A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 138

Vol 2 Chapter 38: Terrible Professor Quirrell

Being drugged and being drugged, although the results are the same, the nature is completely different, at least the posture is different.

Marietta was not carried away, she firmly refused, and decided to ignore William for a class unless he changed his mind.

Qiu shook his head and sighed, as if feeling helpless for his girlfriend.

It’s not a good thing to like someone who is too good.

Just then, the class bell rang, and Professor Quirrell walked in.

As soon as he entered the classroom, a strange smell came from all around him.

“What’s the smell?” Marietta sniffed.

The smell intensified as Professor Quirrell removed his hat.

It was as if a hundred people who had eaten garlic were breathing together, and the smell was pungent and overpowering, reminding everyone of a certain unforgettable day last year.

“Kids, you… well… I’m Professor Quirrell… Please take out your textbooks, please?” Professor Quirrell stammered.

“Professor, what did you say?” Judy Crouch asked aloud. “Can you speak English?”

“I speak… English… authentic… London accent.” Professor Quirrell flushed.

But he stammered, with an accent, a little curry, and those who didn’t know he thought he was Indian.

William couldn’t stand the smell. He held his breath for a while, so he had to use Transfiguration to conjure up three masks and give them to Qiu and Marietta.

He brought one himself.

Everyone looked at William with longing eyes, as if hoping that he could change something more.

At this time, everyone regretted not listening carefully to Professor McGonagall’s class, and Judy Crouch even passed a note that it would cost ten Galleons to buy one from William!

For a time, masks became a scarce commodity.

Soon, everyone has masks.

The veins on Professor Quirrell’s face burst out, and he said angrily, “I’m here… to drive away… vampires, you know that magical creatures are afraid of… garlic.”

Professor Quirrell stammered about a vampire he met in Romania.

It was still September, the weather was hot, and Professor Quirrell was soon sweating profusely.

But he was always reluctant to take off the thick scarf on his body.

“It can’t be removed, this is…a gift from an African prince…to me, I helped get rid of the entanglement of the revived zombie.”

Slytherin’s Arthur stood up, his voice buzzing with a three-layer mask on his mouth.

“Professor, how did you defeat the resurrected zombie?”

The professor was vague and began to change the subject: “I have to say, the weather in England…is as bad as ever, and I prefer…winter.”

“Professor Quirrell, are you lying?!”

Quirrell’s face became even redder, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, arguing, “I just… just can’t remember, how is it a lie… can’t remember… the professor’s words, can it be a lie?”

One after another was the incomprehensible Northern Irish accent, something like “Avada gnawing a big melon”, something like “Black Cute King”, which caused everyone to laugh: there was a cheerful atmosphere inside and outside the classroom.

But halfway through the course, everyone couldn’t stand the professor anymore. He just read to everyone according to the textbook, and no one could understand what he was talking about.

Arthur of Slytherin bought Lee Jordan’s Black Widow for a high price, and he enchanted the spider to enlarge it, and the spider soon started running around the classroom.

Professor Quirrell immediately backed away in horror, almost dropping his scarf.

“Professor Quirrell is really bad, why don’t the Death Eaters come and teach us a lesson,” Qiu complained after class.

Everyone thought that Quirrell was a few Snapes worse than Tywin.

Instead of wasting time like this, it’s better to take Snape, who has always been jealous of this class, at least a little real.

But soon no one thought so.

On Friday morning, the first-year wizards of Gryffindor and Slytherin had their first Potions class.

Professor Snape once again showed his deep malice.

This time it was for the boy who survived.

It was an unabashed, extreme disgust and hatred, and most people didn’t know why Professor Snape was like that.

In fact, Professor Snape hadn’t shown such ill will towards William even last year when he was trapped by the Sorting Hat.

Well… maybe the professor was hospitalized by Marietta before he had time to show his malice.

But in general, the previous Snape was quite normal. Although he had a bad temper, had a gloomy face, didn’t wash his hair, was eccentric, liked to deduct points, and had a poisonous tongue… In addition to these, he was still a good professor.

But this year, it seems to have intensified.

In Potions class, Neville also knocked over the cauldron.

But after last year’s baptism, Professor Snape discovered early in the morning that Neville was the second Marietta.

As soon as he was in class, he hid far away, not even reprimanding Neville three meters away, and the cauldron did not affect him.

Harry was targeted by Snape, and Malfoy was comfortable.

It was a kind of comfort from the inside out, and he swept away the decadence, and began to swagger and puff up again, as if Hogwarts was his home.

He also ordered a Hogwarts map from William through Arthur.

Malfoy’s requirements are very high. What Malfoy’s family crest should be gilded, the font should be beautiful, and the map should have a green snake pattern. It’s better to open the map. Those snakes are dynamic. …

With so many troublesome demands, William’s fee is of course very expensive.

He found a high-quality cowhide from Hagrid, and it took him half a day to get it right. The cost was almost zero, and he finally charged Malfoy three hundred Galleons.

But Malfoy agreed, and in his words, a few hundred Galleons didn’t matter to him.

William also told him that he could use dragon skins, but three thousand gold Galleons per map. But William waited for days and received no reply.

This made him a little disappointed.

Making a map for Malfoy, even twins and brothers don’t have much opinion. After all, with so much money, who can refuse Garen?

In the evening, Hermione found William in the library. The girl had red eyes and seemed to cry.

She complained that Professor Snape did not give her a chance to answer questions.

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m the one who comes first… Whether it’s raising your hand or answering questions, why doesn’t Professor Snape give me extra points!” Hermione said angrily.

“He only asks Harry to answer questions, that’s naked preference!”

William rolled his eyes, Harry horribly disagreed with Hermione’s conclusion.

“Professor Snape is like this, you better not raise your hand in his class.”

“But, without answering the question, how can I give Gryffindor extra points?” Hermione said.

“You’ve got enough points, haven’t you?”

William actually wanted to say that in Professor Snape’s class, don’t think about adding points, and thank God if you don’t deduct points.

“I’ve inquired about ~www.readwn.com~ You got extra points in Professor Snape’s class last year.”

“My points are for saving people, not for answering questions.” William shook his head and persuaded: “Hermione, don’t think about it, Snape will only ignore you in the future, and he basically ignores me now. ”

To be precise, Snape would ignore anyone, he only had Harry in his eyes.

William was going to observe for a while, and if Snape ignored him like this, he was going to openly brew other potions in class.

William’s time is very precious now and cannot be wasted!

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