A New Born Devil?

Chapter 41 Crap, Did I Change Irina Shidou?

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[A/N A reader had a good question about the strength of Serafall Leviathan. She is officially (wiki shows this) called an Ultimate Class King, and this is what Yasaka's strength level and Grayfia are at. But in her Ice Magic Category, she would be Satan Class in Demonic Power and Strength. So if she was restricted to not using Ice, she is truly Ultimate in Class strength. But in a real fight, we all know her Ice is Satan Class, just under a Super Devil. Sorry if this seems confusing, and for those not understanding, do not worry for it will not affect you much. This however is the reason Ray can be defeated by Satan or Super Devil opponents, without using his POD, his body and base Devil abilities are still growing to match his massive Demonic Power. Thanks and comment if you have questions.]


Chapter 41  Crap, Did I Change Irina Shidou? by Harem-Fan


     Sona, Kuisha, and I had come in with the train conductor, to do Mil-tan and Saji's first-time entry into the Underworld registration. When it was done, I said to my Peerage.

     "I will take Sona back to her Peerages car and then come back in a bit."

     Shirone, who was eating some cookies, reminded me.

     "Ray, do not forget, I get dibs on the lap when you get back."

     Li pouted and said.

     "Shirone, that is not fair, you can only call dibs when he comes back in ~Nya."

     "But you did it last trip, and I said nothing, so suck it."

     My lip twitched seeing the two fighting to just sit in my lap. A man should be thrilled at this development, but no matter who sits in my lap, I get pitiful eyes, so I lose when I win. I said to Sona.

     "Sona, forgive them for being excited to return home, let's go..."

     """"""""Goodbye Sona. (~Nyo, Nya×2)""""""""

     My group politely said goodbye to Sona as we entered further back in the train.


     As we entered Sona's Servant car, I saw her group had split up into small groups around the couch and along the window looking at the bleak scenery. When her group saw us, they brightened up at seeing their King.

     Kiba, Rugal, and Issei were playing cards, while Momo and Reya were playing chess. Gasper was playing a portable game console, with Tomeoe suspiciously watching a bit too closely over his shoulder. Ruruko and Yura were busy pointing out interesting sights outside.

     When Issei saw me, he looked to make sure I did not bring anything large and muscular with me, then he said.

     "Ray, stop hogging Sona, and come play a bit with us, it is more fun to play Poker with more guys!"

     Sona smiled at this and said.

     "It is rare for my boys to invite you, so show me some kindness and play a few hands, I will talk to my curious window girls."

     So I had to do it, and I sat around the small table with the three boys and said.

     "Alright gentlemen, deal me in."


     About 20 minutes later.

     "Sorry, my Full House is a higher suit than yours, it seems my luck is too good."

     I feel bad because I am not cheating, and my luck seems to be really good here, and Kiba said.

     "Honestly, I know you have not played Poker before, but your luck is amazing. It seems if you had luck in Chess, you would curb-stomp the VP."

     I, with a defeated smile, see the glare Sona is giving me across the train car, and say to Kiba.

     "Let us not talk about Chess, ha-ha. Oh, and Issei, did you hear that you are getting another new neighbor?"

     Issei with cold sweat asked, no begged.

     "No, No, No, Please tell me that is not you... And not for that new Pawn of yours? It was bad enough to have Saji walk with me to school, but, just no..."

     I smile like a Devil... Um, I just smile and explain to him.

     "I moved Mil-tan from his old apartment, so he could be near Saji, so when teachers want to check in on Saji and his siblings, an adult can pretend to be family. Sorry for that. Did I kick out a neighbor you liked or something?"

     Defeated, Issei waved his hand in denial.

     "Nah, that house had been empty for a while now, that the Shidou Family left for Europe or something like that."

     Oh that is right, after Lady Cleria Belial was killed, the  Shidou family left Kuoh. So I asked Issei to remember the young Irina Shidou from the Arcade.

     "That is right, so you know Irina Shidou, right?"

     Issei looked surprised that I knew her and said.

     "Harem B-, I mean, Ray, you actually know that girl?"

     "I met Irina Shidou in Kuoh when she was young, while I visited the city. And did you not think she was a boy?"

     Issei looked at me funny and said,

     "Ray, are you gender confused? How can I mix up a girl in a dress and longer hair, no boy would look like that? She wore her hair in two twin-tails, no mistaking she was a girl, he-he."

     "Weren't you two childhood friends then?"

     Issei scratched his cheek and said.

     "Well, she asked me to be friends, but we only hung out a bit. She got mad at me for flipping her skirt though, and then we only became normal friends after that, till she left. She and her family were really into going to church and stuff. And the day she left, she said she was sad she would not see a friend she met, or something like that."

     "Issei, why in the hell would you do that to a girl back then?"

     "Yeah, that was my bad, I just wanted to see what girls underwear looked like. And they were just plain white... She really was mad at me for a long time, sigh."

     I leaned back in my chair and thought about Issei's story. From the fuzzy memory I recall, I think Irina was a tomboy and Issei thought she was a boy, so his perverse nature was never shown to Irina, but now? What changed their relationship... It could not be that one single meeting with me, could it? (Yup Ray's parting words, cough)

     "Irina Shidou, was still your close friend, right?"

     "Not really, I was scolded by her and my mother for flipping her skirt to peep, and after that, I only saw her in school, but we were only normal friends that waved at each-other, how well did you know her ORC Pres?"

     "No not well, I only played at the Arcade with her, and got her a plushy, and a-... Oh, I did give her a necklace though."

     "Oh? Was it a Pokemon yellow rat and a ruby necklace? I remember her having those things. She wore the pretty ruby-necklace with her cross around her neck all the time, and she had that plushy on her pink bed."

     So, just one meeting with me fucked up things so massively? Well, I am sure she forgot that meeting by now, it was only one painful day of Dance Dance Revolution. Then Sona came over and told me.

     "Ray, it seems you stayed too long. Your Rook is here to retrieve you, good luck."

     Just then, I felt my jacket being tugged on, and I had not noticed Shirone giving me eyes that say I was cheating on her, she said.

     "Why are you talking about Perv Boy's old neighbor, Irina Shidou? You should be spending time with me, I mean us. Come along quietly my King, or I will execute Castling and move you myself."

     And to Sona's Peerage's amusement, I was physically pulled into the neighboring car against my will...

     I was Cat Napped!


     As we all got out of the limo in front of my Gremory home, with my Servants behind me standing properly, we were greeted by my family.

     Venelana, my Mother, Grayfia, my sister-in-law, and Rias, my 7½ year old Niece greeted me formally. My Father will probably only see us at dinner. I say to my three family members.

     "Mother, Rias, and Grayfia, I am home."

     Rias getting a head nod from my Mother ran up in front of me, and with a happy smile said and asked.

     "Uncle Ray, I love you soooo~ much, did you bring it like you promised?!"

     I smirk at her anticipation and say.

     "Yup, I got all the new and current Manga, Anime, and Light Novels from Japan for you, but..."

     I leaned my face down, and like a trained puppy, Rias gave a kiss on the cheek as payment. So cute!

     I then retrieved it out of my Magic Space, handed her the stack of current things she asked for, then she hugged my waist while giggling. She noticed the two new servants and asked.

     "Uncle Ray, are those your new servants?! Can I meet them? Oh, I am sorry, tee-he-he! Auntie Kuisha, I missed you~!"

     While Rias dove into the arms of Kuisha, my Mother asked me while looking at my Peerage.

     "Ray, those are your two new Pawns you told me about? I assume the big one is based on talent, and not because I am making you wait till your 18 for well you know?"

     "No my loving Mother, it is not some strange taste. Both Pawns are amazing, why did you think I was only recruiting pretty girls or something?"

     My Mother nodded, and Grayfia's smile said that is exactly what they expected from me. My heart took damage for being seen as a Playboy, even if it is partially true. My mother then said to my Peerage, who has swarmed around my excited Niece.

     "All of you must be tired from your trip, so please go freshen up for dinner tonight. Maids, please show the two new Servants their rooms in Ray's wing."

     Then Kuisha and I separated from the others for tea with Mother and Rias...


     At the dinner table...

     Now mind you my Father has seen all kinds of Servants from my Brother's Fire Giant Rook, to Tannin the Dragon King, but for some inexplicable reason... My Father was truly amused at the massive Magical Girl eating a large plate of food with girly-elegance.

     So my Father asked me.

     "I see that he dresses like Devil King, Serafall Leviathan, and this must be a new trend in the Human world?"

     Rias, too, has sparkling eyes about Magical Girls now, and I am afraid that Rias is going to take after Serafall when she is older... A Magical☆Rias sounds scary, right?

     "Yes Father, it seems Serafall's Devilish schemes to corrupt the minds of Japan are working. Also, can you have our Gremory craftsmen make a dense and heavy version of Serafall's wand, sized for Mil-tan, to hit things with... Hard?"

     Mil-tan hearing I would make him a wand, put both hands on his cheeks and swooned.

     "Ah! Now I will be able to swish away all Evil in our paths of Justice ~Nyo!"

     Ni and Li put up their fists with him and said.

     ""For Ray's Justice ~Nya!""

     Kuisha besides me looks a bit happy seeing the enthusiasm of our group. Then my Mother asked.

     "Saji dear, How has your last few months been as a Devil, are you happy to be part of our family?"

     Saji, trying to use the good manners taught to him by Akeno and Tsubaki, only nodded and said from the heart.

     "My brother and sister are finally happy again, and it is all thanks to Ray for taking us in. I feel very fortunate to join the Peerage, and am working hard so Ray will be proud of my hard work."

     Then my Mother braves asking my new Pawn.

     "Mil-tan dear, I know it is short, but what about you?"

     "This little lady is happier than a hooker at an Adult Video convention ~Nyo."

     Then Akeno could not hold it in...

      "Phht, Ufufu~!"

     When Tsubaki looked at her, she stopped while covering her lips with a blush. Then my Mother said,

     "Kuisha dear, your wedding is now less than a year away. In the first week of April, have you decided where you want your wedding, and what kind?"

     Kuisha with stars in her eyes said.

     "I want to marry in Urakyoto, and have sister Yasaka officiate my wedding, that way she can be there for it. It will just be our immediate family, a small event."

     "Are you sure you want such a small wedding, as the next Lady Gremory? We can throw a grand wedding here for you instead, and I could get Sirzechs to invite Yasaka?"

     Kuisha took my hand and looked at me.

     "No, with the big marriage-party here in the Underworld beforehand, there is no need for it. Ray and I would prefer something intimate and special."

     "Mother, I too want something small. So please grant Kuisha's request. Any marriages after can be big, so you can have fun."

     I suddenly felt some eyes penetrate my soul after my words of secondary wives. I think I spoke wrongly, yikes! Then my Father said,

     "Then we will do what you two want, I was going to clear out all of Tokyo for a Capital wide wedding for you two, but alas, I guess I can save that for Rias in the future, ha-ha."

     Listening to my Father, I realized why the anime Rias was spoiled rotten, sigh.

     After that, our summer holiday continued with training for our futures in the Devil's Rating Games.

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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)


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