A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Marauder’S Map

The news of Snape’s teaching accident spread like a golden man at Hogwarts.

By noon, almost everyone knew about it, and they could hear conversations similar to the following while walking on the road.

“Have you heard?”


“When Professor Snape was in class, the potion made by Ravenclaw students exploded.”

“Have you heard?”


“When Professor Snape was in class, the potion he made exploded.”

“Have you heard?”

“I heard! Professor Snape… exploded!”


Professor Snape exploded and quickly spread to every corner of Hogwart, and William, one of the parties, also became a hot word.

He is described as the culprit in Professor Snape’s explosion!

When they were sorted yesterday, William said that Snape was a greasy old bat, and everyone was waiting for his bad luck today.

But I didn’t expect that he actually blew up Snape… It’s the first werewolf at Hogwarts!

Before William could reach Ravenclaw’s table, George and Fredra walked over.

They held up the pumpkin juice, touched a glass, and cheered loudly: “Let’s welcome the hero of Hogwarts – William Stark! He got rid of Professor Snape, the first of the three evils at Hogwarts!”

The loud cheers of the twin brothers attracted countless little wizards’ eyes, and they thought they had taken away the Death Eater’s nest!

At the Gryffindor table, everyone had a happy smile on their faces, and Wood even shed tears of excitement.

It can be seen how badly he has been ravaged and insulted by Professor Snape over the years.

Those painful years not only left traces on the body, but also carved indelible wounds on the mind.

William took several sips of pumpkin juice before he breathed a sigh of relief.

He said speechlessly, “The rumors you spread?”

George patted William on the shoulder and said with a smile, “Brother, don’t worry about the rumors, just be happy.”

Fred continued: “Yes, it means that we don’t have to take the old bat class at least on Wednesday.”

George handed William a glass of summerberry panna cotta to eat at the Gryffindor table.

“As I said, you shouldn’t have saved Snape, you don’t know how hateful he is.”

William smiled, he believed that in that case, any little wizard would choose to use potion to treat Snape’s scabies, including the twin brothers!

He didn’t continue the topic, but asked, “Did Cedric tell you about what I want to make a map?”

George took a bite of the marmalade pudding and said, “William, it’s hard to be honest!”

“The most critical problem is that you need to be very familiar with Hogwarts, and you are not familiar with it.”

“So, I’m here to find you two.” William raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, “I dare say that even Professor Dumbledore is not as familiar with Hogwarts as you are!”

Fred laughed, almost choking.

George smiled and said, “Ah, if we stay for a few more years, we will definitely agree with you, William, but not now.”

Fred blinked: “We are also humbly learning now.”

As he said that, he glanced around carefully and whispered, “Come on, let’s show you a big baby!”

“…” For some reason, William felt that Fred was particularly wretched.

The three of them bowed their heads, and Fred carefully took out his big treasure from the black robe.

—It was a large, square, very old parchment with nothing written on it!

William would like to know why this kid hides everything in a place where it is easy to cause misunderstandings… Sniffing is the case, and parchment is the same, isn’t it too embarrassing to panic?

Fred put the parchment on the bench and glanced around vigilantly.

William wondered if it was worth the tension?

“Don’t look like that, William.” George whispered, “This is a mysterious magic item that can take us to the door to the new world.”

William’s eyes lit up, could it be… a book? !

George was very satisfied with William’s eyes, he patted the parchment and explained:

“When we were in first grade, we were young, carefree, and innocent…”

William squinted and glanced at the two of them. He doubted whether Fred and George were naive.

“Well, I must be more naive than you. When we were in the first grade, we didn’t attack Slytherin on the train, nor at the sorting dinner, saying that Snape was a greasy old bat…”

William quickly interrupted George.

George coughed and sighed, “Although we are so simple, there was a little friction with Filch.”

“We put a big dung ball in the hallway, and for some reason, the bomb frustrated him…”

“So, he pulled us into his office and started using that usual punishment.”

“Close the confinement.”

“Take out our intestines.”

“And we couldn’t help but notice his filing cabinet drawer, one of which was written: Confiscated supplies, high risk.”

“So…” William laughed.

“So what are you going to do?” Fred said with a smirk. “George threw another big dung bomb to distract him. I quickly opened the drawer and grabbed this.”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds, you know,” George laughed. “We don’t think Filch ever figured out how to use the parchment. But he probably guessed what it was, or he Nor will it be confiscated.”

“Then do you know how to use it?” William couldn’t wait.

“I know some, more content is still being unlocked.” George smiled: “But this is a—”

“—Map of Hogwarts!”

Hearing that it was not a book, William was a little disappointed. He had gradually forgotten why he was looking for his twin brother.

“What are you doing?!”

At this moment, a stern voice suddenly sounded from behind.

At some point, Professor McGonagall appeared behind the three.

With a stern face, she intensified her tone and asked, “What are you doing?”

William sat down on the parchment map and replied, “We were discussing what gift to give Professor Snape, you know, he had some teaching accidents…”

Professor McGonagall’s face softened a little, and she said, “Mr. Stark, I already know what happened in the morning, you did a good job, Professor Flitwick will be proud of you.

However, if you let me know what prank you are trying to plan…”

She glanced at the parchment under William’s butt, and after a while, turned her eyes to the twin brothers.

“You two stay tonight!”?

“What are we going to do, Professor?” Fred asked cautiously.

They wrote a 2,000-word examination last night, and they will continue to accept other punishments today.

“You go and help Mr. Filch clean the silverware in the medal room,” said Professor McGonagall. “No magic, hear you, Mr. Weasleys—all by hand!”?

The twin brothers shivered.

William took a deep breath.

The Weasley brothers tried their best, and Professor McGonagall slayed the chickens as an example… William had a profound understanding of the rules of Hogwarts for the first time!

Violation is okay, but you must not be caught.

The lesson of blood!

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