A New Born Devil?

Chapter 49 Mrs Gremory?

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[A/N Just got my first 1-star from the guy that didn't even read the story past chapter 1. So I am shamelessly asking for some 5-stars to boost my mood, thanks!]


Chapter 49  Mrs Gremory? by Harem-Fan


     Late that evening, in a meeting room in the Kyoto Sirzechs Hotel.

     A Magic Circle holographic projection of Falbium Asmodeus and Ajuka Beelzebub, the other two Devil Kings are having a serious talk in the meeting-room.

     Sitting around the table are three individuals of importance, who are discussing today's events with a grim look. Serafall looked at Sirzechs besides her, then at Yasaka on the other end of the small table, and said.

     "That is correct, Ray identified both of the Sacred Gears, Annihilation Maker and Dimension Lost. Yasaka then identified the Hero Faction as they are called to us... The team that the two Longinus belong to are () Cao Cao, Georg, Jeanne, Heracles, Siegfried, and Leonardo. This is the group of Human descendants from their namesakes. All of them possess Sacred Gears and are Supernatural in nature."

     Yasaka, was taking credit for what I told her privately before this gathering. Naturally, I can not explain my future knowledge of Humans I should not know, but Yasaka knowing I had seen a parallel timeline, took the credit in my place, as if she found out intelligence from her Youkai Faction. So she told the group.

     "I had previously heard of this group of troublemakers, and only thought of it when Ray told me of this evening's encounter. I had also learned that their Leader, Cao Cao is the possessor of The True Longinus, the Spear that pierced God, number one strongest Sacred Gear. I had not thought their presence in the past was anything for my West Youkai Faction to concern itself with, but now they dare to target Ray, I will see them as our enemy when they step foot in my territory."

     Falbium Asmodeus who is in-charge of Military Affairs said to Yasaka.

     [Thank you Princess Yasaka for this detailed information, now we can look into this group and warn our Devils of their actions.]

     Sirzechs asked Ajuka his thoughts.

     "Ray said he was not sure why they did a probing ambush on our group, so what are your thoughts, Ajuka?"

     Devil King Ajuka, in charge of Technology, thought and shook his head.

     [This probing attack does not seem to make much sense. I am not sure who they were even targeting, Serafall should have been known to them, so it feels more like a prank. But this group of Heroes do not seem like teenagers wanting to just cause mischief. Sadly, I do not have enough evidence to make a proper conclusion. It was clear in the video the two were targeting the group however.]

     My Brother folded his hands and said.

     "Thank you two for joining us in this talk, so I will find you when I get back to the Underworld. My Brother is getting married in a few hours, and I cannot wait. I do not think this is a matter that needs us to act rashly, so let us investigate first."

     [I agree. Oh and please wish your Little Brother well wishes from us.]

     "I will. Goodbye."

     Then the two Devils vanished with the Projection Magic, leaving Yasaka, Serafall, and Sirzechs alone. Serafall said her thoughts.

     "I am concerned, because Little Ray seemed upset when he identified the two assailants. Your Brother hardly ever looks worried, sure he contemplates a lot, but tonight, I saw real concern on his face. Do you think this Hero faction group has messed with him in Kuoh Town recently?"

     Sirzechs looked serious and said.

     "I always keep an eye on my Little Brother for his safety, and I have only discovered movements by the Grigori (Fallen Angels), who watch over the children of God."

     "My Little Sister Sona, has not seen anything there. She would have told me of this Hero Faction if they caused Ray issues, so I think they have not moved onto Kuoh, yet."

     Yasaka said to the two.

     "Sadly, Kuoh Town only falls in the East Youkai territory, so I cannot protect him from here, sorry."

     Sirzechs smiles and tells her.

     "Please, do not worry too much, Ray is very strong, and if things got to the point even a God came, Ray has a Trump Card to resist, though it is not a stable one. He will not die so easily. Even if stabbed by the True Longinus, he will not die immediately. Now, let us end here, Ray has his big day now."


     Whoosh Whoosh Swoosh! Twirling his weapon with determination, with imaginary foes in his path, Dragons, Fallen Angels, Monsters, Devils, Vampires, Werewolves, Half Gods (Valkyrie), Gods, and Youkai. His distorted heart cleaves a bloody path to the top.

     In a dark arena used for training, a sturdy young man of Chinese descent was twirling a highly decorated spear with a blade of Light. His motions and forms were flawless from a young man of his age. One can see he spends all of his extra time in perfecting Technique and Strategy.

     To the far side of the room, he has a desk with many old historical tomes, used in his research.

     Then from the side door, came two persons, Georg and Leonardo of his team. Georg is descended from the great Magician who started one of the largest of the Human Magician Organizations. Like his ancestor, he is a Master Level Magician who has combined countless schools and types of magic from Fairy, Norse, and Devil Magic. He has many more, but that is less important.

     Cao Cao asked his second in command.

     "How did the mission go? Did Leonardo get that Devil to use the Power of Destruction on his Creations?"

     Leonardo, unable to speak, only looked down to the floor and shook his head, and Georg said for the young boy.

     "Before Leonardo could make more Creatures, that Gremory Devil noticed us somehow, so we left in a hurry. But sadly, when the creatures were destroyed, they had only been defeated with brute force. We could not force him to use Power of Destruction on them. I think this Ray Devil is stronger than we estimated."

     Cao Cao took a towel and wiped his sweat. He smiled like a battle junkie would and said.

     "Well, that is even better. I think the stronger my opponents are, the better. That Red Dragon Emperor was a disappointment. I wanted to kill him early for being pathetic, but who knew he would be killed by the Grigori before I could do it. Now all I have to look forward to is Vali and now this Ray Gremory. Well, I cannot play with these two right now, I have more important things to set up. Georg, how goes the search for the Sacred Gear users?"

     Georg nodded and said with seriousness.

     "The Khaos Brigade spies in the Grigori gave us the list of Human names from the Heavens System, so we have tracked down the locations of many, and we can recruit the more powerful ones personally. Those that resist, can be mind controlled with my Magic."

     "Great, by the time that stupid Infinity Dragon realizes we are using its own Power to kill it, it will be too late. We will need to start awakening the Sacred Gear users Balance Breakers in bulk. For Humanity, we will have to sacrifice the weak."


     Mofu Mofu! Laying with Yasaka in my room, I gently rubbed her ear while she had told me what was said in the meeting, and after kissing me she said.

     "Don't worry Ray, now that I know about those Hero Faction Humans, I will not let myself be taken away from you. First I will not leave Kyoto unless it is to your mansion, secondly I will reject all offers to leave my sanctuary, and say it is due to pregnancy. Finally, that Dimension Lost may be strong, but with the Power of the Ley Lines, I can stop it from working again in Kyoto during that time frame."

     "Dimension Lost is more powerful than you think, but just have a way to escape his Dimensional Pockets. Or at the very least, summon me to you if you are under attack. Also, use methods to block his mental intrusions, he is deadly."

     Yasaka held onto me in our naked forms, clearly having finished another night of lovemaking, and she only said.

     "I told you dear, that alternate time is not ours, so relax and just think about your wedding for a while. Think with positivity and take a short nap. I am here and won't ever leave you."

     I smile at this mature fox and close my eyes, ignoring those sad anime memories, and just will try to do better in our life. If I find a butterfly, I will just stomp on it!


     The next day just before it was time for me to go out and say my vows...

     Knock Knock! After the door was alerted, my Brother walked into the dressing room for the wedding event.

     "Hello Ray, just wanted to see how you are fairing before the wedding... Nervous?"

     In my black tuxedo with a crimson tie, I shook my head with a grin.

     "No, I am very happy with Kuisha becoming the next Mrs Gremory. Ever since I was 4 years old, I knew she was going to be my wife. We love each-other and that is more than many Devil couples have."

     My Brother asked a mean question.

     "Do you sometimes wish Mother and Father did not listen to our Ancestor and engaged you to Sona?"

     "That... Not in a sad way. I love Kuisha, and Sona is my best friend. I would have been madly in love with both women. I would be a fraud if I said I never saw Sona as a wife, but... I am the Heir of Gremory and my fiancé is Kuisha. I would never give her up, and my heart is split in two."

     My Brother smiled at my determination and patted my shoulder.

     "I think both girls would be happy to hear your words, Little Brother, let's go..."


     ["Do you sometimes wish Mother and Father did not listen to our Ancestor and engaged you to Sona?"]

     ["That... Not in a sad way. I love Kuisha, and Sona is my best friend. I would have been madly in love with both women. I would be a fraud if I said I never saw Sona as a wife, but... I am the Heir of Gremory and my fiancé is Kuisha. I would never give her up, and my heart is split in two."]

     ["I think both girls would be happy to hear your words, Little Brother, let's go..."]

     In Kuisha's dressing room, two girls listen to a small Magic Circle transmission recording of my conversation not long ago. And both girls looked amazed at the words I spoke.

     Grayfia smiled while closing her silver Communications Magic Circle, she said to both Kuisha and Sona.

     "See, Sirzechs was right about Ray's feelings for you Miss Sitri, so do not worry about Ray. And Kuisha, you also knew that this wedding is something Ray will always cherish."

     Kuisha took Sona's hands and said.

     "See, I always told you Ray loves you. But do not forget, I am the first wife, Ufufu."

     Sona blushing at her, said in a pout.

     "If Gautama hadn't kicked him in the head back then, I would be winning you know?"

     Kuisha gave Sona a hug while wearing her white wedding gown and said.

     "You are probably right. He really took responsibility for me after that blow to the head. Well, let's get this over with, right? I want to be real sisters in the future."

     Sona, finally letting go of the last bit of Envy in her heart, just held Kuisha tight and said.

     "I want that as well, Mrs Gremory. Let's go and get you married, then I can start my plans."

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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)


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