A New Born Devil?

Chapter 51 The Underworld’s Intrigued?

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[A/N Just as a reminder about Devil's that become Servants with Evil Pieces, like Grayfia, Ravel, and Kuisha. Even though they use the Magic Crest of their new King, Family, or Peerage, the color of their Magic still is that of their Heritage... IE: Grayfia=silver, Ravel=red, and Kuisha=purple. Now when anyone is Reincarnated with Ray's Evil Pieces, and were not Devils prior, their Demonic Power is crimson like Ray's do to being effectively powered by Gremory Demonic Power. So in the anime, Issei, Gasper, and Akeno for example had crimson Magic Circles. But if Ray or Rias takes in say... Sona, she would still retain her navy-blue Demonic power of Sitri. Anyway, this is not important to most readers, but more trivia as to why certain characters have different color magic.]


Chapter 51  The Underworld's Intrigued? by Harem-Fan


     Ring Ring Ring~♪! Early Sunday morning, I received a call on my smartphone...

     Kuisha and I are cuddled under the sheets, and only my arm extended to answer the caller.

     "Akeno, it is still early, what is wrong?"

     [Sorry to wake you Ray, but you received an urgent message from The Rating Game Committee. It arrived this morning, and it said to respond immediately.]

     I was confused, because I am not supposed to have anything to do with the Rating Games till the Youth Tournament, well, I would have if I had to face Riser like in the anime, but I don't.

     "Why are they sending me a letter? We are still not ready for them till this summer? Are you sure the letter is for me?"

     [It is, and Tsubaki is holding onto it for you. So you might want to read it as soon as you get home. We dare not open it.]

     Kuisha with her Devil hearing said to me.

     "Ray, we are up now, so we can just go home early, so you won't keep thinking about its contents. We have school tomorrow as well."

     "Alright Akeno, I will be home with Kuisha in 30 minutes, see you shortly."

     After hanging up my phone, we got ready so we could return the keys and teleport home...

-      If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     At the same time, Akeno with a grin hung up her smartphone, as she looked at my bedroom door. The three cat girls standing behind her all said their opinions.

     "Li sister, I think Akeno has Youkai blood in her, scary ~Nya."

     "I-I almost feel bad for her, but this prank is too good ~Nya!"

     Shirone in the back with her indifferent face looked up to the blushing Akeno, and said her piece.

     "Akeno... You are despicable... I like it."

     Akeno, seeing Shirone's thumbs up, only blushed harder in the anticipation of what her King might see. She covered her lips and quietly said.

     "Ara Ara, I did nothing wrong, and told not a single lie. Ray's letter is indeed in there and urgent."

     All three cat girls rolled their eyes and nodded. Then Shirone said,

     "We better hide in Kuisha's room for the show, anyone want popcorn?"


     As Kuisha's purple Demonic Transportation Circle faded from our sight, we found ourselves in the 3rd floor basement, in our arrival location. She said to me,

     "I will let the staff know we are back, and to make lunch for us. You can go look at your letter, then I will go and unpack my things."

     I looked at the elevator and said,

     "Something is amiss. Akeno called me, and by her normal behavior, she would have been here to jump into my arms or something, right? Even Li and Ni are absent..."

     "Hmm? I bet they are all naked laying in your bed to try and shock you. So go there, and when you see it, just leave and close the door on them, Ufufu."

     "I will snap a picture with my smartphone as I enter then, and that will shock them stiff, ha-ha."

     As we exited on the ground floor, we separated, and I went up the main steps to the second floor to go to my room.


     Just as I was opening my door with my smartphone in hand, ready to take the picture, I heard it.

     [Ahh~! You are so naughty. No, we cannot do that. The others will find out, but if it is you... I will let you, hah-hah...]

    Dropping my presence further, I slowly enter, because the voice I hear is Tsubaki, my Queen.

     As I gently closed the door, I made my way to the bed. It seems Tsubaki is under my silk sheets, and seems to be holding one of my large pillows based on one of them not being at the headboard.

     [Hah-hah~! I am glad you're back for me my King... I have been lonely... I protected everything like you wanted, so praise me more...]

     I did not turn and look, but I detected others in Kuisha's room peering through a crack in the door. But I ignore them for now. With my left hand holding my phone, I wrench off the sheets in one motion from my bed with my right hand.

     Click Click Click! I repeatedly took pictures to capture the unexpected scene that was going on under my sheets...

     Tsubaki with her glasses off, wearing only a pair of black panties, and wearing my white button-down school shirt, while she was hugging my pillow that had my school jacket wrapped around it.

     This alone was not the interesting part. No what was exciting was her flushed face, her dazed eyes being caught, and her right hand suspiciously down the front of her panties.

     Soon, our eyes met, and I only waved with my right hand and said.

     "Hello my Queen, I came home early... Should I come back later?"

     She bolted up out of the bed, like she was not doing anything with the abandoned pillow or her right hand, and her eyes looked tear filled as her face was as crimson as my hair.

     "I-I was just sleeping, and, and had a strange dream... I-I will go now, and get ready..."

     And as she bolted for her room with her Queen speed, she stopped and ran back to the nightstand, picked up a letter, and came to me reluctantly, looking at the smartphone in my hand. I said to her,

     "Just calm down Tsubaki, I am deleting the pictures right now. And thanks for looking after my room."

     Tsk! Both of us clearly heard the dissatisfied click of a tongue from the cracked door, clearly from Shirone, when she heard I was deleting the pictures.

     Tsubaki closed her eyes in despair, knowing the others saw or heard her disgraceful fantasy play.

     Taking the letter, I leaned in and gave her a kiss on her lips, bringing her back to her senses, and she said to me pitifully.

     "I will accept any punishment you deem fit for embarrassing my King."

     "Actually, I thought it was adorable, so just go and get ready for the day, we will have lunch together."

     Tsubaki bows and fled to her room, but I did give her a playful joke as her door shut.

     "Love your shirt by the way, ha-ha."

     I then look to the other door and say.

     "The joke is over girls, time to give up."

     Then the door opened and Akeno, Shirone, Ni, Li, and Kuisha came out. Kuisha was smiling and said.

     "That was too cute to stop, fufu."

     Soon, all of the girls came to me one by one, to get kisses and hugs, then we sat on my couches in my room. Tsubaki even joined us with only a small blush and a few teases from the others.


     A while later, I was reading the official letter from The Rating Game Committee, and my expression was all over the place confusing my Peerage.

     Shirone with her head in my lap, looked up at me and asked.

     "Ray, are they making us have a Rating Game early?"

     I shook my head and held up the letter for the girls to see.

     "It is not a rating game, but at the end of May, there will be a battle royal with all past losers of Sona's chess games, to determine her fiance with a Battle Royal in a Rating Game Field. Last Devil Standing, walks away with the hand of Sona Sitri."

     Akeno tilted her head and asked me.

     "But you're already married to sister Kuisha? So why did you get a formal letter."

     Kuisha took the letter and was reading it. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

     "All Devil men that challenged, even if now married after their challenge, may attempt to even marry Sona as a 2nd wife. So Ray can technically participate, but that is not the issue here, it is even worse..."

     Tsubaki asked her.

     "How is it worse?"

     Kuisha held up the letter and said it clearly.

     "The judges and complaining participants put restrictions on Ray... First, he is forbidden from using any form of Power of Destruction. Second, he is not allowed to bring the allotted 1 Phoenix Tears every participant is allowed to bring and use once. Ray is the only participant to be restricted like that."

     Ni nodded and said.

     "And in a Battle Royal, other Devils will team up on Ray ~Nya!"

     Li said or asked.

     "Does Ray have to join ~Nya?"

     Kuisha shook her head and explained the shit part.

     "No, Ray does not have to join the event at all, but... If he does not join, some Devils Ray does not like will have a strong chance of becoming Sona's husband, including... Riser Phenex, Sairaorg Bael, Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas, Diodora Astaroth, and many more atrocious Devils."

     Akeno asked.

     "Why did Ray's cousin join?"

     Kuisha explained.

     "He played Chess with her as a backup, if his fiance had dumped him for not being the Heir, but after he secured his Heir-ship, the woman didn't break it off. Even though Sairaorg does not intend to break his engagement, the rules still allow him to participate... And knowing Sairaorg, he just wants to flex his muscles and test his strength."

     Shirone moved for Kuisha who sat next to me. I was only looking blankly staring out the window in deep-thought. She took my hand and asked.

     "I think you should do it, but what do you want to do Ray?"

     "With my position as the next Heir of Gremory, I need to ask my Mother, Father, and Brother what is right. I cannot just go in and cause trouble. So I will go and call them privately first. Kuisha, as my wife, you need to be there."

     "Alright girls, go and get ready for lunch, Ray and I will make a call first..."

     As the girls left, I was in turmoil about this event...

     I avoided messing with Riser, and am I fated to fight him? Does Fate wish for him to get beaten up or something?

     And what the fuck... I have to fight Sairaorg? Lastly, does Diodora Astaroth have Ouroboros Dragon, Ophis Snake in him yet at this point in time?

     "Why do I feel that Sona is behind this event?"

     Kuisha pretended to not hear my words. But how did the whole Chess thing diverge from the main plot of the anime just because I suggested it instead of Sona making it? Well, let me see what my family has to say about it...



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