A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1157

: Finish This Testimonial

From December 10, 2019, to the end of August 26, 2021, it took one year and eight months, and the final word count was fixed at 2.71 million words.

In general, except for the last two months, Ya Ya did not get hard, but she was still very “hard-working”, at least guaranteeing a guaranteed minimum of 4,000 words.

Sure enough, Yaya is still very durable, and is good at fighting positional warfare and endurance warfare. (Pinch your waist proudly!)

Regardless, for better or worse, this book is finally over.

Staying up late for a long time can be said to be exhausted physically and mentally, and people will be drained. But it was also empty, like a friend who had known for a long time had left.

As Nicole Lemay said:

“I don’t like the ending…”

(Hey, seems to have found a reason for a eunuch.)

Of course, this hypocrisy is probably because my writing career is too short, only two books. But it has finally completely evolved from a cute new to an old flutter.

Going back to this book… It’s the same sentence. When I was watching Harry Potter, almost all the authors made an agreement, or the invisible world line was constrained…

Most of them are in the fifth and sixth grades. Eunuchs rarely persist until the seventh grade, let alone finish the book.

I am very happy to announce that Ya Ya has successfully completed the book and will continue to maintain the record of not being too prisoner.

Of course, the end is not the most important thing, the important thing is to be able to tell a story completely, with a beginning and an end, and not collapse.

I think I didn’t collapse, and I have filled all the holes that should be filled.

Whether it’s the Deathly Hallows, the Golden Coffin, the Big Four, Gaunt, the God of Death…

He also successfully finished telling a barely interesting story.

The heart of the story is the **** of death.

Collect all the Deathly Hallows to become the master of the God of Death——

This sentence appeared in the original text.

I don’t think any reader who likes HP would want to enter this magical world or get the Deathly Hallows.

Such a powerful and mysterious weapon.

But there are only three Deathly Hallows in the original book, and they all have owners, so why not have more?

Since there are several more Deathly Hallows, there must be someone who made it… Why can’t the **** of death exist?

As a result, the outline of this book appeared, and a final boss with a higher level and stronger strength than Voldemort appeared.

That is the **** of death.

That’s how the story started.

There is also the magic of love that Lily used, which runs through the original book and plays a very important role, but it seems that only Lily has used it.

I just raised it to a very high level and turned it into a so-called prehistoric mystery.

Whether it’s the **** of death, or the power of prehistoric mysteries… it should still fit well with the HP worldview.

Not like adding a Cthulhu or linking up with Marvel… so abrupt.

There are so many story lines, and the rest is just stitching.

The content of each volume is about 300,000 to 400,000 words, basically keeping the same rhythm as Aunt Rowling.

Of course, there are also a lot of deleted plots. I even thought about a national war in the last volume.

William in the UK and Europe, Arya in Egypt and the Middle East, Little Tom in North America…and then the WWI.

Of course, it was deleted. I was too weak to grasp this kind of plot.

Another feature of the novel in the original book is that she likes to foreshadow… Aunt Rowling is simply a master of it.

For example, Trelawney, the God of Eternal Drops… Her predictions have basically been fulfilled, not only in the mode of true prophecy, but also when she is sober.

She is a person who speaks the truth.

The prophecy of this novel, of course, is also true.

For example, the prophecy that William read in the bookstore in the second volume.

Oh, cold-hearted Demon King!

O broken soul!

The self-imposed exile back then,

Reborn from the gift of death.

At the time, many readers speculated that it was Grindelwald or Voldemort. Looking back now, it actually meant little Tom.

As a broken soul, he was exiled by the Dark Lord, and finally, in the gift of Death (Deathly Hallows), his soul was made whole again.

And that place.

“Trelawney dramatically pulled out a tarot card from under the layers of capes.

It was a death card.

“Cut down trees, imprisoned men,” she murmured. “Death, misfortune, getting closer and closer… Dumbledore.”

In the original book, Professor Trelawney gave Dumbledore a divination for a tower card.

The card face of the tower depicts a tower that towers into the clouds, which was destroyed by lightning, and someone fell from the collapsed tower.

This also corresponds to the death of Dumbledore in the original book.

Here, I changed it to a death card.

The tree that was cut down refers to the elder tree that was cut down by the **** of death. The man who was imprisoned was Dumbledore, implying that he became a new **** of death.

Therefore, Dumbledore became the **** of death, which was foreshadowed several volumes ago.

In fact, this argument has always been prevalent abroad. Rowling also replied

“Dumbledore is death? It’s romantic and beautiful, and it’s apt.”

Of course, these are all settings that I personally think are good, and it may also be my self-improvement.

As a punter, after talking about the advantages, there are more disadvantages of this book.

You don’t need to scold me to know: there are too many stalks, too many cars, and the first volume stretches across, many of which are similar to the original.

After I wrote it, I also discovered this problem, and it has even inevitably affected the results of this book.

But when I found out that I had written a lot of books, I could only bite the bullet and continue to maintain this style.

Some things do not suffer a loss, and they will not learn a lesson. The next one will definitely pay special attention.

As for the extras, this book will definitely be written.

(Smiling, I said the same thing in my last book.)

There are still many unexplained stories, a wedding of William and Hermione.

There is also the story of William and Hermione’s son Gellert, the first time to see Harry’s son (crossed out) and daughter Abby… I’m excited to think about it.

(Snape: Lily’s eyes? I’m excited too.)

As Dumbledore, the **** of death, how to manage the underworld, Anne went to visit him.

Thinking of this, I feel like I can write another book. (joke)

As for the next book, some readers may also know that Yaya graduate students are about to graduate and want to write a dissertation.

Alas, I haven’t started writing yet~www.readwn.com~ I haven’t been to the office in the last few days, and I’ve been busy writing novels.

When I go back, I don’t know how to be criticized by the boss.

So, the new book will be a little later, probably in December.

Allow me to finish writing my thesis, take a good rest for a while, and save some manuscripts. I have no choice.

The next book is still a fan, and I don’t know which fan to choose.

Take Hokage Uemoto, for example, the writing is too rubbish, I also have the urge to write, and also write the idea of pirates, and Marvel…

In the end, thanks to my editor-in-chief, Xiao Yuanjiang, I wrote two books, both in her hands. Madoka resigned a few days ago, but she didn’t expect to lose her role as editor.

Thank you for your help.

The last one is the best, thanks to the readers who have always supported it.

Your subscriptions are my biggest motivation and my parents. (bow)

The readers who have given the reward are even more grateful, especially the one silver leader and the five leaders.

The chapters owed by this book are not yet finished. (Slide kneeling on the toilet)

After the end of the flower, the rivers and lakes are far away, see you in the next book!

——Love your crow


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