A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Attack On Bobo Tea

Among so many courses, Transfiguration is undoubtedly the one that William is most looking forward to.

Cedric is best at Transfiguration. During the summer vacation, William learned a lot from him.

However, although William was interested, Transfiguration was not very interested in him.

William finally found a subject he was not very good at.

He is very talented in magic spells and potions, especially the former.

The first time he came into contact with magic, William used the floating spell, and the various defense spells against the dark magic taught by Professor Tywin, he was also at his fingertips, without any stagnation.

Many of the standard spells in the first and second grades can be cast in one go, and the power is far beyond that of his peers.

This is talent!

Transfiguration is different, his progress in self-study during the summer vacation is very slow.

The ease with which he was in spells and potions class, William clearly felt that it had disappeared, and he had changed from a scholar to a scholar.

The same question, some people just need to glance at it to get an idea, some people do it many times, but they don’t understand the meaning.

William undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

This is not to say that William is really bad. In the study of Transfiguration, he is also an ordinary person.

Is this enough? You know, everyone is afraid of comparison!

For the same match, it took William more than half a month to reluctantly turn it into an ugly needle.

And when Cedric was a beginner, he could do it perfectly in only two days.

Two days vs fifteen days!

Now, Cedric has almost finished his third-year Transfiguration self-taught, and began to prepare for the Animagus.

In such a comparison, Cedric’s talent in Transfiguration can simply blow William into scum.



The Transfiguration classroom was on the second floor, and the sunlight could come in directly from the window, which was obviously warmer than Snape’s potions classroom.

William, Qiu, and Cedric separated at the intersection, and the two entered the classroom.

There were already many people in the classroom, especially Gryffindor students.

They knew Professor McGonagall’s sternness better than anyone else, so they didn’t dare to be late.

However, although Professor McGonagall was his own dean, most of the Gryffindor students hoped that William would continue to perform well and get her into the school hospital.

Not much, just stay for a day or two.

But they are sure to be disappointed.

William thought about it carefully at noon. The main culprit for the two teaching accidents was Marietta.

And she herself was too frightened and is still in hospital.

Without her, there would be no surprises in this class!

William bet on a… Nat.

Of course, money is not a problem. The key point is that he believes in Professor McGonagall’s ability, unlike some two rotten fish and shrimps still lying on the hospital bed.

Bobo Tea followed behind William, swaying.

He slept all morning, and now he is in good spirits, so he followed William out to digest food and walk around.

The most important thing is that this classroom does not have its nasty cold smell and similar specimens.

Not only does it not, there is a special smell that attracts it inexplicably.

Hmm… so special! Bobo tea rolled up the ears of the plane, sniffing constantly, looking for the source of that smell.

Fortunately, it is still of good quality. It doesn’t urinate around, and it determines its own territory.

William found a spot at will, and Qiu sat down beside him.

Except for a few little wizards, most of the Gryffindor students sat far away, as if they were afraid of being splattered with blood by William.

“Professor McGonagall seems to be here?” After Qiu took out his textbook, he glanced around in confusion.

She heard that Professor McGonagall is the most severe professor. There are still two minutes left before class time, so there will be no accident on the road, right?

Qiu looked at William strangely.

Not only her, everyone looked at William like this.

William touched his face. Could it be that he is handsome again today?

No, he is so handsome as a human being, so there should be no room for improvement, right?

At this moment, the Bobo tea on William’s table suddenly stood up.

It finally found the reason for the restlessness.

On the front podium, there is a cat squatting!

It was an extremely beautiful tabby cat, with an excellent coat color and a well-proportioned body. It was definitely not a dyed pig!

The most special thing about this cat is not the special lines around its eyes, but its temperament.

The eyes are cold, not like a cat, but more like a person!

William suddenly remembered the cute pet in a novel he had read in his previous life—that silly cat named Heitan.

William stared at the tabby, and the tabby stared at him.

Just when the two sides were fighting wits and courage and their eyes were testing, Bobo Tea picked up its small dried fish and jumped up suddenly.

It stepped on four short legs, as if it were flying, stepping on the fluffy heads of the few Gryffindor wizards in front, displaying the legendary Lingbo Microstep, and walking towards the tabby cat.

William’s little face was sallow with fright, looking like Snape on the hospital bed…

Thinking of the Animagus he discussed with Cedric before, and the cat’s abnormality, William’s reaction was slow, and he already knew who this cat was!

Yes, Mag who can point to Cedric Animagus, or a professor of Transfiguration… How could he not know Animagus himself?

This is the real cat owner!

William now finally understands why Cedric hesitated when he asked about the seven registered Animagus.

And why, Cedric kept suggesting him to bring popo tea to class in the afternoon.

What can’t remember the name, what Professor McGonagall likes cats, seeing Bobo tea will give Ravenclaw extra points… Shit, Cedric looks big, but his heart is so shriveled~www.readwn .com~ Isn’t this bullying honest people?

Due to William’s strict diet control, Bobo Tea has not degenerated into a pig.

It was well-proportioned and vigorous, overturned three bottles of ink, stomped off two quills, and finally leaped into the podium through Cormac McLaggen’s head, flying like an antelope.

The whole process was completed in one go, and the dried fish was still in its mouth.

The tabby cat was also confused. She was still warning William with her eyes when a small orange cat suddenly came over.

Bobo Tea put the dried fish on the table and pushed towards the tabby cat courteously.

William’s face became paler and paler, and he suddenly remembered a terrible thing – the cat owner is a strange animal. When they encounter strangers, they sometimes sniff each other’s buttocks to taste the saltiness.

This is the same as when people meet acquaintances and say hello and say “Have you eaten?”


Hurry up and do something to stop Bobo Tea from dying. William didn’t want to be hospitalized, and he didn’t want to follow it…die!

Fortunately, Bobo Tea went around the tabby cat, and under the cold eyes of the other side, he didn’t have the courage to go further.

William breathed a sigh of relief, his cat is a shy and good boy, not so rude and direct.

But the next second, Bobo Tea suddenly took the initiative to lie down, and it made a “meow”, indicating that the tabby cat can lick its fur.




(ps Some people will think that it is exaggerated to prepare to learn Animagus in the second grade, but the Predator quartet, the fifth grade self-learning Animagus, and James prepared for three years. That is to say, they started in the second grade. Prepare for Animagus, or self-study, so for genius, it is not an exaggeration.)

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