A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 137

Vol 2 Chapter 37: The Disaster Of The Weasleys 3

William walked into the office and sat down on a chair.

Professor McGonagall carried William on his back and found it in the row of bookshelves.

“I originally did not recommend that you study Animagus at this age. I only started preparing in the third year, and under the guidance of Professor Dumbledore, it took a year to complete it.

However, William, your Transfiguration level is already very high, and I will do my best to help you. ”

Professor McGonagall took out an old book from the corner and handed it to William.

“This book of “Deep Transfiguration” was used by me back then, and this book can also be found in the library.

However, in the chapter of Animagus, there are some notes I took from that year. You can take a look at it first. ”

William thanked and took it carefully.

Professor McGonagall was one of only seven people registered in the 20th century Animagus.

Of course there are plenty of unreported illegal Animagus, but not too many.

Just based on this number, I know that this is a very deep and difficult magic. There are very few books on this aspect, and most of them are not systematic.

William also has a copy of “Animagus Explained”, but Professor McGonagall’s notes are more precious, with her various experiences written in it.

William and Professor McGonagall agreed that starting from next Friday, every Friday night, they would come to the professor’s office to receive her guidance.

Before leaving, Professor McGonagall said sternly: “William, I know your Transfiguration is of a high standard.

But I don’t allow you to practice alone, Animagus is dangerous, it’s easy to lose reason and never come back.

I also dared to try it under the guidance of Dumbledore. If you practice alone and I find out, you will definitely be kicked out of the school, and Professor Dumbledore can’t stop it. ”

William nodded hurriedly like a chick. Of course he wouldn’t try it on his own. He’s not a Gryffindor, so he still cherishes his life.

As it turns out, Professor McGonagall advertised well.

William only discussed with Mag for a while in the crowd, and in the afternoon, rumors were flying all over the place.

There are even quite a few students who say that the Hogwarts professors have ordered a map each.

William didn’t know who spread the rumor, anyway, he only knew that the twin brothers came to take some publicity funds at noon.

Not much, just a few Galleons.

But just a few nuts can buy a navy, not to mention a lot of Ravenclaw tap water.

In one afternoon, hundreds of maps were sold out, and all 15 privately-ordered places were bought.

But the voices were too loud, and in desperation, William and the others added ten more places, and there was still an intensifying trend.

For the first time, William discovered that there were so many rich little wizards at Hogwarts, and he had a strong sense of comparison.

Soon, William and the others placed some small advertisements in the advertisement area of the Daily Prophet and posted Professor McGonagall’s words.

Many parents use Owl Letter to order, and they can’t wait to find out how their children are doing.

This is also necessary. After the end of the last semester, many students’ grades fell sharply, and most parents suspected that their children were absent from school.

If these parents knew that it was because William and the others sold the reference answers privately, they would probably not be so willing to buy maps.

But it’s not all good news.

For example, on Wednesday, Mrs. Weasley wrote and asked to order three maps to better care for (monitor) the twin brothers, and to watch the younger son Ron by the way to prevent him from going astray with the two brothers. .

The tone seemed to be that if she didn’t care any more, her two sons were going to enter Azkaban.

The catastrophe of the Weasley brothers!

The twins were anxious about this for several days, and when Ron found out, he became even more irritable.

Ron thought that Mrs. Weasley didn’t believe him, and that there was no minimum trust between people?

Percy was smug, not having such a problem as a top student, and he was hanging around in front of Ron and Harry with his prefect badge all day.

He also taught Ron aloud: “You are late with Harry all day long, even though you have a map, deducting so many points from Gryffindor, you deserve it!”

After a few times, Ron, who had realized it later, had a gloomy face and stared at Percy: “You didn’t write to tell Mommy, did you? Otherwise, I haven’t been in school for a week, and she’ll know…”

Percy ran away in a hurry on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

Ron didn’t catch him, he could only roar from behind: “You vile whistleblower!”

In the end, the twins decide to strategically ignore their mom’s orders and pretend not to see, since she can’t come to school anyway (Deser).

Since the map is so profitable, there are naturally cottages.

It was only on the third day that imitations appeared.

But the **** that came out in three days was not even imitations. At most, it was a handmade drawing. It was drawn on a piece of paper according to the Hogwarts magic map.

But Hogwarts is three-dimensional, and the stairs are constantly changing. This kind of diagram is worthless.

Cedric also studied art with Ollivander, and the difference in painting is not even a little bit.

There are also many students who think that Transfiguration is good, processing and imitating them, but this is a huge project.

Crucially, the Marauder’s Map uses the high-end spell “Tracking Spell”.

The Hogwarts Wizarding Map is linked to the Marauder’s Map, pivoting on the Marauder’s magic and showing the location of the map owner.

Other copycat maps, no matter how imitated, do not have this function.

This is not something that a little wizard can arrange and master, and William couldn’t arrange it before, but after the blessing of the Phoenix, the magic power soared, and he reluctantly arranged this kind of magic at Hogwarts.

Many students consulted professors in class, but did not understand the spell in the map, and because they tried to decipher the spell, the map was blocked and turned into waste paper.

After a few times, no one dared to continue exploring.

William and the others seem to have mastered the core technology, and the first shot is a product that spans several eras, forming a solid technical barrier, so that others have no chance to imitate.

But these are small things, and soon William ushered in his first Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

Since Professor Tywin was arrested, the school has not taught this class for a long time.

Despite Tywin’s status as a Death Eater, everyone thought he was a good teacher.

Especially the senior students who haven’t seen such a reliable teacher in years.

Cho and Marietta were already seated when William entered the classroom, and they waved.

William walked over and sat down beside the two of them.

“Why did you go?” Qiu asked with a frown, “I haven’t seen you these days.”

“I’m boiling potions,” William whispered.

The deposits of the Slytherin girls on the train were all in place, and William had already used owls to buy magic materials in Diagon Alley.

These are large sums of money, and William has already started to get busy. If nothing else, he will be able to cook them all before Halloween.

The potion brewing is a meticulous work that cannot be disturbed by others, and can only be satisfied by the Room of Requirement.

“What are you cooking?” Marietta asked curiously.

“Love Potion.”

“William… Who are you going to use it on?” Marietta straightened her hair, and there was a hint of anticipation in her voice.

“Of course I don’t use it anymore. Where do I need to use this kind of thing.”

The girl is a little disappointed.

“Oh, you want to try the medicine, right?” William suddenly realized, “Yes, after the Prefect Robert left, I have been looking for a little wizard who is willing to test the medicine. The price is negotiable, we are friends, we can give more. ”

Since the Ravenclaw knocker was lost, Robert has given up on himself, and until he graduated, he was crazy as a medicine man, helping William test medicine.

William felt a pity for such a good tool man to graduate, and wished Dumbledore would postpone his graduation for six years.

As the saying goes… Hogwarts walks together, whoever graduates first is the dog.

(Ask for a recommendation ticket, thanks to “Mongol Star Destroyer Su Master” and “20200203024658569” for the reward.

I still owe “Joker V” one more update today.

This environment at home is not suitable for codewords. I am also an elderly person with a fast hand. I try to codewords as much as possible every day. )

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