A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Professional Rod Maker 2000

Hagrid kept chattering all the way, complaining about the various unreasonable regulations of the Ministry of Magic, it seems that the whole world is targeting his cute fire dragon.

Two goblins led them into a tall marble hall.

There were about a hundred or so fairies, sitting on high stools behind a row of long counters, some weighing coins with copper scales, and some examining gems with eyepieces, while scribbling registrations on the large ledger.

There are countless doors in the hall, leading to different places, and many fairies guide people to enter and exit these doors, which looks extremely busy.

“I need to exchange for two hundred Galleons.” Roy took out a small stack of pounds and handed it to an old goblin.

Hogwarts implements seven-year compulsory education. The school does not charge tuition fees, but textbooks, wizard robes, and wands all need to be purchased at their own expense.

Then here comes the problem.

Since Hogwarts does not charge tuition fees, how to maintain daily expenses?

William learned from Hagrid that the school’s funds mainly come from Ministry of Magic grants, school trustees, and donations from well-known alumni.

Of course, the income is much more than that, after all, Hagrid is just a key keeper.

The old goblin is worthy of being a good businessman. He glanced at Roy and William at random. With his vicious eyes, he instantly concluded from the clothes that they were not poor, and then started to sell products enthusiastically.

The old goblin seemed to be a comedian. He entered the play in a second and started his own performance.

“Gringotts private vault,

Hidden 20,000 meters underground,

Ukrainian iron belly guard,

Exclusive one-to-one secret key

When the money storehouse is separated by ten meters, it will automatically alarm.

There is only a short distance between good and excellent. This distance is called Gringotts.

Gringotts private vault, you are worth having! ”

Roy: “…”

William: “…”

Hagrid: ☆?☆)!”

Roy and William looked disgusted, the old goblin was not angry, and continued to sell other financial products.

As for the excited Hagrid… He ignored him directly. The other party looked like a poor guy, not his potential client.

William looked at the chattering old goblin, as if he saw the barber boy in the previous life, and talked a lot, but the core idea was still one sentence: “Brother, get a card.”

Before William said anything, his father Roy decisively refused.

He has already inquired, the gold Galleon is a magic coin, and it is not pure gold, but an alloy made by the goblin smelting process.

Since it is not pure gold, even if it is exchanged for a lot, it will be inflated in Gringotts, instead of maintaining its value with the price of gold.

Only a fool keeps money in the bank. Isn’t it good to invest in him?


On the road, Hagrid kept sighing.

“If it weren’t for the fact that all the money was used to buy three-headed dogs, I would also like to set up a private treasury.

Hey, William, what kind of eyes do you have? Not everyone can have a private treasury, this is the symbol of a successful man!

Let me tell you, without a private treasury, in the magic world, it is very difficult to even marry a wife! ”

Hey, why does William sound so familiar with this sentence?

Next, Hagrid took the two into the shop of Mrs. Malkin’s robes.

Mrs. Morkin was a short, plump witch with a smile and a purple dress. After measuring the size, she suggested that the three of them go to buy other items first.

So, they went to the wand shop first.

It was a small and shabby shop, with peeling gold signs on the door that read: Ollivander: Well-made wands since 382 B.C.E.

In the dusty window, a wand stands alone on a faded purple cushion.

It’s amazing, actually making sticks professionally for more than 2,000 years!

When they entered the store, somewhere behind the store, there were bursts of wind chimes.

The store is very small, except for one bench, there are only a few thousand long and narrow cardboard boxes that almost reach the ceiling.

It’s all wands in here.

“Good evening.” A head suddenly emerged from the stack of cardboard boxes.

But this man is not Ollivander, he is very young and thin… He looks like a year or two older than William.

“Oh, Merlin’s beard! Cedric, why are you here?” Hagrid was taken aback.

“Hey, Hagrid.”

The boy named Cedric shook the apprentice uniform on his body, and a large cloud of dust popped out.

“I’m here for a summer job.”

“Oh, is that so?” Hagrid glanced at Cedric with a suspicious look.

“If I want to make money, I posted a mission at Hogwarts, and the summer vacation can help me cultivate magical creatures, so there’s no need to come here.”

Cedric waved his hand quickly and said, “It doesn’t matter if you have money or not, the key is interest. I just want to learn some techniques from Mr. Ollivander.”

Of course, the most important reason, the boy didn’t say… He didn’t want to cultivate some fried tail snails. That thing had no head and smelled like rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

It’s terrible!

“You can ask the Weasley brothers to help you next time, they should be quite short of money.” Cedric suggested “friendly”.

“Merlin’s beard, don’t mention those two bad guys!” Hagrid’s beard trembled wildly.

“I spent half the semester driving them out of the Forbidden Forest… The first year I went to the Forbidden Forest to wander. This is the first time I have seen such a bold student!”

Cedric nodded and moved his gaze to William.

“This must be the new apprentice, right? Hello, my name is Cedric Diggory, just call me Cedric.”

Cedric has a high nose bridge and black hair. Although he is thin, his black pupils are piercing.

“Hello, my name is William Stark, just call me William.” William reached out and shook his hand.

Hagrid smiled and said, “William, talk to Cedric, he is the best student in the entire first year.

I heard many professors compliment him, especially Professor McGonagall. You know, Professor McGonagall is very strict. ”

“No.” Cedric’s face was a little red, he turned his head embarrassedly, and shouted to the inside, “Mr. Ollivander, there is a guest.”

After a while, along with the sound of wind chimes, an old man stood in front of them, his big light-colored eyes were like two shining moons in the dim shop. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

“Hello.” William said. “My name is William Stark.”

“Well, it’s another little wizard.” The old man had messy white hair, and was a little confused.

“That’s great, I think those lovely wands can’t wait to meet their new owners.”

He stroked his hair and said in surprise, “Oh, of course, the wand chooses the owner, so it’s hidden somewhere, and my job is to find it.”

Mr. Ollivander walked up to William. Although his tone was kind, he narrowed his silver-white eyes and looked extremely strange.

He stared at William’s dark green eyes, and after a while, he turned to look at Hagrid.

As if he had just discovered Hagrid suddenly, he exclaimed in surprise: “Oh, Rubeus Hagrid! It’s a pleasure to see you again, oak, sixteen inches long, a little curved, right?”

“Yes, sir.” Hagrid nodded. “That’s a good wand.”

“But I think, when you were fired, you must have been thrown out by the Ministry of Magic?” Ollivander suddenly became serious.

“Ah, of course, they broke it, yes.” Hagrid slowly moved his footsteps and stepped back toward Roy, as if that made him feel a little more secure.

“I still have the broken wand.”

“But you don’t need it?” Ollivander continued to ask.

“No need, how can a broken wand still be used?”

Hagrid replied nervously, but his big hands tightly grasped the broken pink umbrella.

(ps Hogwarts reminds the little wizards, please collect and recommend, otherwise Professor Snape will be sent to you to get in touch. (?>?<?))

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