A New Born Devil?

Chapter 45 MILF: Maiden I Like to Fluff? (Part 1)

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[A/N Just a note about Sexual Content. First assume all my chapters are NSFW, period. Second, I do not believe in smut as filler content, and like the storyline more. But sex is part of the D×D universe and must be included. So I will not add these scenes to add word-count or just to fill a chapter mindlessly. When sexual content is added, it has to further the Plot, Relationships, or show a character's Emotional State. But fear not, with 11-12 harem members, each is given a minimum of one lovemaking encounter to be captured in the story. Thanks for understanding ahead of time, and enjoy the loss of 2 V-Cards.]


Chapter 45  MILF: Maiden I Like to Fluff? (Part 1) by Harem-Fan


     Stepping into Urakyoto, I am assaulted with the bustling Dark City of the Western Youkai.

     A 20 foot tall female Cyclops waved at me and said warmly.

     "Hello again Devil Prince Gremory, it is good to see you back again for another visit. I heard it was your day of Maturity, so take these Firefly Fruits as a gift. Say hello to Princess Yasaka for us."

     The large woman handed me a small basket of glowing red fruits, and I gratefully accepted them. I have had them before and they look like apples, but taste like cherries. Not only that, but they have a glowing flame-like aura on them, hence their names. I can safely eat them because I am not a pure Youkai, for they are like a mild-arousal fruit. Not a true aphrodisiac, but a mood-lifter if you get my meaning. A better description is like drinking wine, and getting a mild intoxication.

     "Thank you very much, Dionisio, I will tell her... Oh, Hello Sakura, nice to see you again."

     As I took the fruits from the Cyclops, my guide as always, Sakura, came to fetch me. She smiled seeing me interact with the locals with no disdain and said warmly.

     "Prince Ray, Princess Yasaka is awaiting you in her home, come with me please."

     So I follow this Kitsune, while in a good mood...


     Arriving at the front of the old mansion, I saw many guards around the grounds and noticed the old Elder Tengu, who is normally inside, so I asked jokingly.

     "Elder, you have never greeted me at the Inner Torii Gates here, so what is up?"

     The Tengu Youkai looked at me funny, and then he said,

     "Oh, it is nothing, ha-ha. We were told to have no one here while you visited, not a single servant, guard, including us is allowed in tonight, sigh."

     "That is odd for Yasaka to kick everyone out, right? I am sorry for inconveniencing you guys though."

     Sakura gave her fellow assistant a look, only patted my shoulder and said with firmness.

     "Please Prince, she can already sense you, so for our sake, do not keep the Princess waiting, now go, go, go."

     As Sakura pushed me into the front doors, and shut them, I felt odd how they  were acting, but then I heard it...

     Click! D-Did she just lock the front doors?! Chill Shiver!


     Just out front, the Elder seeing my confusion as Sakura pushed me in, said to his partner Kitsune.

     "It seems that Prince Ray is unaware how aggressive a Kyuubi is when they let their mating heat take over, hmm?"

     Sakura with a trickster grin said happily.

     "He is too strong to die under her, so it is fine, we only need to fix the damages in the morning. I remember when Yasaka's Mother long ago went into 'heat' to have her. That poor man did not make it, sigh."

     The Elder then made hand-signs at the front of the mansion with his use of Youjutsu. Suddenly, yellow magic runes enshrouded the whole mansion and he said.

     "The Barrier is up, so at least we won't have to listen to all of the screaming and yelling. Plus this will reduce the damage to the mansion a bit. So, should we go eat hotpot?"

     "Sure, and I will make some Soba Noodles."

     Then the mansion staff had a late night outdoor picnic for my birthday...


     As I stepped into the main meeting room, I saw my alluring fox-maiden sitting in seiza, wearing her shrine maiden outfit. She was wearing her crown and looked very formal and dignified. Her beauty is supernatural, and I always get hypnotized by her femininity.

     "Hello my lovely concubine (unofficial wife, and mate), how are you tonight? I hope you have not waited long?"

     Hearing me, she lifted her face to me, and I saw her cheeks were blushing, and her yellow-gold eyes were hazy and misty. Her look is of a woman that is enduring longing, humiliation, and vulnerability. She smiled and said with a deeper, sexy tone than normal.

     "My mate Ray~! Please come to me, and sit. I will pour us tea for our ritual..."

     I put the fruits on the table, and then I came to Yasaka's side, and knelt beside her, shoulder to shoulder. She smiled, and two of her tails firmly snaked around my waist to hug me. This action of intimacy with her is normal...

     As she slowly stirred and mixed the tea, she said to me coquettishly.

     "Sniff, Ray~ you smell very nice today, Ufufu."

     Yasaka also smells more womanly than normal. I cannot place her scent, but maybe a wet meadow after a refreshing spring rain is the feeling I get from her body. It makes me want to kiss her, to taste the scent I perceive?

     She slid the cup of green tea with a faint glow in front of me and directed me.

     "This Tea Ceremony is for mates, who pledge themselves for life. Take one sip, then I will, and the two of us will continue, till the tea is gone. When it is done, we will officially be mates. Now drink my Ray~..."

     So I take the cup in my two hands, how she had taught me in the past, and take my sip. It is very refreshing and sweetened the way I like it. Yasaka has learned all of my preferences over the last 8 years. She said only a qualified wife can be made, by knowing her husband's tastes.

     As I put the cup down, she then elegantly slid the cup in front of her turning it in a rotation symbolizing... Honestly, I have no idea, I just know she looks hot doing it.

     She lifted the cup to her lips and sipped it. Then as she was finishing her sip, she extended her tongue to lick where my lips had touched. I can't tell if this is strange or erotic, but I watch as she spins the cup in front of me, to continue the ritual.

     This went on for a total of 7 rounds, and every-time I sipped, another of her tails held my body, solely moving over my lower torso. So with the first two, and seven, she at the end of the ceremony had all nine tails now firmly holding me.

     As she put the now empty cup down, she looked at me, and leaned in for her kiss.

     Her tongue passionately invaded my mouth, more than in the past, and I noticed as we hugged, her body temperature was much warmer than in the past. Soon I asked her dazed-self.

     "Yasaka, your body is very warm, are you alright?"

     She nibbled on my ear, gently biting it, and said.

     "It is normal, Ray. It is my mating cycle that I have not suppressed. In the past, I have forcefully shut it down when I am around you, but today... Ufufu. I have let it goooo~!"

     "Dear, you are in control, right?"

     "Oh? My mind is fully clear, but my body, now that is a different story..."

     As Yasaka licked the side of my face in a very erotic fashion, I felt a bit of unease in my lower abdomen, like I was heating up. Remembering my Fathers request to remove this blasted Magic Circle hidden on my belly, I looked at my watch... [9:37 pm 4-08-2008]

     "Hey, Yasaka, I need to wait till midnight, so let us go take a short dip in the hot-springs, alright?"

     Her tails tightened on me hearing my words, and then I felt her gently bite my shoulder, while licking the impressions of her teeth, she moaned in disagreement.

     "Hum-mm! No, it is fine, it is already your birthday in some place in the Human world, let's just do it now..."

     I suddenly feel the pressure from her hold, but firmly say or lie.

     "Soaking in the hot-springs for a Devil should raise my chances for having a child, you know that right?"

     Her body stopped for a moment, contemplating my words. She then nodded like my words made sense, and she said.

     "Alright, the hotspring it is then, Ufufu."

     She let me go, and the two of us got up to go change and ready for a soak.

     Just as I left, Yasaka smiled looking at the basket of fruits I brought and she said.

     "Oh? I love the taste of these, and if Ray wants me to eat a couple, he-he, then one or two won't hurt, right?"

-      If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     [10:07 pm 4-08-2008]

     Looking at my watch and this pesky sense of the Security Magic about to trigger from my arousal, I frown. This trigger will not go off if I say get morning wood or anything, but If I have the intent for sex, the magic will function like the way the Summoning Flyer works, bringing one of the two Devils to interfere with my event.

     The reason I have this stupid seal is less to do with stopping me from having sex, but it is like a rape protection, say if I was unconscious or drunk. This would bring Grayfia or my Mother to aid me.

     No, I am not afraid of Summoning them, but what kind of shame is it to have one of them here as I am going to lose my V-Card? So I have just decided to man up and try to make it to midnight, then let out all of my pent up lust on my woman!

     I bite the bullet, and wrapped only in my towel, I exit the changing room for the hotspring.


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