A New Born Devil?

Chapter 46 MILF: Maiden I Like to Fluff? (Part 2)

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[A/N Kunou: The Japanese word for (mental) suffering, distress, affliction, anguish, agony, trouble.]


Chapter 46  MILF: Maiden I Like to Fluff? (Part 2) by Harem-Fan


     As I came out, I already saw Yasaka in the water with two wine glasses and some snacks for us to eat as we soak. Her gold eyes turn to me, and her flush face lets out a tempting smile, with squinted sexy eyes.

     I made it into the water next to her, and as I guessed, she intimately straddled me, with her 9 tails underwater wrapping my legs firm. With her arms around my shoulders she said.

     "Thought you ran away, fufufufu~!"

     She reached over my shoulder and handed me some wine to drink. And for a while, we sipped our drinks and kissed. Her massive uncovered breasts are firmly pressed into my chest, making me want to grab them, but I resist, trying to not have sexual thoughts. I did say, TRY!

     As my hands were on her waist in a relaxed manner, she slid some fruit into her mouth, then started feeding me mouth to mouth. As I chewed the food, my first thought was... Cherry flavor! Oh, did she?!

     My mouth was about to open and ask where she got the fruit, her kissing lips on my shoulder painfully bit, leaving a mark on me, then she licked it. I know this as play-biting, a form of foreplay, but...

     "Ouch! Yasaka honey... Um, What are you doing with your tail? Ah, And your nails are sharp... That bite is going to leave a mark, damn it!"

     Yes, I have been wondering for a while now. If 4 tails are wrapped around both my left and right leg for 8, what is the 9th tail doing?

     Then I felt the movement on my hips... My towel vanished from around my waist, and was suspended out of the water behind her head, dangling from the 9th tail. She smiled and said.

    "Ray, your Demonic Power is large, and it needs releasing, Ufufu~!"

     I felt our bare genitalia brushing against one another, and looking in both excitement and horror, I saw the magic on my tummy start to light up ever so lightly!

     "AH! Yasaka dear, I will be right back... Bathroom!"

     Catching her by surprise, I bolted out of the water, running naked to the spare bedroom I always use.

     Yasaka, seeing my red face, and back with her scratch-marks running, only pounced at my fleeing self, She licked her lips and said.

     "Ray dear, you can hide, but not run. When I catch you, I will take you and eat you up. You really know how to make my instincts flare, fufufu."


     [11:47 pm 4-08-2008]

     "Fuck, she is still on my trail! Okay Ray, just 12 more minutes to hide, then I don't have to worry."

     Boom Crash! I hear from another room, she ripped off another set of sliding-doors, and think about how fucking big this mansion is. Not only that... I am lost!

     [Raaaaay~? I-I am lonely, did I say something wrong? Dear, I am now calm, so come to me... I want to just give you a hug for your birthday, fufu.]


      [Ray? Are you holding your breath and suppressing your presence? It won't help, I have already marked you with my Youjutsu, remember that bite? Yup, it has my aura on it, it is only a matter of time, Ufufu.]

     I felt my shoulders and the scratches and realized she would never hurt me for no reason, so I was tricked, damn!

     I dove into her private bedroom, and then hid in there. Yasaka's scent should cover me for a bit...

     A bead of sweat appeared on my forehead as I hid in the dark, naked, with some scratches on my body, decorated with some bites that I incurred in my escape from imminent danger.

     While holding my breath to not make noise, I looked at my watch to see the time... [11:54 pm 4-08-2008]

     I think about how my situation became so dangerous, and I could only blame myself for assuming my opponent was rational, but no. Then my spine tingled as I heard the voice of my assailant, in a deep and hungry tone.

     [You can hide, but not run... I can smell you... Ufufu... I will eat you now, Raaaaaay~!]

     "This is the only time I will ask for your help... God let me hide for the next 5 minutes, please!" *PAIN*

     As I clutched my head in agony, the voice of my pursuer came from the other-side of the mansion's paper-wall.

     [Oh! There you are, my meal!]

     As I was still gripping my head in pain, a pair of arms punched through the wall and swiftly pulled me into my doomsday~!

      I could only let out my last desperate screams as my fate was sealed.

      "AHHHHHHHHHHHH~! That hurts, ouch~!"

-  If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     No it is not Yasaka hurting me but this blasted headache I am clutching, but...

     Whoosh! Thump! I was flung across her bedroom as I landed on a soft futon. As my eyes opened, Yasaka was running to me, and leaped at me. I give into my fate, with no way to hold her off anymore. So I throw a Hail-Mary to buy time.

     Yasaka took my lips, and held my arms down on the bed, and her tails tightened around my legs to assure I could not get away. As I felt her damp warm folds about to cover my dick, I broke the frantic kiss and asked her.

     "Wait! What will we name our child? I need to know our child's name first, then is it fine?!"

     Her body paused just as she was going to put me inside her and her lips curled, she said with deep breaths.

     "I can only have a daughter, and you already chose her name when we met... Her name will be Kunou! Now my mate, here I go~!"

     My brain buzzed hearing the name of the child I prevented, and as my belly was starting to light up in crimson, I felt Yasaka fully engulf me!

     But the sound of my watch's alarm telling me it is midnight, made my heart soften. And at the same time, the Security Magic Circle, half formed, broke apart into motes of light, discharged and expired.

     Yasaka felt me fully in her, and hearing the alarm realized something. She leaned into my ear, pressing her motherly assets into me.

     "Happy birthday, Ray. Now give me a present, Ufufu."

     As she started to move up and down, my hands gripped her thin waist, and I bit her shoulder like she did to me. This act surprised her and she let out a cute noise.

     "Ahan~! Ray, so naughty~!"

     I may be a virgin in this life, but my Human life had a few girlfriends, so love making is not an issue for me. So, to enjoy our first time, I rolled Yasaka to her back, making her look at me more heatedly.

     "Thanks for waiting, my Yasaka. Now let me make things right, I love you, and our future daughter!"

     So for a while, the two of us exchanged deep kisses, full of affection, and longing. Sure I may have had some Human experience, but sex as a Devil and Youkai, is nothing like what Humans feel!

     My Yasaka has a figure and body to tempt me, and in turn, my body is built to her desire. We true supernatural creatures are even free from all body hair below our necks and other Human imperfections. Both Yasaka and I would be considered to have perfect bodies to be porn stars.

     As I continue to plunge deep inside of her at a modest speed, her eyes look into mine, and I can see affection for me. I hope my eyes convey the same to her.

     Like reading my life energy, Yasaka could sense my impending release inside her... She instinctively crosses her ankles behind my lower-back, and her nails firmly grab my back, and her tongue licks my neck.

     Finally, as I felt her body quiver, I took her right nipple into my mouth, and sucked firmly, to make her body feel another sensation.

     No longer able to resist making her mine, heart and body, I let out my pent up years of sexual release, cumming deep inside of Yasaka.

     "Ray~ it is warm, Ufufu!"

     I just realized something else different from Humans! I have not diminished in my erection, and I feel that I can keep going, so I do.

     "Yasaka, can you keep going, I don't want to stop?!"

     "Ah ah ah~! That is because, AH~! I am in heat... We can go for hours, fufu~!"

     Okay, this ... Is incredible, so she is in a state of maximum sexual stamina to get inseminated repeatedly! Kyuubi are scary...


     A few hours later, I am currently in our 7th round of sex, and she is on her knees and elbows panting, with her head hugging her pillow. I however am reaching my limit.

     I have her left shoulder held with my left hand, while my right is caressing her 9 tails that occasionally wrap around my waist and chest.

     The room is full of wet, slapping, and squelching sounds from our fluids being in excess. As her breasts shake back and forth with my thrusting, I tell Yasaka.

     "I'm cumming dear, this is it, I cannot go on~!"

     "I am done, so just go~!"

     And I let loose, my 7th and final load of baby batter into this hopefully now MILF!

     I retract my Devil wings, I had extended in pleasure, and then drop next to Yasaka and she too, laid into my chest, sweaty and flush.

     With her blonde hair in my face, I kissed the top of her head, and told her my feelings.

     "I love you, my Yasaka."

     Yasaka then made a few hand signs in the air, making a hexagram seal of green light, then touched it to her belly, and soon, the reddish flush on her cheeks subsided, so I asked.

     "What was that, something to help with pregnancy chances?"

     "Ufufu, No my Ray, it was to end my heat, or I would keep having sex with you till you were broken. Your and my virginity, and our multiple copulations will have a high chance of getting me pregnant. The first child is always the easiest for us Youkai. The second is challenging, and any after that is sheer luck."

     She turned in my arms to put her face on my chest, and her ear was suspiciously where I could rub it. Yasaka is so easy to read, so I give in to my guilty pleasure.

     Mofu Mofu Rub Rub! My right hand tenderly rubs her ear, while my left rubs her bare ass, just wanting to sink my fingers into its softness and elasticity. While in pleasure she asked.

     "I forgot to ask, is the name Kunou good my mate, or is it not a good name?"

     When I watched the anime at the time, I was not sure about its meaning, as my Japanese vocabulary was as spotty as my memory of my past Human life, but now that I know what her name means, I was unsure. I think she got this sad name, because of how she was born through a horrible mating, and Yasaka named her that, to remind herself of her origins? But...

     I know my daughter won't be the same Kunou as in that 4th season. But seeing Rias grow up, I feel parts of her might still exist if I give her this name. It seems... Names have power in this world of mine!

     "I don't know... her name... But I think it is a cute name, and I believe she will be mental-trouble, just like her mother and father. Yasaka, I leave her name to you."

     Yasaka saw me struggle because of that alternate life I saw, and she smiled.

     "You bought that stuffed bear for Kunou, so that will be her name when she is born, and I'm sure of it. Now Ray, get some sleep, we do not want to be late for your birthday then your wedding the next day. Just know I love you very much."

     And after a brief kiss, we closed our eyes, and fell asleep in one another's arms...




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