A New Born Devil?

Chapter 52 Because Of Me?

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Chapter 52  Because Of Me? by Harem-Fan


     On the coffee-table in front of me and Kuisha, I have a projection of my Mother and Father.

     My Mother said to us

     [That is correct, we are both well aware of the news here in the Underworld. The Sitri's revised conditions to allow all suitors a final phase with an absolute winner is now well known.]

     My Father with a happy smile said to me,

     [It seems after meeting you last summer break, Lord Sitri realized the futility of trying to find a non-existent chess player that may never be born, thus ending their Sitri main family line. He said when you turned down his offer for a game when you visited, he realized if even the most powerful youth Devil no longer wanted to play, they had to change the game.]

     "What?! Lord Sitri is changing the content of the game because of me? I just don't want to waste time with a losing game."

     My Mother smiled and said.

     [Precisely Dear. The reason no one wants to challenge Sona, is the fact they do not want to hurt their Pride, or they only do it for fun and don't care about actually winning, making it more of a joke than a serious event. Sona and her parents have quietly endured a few unsavory rumors about the lack of a fiance for their daughter. Well, even Serafall has no known male lover or husband, so...]

     Kuisha asked my Father.

     "Father, so should Ray enter the competition with the other youth Devils, and what about the restrictions placed on Ray?"

     [Venelana and I believe if Ray did not at least participate, the Gremory might be seen as weak or afraid of those Rating Game members' rules. And honestly, Ray is by no means really at any disadvantage here. The Rating Game Committee had to implement this, or what youth Devil in their right mind would risk death for a marriage. If only Ray showed up, then the Sitri would be even more shamed for fixing the game in their favor.]

     My Mother then asked Kuisha.

     [Kuisha dear, how do you feel about this match as Ray's wife? Would you want Ray to enter and throw the match, or win it? Not showing is not the right choice however.]

     "As Lady Gremory, I want my husband to win. As far as the prize... Sona is also my childhood friend, and the two of us get along well. As far as the Gremory house is concerned, joining a marriage alliance with one of our most avid ally's is very beneficial to us."

     [Good daughter, you are thinking of the big picture. And you Son, will you play to win, or will you put on a good show and then find an honorable way out?]

     I smile thinking about how Sona had kissed me that night, and can clearly remember her words of using her intellect and my strength, and know this is all her. But... I do not want another man to win the lips that she gave me.

     "Entering is certain, and I shall talk to Sona about me winning. I will put up a good showing no matter the outcome."

     My Father grins and tells me.

     [Good, because your Mother and I already signed you up. Lord Sitri asked me to get you to enter no matter what, ha-ha.]

     I only got the confirmation from his words, that this was Sona and her Father's plan all along. Well, I will still ask her tomorrow.

     After a few last minute family babble, we closed the costly Transmission Magic.


     Later that day...

     Tsubaki and I are now approaching the Old Church in the north west of Kuoh Town. (the same one as in season 1 & 2)

     "Ray, I am feeling chills from here."

     "That is normal Tsubaki, even with the light tempering we have slowly been doing, this feeling never vanishes from our body. It is our natural early warning of danger. This feeling just alerts us to the chance of being affected by the Light or being Purged."

     "Ray, if we step foot here, will it start a conflict?"

     I look at the worried Queen and say softly.

     "Hmm? No, as long as I do not kill anyone, they cannot make it a big deal, plus the Church is not in control of this land, but the Fallen Angels."

     As I made it to the front doors of the church, Tsubaki asked.

     "How can you tell?"

     Click Creak! I opened the doors and saw the old church with a bit of dust in a few places. I then point to the Holy Iconography and explain.

     "If it was the Human Church, the holy symbols would be well taken care of, but as you can see, even the large cross on the wall has been cracked, and the head of the Son of God has been bashed in. Fallen Angels deface the pure church teachings to show their rage of being cast out of Heaven."

     Now Tsubaki and I have entered, and she said,

     "My Magic Glasses show that there have been others in here recently."

     I walk to the main altar knowing there is a secret passage down, and I say to her.

     "Yes, there are around 10 presences that fled the area when we came, they are watching us from a safe distance. Probably trying to find out why the Devils dare walk in here. My crimson hair is a dead giveaway to my identity, and the Fallen here are not stupid enough to start a fight with me at least not now."

     Rumble Rumble! I with no effort moved the heavy stone altar to the side, revealing a set of stone steps down into the basement level. Then Tsubaki followed me down...


     As I made it to the bottom, I saw that the large shallow pool of water to the center is still here, this is the one I remember from the anime in season two, the one the two Exorcist Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quarta used to bathe in. Why is this here you ask? Well it is here for holy water and baptisms. But my eyes move to the far back wall.

     "Asia Argento..."

     "Ray, what did you whisper?"

     "Nothing, Tsubaki. I was surprised to see that creepy cross on the wall there... It is used for dark rituals."

     Shit, I knew I forgot about someone a bit when I met Saji and Issei... Asia? But why did I remember Xenovia Quarta and not Asia... Well Irina reminded me of that airhead Knight. Yeah, in the anime, she just became Rias's Knight because the Church would reject her.

     Well, I said she was an airhead, but in reality, she is very smart in some fields. Maybe an idiot savant?

     Wait... I can save Asia without even having her come to Kuoh! If I kill that asshole Diodora Astaroth in the upcoming Rating Game battle, he cannot get her kicked out of the Church right? Then Asia does not even have to leave where she is truly happy. Ah, Diodora Astaroth, please do not blame me for targeting you for the sake of a nice girl. But sadly, you are fated to die anyway.

     "Ray, two Fallen Angels have entered the church and are waiting upstairs."

     "Yeah, They are nervous about me being down here, let us be nice neighbors and greet them."


     As I walked up to the main room of the church with my hands in my pockets, looking like a casual visitor, my Queen was behind me, tense.

     I see two Fallen Angels I recognize from the anime, but seeing them in real life is most definitely more of an impact. So I greet the two.

     "Hello Raynare and Dohnaseek. I am Lord Ray Gremory of the Duke House of Gremory, it is a pleasure to meet you."

     I give them a warm and friendly smile, and the scantily clad female Fallen Angel scowls a bit and her dark hair swayed in the breeze from the open front door. I can tell the other two Fallen Angels are outside as back up as well. So she said to me,

     "And why would a Devil step foot in church, and how do you know who we are?"

     "I am here to confess my sins of course, ha-ha. But seriously, it would be rude of the ruler of this Devil Territory to not stop by for a visit, right? After all, I am being very hospitable, right?"

     The four Fallen have already put up an anti-Human Barrier outside just in case a fight happens. Dohnaseek, a very tall man but still shorter than me, wearing a trench coat and fedora hat, says in a gloomy tone.

     "Lord Gremory, it seems you have forgotten that this is our Territory in here, are you trying to start a fight with us?"

     While I keep my hands casually in my pants pocket, I smile at him and say.

     "A fight with you 4 Fallen Angels? No, like I said I only came to greet you. My Brother the Devil King told me to always talk things out and never go straight to violence. And you guys should have heard of me before, right? If we truly fought, who do you think would win? I am not here to bully you guys, but just pass on a friendly warning to you."

     Raynare indeed knows me very well, as her superiors told her to not come across the Super Devil Ray Gremory at all cost, but this kid just came into her base like the warning did not apply, so she smiled and asked with a changed tone.

     "You are right Ray Gremory, I do know you, and hearing you say we won't fight is pleasing, so then, what did you want to tell us?"

     I love how fast she took charge from her grumpy coworker and put on her kind face. So I nodded and said.

     "As long as you guys do not attack the Gremory and Sitri Devils here, or interfere with our work, I promise to stay out of your affairs regarding the observation of the Children of God. With that, I and my Queen shall leave you to your work. Nice to meet all of you."

     As I walked to the open door, the two Fallen moved out of my way.

     "Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarna, and Dohnaseek... It really was nice to see all of you, goodbye..."

     And with the confirmation of the Fallen Angels here, I left to ponder what the future may hold...


     For those interested in watching all 4 seasons, or watch again, here is a website I use that has them as Dub or Sub... click the spoiler to find it...



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