A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 136

Vol 2 Chapter 36: Unscrupulous Reporter

Professor McGonagall walked in on time, but she was full of rage.

In the morning, another horrific incident of student pranks took place at the Slytherin table.

But she didn’t catch who it was… Although she had reason to suspect two or three people, especially the twin brothers, she had no evidence.

Professor McGonagall took out the bottle and found a beetle crawling inside. Today’s first lesson is about turning these beetles into Turners.

Many little wizards complained in a low voice that they had completely forgotten the content of the previous semester, and everyone thought that the first class of the new semester was just a casual chat about the content of the summer vacation and it was over.

“You are already second-year students, and you will be taking classes for your third-year next year. After that, the fifth-grade general wizard test is not far away, so you must keep your spirits up.

At the end of last semester, many students’ grades were a mess! “Professor McGonagall said sternly.

William and Qiu looked at each other. It seems that the business of referring to the answer should be ended as soon as possible. If things get bigger, it will be a big deal.

Everyone got a beetle, and everyone put it on the table and began to transform.

Professor McGonagall kept talking about the key points, but many students looked at her in confusion.

They knew every word that Professor McGonagall said, but they couldn’t understand it at all.

Qiu poked around with the wand, and after a long time, she just let the beetles exercise, and the beetles ran around the table dodging the wand, but she couldn’t light it.

Marietta was even worse, pinching the beetle in her hand, trying to silence him.

But she underestimated her own strength, overestimated the beetle’s defense ability, and directly flattened the beetle.

Marietta had to go and ask for another one, and Professor McGonagall was not very happy.

McGonagall kept swaying in the classroom, the low pressure was like Snape, and many people shivered.

The professors at Hogwarts have probably exchanged their experience with each other. They are proficient in psychology, micro-expressions, satire, and know how to use the simplest actions and words to frighten the little wizards.

“Mr. Mason, Turner won’t crawl around.”

“Miss Kaslana, you have killed fifteen beetles, are you going to roast them on skewers?”

“Mr. Bach, Turner doesn’t have so many feet!”

Professor McGonagall kept reprimanding those ineffective little wizards.

Soon, Hufflepuff’s Sharby turned the beetle into Turner, causing a burst of exclamation.

But he just took out his Turner and pretended to be successful, was spotted by Professor McGonagall, deducted 15 points from him, and wrote a review of the integrity-beetle connection.

William took his wand and, at will, turned the beetle into a brand new Turner that looked exactly like the real thing.

Everyone exclaimed.

Professor McGonagall was very satisfied, she nodded, but still said stingly: “One point for Ravenclaw!”

Try not to give William extra points, which has formed a general consensus among professors.

If other little wizards can do such things as William, it is very easy.

The Academy Cup is set up to encourage everyone to answer more questions, but not to give someone points.

With a scoring machine like William, other students are not opponents at all, and he can only be restricted from continuing to give Ravenclaw.

After the long torture, the bell finally rang, and Professor McGonagall laid out the paper on animals becoming objects, which had to be filled with two pieces of parchment.

Everyone wailed, but fortunately there was no ord in the magical world, and Professor McGonagall couldn’t ask for the use of a small four. They could also try to make the parchment as plump as possible by changing the font size.

William’s homework was waived by Professor McGonagall. She thought that William shouldn’t waste time on such a simple thing, he deserves to learn more.

William’s current Transfiguration level was suddenly raised in some weird way. Professor McGonagall didn’t know the time cycle, and only thought that he was an awakening of talent.

After class, William was kept by Professor McGonagall.

“I heard Headmaster Dumbledore tell me, do you want to study Animagus?”

Professor McGonagall took William towards her office.

But it was very crowded along the way, and they rarely encountered traffic jams.

The boy who survived the disaster appeared, um… He just got up not long ago and was going to the auditorium for lunch.

But Harry clearly underestimated his influence, and the whispers had been following him from the moment he walked out of the dormitory.

Before reaching the auditorium, the road ahead was completely blocked, and many students stood on tiptoes, wanting to see his true face.

Mag pursed his lips, his face was serious, and after a while he said loudly: “Get out of the way for me, whoever is doing this, I will deduct points!”

Professor McGonagall usually punishes students without deducting points. This is Professor Snape’s skill. She likes to use her eyes to let the other party know that they are wrong.

But at this time, she also has to open her mouth and shut her mouth, which means deducting points.

After being expelled by Professor McGonagall, the crowd of onlookers dispersed slightly.

Ron squeezed next to Harry, looking a little excited. It was the first time he had encountered such a scene, especially when he was surrounded by a large number of people.

Generally, few people notice him.

Holding a map of Hogwarts, he said loudly to Harry: “The Great Hall is on the first floor, we should take the stairs over there.

This map is really good, Harry, you should really buy one. ”

Professor McGonagall frowned and stopped: “Mr. Weasley, wait a minute.”

“What’s the matter, Professor.” Ron stepped back in fear.

“Show me the map in your hand.”

“Oh, okay.” Ron was at a loss, but handed it carefully.

Professor McGonagall holds a map with a line on top: Akali’s Mystery Shop.

On the parchment, the complex floors of Hogwarts are suddenly revealed, and there is an origin next to it, which reads Ron Weasley.

She took the wand and clicked on the map, and soon there seemed to be a large invisible hand, and a line of words was written on it.

“Warning! This map is sold by Akali Mystery Shop. If you try to snoop on commercial secrets and violate intellectual property rights, you will fall into self-destruction mode.”

McGonagall asked in surprise, “Mr. Weasley, where did you get this map from?”

“Fred gave it to me, what’s wrong professor, is there a problem?” Ron shrank back in fear, he thought it was a prohibited item.

“No problem, but this map… doesn’t look like it was made by a little wizard.”

“Professor McGonagall, this map is the main product of our Akali Magic Shop.” William keenly discovered the business opportunity and immediately said loudly.

“This is also a generation of products jointly developed by our team.”

“Oh, is it?” Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow.

The little wizards who had time to completely disperse all around, gathered around again, tying up a few people for the sake of it.

“Professor, what do you think of this map?” William asked.

“Not bad.” Professor McGonagall looked at it for a while and was full of praise for the map.

McGonagall curiously held the map in his hand and provided William with professional advice.

“William, your Transfiguration is already very good, but the details are still a little off. For example, these stairs are seriously distorted.”

“And your confidentiality, if a wizard with a strong Confusion Curse will be able to release the control of this map.

Of course, I dare say you still have a parent map, remote monitoring of these sub-maps, genius idea…”

William waved his wand, and a piece of parchment and a quill floated in the air.

The quill scribbled quickly on the paper~www.readwn.com~ Harry tiptoed, glanced at the parchment, opened his mouth wide at the content.

“Professor McGonagall and Akali Mystery Shop had a friendly meeting and exchanged practical opinions.

Overall, this is a good map that Professor McGonagall said.

She commented on the quality of teaching at Hogwarts today with an extremely critical eye, believing that too many little wizards spend their precious time on finding their way.

This is also the main reason for the sharp drop in students’ grades in the last semester.

Professor McGonagall recommends that everyone have a map.

Look for the magic map of Hogwarts, and love life more than the map, so the wizard should treat himself better…”

Harry was stunned.

Is that what Professor McGonagall said? Could it be that he just lost his mind and missed a paragraph?

(Thanks to “Hehehehe Jia”, “Fengling Fifteen”, “Book Friends 20190901005004087”

, a reward from the three bosses.

I still owe one update, and I will pay it back tomorrow. (????????))

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