A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 197

Vol 2 Chapter 97: Who In The World Can’T Understand Deng?

The wand in William’s hand waved gently, and the bottle suddenly stopped in the air.

He squeezed the bottle with two fingers, put it to his nose and sniffed, and said with a smile: “It’s Pippi shrimp lemon juice from Florin’s cold drink shop, um… It’s also added with euphoria, blending a lot of killer royal jelly!”

“Yes! This kind of drink is expensive. Sure enough, after graduation, it’s different, and you’ll be generous in your shots, not as stingy as before.”

Tonks never bought snacks before, he always went to the kitchen and asked the elf to make them for her.

William raised his head and drank the drink.


Tonks rushed over and snatched the bottle away. She squinted and looked inside at the mouth of the bottle, and found that there was not a drop left.

Tonks spread his hands and said pitifully, “I’m still in the probationary period, only a poor fifteen Galleons in a month, so I finally made up my mind to reward myself…”

“Don’t get excited.” William took out a bottle of the same drink from the ring of the Traceless Stretching Charm and threw it away.

He waved his wand again, this time conjuring a chair for Tonks.

Tonks grinned and sat down on the chair, finished his drink, and asked curiously, “William, how did you recognize me?”

“Can you change back first, so I look awkward.”

“I feel awkward too!”

Tonks closed his eyes tightly, with a nervous expression on his face, as if trying to remember something.

A second later, the wrinkles on her face disappeared, and the color of her hair gradually deepened, turning into the same pink as her clothes.

Tonks turned back into an eighteen-year-old girl.

William Jue suddenly felt that she looked like a woman in red.

Wearing the necklace fascinated thousands of Game of Thrones fans, and took off the necklace to scare the children.

It’s so powerful.

Tonks took a mirror out of his pocket, turned his head around, and looked at his hair from all angles.

“How is it?” she asked.

“Aunt Tonks, you look good no matter what.” William leaned on the chair with a very relaxed expression.

“Don’t call me Auntie! I’m only eighteen this year!” Tonks said angrily.

“There is a generation gap at the age of three. You are six years older than me. It’s not wrong to be called Auntie.” William joked.

Tonks and Charlie Weasley were first-year students, and she also graduated last July.

Tonks was from Hufflepuff College, and he and Cedric were neighbors. The two had a good relationship, and William knew each other naturally.

Tonks is most famous for changing his hair color every year.

In seven years, she has changed seven hairstyles. Like the Saiyans, there are not many colors left for her.

“By the way, Tonks, how did you become an Auror?” William wondered. “Didn’t you say that the Ministry of Magic is not for you, too restrictive?”

Tonks stretched and sighed: “No way, my mother advised me to go to work in the Ministry of Magic.

And Mrs Weasley, who said the Ministry was a good fit for girls. ”

“Oh, the old argument.” William nodded.

For the stagnant British wizarding world, the job of the Ministry of Magic is an iron job, similar to that of civil servants in the Chinese Empire.

Even if many jobs are not high-paying, they are the first choice for everyone.

If you have a job at the Ministry of Magic, people will look at you highly in the dating market.

Sometimes, it’s so real!

“I couldn’t beat them, and I didn’t know what I could do, so I participated in the Auror selection, a three-year training, and Alastor was training me.”

Tonks, like pouring jelly beans, quickly explained everything about himself.

“Okay, I’m done talking about my business, you can tell me.” Tonks raised his head and looked at William with bright eyes.

“How do you know that the old lady is me? I tried many times, but no one could see it. I wanted to make fun of you!”

Tonks is a disguise magus, she doesn’t need training, she can change her appearance at will.

This ability is completely different from the Animagus that William studied.

The former completely blows the latter!

“Speak quickly~” Tonks urged.

William smiled. He had hooked up with Bertha Jorkins since the Merlin Medal award ceremony.

Bertha Jorkins is a woman who likes to gossip and can always get a lot of news from the Ministry of Magic.

William had already obtained the list of Aurors from her and knew who would come.

Similarly, William saw Tonks’ name on the Hogwarts map, and he would never be deceived by the other party.

But to be fair, Tonks’ ability is really useful. Without this information, William would definitely not be able to recognize her.

“Say it.” Tonks urged again.

“I have a pair of true eyes of the evil king, probably similar to those of Mad-Eye.

I can see the world beyond the “Invisible Boundary Line”, and naturally I can see through your disguise Magus. “William whispered.

Tonks, with a playful look of “I’m a fool to believe in you”, said neither lightly nor heavy: “Blowing **** is really powerful. If you have the ability, you can also learn to disguise Maggs.”

“How can I learn your natural ability? You’re bullying people!” William rolled his eyes.

“Hey, don’t talk about that, tell me some truth.”

Tonks came over and put his hand on William’s shoulder, as if the two of them knew each other very well.

Tonks is such a girl, carefree and happy, William didn’t care too much.

She whispered, “William, Director Scrimgeour is in the principal’s office, he is my immediate boss!

As for my sister, I’m still trying out Aurors. Whether you can change from a temporary worker to a staff member depends on your performance. ”

William looked at Tonks suspiciously.

Tonks blinked, hehe said, “Give me something I can cross.

I don’t want those words that everyone knows… tell me, who is behind Quirrell? ”

“So, Scrimgeour is going to play the emotional card?” William laughed dumbly.

Scrimgeour knew that William wouldn’t tell him anything, and he was going to let Tonks, who had a good relationship with William, give him information.

It was a good calculus.

“But I really don’t know, but I’m pretty sure that Quirrell is the wizard Gringotts attacked me.” William insisted.

“Do you think Quirrell is so powerful? He is really so strong, and he was bullied so badly by you at school?”

Tonks said dissatisfied: “Or do you think I’m a fool?”

“Who knows?” William shook his head. “Maybe he has a tendency to shake M and like to be abused.”

Tonks snapped her fingers and sat down on the chair, she stared straight at William.

“Then let’s not talk about Quirrell, let’s talk about you!”

“What do I have to talk about?”

“The Auror’s office has a large box full of files about you.

Documenting most of your experiences, including the latest, you may have gone to Nicole May Manor with a girl at Christmas. ”

“The Ministry of Magic is investigating me?” William wondered, “I didn’t break the law.”

He didn’t hear this information from Bertha.

Also, the other party is only working in the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department~www.readwn.com~ This kind of information similar to investigation cannot be detected.

Tonks smiled and said, “Some people are very curious, how can a twelve or thirteen-year-old wizard be so powerful.

William, do you have enemies at the Ministry of Magic? ”

“Of course, since you work in the Auror’s office, you should know that I had a conflict with Umbridge.”

“Everyone knows this, but I don’t think she has the ability to mobilize the Auror to investigate you.”

William smiled, and this involved another small piece of information.

Umbridge doesn’t have that ability, but she can blow the pillow wind in Fudge’s ear.

According to William’s information from Berthana, Umbridge went to serve as a secretary to Fudge, and the relationship might not be healthy.

Of course, it’s not necessarily that Fudge is investigating.

Scrimgeour also wooed William to find out what Dumbledore was doing.

If he investigates secretly, it can make sense.

For example, in this interrogation, wasn’t the trainee Auror Tonks here?

William suddenly asked, “Tonks, why are you telling me this?”

“Why?” Tonks laughed proudly. “Although I am an Auror intern, I am secretly working for Dumbledore. He told me to!”

William was speechless, the Ministry of Magic was really like a sieve, infiltrated by Dumbledore in a mess, and his people were everywhere.

Or to put it another way… Who in the world can’t understand Deng?



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