A New Born Devil?

Chapter 42 A First Kiss?

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Chapter 42  A First Kiss? by Harem-Fan


      Crack BOOOOM! Crumble! The petite small-chested magical girl in black twin-tails, had just vertically swung her magic staff, identical to the Milky Spiral Magical Girl staff, and the entire mountain boulder the size of the Dragon King Tannin, was blasted to gravel!

     My Father,  and my Peerage all watched the results of this one month of Mil-tan's improved Magical Girl Transformation Magic created by his Demonic Potential, and his use of the new Adamantine Staff with Gravity Magic Runes, Mil-tan calls a magic wand. No it is clearly a fucking sledgehammer that even Thor would be proud of!

     Like Serafall, Mil-tans new Magical Girl Transformation puts him into the default Milky Spiral outfit, so now he can wear anything, and when he uses his Unique Spell, he can assume this form with full costume. So if he is wearing armored clothing, the properties of the clothing get transferred to his new outfit, just like his natural strength. In effect, he is only reshaping his existing body to his imagination. His new form also retains his original weight by compressing it into a smaller form.

     After Queen Promoting, and using raw strength, he effortlessly pulverized the massive hard stone, showing that no High-class Devil could stay in the game with that hit over the head. Mil-tan then spun into a pose,and said.

     "My magical crush is Justice ~Nyo!"

     Clap Clap Clap! Yeah, he always smashes you and says it is magic. But when you can one-shot anything, almost, who will argue that it was not magic, right? I said to him,

     "Alright Mil-tan, we are all done training today, plus we are running out of mountains around here, ha-ha. Everyone, let's go home and end this long training month. Oh and for those still in school, you need to finish all the workbooks."

     Saji and Shirone both looked sad and said together.


     Akeno and Tsubaki are both star students and effortlessly did all of their work already in the down time. Kuisha still has not returned yet from her Bishop Magician training.

     Ni and Li who are lazy cats do not have schoolwork so no big deal. The two have just been sleeping long hours when not training or trying to sneak into my bed to Mofu Mofu.

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     In the Gremory hot springs, Saji, Mil-tan, and I are in the lower mens bath. And up in the elevated woman's side Tsubaki, Akeno, Shirone, Ni, and Li are in the upper bath looking down on us.

     Like how Gasper takes baths, Mil-tan uses an enormous beach-towel to cover his upper chest in a wrap the way a woman would, making me and Saji grin in amusement.

     And while we men soaked in peace, I heard Akeno's voice from above, tempting me.

     [Raaaaay~. Why not fly up here to our bath, where we are naked, and lonely? You used to bathe with us in the past... I feel so abandoned~!]

     I smile at Akeno's act, so I yell.

     "Then let's call it abandonment play, how is that Akeno?"

     [AHH?! Ha ha ha~!]

     Saji, hearing us flirt, says disgruntled.

     "I think it would suck less for me if you just went up there, sigh. When am I going to find a girlfriend?"

     I coach the poor boy.

     "Don't rush love Saji, and that is why I am not rushing up there now. We will live a long time, and I promise, a few nice girls will see you and your talents in the future. There is no rush, you are only in your first year of high-school. So, just enjoy our guy bonding time while we can, because once next school year rolls around, I will be sucked into the black hole known as harem."

     Saji seemed to understand and then I got a Magic Communications Circle call. It was Sona, so I took it, as my Gremory Crest floated to my left ear.

     [Hello Ray, did I get you at a bad time?]

     "No, I am soaking with the guys and my Peerage, what is up?"

     [It is safe to come at noon tomorrow, and my parents will be here. Can you make it?]

     "I will be there then."

      [Good, then bye for now...]

     It uses a lot of Demonic Power for this kind of Magic, so keeping it short for most is good, though I could talk all day with my reserves.


     When I woke up the next late morning, I saw three sets of cat ears . White hair in the middle, red on my right, and blue on my left. Seems Akeno and Tsubaki slept in their own rooms.

     Sometimes, when I go to bed alone, random girls will be in my bed when I wake up. Very rarely do I ever wake alone, and on those rare days, my heart feels lonely.

     Shirone's gold eyes look into mine as she gives me a shy kiss on my lips then lays her head on my chest to hear my heartbeat.

     Li then turned my head for her good-morning kiss, and bit my lower lip. Then to finish me off, Ni invaded my mouth with her sly tongue, but only briefly to not get the other girls jealous. I then said.

     "Morning girls, now let's get ready for our day."

     The three lazy cats reluctantly let me get out of the bed, while they stayed bundled up under the silk sheets, cute.


     Just before noon as I was preparing to make my Transportation Jump to the Sitri home, I was talking with my Queen. I was informing her on things she can try to personally work on.

     "That is right Tsubaki, all Sacred Gears can evolve and change based on the desires of their hosts. No two Balance Breakers or Subspecies Balance Breakers are necessarily the same. Take Issei's Twice Critical. His Balance Breaker could be a set of armor, or a glove to transfer power to others, or even something perverted based on the desires of the host. Subspecies Balance Breakers change the very way the Sacred Gear works. I have heard of a Twice Critical that grants its user extra dragon arms to wield more swords. So your Mirror Alice can do much more as you get stronger, and your desires affect it."

     Tsubaki, straightens my grey suit with care and says softly.

     "Then, I will diligently research my mirror, all mirrors of legend, and fictional mirrors. I will make my Sacred Gear stronger to help you, Ray."

     I look down into my Queen's caring eyes and hold her hands. The slight blush on her cheeks are adorable, but I tell her.

     "I do not need you to do it for me, but yourself. I also do not want you to obsess over it, because your mirror may not improve. I only told you all of this so you knew the possibility existed. Obsession can make you unhappy, and that would hurt my heart to see you sad, alright?"

     She nodded, and held my hands tightly to assure me she understood. I then briefly kissed her, and stepped back to cast my magic with a smile at my Queen.

     Soon the crimson light rose, making me vanish from the backyard of my mansion...

     My Mother walked to Tsubaki's side and patted her shoulder with a giggle.

     "Ufufu, Dear, my son left a bit ago, and you are here in a daze. Don't worry, he cares for you very much, now come for tea with me and Akeno."

     Then the two Devils went in...


     As the crimson light faded from my vision, I found myself in the Sitri domain, more specifically behind Sona's mansion.

     The Sitri Territory is home to the best medical facilities in the Underworld. It is well-known for its rich natural resources, and is said to boast the most plentiful natural reserves present amongst the few territories belonging to High Class Devils.

     "Prince Ray, it is good to see you again, and you have grown so handsome in the last year, Ufufu."

     I follow the motherly voice of Lady Sitri, and see her mid-length black hair, and pink eyes looking warmly in my direction. She is wearing a motherly dress in pale blue, kinda like my Mother wears. I smile and say to her,

     "Lady Sitri, it is nice to see you looking well, but I had thought Sona would greet me here?"

     She covers her mouth with a giggle and playfully looks at me while joking.

     "Ufufu, I see, so you wanted Sona here, I see, I see. Sigh, She is currently in her last Chess game right now, and asked me to meet you. She should be done soon. This suitor is an older man. I think your idea for using Chess was both a blessing and a curse for our Sitri house, young Ray."

     I was wanting to retort and say that Sona would have done this in the anime, but alas, it fell in my lap as the mastermind of the Infinite Chess Swindle. Lady Sitri took my arm to walk me in and did not let me make excuses.


     Lord Sitri was sitting between Sona and a 30ish looking yellow skinned devil with orange eyes, who was looking at the game in frustration. I could see sweat on his forehead as he tried really hard to make a decision, while Sona was cool and relaxed.

     As he placed his Queen on the desired spot, I shook my head internally being killed by Sona in that move countless times, and I see her next move will be a checkmate. And he foolishly released his hand. Sona, as I predicted, moved her Rook, taking the Queen and said...

     "Checkmate, Lord Barbatos... That is the game."

     "No! I demand one more chance."

     Lord Sitri wiped his own glasses and politely said.

     "Sorry, Lord Drollery Barbatos, but you lost fairly, and everyone only gets one chance, sorry for your defeat."

     Barbatos, grumpy about his sad defeat, only left the following parting words.

     "Well, no matter, you only have your Grand Chess skills, and that is not real power. So let the Sitri decline. What does it matter, good-day..."

     A servant led the man out... Then Lord Sitri, seeing me and his wife in the back, said dryly.

     "Prince Gremory, ignore the scene, it happens with almost every player, ha-ha. Come in and play a game with my daughter, perhaps you will beat her this time."

     Sona, seeing me, smiled and told her parents.

     "Ray is not here for Chess today, we are just going for a walk together, so we will leave now. Let us go Ray, I need fresh air."

     I politely say.

     "Next time maybe, Lord Sitri, but I will go with Sona now."


     As I left with Sona, Lady Sitri sat in her husband's lap and said seriously.

     "No one is brave enough to say things to us openly with Serafall around, but I am worried if this goes on, our reputation may be affected?"

     The playful and kind Devil woman was nowhere to be seen when she was seriously talking about their family. Lord Sitri said with no real concern.

     "Sona has sent over a hundred Devils packing in shame, and no one is willing to be humiliated for our Daughter's hand. But we cannot just openly let her marry. Sona has come up with a way to find a suitor not relying on intellect... This time, she will allow all of the losers a chance to prove their Power instead of intellect. This method will turn our bad reputation into an honorable one, since we will test both intellect and strength."

     "What nonsense is our Daughter doing now?"

     "It is a swindle... Her plan for next year is..."


     Sona and I are sitting on a stone bench by a secluded waterfall she always comes to for thinking.

     She took off her glasses, set them to the side. I found this action odd, to see her take them off like that. She only does that when her mind is in a mess.

     While I was still sitting, she stood, and kept her back to me to hide her face, she then said.

     [Ray, I cannot be beaten, you know? So that means I am not going to belong to any-man right now at this very moment, so...]

     Sona, with decisive eyes, turned, grabbed my face, and overlapped her lips on mine. Her eyes closed, and I was truly caught off guard, as her inexperienced kiss coated my lips. As she did not feel me reject her, she slowly stopped and pulled back to look at my confused face. Sona said seriously.

     "Ray, that was my first kiss. I will not kiss another now, so, unless you do something and try, the lips that belong only to you, will go to another man. Don't let me down Ray. I just need you to have a reason to try."

     As she put on her glasses, I licked my lips in confusion at her words and asked.

     "What are you planning, Sona?"

     Sona knows me better than I know myself, and in her heart, she knew I understood her. She put her hands behind her back and said.

     "Nothing yet, but... If you want more of that, you will have to fight for it, Ufufu. Let us send you back Ray. I have much to prepare for. That kiss is not a confession for romance, just a prize for you to earn with your own power, let's go my best friend..."

     I followed the happy Sona, and no matter how I pressed her for more information, or the reason to kiss me, well more than the obvious reasons, she refused to even open her lips.

     I have a bad feeling about this... Sona was a real Devil to claim her lips belonged to me, sigh.

     Now I would feel like I lost something if someone else took them, right? If that happened, my Devil's Pride might be hurt, and that would be bad for me. In a way, Sona did something cruel to me today...



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