A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 196

Vol 2 Chapter 96: 18 Year Old Auntie

In the large, empty classroom, there were only Snape and two ferocious men.

Snape was only wearing a transparent black robe, and he was naked inside, nothing else.

He tugged at the collar, and the clothes shrank slightly, so that all his graceful figure was outlined, especially the pair of slender and round thighs, which gave people a feeling that if they were women, they would be beautiful.

Dawlish is a strong man, his straight hair is very short, unsmiling, and the whole hair is gray.

Delix stared into Snape’s eyes like this, the straight-line distance between the two faces was not even more than five centimeters.

His throat twitched and he swallowed.

Delix seemed to want to see through those eyes what Snape was thinking, but unfortunately…it was blank.

Wait…he saw it, what was that?

It seems to be me…

Who is hugging?


Hey, **** it, he occasionally has this idea, but he has never implemented it!

Could it be that he was drunk…forcibly?

No, **** it!

Dawlish immediately realized that he had been tricked. Snape not only saw his thoughts through Legilimency, but also immediately forged a memory and deliberately let him see it!

Terrible magical attainments!

Cold sweat dripped down Delix’s face.

Kingsley Shacklebolt didn’t know what happened between the two, he was still watching Snape with relish, waiting for Dawlish to get tired of playing, he stepped forward to play.

For Kingsley, he was just going through the motions to make sure Snape wouldn’t be embarrassed by Dawlish.

After all, he is Dumbledore’s person, no matter in body or soul… He is Dumbledore’s person through and through.

It can only be said that this time it was a big mess, a professor was blatantly died, and the Gringotts affair was involved, so the Ministry of Magic sent so many Aurors to Hogwarts with such a big fanfare.

“How long have you been teaching at Hogwarts?”

Dawlish found out that he was not Snape’s opponent and turned to interrogation.

“Eleven years.” Snape’s expression was a little impatient.

These Ministry of Magic have long known that he was imprisoned in Azkaban for interrogation, and naturally familiar with the routines of Aurors in handling cases.

“You apply to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts class first, right?” Dawlish avoided Snape’s eyes to prevent him from being psyched.

“Yes,” Snape whispered.

“But you didn’t apply?”

Snape pouted. “Obvious.”

“Since you entered the school, you have applied to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts classes many times, haven’t you?”

“Yes.” Snape frowned, looking annoyed.

“Do you know why Professor Dumbledore has repeatedly refused to use you?”

“He was probably afraid of my death,” Snape replied bluntly.

“You may not know that most of the professors in this school are trying to fish in troubled waters, and there are only a few capable ones, and I am the best one.

He was afraid that something would happen to me, and no one would help him.

After all, Professor Dumbledore is a total idiot! ”

“You… really dare to say it.” Delixi said unhappily.

He snorted coldly and continued:

“Then, may I think that you were jealous of Professor Quirrell, jealous that he applied for the position of your dreams, so you poisoned him with poison?”

“Potion can be drunk, but words can’t be said.” Snape retorted.

“It’s the poison that Professor Dumbledore asked me to make. I just follow his instructions.”

“If he asks you to cook it, you cook it, without even asking about the purpose?”

Snape said in a disdainful tone, “He’s the headmaster, I’m not obedient, it’s very likely that tomorrow the position of potions professor will become someone else.

Is the Ministry of Magic looking for a new job for me? ”

“Then why did Professor Dumbledore let you make poison? Did he already know Quirrell was a dark wizard?”

Snape hummed, “I don’t know, maybe you should ask him, of course, he should have known before you Aurors.”

“What do you mean?” Delix said fiercely, staring at Snape.

Snape shrugged. “Your Ministry of Magic is always one step behind, even the dark wizards lurking in Hogwarts can’t be found!

Maybe you should improve your abilities a little, instead of wasting time questioning me.

If you were more skilled, you might have caught Quirrell long ago…”

Not everyone can resist Snape’s vicious tongue. Delixi tried to beat him several times, but he finally held back.

Beat people in Dumbledore’s territory, unless he, the Auror, doesn’t want to do it!

Dawlish knew one thing: the old witch named Umbridge was knocked unconscious because of a conflict with Stark, and Umbridge was kicked out of the Auror office.

This has become a Ministry of Magic joke!

He didn’t want to be the second joke.

After the interrogation, Professor Snape left the classroom, and soon William walked in.

However, there were no two big men interrogating him, only an elderly witch.

She looked fifty or sixty years old, with short grandma’s gray hair and dark pupils.

She was obviously very old, but she was wearing a girl’s pink and tender clothes, which obviously only girls under the age of 20 could control.

This contrast is very strong, giving people the feeling that a woman is acting like a spoiled child.

If an innocent girl of sixteen or seventeen years old is beautiful, she looks good no matter how she acts like a spoiled child; but when an old woman reaches a certain age, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will give people a feeling of disgusting face.

At this moment, William actually sounded the old witch of Umbridge.

She is also an old woman, but she likes to speak in a shrill voice, and she thinks she is a girl just by hearing the voice.

That witch is also a watcher. She pouted and said with a coquettish smile, “Why, my clothes don’t look good?”

“No, old… Auntie, you look good in everything you wear.”

William came back to his senses, and immediately said with a smile on his face.

“Auntie…” The woman couldn’t hold back her face, and said with her mouth open, “Little brother, don’t yell, I’m only eighteen years old this year.”

William said honestly and honestly: “Is your daughter eighteen years old? Say her name, maybe it’s one of my seniors? Maybe I know her!”

“Go away, why don’t you die!” The woman seemed to be a lit firecracker. She took out her wand and seemed to want to cast a curse.

She tilted her head and smiled, put down her wand again, fumbled around, and took out a transparent bottle from her pocket.

She grinned and said, “Little brother, this is a powerful Veritaserum… Obediently tell me the truth of the matter… Otherwise, I’m sure you can even find out about your bed-wetting when you were a child!”

William sniffed and said with a smile, “The taste is dull, with a hint of lemon…”

“Your Veritaserum… Has it expired? Tonks… Aunt?!”

Nymphadora Tonks angrily smashed the bottle at William!

(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone)

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