A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 174

Vol 2 Chapter 74: Death And The 3 Brothers

All in all, Newt devoted his life to the protection of magical animals.

He believes that wizards should protect magical animals, and they should live in peace with those intelligent species classified as “humans”.

He has been striving for this goal all his life.

William generally admires such people with dreams and actions.

He hesitated for a moment, and quickly recounted what he saw under the Black Lake.

Newt is an expert in this area, and he should be able to answer William’s confusion.

“I have seen the sacrifices you saw in the mermaid tribe,” Newt explained.

“Actually, it’s not just mermaids, there are sacrifices in almost all tribes of intelligent creatures.

Human beings also sacrificed in ancient times. After they gained a certain power, they produced the first group of powerful warlocks.

This is also the predecessor of some wizards. ”

“Part?” William noticed Newt’s wording.

“That’s right, not all the powers of wizards come from sacrifice.” Newt hesitated. “My child, this is not my field. Professor Dumbledore has more research in this area.”

Newt obviously didn’t want to talk much about it.

“The priest opens the entrance to the special realm by performing the appropriate magical steps.

Invisible power exists there, just like human beings, with many forms, both good and evil.

There are powers of light that heal, guard, and seek out the universe, and there are powers of darkness that go the opposite direction…bringing destruction and chaos.

If the sacrifice is properly performed, the invisible power will obey the prayer of the sacrificer and will be displayed in the world… Thus, the sacrificer seems to have infinite power.

In return, this power requires sacrifices—prayer and praise for the power of light… and blood and even life for the power of darkness. ”

“The mermaid… to whom are they offering sacrifices?”

“I think it’s the Siren, the siren, and the earliest mermaid.” Newt pondered for a while, “You should have seen that mermaid statue, right?”

William and Hermione nodded quickly.

“That statue is the legendary Siren. I have seen statues of Sirens in every mermaid tribe in the world.”

“Isn’t the Siren a fairy tale?” Hermione doubted, “There are also legends about sirens in Muggle stories.”

“A story?” Newt shrugged. “My boy, I don’t think so.”

“The simplest example is that Muggles in the Himalayas can often see snowmen, and the strange rumors of the Loch Ness monster are also spreading among Muggles.

For Muggles, snowmen and water monsters are just legendary creatures, but for wizards, snowmen and horse-shaped water monsters are magical creatures that never change.

They like to show off in front of Muggles, deliberately attracting their attention. ”

“But…it’s different.”

“It’s no different, wizards are a story to Muggles, just like Merlin and King Arthur.”

Newt turned his head to look at the sea of clouds.

“Many stories evolve from facts. It’s just that in the circulation of later generations, they are constantly distorted, exaggerated, and even mixed with other stories.

But that doesn’t mean there really isn’t. ”

William raised his eyebrows. He had heard similar words from Dumbledore.

“Is there any evidence?” Hermione asked suspiciously.

Newt laughed: “I have traveled around the world over the years, seen too many magical creatures, and collected countless first-hand information.

Even if you are interested, I think I have to spend a school year explaining it to you both. ”

“We’d love to take your class on protecting magical animals.” William laughed.

“Forgive me, child. I’m retired, and Professor Kettleburn is also very good.”

After Newt became acquainted with several people, he started to talk more.

“Actually, I want to prove that the easiest way is that all mermaids know about sirens, even if it is the mermaid tribe that has been enclosed in a lake for thousands of years.

Is this fun? ”

William and Hermione both listened carefully.

Newt continued: “I found one more thing during my investigation.

Every merman devoutly believes that there is an island in the far sea where the siren, the siren who sings a magic song, lives.

Her singing guides ghosts into the underworld.

Siren is the guide of the underworld and the most loyal servant of the **** of death. ”

“Death?” William frowned slightly.

“Is that the **** of death among the three brothers?”

The elf Mercury, who had been listening to the story, suddenly asked.

“That’s right, it’s him!” Newt’s eyes were very serious.

“Wait, three brothers… Isn’t that just a story?” The more William listened, the more confused he became.

If according to Newt’s statement, the Sirens really exist, William can still understand.

He has seen the power of the phoenix, and the siren may be a powerful mermaid.

But suddenly he brought up the underworld and the **** of death… This is as nonsense as “I, Qin Shi Huang, make money”.

“What are the three brothers?” Hermione was even more puzzled, she hadn’t even heard of it.

“A bedtime story from The Tales of Bedouin the Poet,” William explained.

“Why haven’t I heard of it!” Hermione looked at William in surprise.

“This is an old story in the magic world. It is said that it was written by Old Bedou, and every little wizard knows it.”

“How did you know?” Hermione asked curiously.

“The wizard story book I bought for Annie. Before school started, she often pestered me to read her bedtime stories at night,” William explained.

“What’s the story of the three brothers?”

William coughed and said, “Once upon a time, there were three brothers hurrying along a secluded sheep-intestine path, and it was almost dusk.

They walked and walked until they came to a river, the water was too deep to wade through, and it was too dangerous to swim across.

However, the three brothers were proficient in magic, and with a wave of their wands, a bridge appeared over the wide water. When they reached the middle of the bridge, a hooded figure blocked their way.

In his way was Death, angry at the loss of three new offerings—travelers usually drown in the river.

But Death was very cunning. He pretended to congratulate the three brothers on their magic~www.readwn.com~ and said that they escaped Death with their cleverness, and each of them could get a reward.

The boss is a warlike wizard, and what he wants is the most powerful wand in the world!

Death went to an elder tree on the shore, made a wand out of a dangling branch, and gave it to the boss.

What the second child wanted was the ability to bring the dead back to life. The **** of death picked up a stone from the shore and gave it to the second child, telling him that this stone has the ability to bring back the dead.

Death asked the youngest third child what he wanted. The third child was the most humble and wisest, so he wanted something that would allow him to leave without being followed by Death.

Reaper reluctantly gave him his invisibility cloak. ”

William quickly finished the story of Death and the three brothers.

“In the end, the other two brothers died. Only the third one avoided the sight of the **** of death and lived until he was very old. Then he finally took off the invisibility cloak, gave it to his son, and greeted the **** of death like an old friend.”

“It’s just a fairy tale,” Hermione began to support William’s assertion. “There can be no **** of death…”

“Wait.” Mercury interrupted suddenly.

“I heard my great-grandfather’s story about Death and the three brothers, but it was another version.

The content is completely different from that of Old Bedou! ”

William was taken aback by Mercury’s words.

Is there a new version of this kind of bedtime story?



(Thanks to “201705020817100888” for the reward(//?//))

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