A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 175

Vol 2 Chapter 75: Gift Of Death

Mercury coughed and slowly told the story he knew.

Or the river, the three brothers and the hooded **** of death.

“You escaped death with your ingenuity, choose a reward,” said the **** of death.

The eldest is a potion master. He told the **** of death that he wanted a magical cauldron: the cauldron can automatically brew any potion he wants without the owner’s hands!

Death walked to an elder tree on the shore and broke a branch with white flowers.

He walked to the river bank again, dug out the soil with a branch, pinched a strangely shaped crucible, and gave it to the boss.

The second child is a wizard who is eager for knowledge. He told the **** of death that he wanted to gain the same wisdom as the **** of death.

So Death used the elderberry branch that was digging the soil, wrapped it into a wreath, and gave it to the second child.

The **** of death told the second child that after wearing this wreath, he could gain the same knowledge as him.

Death asked the youngest third child what he wanted.

The third child is the most humble and the smartest. He doesn’t believe in the **** of death, so he wants something that can let him not be controlled by time.

Reluctantly, Death cut off his right index finger and handed it to him. It was a slender index finger bone.

As long as you have this phalanx, you can let the third child control time.

After the reward was given, the **** of death stood up to clear the way and let the three brothers continue on their way.

As they walked, they talked about the wonderful experience just now, admiring the gift of death.

Later, the three brothers broke up and moved towards their respective destinations.

The boss walked for more than a week. He first said to the crucible: “The crucible, the crucible, I am very old, and I have inconvenient legs and feet. I need the potion of immortality.”

Soon, red liquid emerged in the crucible.

After the boss drank it, he really felt that he was several decades younger, and his whole body was full of vigor.

He knows that he will never grow old again, he has gained eternal life!

Later, the eldest brother came to a remote small mountain village, where all the villagers suffered from a strange disease that no one could cure.

The boss boasted that the cauldron he got from the **** of death could brew any potion.

He is willing to treat the villagers, but everyone needs to pay a large sum of gold.

The wealthy villagers gave all their gold to the boss, and after drinking the potion he gave, they recovered.

For those villagers who have no money, the boss refuses to be treated.

Every night, the boss has to drink the potion in the cauldron: it is a potion that can dream beautifully and make him sleep more comfortable.

One day in the middle of the night, a poor villager sneaked into the boss’s room, stole the cauldron beside his bed, cut his throat, and took the gold.

In this way, the **** of death took the boss’s life.

At the same time, the second child returned to his home. He has a newborn child and a beautiful wife.

But the second child is not happy. The infinite knowledge allows him to master everything. Only he knows the vastness of the universe, the infinity of time and space…

Human beings are nothing, and family affection is nothing, but they are nothing but ants and dust.

Soon, he found that there was something he didn’t know, and that was… death.

Death can take all life, but cannot kill himself.

The second child, who received the wisdom of death, has never tasted this.

So he killed his wife and children.

One day, the garland was blown away by the strong wind, and the knowledge of the **** of death was gone, and he regained his feelings.

Looking at the corpses of his wife and children killed by him, he was in pain, so he committed suicide.

In this way, the **** of death took the life of the second child.

However, the **** of death has been looking for the third child for many years, but he has never been able to find him.

It turned out that the third child was afraid of being discovered, so he joined the phalanx end to end to make a phalanx ring, which was always put on his right index finger.

He has been using this phalanx to let himself live the day before he meets the **** of death, and never let the next day come, so that the **** of death can’t find him.

After many years, the third child finally got tired of this kind of life. He had enough to live, so he used the phalanx ring to adjust the time to the day when he was about to die of old age.

The third child finally took off the ring, let the time pass slowly, and then greeted the **** of death like an old friend, and left the world with him happily as an equal.

Mercury finally finished the story.

Newt was not too surprised, as if he had heard this story before.

William frowned, his right hand clenched his chest, where a ring was hanging.

——The Ravenclaw Bronze Ring!

Regarding the old Bedou version of the story of the God of Death and the three brothers, William didn’t touch it too much, he just regarded it as a story.

After all, he didn’t have the strongest wand, no resurrection stone to resurrect others, and no invisibility cloak.

But he has a ring that can be repeated for a certain day, and there is no drawback of time converter.

Something too coincidental is sometimes more than just a coincidence.

So… does it mean that the cauldron that automatically brews all potions, and the wreath with infinite wisdom also exist?

In fact, how does this wreath effect sound so much like a Ravenclaw crown?

Could it be that Ravenclaw ever collected two of the three things?

William’s thoughts quickly diverged: If all of these exist, does it mean that the **** of death really exists?

As Newt said: Sirens are the guides of the underworld and the most loyal servants of the **** of death.

William really couldn’t make up his mind.

At this moment, Hermione suddenly said: “Two very interesting little stories, both about Death and the three brothers.

But I think this is just a story, for entertainment.

You have also heard that there are already two versions of this story, maybe a third or a fourth.

Anyone can freely invent the three gifts from the **** of death according to their own ideas. ”

Mercury smiled respectfully, “I don’t know either. This story was told by my great-grandfather when he was a child.”

After a moment of silence, Newt glanced around, they were very close to Nico’s manor.

He took his eyes back and said, “That’s it, these stories are just an old man’s nonsense.”

In fact, Dumbledore told him the same thing back then, but it soon proved that he was tricked, and he went around to help Dumbledore find the Deathly Hallows~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, a dazed sniffling , came out of Newt’s pocket

It glanced carefully at Hermione and William, and then set its gaze on William.

With its unique racial talent, it knows at a glance which of the two little wizards here is richer.

So it sneaked out and kept sneaking along the ptarmigan’s feathers, trying to steal Galleon from William’s pocket.

It stuck its claws into the small bag of the Traceless Stretching Charm, and suddenly grabbed a furry thing.

Niu Niu pulled hard and pulled out an orange cat.

Bobo Tea, who had been sleeping in the bag, was startled. It gave the hateful little thief a vicious look and slapped it with a paw.

Niu Niu screamed and fell down.

William’s wand spun, Niu Niu floated up, and his whole body was bound by the binding spell.

Fred kept a sniffler, and William is now very good at dealing with this little guy.

Newt smiled, reaching out and scratching Sniff’s belly.

Clap la la, a lot of sparkling things fell out of it.

“This is Nico’s alchemy item,” Newt sighed and said angrily, “I won’t bring you next time!”

William picked up a golden coin from a pile of alchemy items.

——Victoria’s Secret commemorative coins!

The look William looked at Newt suddenly became very strange.



(The third update, I finally made up for the one I owed.)

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