A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 159

Vol 2 Chapter 59: Trolls (Thanks To “Zhi Li Yu Lan” And “Snz” 2Nd Place…

The scene in the toilet was terrifying. An ugly creature with a height of four meters stood in the middle.

The creature’s skin was dull and dull, as gray as granite, and its huge and stupid body was like a huge pile of mud, with a small head like a cocoa bean on it.

Its short legs are as thick as tree stumps, with large flat, thick, calloused feet underneath. The odor it gave off was disgusting.

– Trolls!

A troll is a magical creature with amazing strength but very low intelligence.

But even with their low intelligence, they are creatures with a class level of xxxx.

And magical creatures of its level, such as thunderbirds and tebo warthogs.

In other words, trolls are extremely dangerous and definitely not something that little wizards can deal with.

At this moment, Hermione was squatting in the other corner, shivering.

“Come here, ugly!” Harry grabbed the rubble on the ground and threw it hard at the troll.

In fact, he didn’t need to smash the troll, the loud noise was enough to attract it.

The loud noise shook his head, and the explosion just now made his head, which was not very bright, even more confused.

It hesitated for a while, roared, and walked towards William and the others, raising the wooden stick in its hand.

“Come here, run, run, Hermione!” Ron looked at the troll a little scared, but shouted hard.

The girl seemed to be frightened. She sat on the ground, unable to move her feet, and her mouth opened wide in horror.

I was crying well in the toilet, but suddenly I found a giant monster behind me, anyone would be frightened.

“There are many obstacles!” William’s wand waved quickly.

Several invisible walls blocked the troll, preventing it from continuing to move.

The troll kept crashing against the invisible wall, but William didn’t even look at it, walking with his wand in his hand, straight up to Hermione.

William squatted down and reached out to check the girl’s body. He didn’t find any skin trauma, but was just overly frightened.

Following William’s actions, Hermione finally came to her senses, and her eyes gradually became brighter.

The girl looked at William, and suddenly choked up slightly, her eyes red from crying.

William reached out and wiped the tears from Hermione’s cheeks, took out the chocolate from his pocket, and said softly, “Eat it, it will be fine.”

Hermione nodded numbly, sobbed and hummed, and took the chocolate.

William turned to look at the troll, wand in his right hand, his hair fluttering in the breeze on his face.

William frowned, how did the troll appear at Hogwarts? This is completely unreasonable. The probability of the other party getting lost and entering the school is lower than that of the Death Eaters invading Hogwarts.

But William didn’t have time to think about it, the trapped troll had already started to go mad.

It roared loudly, waved its hands, and the wooden stick rotated away from its shoulders and smashed forward, hitting the invisible wall with a loud roar.

The troll stepped on the ground with its right foot, and stepped out of a big pit, and countless dust and smoke splashed under its feet. It held one end of the wooden stick again and slammed into the ground.

The troll’s strange power was completely revealed, and he even forcibly pryed a large piece of thick marble floor from the ground and smashed it all around.

“The Obstacles” began to shake violently.

Trolls have no brains, but living in the Forbidden Forest for a long time, even if they have no wisdom, they cannot be trapped by ordinary magic only with their brute force.

I saw that the wooden stick of unknown material did not crack on the spot, but was pressed into a slight arc by the giant monster’s hands. It jumped up and smashed on the invisible barrier.

“There are many obstacles” was finally smashed by the brute force of the troll!

The troll was completely mad, in full display of its savagery, like the Hulk, pounding everything it could touch.

Wrapped in unparalleled strength, with the giant monster as the center, dense lines are formed, like spider webs.

But William is not Loki, he is obviously a wizard, but he learns from others to use a dagger as a melee mage.

He waved his wand again, all the water pipes in the toilet burst, and the water column shot up into the sky and was thrown high into the air.

William said softly: “Rain curtain sublime!”

The water column rolled in the sky, but this time it did not form a huge rain tornado, but condensed into a faint silver line, which cut towards the giant monster.

If you look closely, those silver threads are made up of countless small daggers turned into water, with magic attached to them.

Trolls have rough skin and thick flesh, and are innately gifted to resist a lot of magic, but their necks and skulls are the weakest places.

William turned his head slightly and whispered to the girl behind him, “Don’t be afraid, close your eyes!”

Hermione closed her eyes quickly.

I saw the silver thread that was twisted by magic like a real blade, easily slid past, and the troll’s little head fell to the ground.

The dagger stabs the troll.

No matter how patient the trolls are, they can’t match the thousands of daggers.

Everything seemed to be still, and there was only a screeching sound in the toilet, green blood splashed all over the walls, and shot Harry Ron, who was standing at the door, in the face.

The two opened their eyes wide and breathed heavily, like salted fish that fell on the beach.

William’s wand turned again, and the silver thread was instantly shattered, forming soy-sized raindrops that fell on the walls on both sides, blasting out countless tiny potholes.

William was very satisfied. Although this magic was a combination of transfiguration and spell, the real inspiration came from water cutting.

The principle of water cutting is to generate the speed of water flow under high pressure, forming a super high-speed so-called “water jet”.

The magic of “Rainbow Sublimation” not only has speed, but also the power of transfiguration to form daggers and magic spells.

At least for dealing with magical creatures, it is more effective than ‘stunned”.

I can only say that if you learn math and magic well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world.

As the troll fell to the ground, there were sudden loud footsteps in the distance, and Professor McGonagall rushed into the room, followed by Snape, Quirrell at the end.

Quirrell just glanced at the troll before letting out a weak sob as he sat on the ground, clutching his chest tightly.

Snape bent down to look at the troll, examining the smooth wound on the troll’s head.

He frowned, and in terms of effect, the lethality of this magic was not much worse than his own “Shadow of God”.

However, Shenying Wufeng is black magic, and the magic used by William does not have the effect of black magic, and is more inclined to superimpose.

Use countless small attacks to superimpose at a certain point as much as possible to achieve the killing effect.

But logically speaking, water can’t have such great power, can it?

He took a deep look at William ~www.readwn.com~ full of doubts, and he was even more puzzled, is this kid really not going to become the third-generation Dark Lord?

Out of the corner of his eye he glanced at Quirrell again, and Quirrell sat on the ground and clutched his chest, as if to say, “Baby’s scared!”

Snape suppressed his anger and nausea, wishing he could give Quirrell a curse.

His thigh was aching again.

Damn, it was actually calculated!

(Thanks to the elder “Zhili Yulan” and the hall master ‘snz” for their 10,000-coin rewards, and I owe them two more.)

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