that God is dead…beheaded by mortals.

Standing on an open plain, William, badly injured and somewhat shaky, still raised his wand.

The hundred-meter basilisk stared at the young man who suddenly appeared with orange pupils.

Looking directly into the eyes of a basilisk, the wizard will die instantly.

This basilisk bred by the **** of death, with a body size of 100 meters, can instantly petrify a city.

But William couldn’t avoid it at the moment, looking directly at the snake’s pupil, the magic of the snake monster didn’t work for him.

Even in those calm eyes, the basilisk turned his head in fear, not daring to look at him.

It has already felt the death of its master, and killed the man of the **** of death… How could it not be afraid!

“Look straight at me, cub!”

William seemed to be angry, and his voice exploded in the ears of the basilisk.

He raised his wand high, and the broken trident stabbed down from the sky and pinned into the basilisk’s back.

After dealing with the little pet left by the **** of death, William sat on the ground and exhaled a long breath, finally having a chance to catch his breath.

After killing the **** of death, William appeared here immediately to reinforce Dumbledore and Newt.

In fact, he is also at the end of the turret, like a paper tiger, he can’t stand another battle.

But trapping this basilisk can still be done.

There were footsteps behind him, and Dumbledore and Newt came.

If there are no two old people to contain this basilisk, the battle with the **** of death will definitely be defeated.

Newt looked at William’s exhausted back, and suddenly felt a sense of infinity.

Who dares to believe that the **** of death will die at the hands of this young man?

Before Newt left, he had already bid farewell to Tina with the determination to die.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that William is the second Merlin, right?

Dumbledore didn’t say a word, he bent down and sat on the ground, and suddenly asked, “William, how long can you hold on?”

William turned his head in amazement, looked at the headmaster, and then looked at the sky.

above the sky,

The black clouds became heavier and heavier, and they became lower and lower, and the lightning, thick as a hugged tree, rolled wildly.

black cloud tops,

Rain is coming.

As if the sky was pierced!

The **** of death wants everyone to be buried with you…not just casually.

He has been a **** of death for more than 2,000 years, and he has become one with the underworld. There are too many places where he can do things.

Not only is the Styx water pouring, but the sky is about to fall… Styx rain!

In places that others can’t see, there are lines of silver that stretch across the sky like a French net.

William used his last strength to freeze the entire sky, which prevented the rain from pouring down like a waterfall.

But he’s in such a bad state now that he can’t last long at all.

However, Professor Dumbledore has no reason to know this.

In order to kill God, William stayed in the time loop for too long, and his strength was completely detached too much.

In other words, he wanted to kill Voldemort now… just one move.

His condition, Professor Dumbledore should not be able to feel.

William still answered honestly: “It can only last for half an hour.”

“Half an hour…” Dumbledore pondered and said calmly, “William, where’s the resurrection stone?”

On Easter, William was given the Resurrection Stone, but Dumbledore didn’t touch it, for fear of being obsessed.

At this moment, he took the initiative to mention it.

William didn’t know why, so he took out the stone and handed it to the old man.

Dumbledore put it in the palm of his hand and stared at it for a long time.

He searched for the resurrection stone all his life and finally touched it for the first time, but instead of summoning the undead, he calmly said:

“William, there is another way to stop all this, stop the Styx from falling, and stop the destruction of mankind…”

William realized something, and he said seriously:

“Professor Dumbledore, we can stop this…”

“Perhaps, but after that?” Dumbledore asked rhetorically:

“The **** of death is gone, and his responsibilities are still there. Someone must keep the underworld forever and maintain the order of life and death.”

The old man stroked the resurrection stone, his eyes blurred, and he whispered:

“I was terrified, afraid that one day Gellert would come back to life, only to find that we had failed and the world had been destroyed.”

“But professor, to become a **** of death, you must stay in the underworld forever!” William urged hurriedly:

“Not a year, two years, ten years, a hundred years… but a thousand years, ten thousand years,



No relatives, friends, only yourself! ! ”

“William, I’m not afraid of death, let alone loneliness.”

Dumbledore straightened his back and looked up at the sky, like a dying person who was about to die, but was extremely calm.

“My father is dead, my mother is dead, my sister is dead, Gellert Grindelwald is dead, and my friends are almost dead.

do you know? The good thing about getting older is that you have less to lose. ”

Dumbledore raised his hand, and I don’t know when, the sickle and axe of the **** of death appeared in his hand.

After the death of the **** of death, the wizard who controls these two weapons can choose whether to become a new god.

William refused.

But Dumbledore didn’t.

The scene of Merlin appearing in front of him not long ago came to his mind.

Merlin asked out loud:

“Stark doesn’t want to pick it up, Gaunt is about to travel far, Dumbledore is willing to become a **** of death and guard the world forever?”

He is willing to protect the world!

Dumbledore raised his scythe and axe.

In an instant, the scattered magic power from heaven and earth gathered together and poured into his soul at the same time.

The smile on the old man’s vicissitudes face was extremely open-minded and said with a smile:

“William, I’ll leave Hogwarts to you!”

William nodded, his lips trembled, and his voice sighed: “I will.”

Dumbledore stretched out his hand and patted his head lightly:

“My son, death is just another great adventure.

There are gatherings and separations, fate comes and goes, don’t be sad for me. ”

He lifted the Philosopher’s Stone and turned it three times in his hand.

A weak girl appeared not far away, she let out a crisp laugh, and her eyes were like crescent moons.

“Big brother!”

“Ariana?” Dumbledore looked at the girl with a very gentle expression at this moment.

The old man was finally satisfied, as if saying goodbye to everyone, he whispered softly:

“I won’t forget my old friends; I won’t forget every word I said; I won’t forget every day.

I’ll always remember… I’m Albus Dumbledore! ”

The new **** of death raised his axe and scythe, his arms swung out suddenly.

The phantoms of the sickle and axe moved out, and then disappeared in a flash.

These two weapons that have been enlarged countless times, one is like a barrier, blocking all the river water flowing into the world;

One cut off all the channels between the underworld and the human world.

Dumbledore disappeared in place.

There is no Albus in the world,


grim Reaper!


Avalon Island.

Looking at the newly appeared Death Island in the distance, Gaunt was also infinitely sighed.

When the **** of death, who had calculated on him for hundreds of years and separated his wife and children, was really dead, he felt so unreal.

There is no joy in getting revenge, but a complicated mood.

As for being a Grim Reaper, Gaunt certainly didn’t have the idea.

Merlin, the Big Four, and even Stark… are not willing to be the **** of death.

He was so used to it, how could he be willing to be bound?

grim Reaper,

grim Reaper!

To say that it is God is actually more of a responsibility.

And responsibility brings, often endless pain.

He does not have the ability to take this responsibility.

“What about you, are you going to cross the end of the Styx to the other side?”

Gaunt looked at Vivian, his actual sister-in-law.

“Go, of course I’m going!” Vivian’s eyes flashed, and she said coldly:

“I want to find Merlin and ask him why he didn’t take me away!”

Gaunt rolled his eyes and reminded in a low voice, “Aren’t you brothers and sisters?”

“My body has long since been destroyed. If I recreate a body, I will have no blood connection with Merlin!”


Good guy… Gaunt was speechless for a moment.

This German orthopaedic department… Does changing the body solve the ethical problem?

“Then let’s go.” Gaunt shrugged.

After all, what happened to the aunt and uncle… it’s none of his business.

“I’m not going.” Babu Ling, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

“What?” the old man turned his head and stared. “Then where do you want to go? When your mother is resurrected, our family will be in order again…”

“I’m going back to get something.” Babelin stared into the distance in a trance. “The protector is still there.”

How could Gaunt not understand his daughter’s thoughts, he said angrily:

“Staying in this world, except for the **** of death, no matter what method others use…

Even if you can live for a thousand years, two thousand years, you will eventually fall into darkness and hesitation, and your life will be completely exhausted.

Only after crossing the end of the Styx will you truly live forever! ”

“Daughter, you have no future here, only death!”

This time it was Vivian’s turn to watch the play, she said with a wicked smile:

“Stay now, but it’s not impossible to leave later.

Then again, if you like it, go after it. Look at me and Merlin. ”

Gaunt glared back at her.

He hasn’t enjoyed the joy of family, and he wants to hug a big fat grandson soon!

Babelin blushed suddenly and defended, “I didn’t like it…”

“Yes, don’t like Stark, let me tell you, he is not a good thing.” Gaunt said quickly:

“I’ve been watching him for a long time, don’t look at that kid who seems to have only one girlfriend, Hermione Granger.

But he had an ambiguous relationship with the half-breed Veela named Furong.

There is also a female werewolf who calls him master every day… tsk tsk, it’s not as good as a beast.

And I think about that, and the Venetian witch Terenei.

and also……”

Gaunt babbled on, telling all the witches William could relate to.

He even mentioned Rita Skeeter.

Babbling rolled her eyes and ignored him.

Gaunt really wanted to kill Stark now.

Why didn’t the **** of death die with that kid?

“Hey, take care of yourself.” Gaunt finally sighed and threw the Ark of the Covenant to Babu Ling.

After the talisman shattered, Gaunt saved her by placing her heart in the Ark of the Golden Covenant.

“That’s fine.” Vivian smiled and lowered her head: “I promised William before that I would hand Arya to him.

I’ll leave this body, Babelin, take Arya back with you. ”

Gunter added a mouthful and said, “One more woman! Scumbag!”

The three suddenly looked into the distance, and the former new Death Island was completely formed.

An old man with flowing silver-white hair and beard, wearing a gray robe and a gray pointed hat, stood by the Styx River.

Everyone nodded to the old man.

In any case, Dumbledore’s willingness to be Death, to guard this place, is the real…great.

After they left, Dumbledore raised the Elder Wand, the elder wand, and turned it into a seed.

Every **** of death will plant a tree.

The tree will take root in the underworld, and it is also where the soul of the **** of death is, and it is also where the gate of life sits.

Once cut off, it will die.

Dumbledore planted the seeds and watered them with Styx water.

He decided to name the tree:

Gellert Grindelwald!

From then on, they will always accompany each other until… vicissitudes.

William opened his eyes slowly.

Awakened by a thud.

He snapped his fingers, the bedside lamp came on, and squinted to look at the environment, and then he remembered that he was in his room.

After Dumbledore became Death, he left the battlefield and returned to his home in the village of Autry San Catchipole.

He had slept for an unknown amount of time, and Hermione had already woken up, only her long brown curly hair remained on the pillow.

William stretched his back. He seemed to have had a long dream. The boy in the dream received a letter from an owl.

The thumping sound from the balcony became louder and louder. William had to put on his clothes, opened the curtains, and pushed open the balcony door.

The sun hurt his eyes, William raised his right hand, slightly blocking the light, and looked towards the balcony.

It turned out to be Bobo Tea, who was confronting an owl and seemed to want to pounce on it.

The scene is the same as before!

William was in a trance for a moment.

He went to the balcony and took the letter from the owl’s claws.

The address is Hogwarts.

“Hey, brother, come down quickly!” A sweet voice suddenly sounded from downstairs.

William leaned over with his hands on the railing and saw Anne waving to him.

There were still many people in the yard, Hermione, Fleur, Mormont, Gabriel… all surrounding Luna.

William jumped directly, fell in front of everyone, and asked curiously, “What are you doing?”

Luna looked up and looked at him from behind the large colored glasses.

“Writing a book, I told you before, interested in your adventures.”

William thought for a while, as if such a thing happened. He thought Luna was joking, but he didn’t think so!

This can’t be fixed for William.

He rubbed his chin and asked, “Have you thought about the title of the book?”

“I’ve got a name!” Hermione said proudly, tilting her head, “”Hermione and Her Useful Boyfriend.”


Why does it sound like it’s ghs?

He thought for a moment, then suddenly suggested, “Otherwise, it’s called “A Certain Magical Hogwarts”?”

Everyone unanimously passed, ruthlessly discarding Hermione’s title.

A group of girls were there discussing stories, and when William walked to the river, Hermione followed.

The reeds swayed gently in the wind, and the reeds fell on the ground like goose feathers.

“What’s wrong with my name!” Hermione asked.

“Your ability to name a name is not much different from your cooking skills.” William turned his head and smiled with a gentle expression:

“In the future, should I come up with the names of our son and daughter?

Otherwise, they will be laughed at by their classmates when they enter Hogwarts. ”

Hermione snorted coldly~www.readwn.com~ raised her chin high and blushed:

“Who said I’m going to marry you!”

“But I even have the name of our son.” William held back his smile, raised his head, and sighed softly:

“If you don’t marry me, I’ll marry someone else.”

Hermione stretched out her fingers, gently twisted William’s waist, and said angrily, “You dare!”

William grabbed the girl’s hand, held it in the palm of his hand, and said softly:

“Hermione, I will definitely give you the biggest wedding ever.”

Hermione, whose ears were red, rested her head lightly on William’s shoulder.

A messenger owl streaks across the sky.

– Complete the book


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