A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 158

Vol 2 Chapter 58: Halloween Raid

Soon, Halloween is coming.

Pumpkins hang everywhere in the castle, and the hallway smells sweet and tempting of roasted pumpkins.

Everyone is looking forward to the Halloween dinner, which will be as big as the school feast.

In this atmosphere, everyone was restless and could not concentrate on listening to the class.

In order to increase everyone’s interest, in Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall taught everyone how to turn objects into moving pumpkins.

Although it was difficult, everyone had a great time.

However, in the history of magic in the afternoon, William just skipped it.

The content of Professor Binns’s lecture is really boring, not to mention that today is the last day of brewing the ecstasy.

Lately, William has been brewing potions in the Room of Requirement, and he has even given up on night tours that are out of vulgarity.

He is really busy now.

There are so many things that William wants to study. He focuses his energy on the study of high-end magic spells, the brewing of potions, the introduction of alchemy, and the study of ancient magic texts.

Three times a week, Ravenclaw Quidditch training and Animagus practice with Professor McGonagall on Friday nights.

Animagus is an extremely complex magic, with a rigorous and complex series of steps in between.

For example, the initial preparations:

A single leaf of mandrake must be held in the mouth continuously for a full month. At no time should the leaf be swallowed or taken out of the mouth, if the leaf leaves the mouth, the whole process has to start all over again.

But beware… this preparation is after you’ve fully practiced the magic.

This is like the preparations for the college entrance examination, the physical examination, and the registration, but it does not mean that you have done all these things, and you can be admitted to a certain university.

Before that, you have to go through many years of training.

The same is true of Animagus, you have to practice the transformation in private, and the transformation part is your own body.

Professor McGonagall would be watching, preventing William’s hands from turning into chicken paws, but not back.

At this time, it was already night, and William was still busy in the Room of Requirement.

The House of Requirement has changed a lot.

There are torches in the room, and there is a wooden bookshelf next to the wall, on which is a row of spines with thick books on the surface of sheepskin, “Potion Making”, “Book of Potions”, “Five Poison Heart Sutra”…

These books are brought by the House of Requirement.

William’s initial request was for a room where potions could be brewed, and these things appeared.

As William brewed more and more potions, the number of cauldrons gradually increased in the room.

The only regret is that it is impossible to increase the raw materials, otherwise William would brew some magic medicine, and just sell the raw materials directly.

With extended use, William also knows about the Room of Requirement like the back of his hand.

This room is completely at your disposal.

For example, ‘I don’t want anyone other than William Stark to be able to come in’ – if asked, the Room of Requirement would make such a room!

William can safely put the brewed potion here without any problems.

He sometimes wants to live here directly, because the room will also be transformed into a luxurious queen bed as required.

Tsk tsk… the deluxe double room with its own private bathroom, the five-person dormitory room is not the same grade at all, right?

At this time, as William stirred counterclockwise seven times, the room was already filled with a special smell.

The potion also turned completely to the luster of mother-of-pearl, constantly producing a spiraling vapor.

The Ecstasy is complete!

After William cooled the potion, he carefully placed it in several bottles. These were all customer orders, and they had to be delivered later.

After finishing his work, William was ready to go to dinner.

The banquet should have only started soon.

William strode out, there was no one on the way, it was very quiet. He looked out the window, the moon and stars were thin.

When William walked to the fifth floor, he suddenly heard the sound of running footsteps downstairs.

Everyone should be at the dinner party at this point… William stood at the entrance of the stairs and took out a map in his hand.

He saw Professor Quirrell’s name appear near the restricted area on the fourth floor.

William was taken aback, why did Professor Quirrell come here at this point?

But soon, Professor Quirrell’s position began to move, and he ran towards a corner.

And Professor Snape’s name appeared near the exclusion zone.

The two professors are very unusual, is there a problem with the level?

William thought about it, and decided to go around from the other side.

It was small to be found out that he didn’t attend the dinner party, but he still smelled of infatuation agent, and this kind of thing must not escape Snape’s nose.

William turned and went down the stairs on the other side, and he quickly came to the first floor.

“It’s done!” The crisp cheers suddenly sounded, and it was the voice of the little wizard.

William turned his eyes slightly. These students don’t attend dinner parties every day, so what are they tinkering with?

He walked towards one side of the corridor and saw Harry and Ron cheering.

The two clapped and punched each other, as if they could not do great things.

A strange expression appeared on William’s face.

With his familiarity with the terrain of Hogwarts, he knew that there were girls’ toilets.

On the eve of Halloween, the boy who survived and his good friend Ron did not go to the dinner party, but blocked the door of the women’s toilet, shouting… “It’s done”? !

The most important thing is that their faces are still flushed with excitement, they are dancing, and they are very happy.

Hello, demon spirit? ! There are two perverts here, please take them away!

“Cough~ I’m sorry to disturb you.” William asked aloud, “Are you peeping at the women’s toilet?”

Suddenly hearing someone speak, Harry and Ron were also startled, and they turned to see William.

William continued to say solemnly: “Of course, you have the right to remain silent, otherwise every word you say will be deducted as evidence.”

Harry’s face was blue, potions could be drunk, but words could not be spoken.

Who peeks at the women’s toilet? !

He hurriedly denied Sanlian: “I didn’t…I’m not…don’t talk nonsense…”

However, before Harry could finish speaking, a shrill, terrified voice came from the toilet.

William’s smile disappeared, he rushed over, and the wand appeared in his hand.

Harry and Ron also sprinted towards the toilet.

Harry’s hands trembled, he turned the key awkwardly, they locked the troll inside, and the devil knew Hermione was in there too!

Hurry up!

William pushed the two away impatiently ~www.readwn.com~ and aimed his wand directly at the door.


In an instant, not only the door, but under the huge magic power, half of the wall collapsed.

Harry and Ron looked at each other in shock. Wouldn’t it be so wild?

William ignored the two of them, and in the dust, he strode inside.

(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thanks to “I don’t know 0678”, “Shanjiao cuttlefish”, and qq reader “Nightmare” for their rewards. (//?//))

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