A Nerubian's Journey

Chapter 49

Krivax could feel his heart pounding wildly as he waited for the enemy forces to walk down the tunnel. A group of three pale orcs was studying their surroundings carefully, but they suffered from the same failing that many non-nerubians faced.

They never look up.

The moment that they passed under him, Krivax dropped down from the ceiling and landed directly on top of the rearmost orc. While he mainly relied on magic when it came to combat, that didn’t change the fact that Krivax was a ten-foot-tall spider person that weighed more than three hundred pounds. When the sharp ends of his sleek spider legs struck the orc’s skull, it immediately pierced through and the orc fell dead onto the ground. He immediately followed up his surprise assault by casting a wave of ice around him that rooted the remaining orcs to the ground before quickly impaling them with frozen spikes.

Krivax was already running down the tunnel before the final orc’s body even hit the ground.

I need to get back to the group!

After the tunnel entrance team had retreated underground, the battle continued to go well for them at first. Their traps had ripped the orcs apart and they easily turned the tunnels into a killing field that the Horde was unable to overcome. Everything had gone exactly according to plan… until it became clear that the ambient Void was making it far more difficult for Crinis to open a portal than expected.

They had many powerful mages in their group, but their stamina wasn’t inexhaustible and the Horde was proving to be utterly relentless. Their group had begun taking their first casualties when a two-headed ogre had unexpectedly thrown a massive fireball into a group of exhausted Dread Stalkers. After that, they fell back to a secondary defensive position until they eventually lost Archmage Drenden to the unending flood of orcs, ogres, and void creatures.

The Archmage had taken down many orcs with him, but his final spell also collapsed the tunnel and ended up separating Krivax from the rest of the group. His only saving grace was that the jormungar had dug out several paths leading to the main chamber and that his knowledge of geomancy helped him to remove minor obstructions in the tunnels. Otherwise, Krivax would have probably found himself stuck with no way to get out.

He had spent the past few minutes frantically running toward the nearest sounds of battle and fighting off any enemy that he came across. Fortunately, Krivax was confident that he was now fairly close to his allies.

He was proven right as he turned around the next corner and noticed the few Dread Stalkers hanging from the ceiling, prepared to ambush anything that came through the tunnel. Krivax nodded to them in acknowledgment and relief as he made his way into the main chamber and swiftly took in the state of the group.

Several Dread Stalkers and Viziers were in position on the ceilings around the other tunnel entrance while Archmage Karlain and Archmage Arugal cast deadly area-of-effect spells at groups of incoming enemies from range. The other mages and fighters were taking the respite to tend to their wounds with healing potions and recovering their stamina. From what he could tell, Archmage Ansirem was speaking intensely with Vizier Crinis to figure out how much longer it would take for her to open the portal.

The chamber itself was covered completely in arcane glyphs related to spatial magic, and Krivax could sense dense arcane energies flowing through and around Crinis, even as she spoke to Ansirem.

Krivax was suddenly pulled from his thoughts when he noticed the familiar face of Masruk, who was currently tending to a wound on his abdomen. He immediately made his way over to his friend and began examining his body for injuries. “Masruk! Are you hurt? How bad is it?”

“Krivax. You survived,” said Masruk, voice filled with relief. “I feared the worst when the tunnels collapsed, but I’m happy to see that you’re well. My wounds are minor, merely a few cracks in my carapace that should disappear quickly once treated with a healing potion.”

Krivax only relaxed when he saw that his friend was not downplaying his injuries. “That’s good. I’m glad to see that you’re alright as well. How bad is the current situation? I can see that we lost a few more Dread Stalkers while I was gone. Is there any news about the fight above? I hope that Vizier Hadix will be able to get his hands on the Dragon Soul soon.”

“These orcs are as fearsome as Anub’rekhan told us,” Masruk admitted with grudging respect. “Their attacks have been ceaseless despite their immense casualties, and our forces are slowly being exhausted. Vizier Saltik was lost to a sudden attack by a group of ogres. I hope that Vizier Crinis will be able to open the portal soon so that we can receive reinforcements, or make a hasty retreat if necessary.”

“Vizier Crinis’ best estimate is that she should be done within the next ten minutes,” Archmage Ansirem announced to the mages and fighters in the cavern, nodding to Krivax as he walked over to the two of them. “Krivax, I’m relieved to see that you survived the tunnel collapse.

“Thank you, Ansirem. Do you think we’ll be able to hold out long enough for Crinis to finish her casting?” Krivax asked worriedly.

“Almost certainly. Our group includes many powerful individuals and the Horde forces are significantly restricted by the tunnels,” Ansirem answered reassuringly before his expression turned grim. “There may be more casualties and the constant stream of attacks will wear us down. Even after the portal is opened, we’ll need to fight our way back to the surface, which won’t be easy. I want all fighters and mages to rotate in and out of combat to conserve our stamina.”

“I see. Do we have any plans for that when the time comes?” asked Krivax, glancing toward the group that was still defending the tunnels. He sincerely doubted that they would be able to push back the Horde with just their current forces.

“We do. Archmage Karlain has been saving a few of his more potent alchemical concoctions. I’m also hoping that whichever dragon comes to deliver the fragment of Deathwing will be able to help,” said Ansirem, causing Krivax to let out a breath of relief. “But enough of that. Anyone who has recovered should join the group at the tunnel entrance. I suspect that the black dragons can sense Vizier Crinis’ casting nearing completion, and are likely to send even more of their forces to stop us.”

Krivax nodded to Ansirem and began making his way with Masruk at his side over to the tunnel entrance to join the rest of the defenders. After taking a moment to create a few webs that he could use to climb up to the ceiling if he needed to, he took position next to the other mages. Krivax immediately launched a bolt of ice at one of the orcs in the distance, only to let out a grunt of frustration when the creature hid behind one of the corpses littering the tunnel.

I’m really glad I can’t smell anything through the wards. All of these corpses must smell absolutely disgusting…

Krivax lost himself in the rhythm of battle as a constant stream of Horde forces made their way down the tunnels.

The nerubians frequently used the terrain to their advantage, causing stone spikes to erupt from the sides with their geomancy and using their webs to slow down the enemy's advance. Whenever the Horde grew too numerous, Archmage Karlain threw out some kind of terrifying alchemical bomb to kill large numbers of them, which were doubly effective within the close confines of the tunnel. One seemed to release a lingering gas that turned any flesh that it touched into stone while another released a burst of arcane energy that caused violet crystals to grow from the enemy’s bodies. At one point, Ansirem pulled out a gem from his spatial bag that produced a thin beam of fire that melted through an ogre’s torso, quickly bisecting it.

Archmages are really scary, Krivax thought to himself as he threw a ball of silk at an orc that immediately exploded with arcane energy and blew a hole in its chest.

Despite this, the Horde’s assault started to increase in intensity. When a group of two-headed ogres began charging down the tunnel with a flood of orcs following behind them, Krivax gulped nervously and felt his hands start to shake. Many of the orcs were killed by a particularly nasty geomancy spell that shredded them with a volley of rocks that tore through them like bullets, but the ogres protected themselves with crudely made arcane barriers. Unfortunately, one of them got close enough to hit their front lines with a massive burst of arcane magic that sent a few of the Dread Stalkers flying and knocked Krivax to the ground.

Krivax pulled himself together just in time to see one of the two-headed ogres snarling down at him and swinging its enormous club at his side. Taking full advantage of his alchemically enhanced reaction time, Krivax quickly created a barrier of ice around his body that was promptly smashed apart as he was knocked several feet back.

Thankfully, the protective bracelet that was given to him by Hadix as well as his highly enchanted robes meant that the blow merely broke the carapace on one of his arms rather than turn him into nerubian paste.

The chamber had broken out into a disorganized free-for-all. Krivax briefly glanced around him to keep track of any other opponents near him, before turning his full attention back to the ogre. He was confident that the Archmages and Dread Stalkers would be able to kill off the enemy eventually and restore order, but he couldn’t afford to allow himself to become distracted.

As the ogre charged at him, Krivax turned the ground beneath their feet into thick mud and launched a lance of ice at their knee once they began to sink down. The spell accurately hit the target and the two-headed ogre bellowed in pain as the magic pierced their knee and froze the mud around their leg.

Before Krivax could celebrate, the two-headed ogre launched a missile of arcane energy in his direction and easily pulled its leg from the frozen earth with an impressive display of strength. Surprised by the unexpected attack, Krivax frantically created a barrier of stone and ice to block the arcane missile and only barely had enough time to jump back as the ogre swung his club at his head.

The ogre attempted to chase after him, but Krivax took advantage of his superior maneuverability to climb up a nearby web and avoid the creature. Once he wasn’t in imminent danger of being smashed to pieces, Krivax reached to his abdomen and grabbed one of his spellweaves.

Let's see how well this one works…

Once the ogre had drawn close enough, Krivax channeled his magic through the silk and activated the spellweave. A large net of silk immediately erupted from his hand and wrapped itself around the ogre’s entire body before beginning to glow with arcane magic. Krivax watched as the ogre’s flesh turned gray as all of the heat was sucked out of its body and funneled into the net wrapped around its body.

Not bad.

While the spellweave wasn’t one that Krivax had invented himself, it was still fairly advanced and it had taken him a decent amount of time to properly learn it. Once the victim was ensnared by the web, it was extremely difficult for them to free themselves in time as they lost energy and were rapidly frozen solid.

Confident that the ogre wouldn’t be escaping, Krivax turned his attention to the rest of the battlefield. Both of the other ogres had already been killed by the Archmages and the rest of the Horde was in the process of being pushed back. A few of the Dread Stalkers had been killed, but Masruk looked to be alright and was currently spearing through a Void-corrupted monster that had jumped at Archmage Karlain.

Krivax was just about to join them when his attention was suddenly drawn to Vizier Crinis as a massive pulse of arcane magic flowed through the chamber.


Krivax felt a surge of relief as several squads of Kirin Tor War Mages immediately poured through the portal and joined the fight. The War Mages were both experienced and well-rested, so it didn’t take long before they slaughtered every enemy in the chamber and began pushing them back into the tunnels. Krivax walked over to the tunnel defenders, who were all taking the opportunity to catch their breath, and began drinking a healing potion that he had retrieved from his spatial bag.

It wasn’t exactly healthy to continuously use so many alchemical items in such a short amount of time, but he couldn’t exactly afford to leave one of his arms broken.

Once the situation was under control, the leader of the War Mages broke off and made his way over to Ansirem before saluting the Archmage. “Sir! I am Arcanist Commander Nathanial Blackwood. I and my men were ordered to provide assistance as soon as the portal was opened and receive a briefing on the mission objectives from the highest-ranking member of the Kirin Tor available.”

“Well met, Commander Blackwood. You have no idea how glad we are to see you and your War Mages,” Ansirem said in relief before his expression turned to confusion. “I’ll give you a briefing as quickly as I can, but I’m somewhat confused. I was under the impression that Archmage Cedric would be the one leading our reinforcements.”

Commander Blackwood visibly hesitated for a moment but eventually responded. “Archmage Cedric was called away to assist with some kind of emergency in Capital City. I’m not certain about the details, but some of my mages have heard people saying that the city is under attack. Things were beginning to grow very chaotic once I left, Sir.”

Krivax felt his heart drop at the news. It couldn’t be the Horde, so Deathwing must have sent whatever Void monster he unleashed to attack Capital City. There wasn’t anything that they could do to help, so he simply hoped that Krasus would be able to prevent the monster from causing too many casualties.

“I see. Then we should finish this mission as quickly as possible so that we can return to help Capital City,” Ansirem said solemnly. “Listen carefully, Commander. We don’t have much time.”

Ansirem hurriedly gave the Commander an overview of the situation. He didn’t go too deeply into the details, but he explained enough for the Commander to know what needed to be done and the kind of forces that his mages would be facing. Although he was visibly taken aback by what he was hearing, the man was obviously a professional and quickly accepted his circumstances.

“Understood, Sir! My mages and I will help clear you a path to the surface.”

Ansirem nodded in approval before responding, “Good. Please do so, Commander. There’s no sense in wai—”

Krivax’s attention was pulled away from the conversation as the figure of an injured night elf in green clothes stumbled through the portal and into the chamber. The sight initially confused him until he suddenly realized that the night elf must be a green dragon. Krivax looked down and saw that the night elf was grasping tightly onto a black half-broken scale.

One of the nearby mages tried to offer the injured dragon a healing potion, but he quickly brushed them off and used Nature Magic to close his own wounds before turning to address Ansirem. “Greetings mortals. I am Eranikus, consort of Ysera, and I’ve brought with me one of Deathwing’s scales. Have you secured the Dragon Soul?”

“We don’t know. Our most powerful members are still on the surface fighting Cho’gall and the black dragons. Cho’gall was still in possession of the Dragon Soul when we were forced to retreat, but that may have changed,” Ansirem said solemnly.

“Then we must retrieve it as quickly as possible,” said Eranikus, his voice filled with urgency. “Deathwing realized our intentions once I took his scale and began escaping toward the portal. The Aspects are doing everything in their power to hold him off, but he is extremely powerful. I fear that time is not in our favor.”

“Understood. The War Mages are already pushing back the Horde and clearing a path, but many of us have been wounded and exhausted. Is there anything that you can do to help?” asked Ansirem, his expression hopeful.

“Much of my magic has been expended, but I should be able to aid you,” said Eranikus after a moment of hesitation. The dragon then closed his eyes and began casting a spell that filled the entire chamber with potent nature magic and glitters of moonlight.

Krivax could feel a sense of tranquility flow through him as his aches were washed away and any injuries that he had left were healed. A quick glance confirmed that everyone else was also being healed by Eranikus’ magic, much to his amazement. This level far outstripped anything that they would have gotten from a potion and seemed like something that only someone like Archbishop Faol could have done.

After casting the rejuvenation spell, Eranikus immediately slumped over with visible exhaustion. “It is done, mortals. Your wounds should be healed and your stamina restored. I will do my best to assist you in destroying the Dragon Soul, but the majority of the fighting will have to be done by your forces.”

Once that was done, Eranikus handed the scale to Ansirem as he intended to help fight the black dragons in his true form once they reached the surface. It would obviously be too much of a risk for them to bring the scale where it could potentially be stolen from them, so it would need to be kept in the tunnels near the surface.

Ansirem thanked the green dragon for his assistance and passed the scale over to Archmage Karlain for safekeeping. He then hurried to organize everyone into two groups.

One group was assigned to stay behind to secure the chamber and another group was assigned to push through the tunnels back toward the surface. It wasn’t long after that Krivax was fighting alongside everyone else as they ascended through the tunnels while killing everything that got in their way. With the end of their mission finally in sight the Archmages no longer had any reason to continue conserving their stamina.

The path in front of them turned into a blazing inferno as the mages let loose a constant stream of fire that melted everything in their path. Krivax contributed to this with his geomancy while doing his best to step over the many half-melted corpses that they passed along the way. There were a few ogres who attempted to charge through the inferno, but each of them was swiftly dispatched by a flurry of arcane missiles.

After several minutes of this, Krivax eventually spotted the exit to the surface and heard the loud roars of dragons over the commotion of battle. Once they made the final push and finally stepped foot back into the Twilight Hammer camp, Krivax was greeted by the sight of a hellscape.

Much of the camp had been reduced to rubble and was littered with corpses. Huge portions of it were currently on fire, but everything around Grand Magus Antonidas had been completely flooded by a massive water elemental that was doing its best to drown Onyxia, who was covered with wounds.

Anub’rekhan was glowing brightly with the Light as he continued to trade blows with Nefarian, but one of his arms lay limply to his side and the jormungar had been torn completely in half, its acidic blood pooling on the ground. Nefarian was limping badly and his tail looked crooked.

Sabellian, who was attempting to drown out Prince Kael’thas and Archmage Kel’thuzad in magma, was badly scorched with cracked scales. Prince Kael’thas and Archmage Kel’Thuzad were shielding themselves with powerful arcane wards, but both of them were obviously growing tired.

And to top it all off, there was a massive field of flailing tentacles coming out of the ground in the direction that Krivax had last seen Hadix. He was barely able to sense the occasional flare of arcane magic through the sea of Void magic being produced by whatever Cho’gall had done

“Ansirem, I can sense bursts of magic coming from Vizier Hadix in that direction,” said Krivax, pointing toward the tentacles. The rest of the group spread out as they left the tunnels and began taking defensive formations. “If he doesn’t already have the Dragon Soul, then it will still be with Cho’gall.”

“I agree. Fighting our way through all of that won’t be easy, but it needs to be done,” said Ansirem after taking a moment to study the Void-corrupted area before turning to the leader of the War Mages. “Commander Blackwood, split up your war mages into two groups. One to defend our rear from the Horde and the other to help us carve a path through those damned tentacles.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Before Ansirem could give any more orders, Nefarian suddenly turned his gaze to their group and spotted Eranikus. Deathwing’s eldest son let out an earth-shattering roar that was returned in kind when the green dragon shed his mortal guise and flew directly at Nefarian. The Horde forces immediately went into a frenzy as every surviving pale orc, ogre, and Void-corrupted abomination in the camp threw themselves at their group.

“Everyone, move!” Ansirem shouted over the chaos.

Krivax stayed close to the group as they fought their way through a sea of enemies while moving toward the Dragon Soul. He didn’t know if the black dragons had been able to guess their plan exactly, but they probably had a good enough idea because all three of them were trying to escape their opponents and intercept their group. Not only that, but the Horde forces fought with a renewed sense of ferocity.

Grand Magus Antonidus, Prince Kael’thas, and Archmage Kel’thuzad all seemed reinvigorated by the reinforcements and started to opportunistically strike at the flying black dragons while also casting wards to protect the assault group. Anub’rekhan used the opportunity to heal himself with the light and charged back to assault the black dragons using his locust swarm.

Krivax froze a Void-corrupted dwarf to the ground as a pale orc leaped over the Dread Stalker in front of him, only to be immediately skewered by Masruk. Not having the opportunity to thank his friend, Krivax threw a spellweave into another group of enemies that caused several icy spikes to erupt from the ground and pierce through their bodies. Krivax cast a second spell that made the spikes forcefully explode and rip apart the nearby orcs with shrapnel.

The Archmages in the group constantly let loose a flurry of devastating spells that helped clear the way as they charged forward. Several of the Dread Stalkers and War Mages were ruthlessly pulled from the formation and torn apart by the enemy within seconds, but nobody allowed the gruesome displays to slow them down.

Once they finally reached the field of flailing tentacles, Magister Rommath summoned a huge phoenix made of fire that flew ahead of them and burned many of the tentacles to ash, only for them to begin growing back almost immediately.

“Move forward, and don’t hesitate!” Ansirem called out.

Their group began to take on more casualties almost immediately after they moved into the Void-corrupted area. While the Horde forces were able to move nearly unimpeded, the tentacles attempted to wrap themselves around anyone else who passed by. All the while their minds were attacked constantly by the whispers of the Void. Krivax saw one of the tentacles reach toward one of Masruk’s legs and instantly froze it solid before it could get a good grasp.

They eventually succeeded in making their way to a clearing where Hadix and Archmage Modera, both of whom looked as if they were barely keeping themselves upright, were frantically fighting Cho’gall.

The ogre was several feet taller than the last time Krivax had seen him and his body was also covered completely in eyes while his second head screamed constantly in some strange eldritch language. Cho’gall was constantly throwing bolts of Void energy at Hadix as he did his best to smash Modera with his hammer.

Most importantly, Hadix had retrieved the Dragon Soul and fastened it to his abdomen with some of his silk.

“Vizier Hadix!” Krivax called out as he launched a barrage of arcane missiles at Cho’gall, who blocked them with contemptuous ease using a barrier made of Void energy.

The other mages must have taken that as a signal because they then launched their own flurry of spells at Cho’gall, allowing Hadix and Modera to safely break away for a moment and make their way over to the group.

“I’m glad to see that you’re still alive, apprentice,” said Hadix as soon as he was close enough to be heard. With pleasantries seemingly over with, he then turned his attention to Ansirem. “I assume that you must have secured a fragment of Deathwing, correct?”

“We did. The scale is being held near the entrance to the tunnels,” said Ansirem before glancing at the artifact sticking to Hadix’s abdomen. “You managed to get the Dragon Soul. Good. I’ll leave a few of my men to hold off that monster while you take it to the scale.”

“No. Cho’gall is too powerful and your men don’t have my experience with fighting the Void,” said Hadix as he carefully removed the Dragon Soul and handed it over to Ansirem. “Leave behind one of the Archmages and send the rest to escort this to the tunnels. The faster that it’s destroyed, the better.”

Without waiting for a response, Hadix left them behind and returned to his fight with Cho’gall. Ansirem ordered Archmage Arugal to assist Hadix and Modera before sending the rest of the group back in the direction that they came. The second trip through the tentacle forest was worse than the first as they had already suffered significant casualties and had one less Archmage to help them keep the path clear.

The most powerful mages that they had left were Ansirem and Magister Rommath, both of whom were starting to grow tired.

“We’re nearly there! It’s not much farther now!” Ansirem yelled in an attempt to motivate them. The Horde’s numbers were beginning to dwindle and the path ahead was clearer than it was previously.

Unfortunately, Nefarian chose that moment to send Eranikus crashing into Anub’rekhan with a swipe of his tail and break away toward them.


Krivax felt his life flash before his eyes as Deathwing’s eldest son opened his maw and spat a massive stream of lava in their direction that was only barely blocked by an arcane barrier created by Ansirem and Magister Rommath. The two of them visibly struggled against the onslaught, but they succeeded in holding it off once the War Mages added their power.

“Vizier Krivax! Take the Dragon Soul and bring it to Archmage Karlain with the rest of the nerubians!” Ansirem called out, shocking Krivax out of his immobility. “Your people are much faster than the rest of us and have the best chance of making it!”

Krivax very much wanted to argue and question the wisdom of this decision out of fear, but he didn’t. There was no time for hesitation.

Instead, he took the Dragon Soul from Ansirem, ignored the powerful ancient magic flowing through the artifact, and began sprinting across the battlefield with Masruk and the remaining Dread Stalkers by his side. Although Viziers weren’t quite as fast as the nerubian warrior caste, they were still much faster than any human.

Several orcs attempted to stop them, but their efforts were about as effective as if they had jumped in front of charging cavalry. Onyxia and Sabellian both attempted to intercept them, but the other Archmages didn’t allow either one of them to escape.

A two-headed ogre tried to directly throw their body at Krivax to slow him down, which forced him to use his last remaining spellweave. Krivax didn’t bother to slow down as the ogre was suddenly teleported a hundred feet into the air before falling to their death.

Just as Krivax was beginning to believe that he would be able to make it unimpeded, he suddenly found himself falling to the ground as Nefarian slammed his tail into the ground and shook the earth. It was only thanks to his own training with geomancy and enhanced reflexes that Krivax was able to leap to the side and avoid being skewered by the massive earth spike that erupted beneath him.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite quick enough to prevent one of his legs from being crushed by the next one. If it weren’t for Anub’rekhan smashing into Nefarian’s side horn first, Krivax had no doubt that the next spike would have finished him off. He wished that he could say that he handled losing one of his limbs gracefully, but anyone close enough to hear him scream would have known that was a lie.

Krivax barely managed to fight through the pain and handed the Dragon Soul over to Masruk and sent him off to bring it to Archmage Karlain. His friend hesitated for several long moments, but he eventually ran off toward the tunnels with the Dragon Soul in hand.

Everything after that was a blur as a few of the Dread Stalkers attempted to carry him to safety while tending to the bleeding with healing potions. Krivax was far too distracted by the pain to truly understand what was really going on.

That only changed when a vast wave of magic exploded across the battlefield from the tunnels and the black dragons suddenly roared in maddened fury. Krivax could sense four extremely powerful streams of colorful magic fly up into the air and travel toward the horizon.

We did it…

Krivax regained consciousness as he was pulled aside for healing by Eranikus. From Masruk’s relieved and rapid speech, Krivax learned that the black dragons had all successfully retreated shortly after the Dragon Soul was destroyed and everyone else got together and went to face off against Cho’gall. The ogre had lasted longer than expected, but there was no way that he could survive against such powerful enemies on his own.

His end came ingloriously as he was skewered and dismembered.

Hadix insisted on removing both of the ogre’s mutated heads and burning every inch of Cho’gall to ash. According to him, creatures that had been corrupted by the Void to such an extent had a tendency to survive even the most deadly of wounds and he didn’t want to risk leaving anything behind.

Once their wounded had been healed enough that they were out of immediate danger, the group gradually began retreating to the portal. The destruction of the Dragon Soul had done nothing to deter the Horde from wanting to tear them all to pieces and so they needed to make a hasty retreat.

“Rest apprentice. Your part in this is done,” said Hadix as he carried Krivax to the portal on a floating platform of arcane magic.

Seeing no reason to disagree, Krivax stopped fighting to stay alert and allowed himself to slip back into unconsciousness.

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