A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Magical Withdrawal Spell

Standing by the water tank, Professor Tywin tapped the glass with his wand.

? “It’s easy to repel Grindylors, don’t let them grab them, and use the Pulling Charm.

But it should be noted that you must know that for this spell to succeed, you must have a firm will. ”

“Oh, Mr. Wolf, don’t look at that kind of look.” Professor Tywin whispered, “Of course you have this kind of self-confidence.

Slytherin and Ravenclaw, I dare say they are the best houses at Hogwarts, and many excellent wizards come from these two houses. ”

Most of the Slytherin students had smug smiles on their faces.

Professor Tywin continued: “If you fail, don’t be afraid. With me here, what are you afraid of?”

“Come on, let’s talk about this withdrawal spell without a wand first, please tell me…Hasak!”?

“Hasak!” the whole class said in unison.

“Okay,” said Professor Tywin, “very good. But, I’m afraid that’s just the easy part. You know, the spell alone isn’t enough.

It’s up to you, Judy. ”

Judy Crouch walked up tremblingly, but not out of fear, but out of excitement.

Tywin was standing beside Judy, and she could smell a pungent perfume.

The water tank vibrated again, and there was a roar inside.

Tywin took his ebony wand and asked softly, “Okay, Judy, are you afraid?”

The girl shook her head with a blushing face. Her freckled face looked like a broken dragon fruit from a distance.

Professor Tywin said, “Then, I opened the water tank.”?

Judy’s hands trembled, starting to get scared.

But she didn’t flinch, after all, the professor was standing beside her.

As the ebony wand shot out a green light, the water tank slammed, and the top flap opened automatically.

The green horns were the first to show, a sickly green guy, pressing his face against the glass, made faces, and stretched his slender claws.

Grindylo slowly surfaced, with a bulbous head and short, ugly hands like octopus claws.

It roared, its mouth emitting a rancid stench, and its dense yellow teeth were like a row of steel needles coated with paint.

William’s roommate, Marcos Belby, was trembling all over, his face was flushed, his eyes were round, and he seemed to have some daring idea.

Judy Crouch seemed to be stunned. She stood there and didn’t move.

Professor Tywin said softly, “Judy, don’t be afraid, I’m here, hold your wand!”

Hearing the professor’s words, Judy seemed to muster up her courage, her wand was raised, she was speechless, speechless.

Grindylo approached her aggressively, his claws suddenly extended like a vine whip.

The arm that William had just withdrawn was pulled by Marietta again, and she tried so hard, as if she was panning walnuts.

Wrong, that kind of vigorous hand strength is clearly pinching walnuts, and vowing to crush his bones!

“Clam-hasack!” Judy screamed.

There was a noise, like the sound of a whip, and Grindylo’s face showed confusion, and one of his long fingers suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

It lost its balance and slipped to the ground with a ‘snap”, its remaining claws flexing its claws comically, like Snape lying in a hospital bed about to deduct points.

Professor Tywin shouted: “Atul, come forward!”

Arthur walked forward, his face sullen, Grindylo slid to his side like ice skating, and stretched out his claws again.

The claws glowed green and looked crystal clear.

“Hasak!” Arthur shouted. ?

There was another explosion, and Grindylo broke another claw.

People kept coming forward, a Carindylo was completely decapitated, and Professor Tywin grabbed another one from the water tank.

Autumn is coming soon.

Professor Tywin exhorted loudly, “Don’t aim at the wizard, this is a very dangerous spell.

Once, I accidentally took off a wizard’s clothes, and another time I almost…”

Before he could finish speaking, an accident happened.

Judy Crouch, who was the first to cast the spell, didn’t know if she was too excited or her self-confidence was inflated, so she rushed over.

She aimed her wand at Grindylow…Professor Tywin behind.

Withdrawal Charm—well, she wanted to see the special effect that Professor Tywin called “robbing off”, just like what Tywin did to an unknown wizard.

The wizard’s head is not very good, let alone a little wizard who is in a state of excitement.

Professor Tywin didn’t expect such a thing to happen, and he focused all his attention on Qiu.

A dazzling light passed through the gap between Grindylo’s claws and came straight to Tywin.

More precisely, the base of his thigh!

A strange, very unpleasant feeling like lightning went from Professor Tywin’s thigh to his calf, as if his bones were being evacuated.

Everyone gasped, and Professor Tywin lost the bone in his right leg.

Unable to support him, he collapsed to the ground, and the ebony wand rolled down the floor.

Tywin’s leg didn’t hurt at all, but it didn’t feel like a leg at all, like a thick, flesh-colored rubber joggers.

He tried to move his thighs, but there was no response.

“Ahaha—” Professor Tywin reluctantly smiled: “This is another result of what I said, the bone was pulled out!”

Judy Crouch was frightened once again, and Professor Tywin didn’t dare to say any words of encouragement. This is the end of the fire!

Professor Tywin was lying on the ground, surrounded by little wizards around him, but no one came to help.

He woke up angrily and said, “Okay, come on someone, take me to the hospital, Madam Pomfrey can—”


A sharp, piercing dolphin sound suddenly sounded!

Everyone ignored Grindylow. It sneaked on the ground and moved, and when the distance was short enough, it suddenly attacked the nearest Qiuhe and Marietta.

Marietta panicked, screamed, and waved her wand indiscriminately.

Fortunately, William flashed quickly, otherwise the hard walnut wand would probably stab his handsome face.

The magic power of the little wizard is extremely unstable. When the mood fluctuates greatly, magic riots can easily occur.

This happened to almost all the little wizards before they entered school.

So, the moment Marietta saw Grindillo rush towards her, a magical riot broke out.

The water tank exploded instantly, and the glass shattered to the ground!

The water tank doesn’t look big, but the space is expanded with the Traceless Stretching Charm, and there are six Grindylls hidden inside.

They crawled out of the water tank with claws and claws, and glared at the little wizards viciously.

Where have you seen this kind of battle, turned around and pushed and ran towards the door.

Professor Tywin was badly beaten. He was lying on the ground grinning, and there were a lot of footprints on his expensive robe.

He almost became the first Hogwarts professor to be trampled to death.

——I am Professor Tywin’s separator——

(Tywin: Lannister will pay his debts. I will double the votes cast by the wizards!)

Thanks to Muye Canglan and the crow who dyed ink, the two bosses for their reward(//?//)

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