A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Wand Choose Wizard

Hagrid’s little pink umbrella is peculiar.

William has seen him cast magic with this umbrella more than once.

But Hagrid said that his wand had been broken, and refused to acknowledge the peculiarity of the umbrella.

Although William was curious, he didn’t care too much. He’s just a newbie now, and he doesn’t realize how extraordinary it is to be able to restore a broken wand to its original strength!

“Okay, our little wizard is also impatient.” Ollivander turned his gaze to William again.

Saying that, he took out a tape measure with silver scales from his pocket.

“Mr. Stark, which arm do you use to make the wand?”

“Right hand.”

“Well, raise your arms, okay.”

Ollivander started measuring William, first from shoulders to fingertips, then from wrists to elbows, shoulders to floor, knees to underarms, and finally head circumference.

William wanted to ask: “Since it is the wand that chooses the wizard, the size of each wand has already been made, and it will not be tailored according to the size of the wizard like a wizard’s robe… Now I measure it, there are some What’s the point?”

However, he didn’t ask, so he was so upright…it was easy to be beaten.

While measuring, Ollivander babbled: “Every Ollivander wand has super-powerful magical substances, which is the essence of it, Mr. Stark.

I am used to using unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers and dragon nerves.

Every Ollivander wand is unique because no two unicorns, dragons or phoenixes are exactly the same.

Of course, if you used a wand that should belong to other wizards, it would never have such good results. ”

The tape measure began to operate automatically, and Ollivander shuttled between the shelves, constantly instructing Cedric to select some long boxes to move down.

Cedric, an apprentice, is, in a sense, a coolie.

But Cedric was not impatient at all. It was obvious that he liked the job very much.

“Okay,” Ollivander said, and the tape measure fell to the ground and rolled into a ball.

“Then, Mr. Stark, try this one. It’s made of hawthorn wood and unicorn hair. It’s ten inches, and it has good elasticity.”

As an apprentice, Cedric took out a dilapidated notebook. He did not open it. Instead, he retorted familiarly:

“Page ninety-fifth, line six.

Gregorovitch once said, ‘The hawthorn wand is a wand full of contradictions, like the tree itself that gave birth to this contradictory quality, its leaves and flowers are therapeutic, and the smell of its branches is lethal’…”

Ollivander nodded and started the on-site teaching: ”

Although I disagree with most of Gregorovitch’s opinions, we resonate very well with the complex and fascinating properties of hawthorn wands.

They only accept the owner who suits them best. ”

“Cedric, you remember, from my experience, this wand will be favored by wizards who are going through a period of their own confusion.”

With that said, Ollivander snatched the wand from William’s hand.

“Obviously, it’s not suitable for you, child.” Ollivander shook his head.

“Come and try this.” He drew out another wand with black lines.

“Made of apple wood and clam nerves, nine and a quarter inches, very soft.”

Cedric said quickly: “Page 1926, line ninety-four.

Apple wood represents longevity, supplemented by clam nerves…”

“That’s right! A combination of genius.” Ollivander rubbed his palms excitedly.

“There are elders in the east, and this combination is used, and my ancestors once made a similar wand for Nicole Lemay.

The effect seems to be pretty good, although people think it’s more about time magic or the Philosopher’s Stone – come on, try it out, kid! ”

As soon as William touched the wand, he felt the magic all over his body pouring out uncontrollably.

Ollivander grabbed the wand immediately, but it was too late, and the door was directly blown to pieces.

“Oh, sorry.” William said.

“It’s none of your business, boy, the door will be restored soon, but this wand doesn’t seem to be for you either.”

Ollivander became more and more excited, he hadn’t seen such a picky customer for a long time.

“We’ll find it, the most suitable one, won’t we?”

William tried one wand after another, and the wands he tried were stacked on the bench, higher and higher.

But Ollivander kept asking Cedric to draw his wand from the shelf, and he was shaking, in a state of excitement.

“A picky customer who can’t find the perfect match? It doesn’t matter, I think about it, there’s always one that’s ideal, the perfect one, the one that’s right for you—let me see—oh, there, how? Will it not?”

Ollivander roared, so frightened that Hagrid almost pinched his little pink umbrella.

Ollivander was jumping and jumping like crazy.

“A remarkable combination, cherry wood, phoenix feathers, twelve and three-quarter inches. Yes, very hard.”

He walked to the window in person, and carefully picked up the wand lying quietly on the faded purple cushion in the dusty window.

William took the wand and felt a sudden heat in his fingertips.

He raised his wand high above his head, swung it down with a swishing sound, and swept through the dusty air, only to see a red light, the wand head was like a firework of gold stars, and the beating spots of light were thrown on the four walls.

Mr. Ollivander shouted: “Oh, great, oh, really, great.”

Cedric put the wand into the case and wrapped it in brown paper, while Ollivander watched William with pale, colorless eyes.

“This wand is the last wand made by my grandfather, Gabbard Octavius Ollivander, and the greatest wand maker of the last two hundred years.

The material is rare cherry wood, which has become the favorite material of the Mahotokulo School of Magic since my grandfather started this combination.

I originally thought that this wand would be stored in the window forever, but I didn’t expect…”

Hagrid also applauded, “When I came to buy a wand when I was a kid, this one was already in the window.”

William: “…”

What Ollivander said was bluffing, but William wondered in his heart – is this old man sure that he is not responding to the ‘supply-side structural reform” proposed by the Ministry of Magic, and UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com is destocking? !

He didn’t dare to say this, but asked suspiciously, “Maho Tokulo?”

“Oh, that’s the only known magic school in Asia, although I don’t think that’s accurate.”

Ollivander said, tidying up the blown up door, and at the same time gave Cedric a “you know” look.

Cedric nodded imperceptibly, and out of nowhere, took out a gift box.

His tone was still humble, but he turned into a salesman.

“The wand is bought back, but it’s not over. It’s a very expensive thing and needs regular maintenance.

But don’t be afraid! Our Ollivanders Wand Shop has a special summer care package:

For three Galleons, you get five Galleons worth of care to keep your wand in top condition.

If you pay five Galleons, in addition to maintaining the appliance, you can also get a two-year warranty card.

During the warranty period, unless the wand is broken, our Ollivander wand shop will repair it for you free of charge.

Of course, in addition to this, we also have a family package, which can cover all the wands in your family, but the cost is more expensive…”

William seemed to see the barber shop salesman again.

Before he said anything, Hagrid stood up from his chair and shouted excitedly, “Come on, give me a set!”

William: “…”

(PS The picture of the protagonist’s wand has been posted in the comment area, which was chosen by the system for him.

Cedric reminds all wizards that as long as you vote for a recommendation, the wand will be guaranteed for life, and will also provide high-quality on-site service. )

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