A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Gay Dumbledore

Professor Snape’s hands trembled and pointed at Marietta. His mouth was full of bubbles, and he didn’t know what he was talking about.

It looks really pitiful.

But Marietta’s injury was no better than Snape’s.

She was covered in scabies, and she burst into tears, and suddenly many scabies appeared on her nose.

The little wizards were helpless and didn’t know what to do, but Snape, the only professor, was injured and couldn’t speak.

William took out his wand, waved it, and said softly, “Clean it up!”

The potion spilled on the ground was instantly swept away.

He glanced at Snape and Marietta, then glanced at his cauldron.

He was sure that his potion had been completed.

In other words, the efficacy is guaranteed.

Seeing the two in such pain, William made up his mind and waved his wand: “Cool quickly!”

The potion, which was still bubbling at first, gradually cooled down.

William used the most basic spells in the first and second grades, but the effect was just right.

He picked up a test tube from the test stand, scooped up the potion, and poured it on Professor Snape.

The scabies on Snape’s neck subsided immediately, as if it had never appeared.

It really works!

Qiu came back to his senses, and also picked up the test tube and started pouring it on Marietta.

All the little wizards rushed over to help.

This is too slow!

William waved his wand again, trying to use the Floating Charm to make the cauldron float and fall directly from the top of the two of them.

But before he could finish his action, a strong little Ravenclaw wizard rushed over with great strides.

“Get out of the way, look at me!” Bell Rhyme shouted in a rough voice.

The boy rolled up his sleeves, picked up the crucible, stood on the chair, and poured the blue liquid directly on the two of them.

William didn’t know if he was helping, or taking the opportunity to take revenge on Snape, but the scabies were completely gone.

“Ah!” Professor Snape sneezed.

The temperature of the basement classroom was already low. In order to enhance the atmosphere, he deliberately removed some of the torches around him.

For the first time, Snape regretted choosing Potions in this classroom!

“Okay, stop watching, I’ll send them to Madam Pomfrey.”

Although Professor Snape’s scabies are healed, the burns on his face are not yet healed.

Marietta also had to be sent for a check-up, so no sequelae could be left.

“Everyone turns off the fire. No one is allowed to continue making potions until Professor Snape returns.” William said and instructed.

He gave Qiu another look and asked her to watch over everyone and not continue to cause teaching accidents.

Professor Snape can’t speak now, only William can give orders.

Fortunately, the students of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are not too naughty, and there should be no major incident.

After walking out of the corridor, William saw Bobo Tea squatting beside the glass window basking in the sun.

Mrs. Norris is squatting beside her!

Bobo Tea looked at William and Snape in confusion… He couldn’t understand why it had only been in for half a day, how could it become like this?

It shook its tail, but luckily it didn’t enter the classroom, it was too dangerous!

Along the way, Professor Snape was tightly wrapped in his wet black cloak, trembling all over.

The old bat can’t fly anymore.

William has some feelings.

If it wasn’t for Professor Snape blocking that position, he would probably be the one who was injured. Let’s see what a people’s teacher is! (tactical lean back)

Madam Pomfrey was a fat witch, and she looked a little stern.

“Oh, Merlin’s beard, what happened?”

“Marietta overturned the scabies potion, and I think she added the porcupine quill without turning it off,” William replied.

“I’ve already put the scabies potion I made on her. You can check her again.”

“How about Professor Snape, why didn’t he take good care of the little wizard? Not responsible at all!” Madam Pomfrey growled.

Before she could finish her words, she saw Snape hiding behind the door.

Snape stood there awkwardly, and Madam Pomfrey was startled by the scalded bubbles on his face.

She frowned and carefully identified who the ugly monster was in front of her. After a while, she sighed and said, “Let’s all go to bed and lie down, it will be fine soon.”

William nodded and walked in with Marietta.

After a few minutes, Dumbledore came.

Madam Pomfrey withdrew, smacking her lips and complaining, “The Potions class is too dangerous, it should be cancelled.”

Dumbledore first glanced at Marietta, who took the medicine and quickly fell asleep.

Snape had a potion on his face, and a black cup in his hand, the potion inside looked like the mud at the bottom of a river.

Cold medicine… This is what Snape made for the school hospital.

But that’s why he couldn’t drink it. He put something non-toxic but hard to swallow!

“Good afternoon, William and Professor Snape.” Dumbledore said happily. ?

“Hello, principal, the classroom—”

“I already know the whole thing, and I sent Professor McGonagall to check the situation.” Dumbledore blinked.

“Don’t worry, it’s just that our potions professor can’t teach for the time being.”

Professor Snape sipped the potion in one gulp, and the potion burned in his mouth and down the throat, causing him to cough and spit.

It tastes like shit!

He suddenly looked at Dumbledore, pointed at Marietta and said with a whimper, “Shit…she…I want…deduct…five percent!”

Dumbledore frowned slightly, showing a confused look, he looked at William, hoping to translate.

William quickly waved his hand and said, “Professor Snape, thank me for my words, and we’ll talk about it when the injury heals.

As for adding 150 points to our academy, don’t even mention it! ”

Snape: “…”

He foamed at the mouth and pointed at William with his teeth and claws, looking very excited.

“My dear child.” Dumbledore blinked and said with a smile: “Although you say so, not every student can do it, especially a first-year wizard.

We set up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to train more wizards like this.

For this, I would like to reward Gravenclaw House with fifty points~www.readwn.com~ Dumbledore said: “Come on, our Potions Professor needs a rest too, or Madam Pomfrey will take a break. Let’s get out.”

The two were walking on the road, and Dumbledore kept saying hello to the little wizards.

William told Dumbledore of his idea of designing a Hogwarts map.

Dumbledore thought for a while and said, “Good idea.

In fact, when I first entered Hogwarts, I got lost several times and almost entered the girls’ toilet, making an irreversible mistake. ”

“However, I must remind you, William.” Dumbledore said, “Hogwarts has so many secrets that even I can’t fully know them.

Many secrets need to be explored by the little wizards themselves, and they cannot be widely known. For example, some secret passages directly outside the school.

A secret, just make it a secret. Too many people know it, and it will cause many irreversible consequences. ”

William nodded thoughtfully.

“I remember that in the school library, there is also a diagram of the structure of Hogwarts Castle. I hope it can help you.”

“Oh, right.” At the crossroads, Dumbledore seemed to remember something, and he showed a sly smile.

“When sending a condolence card to your friend Miss Akemore, don’t forget our Potions Professor.

He, too, needs to be cared for. ”

William was stunned.

He always felt that Dumbledore…gay was gay.

————I am Dumbledore’s separator————

(Dumbledore: The recommendation vote is the greatest encouragement to Professor Snape, thank you wizards!

The second is to ask for a recommendation. )

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