A New Born Devil?

Chapter 50 Damn, I’m Really Married?

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Chapter 50  Damn, I'm Really Married? by Harem-Fan


     The Devil's Wedding is about to start. Despite being enemies with God and Heaven, our Devils have weddings much like the Christians, just without any of the holy elements. The reasons?

     First, it mocks Heaven. Second we for better or worse, are all part of the Biblical Faction. Lucifer the original Devil, set this precedence. Now, due to other cultures in the last 500 years joining our Underworld as Reincarnated Devils, weddings have been expanded to other worldly customs. So really, you can do anything for the union, as long as it is a wedding.

     Kuisha and I are doing a wedding closer to the traditional Devils weddings of our Underworld with the change of having Yasaka officiate it. But this is also mocking God and Heaven, so it is fine.

     Our wedding is taking place in one of the Hotel's Ballrooms, because a real church is a no-no for Devils... It would not be funny if half your guests erupted into ash, right? Okay, it would be morbidly funny.


     I am standing at the altar where Yasaka in her Shrine now-ex-Maiden robes, is smiling in her Human form. Next to me is Saji in a tuxedo as my best man.

     In the crowd of guests, the notable Devils I see are... My Father, Mother, Niece, Brother, Sister-in-law, and Kuisha's Parents.

     Then there is Sona's family with Gasper, along with Sairaorg and his Queen, Coriana.

     With my family, also sat Ni, Li, Tsubaki, and Mil-tan in a dress.

     Seekvaira Agares has also come for our wedding. She is our friend, but not a super close friend due to our Houses being in different factions.

     Marquess and Lady Phenex have also attended, being friends of the family. Well more like our Fathers are friendly drinking buddies.

     Then as the other random non-important Devils took their seats, the event began. The doors then opened to allow the women to enter.

     When I saw the first person to come in, my lips curled into a smile... Shirone, in a white dress, was tossing flower petals in the aisle, as our flower girl. Her expression is flat, with no smile or frown, but the slight blush on her cheeks in shame was cute, as she saw me watching her warmly. After she was done, she sat next to Tsubaki and the twins.

     Next to come in wearing a crimson kimono, was the maid of honor, Akeno. Kuisha is a bit closer to Akeno as true friends outside of work, school, and the Peerage.

     In reality, Tsubaki has always been closer to me as friends, than just her being my Queen. Sure Tsubaki, Akeno, and Kuisha all get along, but when just having hobbies and down time, watching TV and the like, this is just how the dynamics of our home are.

     As Akeno took her place, she gave me a wink, but kept her dignified appearance. Then we all looked at the doors...

     In came Kuisha with her hair all done up in a tidy bun, with her green eyes misty. Her long white dress with a low neck line was a tempting piece of Underworld art. She carried a crimson bouquet of flowers, for our Gremory color, but still had the pure wedding dress. Well, that is not true... She assured me her undergarments are a shimmering crimson, cough.

     Naturally, we had some wedding music in the background, as Kuisha stood at my side. And without too much fanfare, the ceremony commenced...


     Painfully boring steps omitted...


     Yasaka in her motherly tone asked us both if we accepted one another, and together we said...

     ""I do.""

     "Then with the authority granted to me by the Underworld, I now pronounce you Ray and Kuisha Gremory, now kiss your bride!"

     I lift Kuisha's chin, and I leaned in. We gently kissed, just enough to assure the crowd knew our marriage was mutual. When our lips parted, her smile blossomed and she said.

     "Now, I am your wife, Kuisha Gremory. I love you Ray!"

     Then she 'randomly' tossed her flowers into the crowd of guests, landing in Sona's lap. Kuisha then jumped into my arms, and started to kiss me deeply, ignoring the smiles and laughs of the audience. I could only smile in my heart. (yes they were enchanted to land in her lap)


     Afterwards, Kuisha and I greeted all the guests, one by one. This time, Tsubaki in a violet dress stood behind me as a Queen should, while Akeno and the rest of my Peerage sat at one table besides my immediate family's table.

     While Kuisha was chatting with Seekvaira Agares, Katrina Abaddon was hugging me and said.

     "Alright my Son-in-law, my daughter is fully yours now. She is forevermore Gremory. But please continue to visit our home from time to time, alright?"

     "Well, I would be a bad Son if I did not meet my other Mother and Father, right? Don't worry, we are family now, and we Gremory love our family."

     Just when I was done with my in-laws, Sona came up to me holding the crimson flowers, and with a smile she told me.

     "I enjoyed my trip to Kyoto, it was fun and enlightening. Sadly, I need to head back to Kuoh."

     I gave Sona a hug for being here and I pointed to the flowers with a grin.

     "Maybe it is a sign that someone will beat you in Chess, ha-ha?!"

     Sona, not flustered by my joke and just nodded.

     "Who knows? I just might get checkmated. So after your short honeymoon, will you play a game of chess with me? Or are you giving up trying?"

     "Even if you beat my ass for thousands of years, I will keep playing... One day I might catch you off guard, and I only need to win one time, right?"

     "Not if you let someone else win. You know you are the only person to play more than once, so I am relying on you. Now I need to say goodbye to Seekvaira. Don't be late to school on Monday, or you get detention, Ufufu..."

     When Sona went to the other girls, Tsubaki whispered.

     "My King, I believe Miss Sitri is up to something? Also, I and the others will head back to Kuoh tonight, so we can get back to school and get our contracts done. Do you have anything you want me to do for you?"

     "Yes, please sleep in my room while I am gone to protect it... Ni and Li are suspicious lately, and I can only imagine them rolling around my bedding and sniffing my closet while I am gone."

     Tsubaki with a blush only said.

     "I will do that then."

     I should have noticed her words sounded off... And yes, I asked the Fox to guard the Hen-house. How could I have known Tsubaki had hobbies?


     At the end of the night, after everyone left the Hotel, I had carried Kuisha into our VIP bridal chamber for our couple day honeymoon.

     "Ray, let me go get ready, just wait for me in the bed..."

     I looked at her and asked.

     "What? Don't you want to watch a movie or something first?"

     She looked at me in confusion, then after she realized I was messing with her, we both chuckled.


     "Better yet, let us bathe together Ray, I think that would be a better first time."

     "As you wish Mrs Gremory."

     "Ufufu, Now I know how your Mother felt changing her name from Bael to Gremory. It is a privilege only I can have. And when you become the Duke, I will be your Duchess. Okay then husband, carry me!"


     A while later, in the large shower...

     I am sitting naked on a shower stool in the multi-directional shower, with water spraying from the top and both sides.

     Kuisha and I are kissing madly, as both of us have extended our bat wings, while her arms wrapped around my shoulders. Her hair no longer bound, was wet and flowed down her shoulders, back, and large breasts.

     Her eyes are barely open as we tangle our tongues in a dance that knows where our built up frustrations are leading us. She panted, and said with irritation.

     "Why are you not putting it in yet?!"

     "It is part of the foreplay, why?"

     She kissed my shoulder, trying to reach down, and then sliding her hand on my shaft, she said.

     "We have slept mostly naked all our life, so damn it, I need you in me, now."

     Both of my hands slowly run up and down her firm thighs, and then I take her right nipple into my mouth, ignoring her pleads. I am making her do it herself. I know, I am mean.

     Kuisha felt my gentle nibbles on her breasts, and bit her bottom lip. Throwing away her shyness, she lined me up to her bare slit.

     As she didn't feel me resist, she slowly let herself enter her folds. Kuisha closed her eyes feeling the intrusion, and felt a small tear inside her, the proof of her maidenhood gone, just like that.

     I gently pulled her all the way onto my erection putting me deep within her, and with our bare skin in contact, I used my Demonic Power to heal her injuries. (The same healing method Rias did to Issei in the canon.)

     I often heal my girls like this if training was a bit hard on their bodies. And Kuisha's insides were slowly healed, so now she was not as tense as before. My wife whispered into my ear.

     "Ray, that is enough, I am healed now, I love you~!"

     She retracted her wings, and so did I. Then I started to kiss her again, and I could feel her start to urge me to lift her up and down. She is sitting in my lap with her legs around my waist, so she cannot move herself well unless I do it, or she puts her leg on the shower floor.

     So I move both hands under her firm bottom, and gently lift her, then slowly lower her. Kuisha smiled, and flicked her golden locks off her front, enjoying my tender slow movements.

     "Ah~! Damn it Ray, t-this feels, waaaay better than I thought~!"

     As I put more movement into it, I grin and lick her ear, saying.

     "Huh~ It only gets better my wife, just wait for it, you will fly without wings..."

     Her hands slowly roamed my chest while she tried to keep her balance, and I went back to sucking on her breasts. Honestly, Yasaka's breasts are kinda too big, and I find that Kuisha's breasts are more manageable, but I like all sizes!


     Time flowed, like the water over our bodies, and just as I was not able to hold back anymore, I felt Kuisha jerk in my arms.

     It seems her orgasm caught her by surprise, and I just pulled her all the way down, and released my cum inside her depths.

     "Oh~ Ray, I-I think I finished~! That was really good..."

     I was a bit confused and asked her.

     "You think you finished? Have you never masturbated... Ever?!"

     Her green eyes looked into my green-blue eyes, and she shook her head.

     "I always wanted my first finish to be from you. Ray, is that weird?"

     I kissed this pure woman and said in honesty.

     "Weird? No way, in fact, I think I just love you even more if that is even possible!"

     Seeing my face, she was happy, and soon, she put her feet on the ground and stood. She saw the evidence of our coupling leak out, and with a smile she told me.

     "Let us rinse off my husband, we have all weekend to make love again and again. But right now, I want to sleep in your arms. I do not want to over do it, because my heart will explode from too much joy. I love you Ray."

     I stood, grabbed the cleaning supplies, and held my wife tenderly, slowly cleaning her. This Devil might be decisive and cruel in a fight, but right now, she is only my tender wife.

     Her eyes looking up into mine, remind me that I have countless years to be with her, I hope.

     As I was lost in thought, she said to me,

     "Ah! I almost forgot... There is one thing I have to do before the other girls. I was watching a lot of Human videos with them to research, so let me, Ufufu."

     I was not sure what she meant, till she knelt before me, taking in all of my manhood, and then as I heard and felt the sloppy sounds, I closed my eyes, smiling.

     "Kuisha my wife, this is truly a happy ending... Great job~!"

-       If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     She lied, we did not just sleep, and in fact, I believe Kuisha had more sex with me than I even had with Yasaka.

     And boy... Kuisha must have watched a lot of porn!



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