A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Burning Heloise

Tabby disappeared, replaced by Professor McGonagall.

She wears a pair of square glasses that look exactly like the lines around the cat’s eyes.

Mag’s face was as usual, and it seemed that it wasn’t the first time that this kind of thing happened.

He even said that William seriously doubted that there was ever a student who teased her with a cat stick, or licked her head!

Everyone was quiet, and was startled by Professor McGonagall’s hand.

Bobo Tea was even more frightened. It didn’t know how the beautiful tabby cat disappeared and turned into a stern woman.

It was fried with hair all over, picked up its own dried fish, and turned to flee the scene of the crime.

Professor McGonagall didn’t stop him, but looked around, especially on William, and stopped for a while.

As low as Professor Snape, everyone knows that she is not easy to mess with.

Professor McGonagall said, “Transfiguration will be the most complicated and dangerous spell in your Hogwarts course.”

“Anyone who wants to be naughty in my class, I’ll ask him out and never let him in again.

I warned you in advance here. ”

No one spoke, and Bobo Tea hid beside William’s legs and shivered.

“Transfiguration, as the name implies, is a spell that transforms one object into another.

It can turn an inanimate object into a lively one, and it can also turn an originally vibrant creature into a certain object. said Professor McGonagall, taking his wand out of his pocket.

“like this.”

She waved her wand lightly, and Bobo Tea, who was hiding at William’s feet, flew up.

Professor McGonagall hugged Bobo Tea with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Bobo Tea looked at Professor McGonagall pitifully, and cried “meow~” in her mouth, trying to pass the test with cuteness.

Professor McGonagall’s wand, tapped on Bobo Tea’s head.

With a sound of “Shuh”, Bobo Tea turned into a cup.

Professor McGonagall grabbed the cat’s tail-shaped handle and waved it in the air so that the students below could see it clearly.

Everyone’s attention was attracted.

Professor McGonagall tapped Bobo tea a few times again, and a whimpering, blower-shaped pink pig appeared on the desk.

There is also a pair of wings on Bobo Tea’s body. Professor McGonagall waved his wand, and it flew into the air like a drone.

Everyone applauded and stared at the top with excitement, wishing they could start learning right away.

Professor McGonagall changed Bobo Tea back, licked its orange head, waved his wand, and a cat basin appeared in front of him.

Bobo Tea took a sniff, swallowed the snack in one gulp, and after devouring it, ran back to William.

Professor McGonagall said: “Okay, let’s open the “Transformation Guide for Beginners”, we will talk about the basic principles and Gamp’s first deformation guideline today.”

Everyone opened the book and saw the dense formula derivation and theorems above, and they were all a little dejected.

Professor McGonagall continued: “If everything goes smoothly, maybe you can try the transformation today.”

After hearing Professor McGonagall’s words, everyone became excited again.

Theoretical knowledge is undoubtedly boring. As Professor McGonagall said, this is a difficult and complicated course.

An hour passed, and Professor McGonagall was still talking about various theoretical knowledge, and everyone took down a lot of notes.

In order to attract everyone’s attention, Professor McGonagall will perform some wonderful transformations from time to time, and Bobo Tea has become her cat model.

William listened with relish. Although he had taught himself this content and asked Cedric about things he didn’t understand, there was still a gap of dozens of Hagrids between Cedric and Professor McGonagall.

Probably thinking that everyone was dizzy, Professor McGonagall finally put down the textbook, looked at the relieved students, and said, “Okay, then we can try the actual operation.”

She gave the whole class a match and said, “Your goal is to turn the match into a needle. The more delicate the better.”

Qiu held his wand and aimed it at the match, and made a staring attack.

Marcos Belby poked a match vigorously, and the matchstick snapped in the middle.

He glanced at Professor McGonagall, did not dare to ask for another match, but pretended that nothing had happened, and continued to poke the match as if nothing had happened.

The other students in the class weren’t much better, most of them didn’t even know spells, they just sat there dumbfounded.

“Have you learned it?” Qiu gave up trying and turned to look at William.

William was still looking at the textbook, but the content was obviously later knowledge.

“It’s barely okay.” William put down the textbook and picked up the wand on the table.

He lightly lit the match, the match disappeared, and a long needle appeared on the table.

It’s not accurate to say that. The thing called a needle, which is actually a small iron rod, is almost as thick as a match, and one end is slightly closed, which abstractly means that it has a pointed tip.

This is surprising enough, after all, it is a lot ahead of the other students!

“How did you do it?” Katie Bell, who was sitting in the back, stood up and asked with great envy.

She found that people are different, and Ravenclaw’s genius is indeed well-deserved.

William shrugged and said, “I spent a lot of summer on this.

As a great wizard said, ‘I just spent other people’s time drinking coffee on the study of Transfiguration. ’”

Several students around were attracted by Katie Bell’s cry, and they were all surprised when they saw William successfully using Transfiguration.

Professor McGonagall walked in front of William, Bobo Tea huddled in his robe, not daring to show his head.

She glanced at the iron bar on the table, with surprise in her eyes, the pursed lips seemed to be less tight.

Turning matches into thin needles is a few weeks later. Most of the students want to complete it, and it is basically more than a month after entering school.

Professor McGonagall just took it out to ease the atmosphere, and didn’t expect anyone to do it.

“Mr. Stark, very good.” Professor McGonagall said, “One point for Ravenclaw.”

Cormac McLaggen snorted. When he was entering school, he saw that William was upset.

Michaela thought that after entering the school, her unique talent would explode out completely, but she didn’t expect that it would be pulled farther and farther by William.

He picked up his wand, stared at the match and began to hold his breath.

His blue veins burst out, his face was gloomy, his magic power was running around his body, and his wand was shaking in his hand.

Finally, the turbid qi rose, the clear qi descended, the two qi were divided equally, the food returned to the large intestine, and the water returned to the bladder… A cloudy and pungent gas broke free from the shackles of the body and entered the classroom.


The Gryffindor friends around McLaggen covered their noses and ducked to the sides.

McLaggen didn’t pay attention, because he was very comfortable now, in perfect condition. He picked up his wand, poked the match lightly a few times, and used magic.


The match was ignited instantly, and with the help of the special gas in the air, the flame rose up.

McLaggen was terrified, he hurriedly threw the match out, and it landed on Heloise Midgen’s fluffy light-colored hair.

I don’t know how long she hasn’t washed her hair.

The greasy hair was instantly ignited.

Heloise became a big match.

(The third update, Merry Christmas, please recommend)

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