A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Grindillo

Professor Tywin stood on the podium and looked at all the little wizards.

“The magic world is undoubtedly dangerous, such as the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters who were rampant more than ten years ago.”

Everyone held their breath.

Professor Tywin said in an unpredictable tone, “Of course, the Dark Lord has been eliminated by Harry Potter.”

“In addition, there are all kinds of dark creatures and magical creatures, all of which we need to learn how to deal with.

Just like my predecessor, Professor Robert, who died in the Devil’s Web and the Forbidden Forest. ”

Everyone was attracted by Professor Tywin’s words, and the original creaking chair completely disappeared.

Professor Tywin nodded with satisfaction. The noise level of the classroom is always the best way to judge whether students are listening carefully to the class.

“Today, I’m going to teach you how to deal with some dark creatures, all of which are very effective spells.

Please put all the books back in the bag and follow me. You only need to use your wand. ”

Everyone looked at each other curiously, then put away the books.

They had never taken a Defense Against the Dark Arts class to practice, and it sounded tense and exciting.

Led by Professor Tywin, they walked through a quiet corridor, turned a corner, and the first thing they saw was Peeves.

Peeves is Hogwarts’ favorite prankster, more troublesome than the twins.

He was floating in midair, using a balloon-like object made of some special rubber, filled with a large amount of liquid.

The quality of the rubber balloon is really good. Even though it contains five or six liters of liquid, it has no tendency to burst.

It wasn’t until Professor Tywin was two meters away from Peeves that he raised his head, then waved his crooked feet and let go of his throat to sing.

“Bad, bad, Tywin,” Peeves sang, “he walks the halls every night, sneaking—”

Peeves is always rude and unruly, but he usually has some respect for teachers.

Everyone quickly turned their attention to Professor Tywin to see how he dealt with it, or, in other words, what skills he had.

Tywin smiled and said: “If I were you, Peeves, I would throw the swill mixed with the big dung in the balloon out of Hogwarts.”

Like vicious biochemical weapons…

Everyone stepped back five meters to prevent being affected by the big dung swill!

Tywin continued to say happily, “Mr. Filch can’t use magic, he can’t clean so much dirt.”?

Can’t use magic, isn’t that a squib?

There was a buzzing sound again in the crowd, especially in the Slytherin team. They didn’t expect the vicious-looking administrator to be a squib.

William even heard a hint of contemptuous laughter.

Professor Tywin took out his ebony wand, turned his head and said, “This is a very useful spell, and it’s also a lesson I gave you.”

“Please look at it.”? He raised his wand to the height of his chest. First, he demonstrated a few key points of action for everyone. When everyone saw it clearly, he quickly said, “Ah~ Bo stab!”

The four balloons exploded instantly, and the thick liquid did not splash out, but followed the direction of Tywin’s wand, drawing a beautiful arc, and all shot on Peeves.

Peeves immediately floated towards the sky in a hurry, greeting Professor Tywin’s immediate family, but soon a liquid poured into his mouth.

“That’s amazing, Professor!” said Odes Larsente in amazement. ?

“Thank you, Mr. Larsente,” said Professor Tywin.

He frowned and looked at the few drops of liquid dripping from the ground, and waved his wand again, “Quick whirlwind!”

The liquid is gone, and the stench in the air is gone.

William was keenly aware that Professor Tywin seemed to have some cleanliness addiction. Of course, it might also be inseparable from being attacked by Wood’s smelly shoes.

After Peeves left, everyone continued walking. The whole class looked at the professor’s eyes with a little more admiration.

Professor Tywin led them into the third corridor and stopped, outside an empty classroom.

“Go in.” Professor Tywin said, “This will be our training classroom in the future.” ?

It was very empty inside, with only one extra-large water tank, and the scene inside could not be seen clearly, it was blocked by turbid silt and long water plants.

Professor Tywin walked to the water tank and stood still. There was a sudden thud, and the creatures inside seemed to smash the glass.

“Don’t worry.” Professor Tywin said calmly, because several students jumped back in fright at this time. “There’s only Grindillo in there.”

? Most people feel that they do need to worry.

Marietta Ackermore tugged at William’s arm nervously and began to take advantage of him again.

Marcos Belby glanced at Professor Tywin with horror in his eyes. Several Slytherin students also peeked at the shaking water tank in fear.

“Grindillo is a dark creature that lives in water,” Professor Tywin said. “In rivers, in ditches, in lakes – when I was a kid, I went swimming naked in the river, and I was caught in a certain position by this creature, pulled into the bottom of the river.

I think many people should have had a similar experience.

This is Grindillo, who was caught from Black Lake yesterday. I asked the principal to ask if it could be used for teaching. ”

“What, there is such a thing in Black Lake?” The Slytherin girl who wanted to attack Tywin had a terrified face, and her freckles were crowded together, like a dragon fruit.

Professor Tywin blinked and smiled: “Of course, I have to tell you, Miss Crouch, there are many magical creatures in the Black Lake, and Grindylow is definitely the most common one.”

Many people’s expressions changed. They were able to row across the Black Lake on the first day in a small broken boat.

Judy Crouch said in a shrill voice, “I’m going to write to my uncle and tell my uncle that UU reading www.uukanshu.com can’t allow such a dangerous creature to live near me.”

Her uncle, Barty Crouch, is the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department. It sounds bluffing, but it’s actually useless and has long been marginalized by politics.

Even though Crouch was still in power, Tywin doubted that a cold-blooded wizard who could even throw his own son into Azkaban would listen to a little girl’s nonsense?

Of course this is impossible!

Therefore, Judy showed more ingredients, and she also deceived the ignorant little snakes around.

However, Tywin still had a smile on his face, showing an encouraging look, as if it was a deliberate habit.

“Okay, time has passed for a long time, we must hurry up.”

“First of all, the first question we have to ask ourselves is, what is Grindillo?”?

“Mr. Stark, you answer.”

William stood on the spot and explained, “Grindillo is a dark monster hidden in the water plants at the bottom of the lake.

Its body is green, with green green teeth, horns on its head, and very long fingers, which is one of their weaknesses. ”

“I can’t answer better than you, Ravenclaw adds five points!” Professor Tywin laughed.

Ravenclaw has added 10 points to this time.

Before this, only Professor Snape would be so shameless in favoring his own college.

Could it be that spring is coming in Ravenclaw?

——I am Grindylow’s separator——

(Only collection and recommendation will give a Grindillo, which is crunchy and tastes like chicken.)

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