A Nerubian's Journey

Chapter 48

King Terenas Menethil listened carefully as his advisors delivered their report on the current state of the war. Although the topic was grim, he much preferred listening to news about the war rather than hearing about Lordaeron’s impending food shortages.

He dearly hoped that the war would end soon because his kingdom simply wouldn’t be able to feed so many refugees for very much longer. His people had already suffered enough as a result of the Horde’s brutality, and the last thing that anyone wanted to deal with was famine.

Thankfully, it seemed more and more that the war had decisively turned in their favor thanks to the participation of Azjol-Nerub.

“To summarize, Your Majesty, all signs point to Horde losing the ability to sustain a fighting force within the next few months, as long as current rates of attrition continue,” said Marshal Whitehall, concluding his report.

“Those estimates assume that Azjol-Nerub’s forces continue deploying at a steady rate, correct?” asked Terenas.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Terenas hummed thoughtfully as he considered humanity’s frightening allies in the fight against the Horde.

When the nerubians had first declared their intention to wage war against the Horde, he had been disappointed to hear that the portal from Northrend to Dalaran was incapable of transferring as many troops as he would have preferred. Many lives could have been saved if Azjol-Nerub had been able to deploy its—what turned out to be more than considerable—might against the Horde.

However, now that it was starting to seem as if the worst had passed, Teranas couldn’t help but worry that his kingdom had many more matters to worry about than just the Horde.

Before the war, his analysts had estimated Azjol-Nerub to be about as powerful as Quel’Thalas, if the spider kingdom’s claims were taken at face value. Several of his advisors had assumed that the nerubians must have been exaggerating their capabilities, but it was now clear that nothing could be further from the truth.

Whether it be due to their ability to easily invalidate their enemy's defensive advantages by quickly digging tunnels, the Spiderlords invoking fear and awe on the battlefield, or their alien lack of self-preservation, people were starting to look at the nerubians with a mixture of apprehension and respect.

Terenas had no doubt that such sentiments would grow considerably once the war was over, but personally speaking, Azjol-Nerub’s military capabilities weren’t actually what worried him the most.

No, his chief concern when it came to the spider people was their unexpectedly close relationship with Dalaran. Terenas had spent the past few months listening to reports about the Council of Six having a suspicious number of private meetings with the nerubian diplomats and none of his spies were able to actually tell him what they were discussing. He had long grown accustomed to the Kirin Tor being excessively secretive in their dealings, but something about the matter just set Terenas on edge.

It didn’t help that the Council of Six were the only ones to meet with the nerubian High King. Terenas was especially concerned that Azjol-Nerub and Dalaran had inexplicably reached an agreement to study shadow magic and necromancy and were devoting a significant amount of resources to do so.

Terenas had once tried to listen as his Court Conjurer attempted to explain the differences between shadow magic, necromancy, and demon summoning, but he had been unable to understand the complicated jargon. Ultimately, he had simply come to the conclusion that they were all evil magics that should not be trifled with.

Dalaran had always seemed to share a similar opinion, but some unknown factor was causing them to rapidly change their mind and Terenas didn’t enjoy not knowing what that was. Experience had taught him that the topics that he was least informed on were the ones that tended to cause the most problems. While the Horde and the threat of famine were both extremely troublesome problems, they at least could be planned around.

Terenas was just about to ask his spymaster for an update on their investigation into Dalaran’s activities when he was suddenly interrupted by the sounds of commotion outside of his Imperial Chamber. His guards knew not to allow anyone to bother him while he was in a closed-session meeting with his advisors, so whoever was causing the disturbance must be quite serious.

His suspicions were all but confirmed when Archmage Krasus of the Council of Six burst open the door to his throne room and strode inside with a grave expression on his face.

Several of his King’s Guard promptly moved to intercept the Archmage and the one who had been posted outside the chamber tried to excuse the disturbance, “My deepest apologies, Your Majesty, we attempted to stop him, bu—”

“There’s no time for any of this. King Menethil, this city needs to be evacuated at once, or hundreds of thousands of people are going to die!” Archmage Krasus yelled over the guard’s protests, immediately causing everyone to freeze in shock.

Terenas was the first to recover and quickly order his guards to stand down and let the mage speak, “What is the meaning of this, Archmage? I trust that you understand the severity of your claims.”

“I do and I wouldn’t do this if the circumstances weren’t quite so dire. Please, just give me a moment to explain,” said the Archmage. Terenas studied the man for a few moments before giving the man permission to speak with a nod. “Thank you, Your Majesty. Around twenty minutes ago, several of our mages reported sensing a massive surge in shadow magic somewhere to the west of Capital City.”

Terenas hummed thoughtfully before deciding to use this opportunity to probe a member of the Council of Six for answers, “Would these mages happen to be among those who were assigned to work with Azjol-Nerub to study shadow magic?”

If Archmage Krasus was surprised or offended to be questioned on a matter that was supposed to be confidential, he didn’t show it. “That is correct, Your Majesty. After receiving their reports, I immediately looked into the matter personally and discovered a calamity headed toward Capital City. Although it’s not safe to scry the source of the problem directly, I can create an illusion of it so that you have some understanding of how much danger your people are in.”

With his explanation delivered, Archmage Krasus didn’t wait for permission before casting an illusion that completely banished the Imperial Chambers and replaced it with an empty field containing a massive monstrous creature that was difficult to look at without feeling a strange pressure pushing against his mind.

Terenas had seen many horrific things in his decades of kingship, but something about the illusionary entity filled him with a strange sense of dread that he found hard to put into words. It wasn’t just that the creature was large enough to breach the Capital City’s outer walls, but the monster felt… antithetical to all life as Terenas knew it.

Judging by the panicked and disgusted expressions of his advisors, he wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

It feels opposite to how I feel when in the presence of the Light, Terenas suddenly realized.

“By the Light, what is that thing?” asked Marshal Whitehall, more disturbed than Terenas had ever seen him.

“According to our records, it’s an ancient monster born of shadow magic known as a C’Thrax, and it will be arriving at the outskirts of the Capital City in little more than an hour,” Archmage Krasus said grimly as he banished the illusions. “And when it does, the monster will start slaughtering everyone in the city and corrupting them into unthinking abominations.”

“If the situation is so dire then I need actual information, Archmage,” said Terenas, his voice fierce as he turned to look at the mage. “This is the most populous city in the Eastern Kingdoms! I can’t just decide to evacuate it simply on the word of a foreign mage, and an hour is not nearly enough time to get everyone out of the city even if we tried! Where did this creature come from and why is it attacking Capital City?”

A flash of frustration passed through the mage's expression, but he must have decided that answering Terenas’ questions was the quickest way to get anything done. “We’ve managed to trace its path back to a lake in the westernmost parts of Tirisfal Glades. I don’t know for certain why it has chosen to attack Capital City specifically, but I imagine it’s because this city is simultaneously the most populous in the area, while also being incredibly vulnerable.”

Something about the current situation seemed incredibly suspicious to Terenas, and it took him a few moments to identify why that was. “Why are you delivering this news, and not Antonidas? I can’t remember the two of us personally speaking on more than a handful of occasions, Archmage Krasus.”

“Your Majesty, I’m not certain you fully appreciate the urgency of the current situation,” said the Archmage, his expression one of intense frustration. “Every moment that you spend questioning me is another moment that the C’thrax draws closer to your city! The sooner that we begin the evacuation, the more lives we’ll save.”

“Then I suggest you explain quickly,” Tenernas said stubbornly. “Explain to me why you’re here rather than the Grand Magus, and why are you so insistent that we are unable to defend ourselves against this monstrosity? While it’s true that the city is currently susceptible to attack with most of our military sent to the frontlines, our garrison with the aid of Dalaran’s mages should be able to defeat that creature. Or does the Council of Six not intend to honor its agreement to help defend our city during times of need?”

Archmage Krasus looked incredibly uncomfortable as he responded to Terenas’ questions, “The Council of Six and several of Dalaran’s Archmages are dealing with an issue related to the individual who I suspect to be responsible for unleashing this creature. I sincerely doubt the council will return quickly enough to help defend the city.”

Terenas glared at the mage for several moments before glancing over to his spymaster, who quickly nodded and confirmed that the mage who he had sent to scry Dalaran once Krasus barged into his chamber was unable to contact the Council.

“Please, Your Majesty. I understand that this all sounds suspicious, but these explanations will need to wait until later. We must take action now,” Archmage Krasus pleaded.

Terenas studied the man carefully and felt his heart drop as he saw nothing but sincerity in his eyes. Although there was much about this situation that didn’t make sense, his instincts were telling him that the Archmage spoke the truth and the horrific abomination was about to attack his city.

The Light preserve us…

“Marshal Whitehall, go to Captain Falric and offer him any assistance you can to start evacuating the city. Prepare the Undercity to hold anyone who can’t be taken away from the city quickly enough,” Tenernas urgently ordered. “Send a few men to escort my family as well as Prince Varian to the docks to sail them over to Dalaran as quickly as possible. Place the city garrison on full alert and send the gryphon riders out to scout for the creature.”

Marshal Whitehall immediately saluted him before leaving to carry out his orders without question. The entire palace burst into a hive of activity as Terenas gave out a flurry of orders.

Once he finished delegating duties, Archmage Krasus approached him once again, “Your Majesty, you need to evacuate the city alongside your family. Lordaeron can’t afford to lose its king during such a tumultuous time in history.”

“Lordaeron also can’t afford to have a king who runs away like a coward and allows his people to face catastrophe alone,” Terenas said resolutely. “As long as Capital City stands, I will not abandon it, Archmage.”

“I sincerely urge you to reconsider, Your Majesty. The world is already chaotic enough. There’s no imagining what might happen if both Stormwind and Lordaeron are ruled by regents.”

Terenas could imagine it well. Both Alterac and Gilneas would be incredibly interested in taking advantage of the situation, but that didn’t change his choice in the slightest.

“I’ve made my decision, Archmage,” said Terenas, his voice firm. “I believe your efforts would be better spent elsewhere, rather than attempting to change my mind.”

For a moment, Archmage Krasus looked as if he was going to continue arguing with him, but something in his expression must have convinced the mage that trying to persuade him to leave would be fruitless. Instead, the Archmage simply nodded and moved to leave the chamber.

As soon as he was gone, Terenas took a moment to center his thoughts before he quickly began making his way to see his family for what he hoped was not the final time. Terenas had no intention of dying a needless death, but if he did, he had faith that Lordaeron would be able to rise above the challenges ahead without him.

After all, not only did he have confidence in his people, but also in his wife’s ability to protect Arthas as his regent and to raise him into an extraordinary king.

Krasus let out a sigh of frustration as he exited the perimeter of the palace’s wards and immediately teleported away to the Violet Citadel. As the highest-ranking member of the Kirin Tor who was still in the city, it was his responsibility to prepare Dalaran’s defenses.

While Krasus delegated and assigned duties to his subordinates, he did so with the knowledge that it very well might be his last time doing so. Not just because he might die fighting the C’thrax, but also because everyone would almost certainly know the truth of his identity by the end of the day.

Krasus wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he didn’t fight the creature with his full strength, and there was no way for him to do so without revealing himself to be a dragon. There would be… significant political consequences for doing so in the future, but that was something to worry about at a later time.

This truly isn’t how I expected this to happen…

Forcing such thoughts away, Krasus decided to focus on more immediate concerns.

His meeting with King Menethil could have gone worse, but it could have also gone much better as well. As honorable as the monarch’s decision was, the world would truly have been better off if the human king had chosen to be a little more selfish. No matter how much he thought about it, Krasus wasn’t particularly confident in his ability to save Capital City from the C’thrax.

The only glimmer of hope was that the creature seemed to be injured and Azjol-Nerub was offering to help fend it off. They had already sent several Viziers through the portal as well as a few Spiderlords and many of their regular soldiers, all of whom were headed to defend Capital City.

Truthfully, the people of the Eastern Kingdoms would owe a great debt to the nerubians by the end of the day.

Although Dalaran had made efforts to monitor any large fluctuations in Void energy while the Aspects were confronting Deathwing, it was the nerubian enclave who noticed the problem first and brought it to their attention. Krasus had dearly hoped that something like this wouldn’t happen and that he’d be able to aid his beloved in her fight after some time, but it wasn’t meant to be.

Damn you Deathwing…

Even though Krasus spent the next thirty minutes preparing Dalaran just in case it needed to defend itself, he also sent many of their forces to help protect Capital City. There was little chance that the C’thrax would be able to move onto Dalaran before the confrontation with Deathwing was concluded. Once that happened, they would either already be doomed or the Aspects would be fully empowered and able to deal with the monster themselves.

Krasus was gratified to see that a substantial number of mages were quite eager to help defend Capital City against the coming monstrosity. One of the most promising among them was a talented young mage with red hair and a broken nose who had recently been placed on probation due to some kind of accident that had happened on the battlefield.

I believe his name was… Rhonin?

He remembered the young man as being quite skilled, so Krasus assigned him to the defense of the city’s walls. They needed all the help they could get.

Krasus decided to return to Capital City once he received word that the C’thrax was close enough for the city’s defenders to see it with their own eyes. Much to the surprise of the city garrison, he teleported directly onto Capital City’s outer walls.

Ignoring the exclamations of the surrounding soldiers, Krasus cast a quick vision improvement spell on his eyes and studied the C’thrax, an ancient Old God abomination that Deathwing must have unleashed on a city full of mortals. Although he had already seen the creature before when he personally verified that it was headed in the direction of Capital City, it wasn’t any easier seeing it a second time.

The C’thrax took long awkward strides and moved with unexpected swiftness, all the while it constantly leaked blood from its wounds and corrupted the land in its wake. Even if they managed to stop it from killing a single person in Capital City, this was already a catastrophe. Not only had the Void spawn most likely destroyed any settlements that happened to be in its path, but it was also causing an ecological disaster that would have significant consequences well into the future.

It would take a very long time before the corrupted land returned to normal. Any farmland in the C’thrax’s path would produce nothing but tainted crops for years to come and Lordaeron would be dealing with Void corrupted wildlife as well.

“You must be Archmage Krasus.” Krasus was pulled from his thoughts by a young man wearing the distinctive armor worn by members of Lordaeron’s King’s Guard.

Krasus nodded and said, “I am.”

“Well met, Archmage. I’m Captain Falric of the King’s Guard, and I’m also in charge of organizing the city’s defense,” said the young man. “I’ll admit, this is a bit beyond my realm of knowledge, so I’d appreciate any insight into the threat that you could provide.”

The mortal was a bit younger than Krasus had expected, but he seemed to be calm and steady despite the dire situation.

“The C’thrax will be nearly impossible to kill through mundane means,” said Krasus after a moment of consideration. “Not only is it far too large for your men to fight directly, but it will also be constantly creating monsters in its vicinity. It would be different if your men had access to powerful enchanted weapons, but the best use for them as it stands is for them to either protect the civilians from being attacked by the smaller abominations or help with the evacuation.”

Krasus had long since learned not to underestimate mortals, but there simply wasn’t much that these men could do to actually harm the C’thrax with their current resources. Captain Falric must have reached a similar conclusion after studying the growing figure in the distance because he merely nodded and signaled for Krasus to continue.

“While it is incredibly powerful, the creature is born of shadow magic and is thus weak to the Light. I sincerely recommend that you work closely with Archbishop Faol and entreat the Church of the Holy Light for any aid that they can offer.”

“No need. The priests have already sworn to help any way they can,” said Captain Falric. “Last I heard, the Archbishop was helping heal the folks who’ve gotten injured in the panic. We’re trying to get people to safety however we can, whether that’s by boat, land, or by herding them into the Undercity, but it’s not easy and a fair amount of people have gotten hurt in the process.”

Sadly, panic was a natural reaction in the face of such a monstrous force. It would slow down the evacuation efforts quite a bit, which could mean life or death when each second counted. Krasus wasn’t sure how many people would be able to evacuate from the city in time, but he doubted if it would be even a third of the city’s population.

Captain Falric paused for a moment in thought before speaking up again.

“I’ve heard of instances in which the priests bless the weapons of warriors to better slay the undead and other unholy creatures. Could they do the same to our artillery?” he asked curiously while staring at the cannons, catapults, bolt throwers, and other siege weapons that lined the outer wall of the city. “If the monster is weak against the Light, even if it's too large to kill, we can at least make it bleed and stall it for as long as we can.”

“Hmmm, I don’t see any reason why that wouldn’t work,” said Krasus, surprised by the man’s creativity. While it was possible for skilled priests to permanently ‘bless’ a weapon, most such examples simply temporarily saturated the weapon with the Light. “However, the blessings will have to be applied to the ammunition rather than the weapons themselves.”

Captain Falric immediately sent one of his men to escort a few priests to the wall so that they could do just that. Krasus spent the rest of his time waiting for the C’thrax to draw closer to the city and discussing strategies with the captain until they were informed that the creature was within artillery range.

Now that the time had finally come, Krasus couldn’t help but feel a little melancholy for the life he had built among the mortals that he was about to lose. He could of course take on a new identity in the future, but he had quite enjoyed his time as Archmage Krasus.

However, he didn’t allow himself to dwell in melancholy for long. Krasus had no doubt that hundreds of thousands of people would be slain, wounded, or debilitated after the events of this day, and he had little right to mourn something as small as a lost identity.

“Captain Falric, it looks like the battle is about to begin,” said Krasus as he turned his attention to the C’thrax. As the next highest-ranking member of the Kirin Tor, Archmage Cedric was more than qualified to take control of Dalaran’s forces in his absence, so there was no longer anything else holding him back. “Please understand that despite what you are about to see, my objective is to help defend this city and you can still count on me as an ally.”

“Archmage, wh—”

Before the captain could fully articulate his question, Korialstrasz had already shed his mortal visage and let loose a mighty roar that resounded throughout the city. It wasn’t long before several other roars answered him and every other dragon in the city was moving to join Korialstrasz in its defense. Most of them had been assigned to the city after their Flight discovered the identity of Daval Prestor, but a few had simply been living mortal lives and were now willing to fight to protect their homes.

None of them were trained combatants as he was, but their aid would still be useful.

After letting out a chuff of disgust at the scent of Void corruption in the air, Korialstrasz turned to look down at the dumbfounded figure of Captain Falric. “Open fire on the creature as soon as you can. It is imperative that we do as much damage to it as possible.”

With those final words of advice, Korialstrasz gathered his resolve and took flight in the direction of the C’thrax.

The creature glared balefully up at him as he flew overhead, but its march toward the city didn’t slow at all. After a few moments, Korialstrasz was joined by six other red and blue dragons, all of whom were much younger than himself.

“Stay in the air and attack the creature from a distance,” Korialstrasz ordered once they were close enough to hear. “It can move much faster than you might expect. If you get within range of its claws, it’ll tear off your wings and snap your necks before you realize what is happening.”

A collective shudder passed through the dragons, but none of them showed any signs that they intended to turn back.

“Yes, Consort Korialstrasz. We understand,” said the oldest among them.

Seeing no more reason to delay, Korialstrasz flew directly over the beast and started preparing his attack. Pulling deeply on both the store of life energy inherent to every red dragon and the potent arcane power that he’d carefully cultivated over his many millennia of practicing magic, Korialstrasz let loose a massive breath of violet fire over the C’thrax.

His fellow dragons followed his example a few seconds after, bathing the creature from top to bottom in dragon fire, pure arcane energy, and frost. Korialstrasz heard the creature grunt in pain and watched as small trees, which grew around it due to his and his fellow red dragons’ life energies, were almost immediately corrupted by the Void. A deluge of blood leaked from its wounds onto the ground, corrupting the land and creating smaller void monstrosities with too many eyes and tentacles that charged the city’s walls.

Despite this, the C’thrax didn’t allow the pain to slow its advance for even a moment and the gathered dragons were eventually forced to cease their attack as their endurance failed.

“Aspects preserve us, the monster was barely hurt!”

Korialstrasz’s estimate of the creature's power grew as he realized that his fellow dragon was correct. While there were a few more wounds littering its body, the C’thrax shrugged off the attack and continued on inexorably.

“Continue the attack. Be careful to conserve your stamina and be prepared for any sudden counter-attacks.”

The next few minutes were spent periodically bathing the creature in dragon breath, which accomplished little more than adding a few more cracks along its carapace. Korialstrasz and the blue dragons occasionally attempted to slow it down with spells of ice, but their efforts were futile as the C’thrax simply ignored them.

This pattern of attacks was eventually disrupted by the thundering sound of cannon fire in the distance. Small chunks of the creature were blown apart as Light infused cannonballs slammed into its body. The mages of Dalaran under Archmage Cedric joined in with a barrage of arcane, frost, and fire spells, but the humans were similarly ineffective in slowing down its approach.

In fact, the C’thrax must have decided to close the final distance as quickly as possible once it entered artillery range because it suddenly began charging Capital City’s wall faster than any creature with so many injuries had any right to move. Korialstrasz tried to do everything that he could to slow down its charge, but the C’thrax smashed through his strongest barriers as if they weren’t even there and eventually slammed directly into the Capital City’s west gate.

Korialstrasz had genuinely hoped that the city’s outer defenses would last longer, but it only took a single hit for the C’thrax to destroy the gate and send the remains of the stone and wood structure flying into the city. The creature then turned its attention to the cannons that continued to fire on it and lobbed a sphere of concentrated Void onto the ramparts.

Dozens of soldiers, priests, and mages were instantly killed, and the rest were left fighting for their life as a multitude of eldritch monstrosities emerged from the point of impact and set upon them.

“Consort Korialstrasz, it’s too powerful! What can we do?” one of the red dragons asked helplessly as the C’thrax casually demolished the remaining obstructions and began making his way into the city.

“Don’t despair, the monster is not as unharmed as it might seem,” Korialstrasz said encouragingly, his sharp eyes examining the abomination's wounds.

While it wasn’t slowing down as it became more injured as most creatures would, the C’thrax was undeniably in a worse state than when they had first started to attack it. Unfortunately, he had no idea if the C’thrax would succumb to its wounds before it could slaughter the entire city.

“I’ll attempt to distract the creature from attacking the mortals by engaging it at close range,” said Korialstrasz after a moment of consideration. “The rest of you continue wearing it down from a distance.”

With his orders given, Korialstrasz flew to a considerable height directly over the C’thrax before folding in his wings and diving down onto the creature’s back at high speed. For the first time since they started attacking it, the monster was forced to pause its march as several tons of dragon smashed into it and began tearing at its body with claws and fangs. The C’thrax finally reacted and immediately grabbed at Korialstrasz's neck with its massive pincer claws, forcing him back to prevent the creature from killing him.

Although Korialstrasz was glad that he had successfully drawn the monster's attention from the mortals, it didn’t take very long for him to realize that he was outmatched in a contest of physical might. Not only was the C’thrax far older than him, but it also seemed to have a wealth of combat experience.

Korialstrasz tore at the creature’s body whenever he could, but the damage that he did was minimal and he was frequently forced to dodge and then occasionally teleport away from blows that he otherwise couldn’t avoid. His fellow dragons continued to attack the C’thrax, but were forced to be much more careful now that they were inside the city to avoid harming the nearby mortals.

Korialstrasz could hear the sounds of terrified mortals all around him as their fight progressed through the city. Much of the westernmost portion of the city had already been evacuated, but many mortals were still killed when they were caught underfoot as the monster trampled through the streets and destroyed entire buildings with a single swing of its arms or stomp of its feet.

All the while, any injuries that they managed to inflict on the C’thrax resulted in its blood spilling onto the streets, corrupting any mortal unfortunate enough to make contact with the foul substance and spawning twisted abominations.

The King’s Guard and city garrison fought ferociously to prevent these monsters from running off into the city or entering the sewers to kill those taking refuge in the Undercity. Rhonin and several other mages summoned water elementals and cast powerful arcane wards to support the soldiers. Their efforts were limited, however, because the flow of monsters being created wouldn’t end until the C’thrax was finally defeated.

This foul creature has to be defeated soon or else there won’t be a city to save, Korialstrasz thought to himself as he took in the damage their fight was doing to the city.

Almost immediately, Korialstrasz found himself punished for his distraction as the C’thrax landed a blow to his side that broke several of his ribs and sent him crashing through several buildings. After taking several moments to pull himself together, Korialstrasz looked up just in time to see that C’thrax seemed to have lost its patience with the attacks of his fellow dragons as it let loose a massive explosive wave of Void energy.

Korialstrasz watched in horror as every dragon was knocked from the sky, not knowing whether they were merely injured or dead, and the majority of Capital City’s western quarter was instantly destroyed. He had no idea how many mortals had failed to evacuate in time, but he had no doubt that the monster's attack had killed several thousands of people.

Just as Korialstrasz was beginning to lose hope in their ability to prevent the destruction of the rest of the city, his attention was suddenly captured by a bone-chilling chittering sound reverberating through the city. Turning his gaze to the east, Korialstrasz was stunned to see a truly massive spider with nerubians clinging to its abdomen climbing over the city walls.

Azjol-Nerub had informed him that they would be sending their most powerful creature to help fight against the C’thrax, but it was much larger than he had expected. While the arachnid was apparently a giant non-sapient spider that they referred to as Maexnna, Korialstrasz found it hard to believe that he wasn’t looking at a Wild God.

He had no doubt that it would be able to easily kill most dragons and suddenly felt truly grateful that Azjol-Nerub was an ally and not an enemy. With his hope renewed, Korialstrasz ignored the protests of his body and lifted himself back into the air just as Maexxna began charging across the city.

The C’thrax attempted to end the fight quickly with a blow toward the spider’s head, but Maexnna instantly jumped to the side and back toward the abomination in a display of extraordinary agility. As Maexxna buried its venomous fangs into the creature's fleshy side, the many nerubians clinging to its abdomen leaped onto the C’thrax and began tearing at its body with everything they had.

Mindful of his injuries, Korialstrasz aided the nerubians by striking opportunistically at the monster from a distance and distracting it from the spider whenever he could. Maexxna’s venom was clearly working as the C’thrax’s wounds started to widen and it finally began showing signs of slowing down. The creature attempted to throw spheres of Void energy at Maexxna several times, but the spider proved to be exceptional at jumping away and either wrapping the C’thrax’s limbs in strong silken webs or spitting venom in its face.

The webs didn’t last for very long, but it was enough to give Korialstrasz the chance to freely wound it a few times. There were even several mages who joined in and cast frost and arcane bolts at the monster’s sides as their fight progressed through the city.

In a display of what was either malicious spite or an attempt to demoralize them, the C’thrax began throwing Void bolts throughout the city. Everywhere that they impacted, a small tear in reality opened up and monstrous creatures immediately began streaming out. Korialstrasz could hear screams of terror reverberating through the city as the creature’s attacks struck the harbor, the cathedral, and the palace.

Each of those locations was highly populated, and Korialstrasz didn’t want to think about how many people would be dead by the time this was all over. Instead, he simply threw himself back into the fight with even greater ferocity.

Korialstrasz wasn’t certain how long he had been fighting when he abruptly noticed the C’thrax glancing toward the ruins of the west gate and waving its remaining facial tentacles in the direction. Having learned to not be close to the monster while distracted, Korialstrasz flew out of the creature’s reach before looking to see what had drawn its attention, only to see a sight that made him wonder whether or not he had suddenly been transported into a bard’s tale.

From the west, a mounted armored man was riding towards the city while carrying a massive hammer that shone more brightly with the Light than anything Korialstrasz had seen in his life. A hammer that very closely resembled one wielded by the mightiest Keeper, Tyr, whom he remembered hearing stories about as a whelp…

Having no time to wonder exactly when his life had slipped into myth and legend, Korialstrasz immediately bellowed out orders for everyone fighting the C’thrax. “Do not allow the abomination to intercept the human riding in from the west! Deter it by any means necessary!”

If that hammer reached the hands of a skilled wielder of the Light, then they might actually have a chance of hurting the monster enough to keep it down.

The pace of the battle immediately reached a new dangerous peak as the C’thrax fought with reckless abandon, doing its utmost to kill everyone so that it could turn its full attention to the approaching threat. Corrupted blood flowed through the streets and every one of its blows carried with it immense amounts of Void energies. Enormous tentacles emerged from the ground and entrapped one of Maexxna’s legs, allowing the C’thrax to tear it off in a single motion. Its body emanated constant waves of Void that tore at the nerubians riding its body

Silent up until this point, the monster began rumbling in a strange eldritch tongue that tore at Korialstrasz’s mind and caused many of the nearby mortals to shriek in agony.

Abruptly, that pain ended as the Light spread over the battlefield and banished the Void from their minds. Korialstrasz turned to the source of the Light and saw the armored man from before standing next to Archbishop Faol, who was grasping tightly unto Tyr’s legendary weapon, the Silver Hand.

Korialstrasz had met the Archbishop on more than a few occasions in his mortal visage and always known him to be a gentle-hearted man who was as far from violent as any mortal could reach. However, the absolute fury on the old man’s face was enough to momentarily frighten even him.

“Foul shadow-born abomination! How dare you attack this city, cause such destruction, and ruin so many lives! You will answer to the Light!”

As the Archbishop spoke with furious conviction, the Light flowing through both him and the hammer pushed against the corruption caused by the C’thrax, instantly killing many of the smaller monsters surrounding it. The creature didn’t deign to respond to the Archbishop’s accusations and simply sent a concentrated beam of Void energy in his direction. Korialstrasz and several mages attempted to summon barriers to protect the priest, but none of them lasted more than a second before being shattered.

Fortunately, they needn’t have bothered. The Light rose around the Archbishop like a beacon in the night and pushed down against the C’thrax in a blinding display of power. Korialstrasz savored the pain in the creature’s voice as it screamed and attempted to shield itself with the Void.

Everyone in Capital City bore witness to a display that would undoubtedly go down in legend as Void and Light struggled fiercely against one another.

After several long moments, the display finally came to an end as waves of Light burned through the Void shield protecting it and seared the flesh off the creature. Korialstrasz let out a sigh of relief as the C’thrax finally succumbed to its wounds and collapsed. He could tell that it was not truly dead and that if nothing was done it would rise again in time. For now, it had been incapacitated and wouldn’t even begin to stir for weeks. That was more than long enough for the Aspects to regain their powers and conclude their confrontation with Deathwing.

As Korialstrasz looked around at the soldiers, mages, priests, and nerubians standing in the rubble, the victory was bittersweet. So many people were dead and large parts of the most populous city in the Eastern Kingdoms lay in ruins, but Korialstrasz was just glad that it was finally over.


Korialstrasz was pulled from his thoughts by a panicked cry and turned to the source only to see Archbishop Faol collapse onto the ground. The surrounding mortals were crying sorrowfully and attempting to administer aid, but Korialstrasz could tell that the old man was no longer breathing.

He had poured his life force and soul into the final attack against the C’thrax, sacrificing himself to save many more.

At that moment, Korialstrasz was once again reminded of the great lengths mortals, despite their fragility, would go to for the sake of others.

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