A New Born Devil?

Chapter 56 The New Student?

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[A/N Poll on this chapter at the end. ]

[Fun Fact and Background for Jeanne: Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc, l. c. 1412-1431 CE) was a medieval peasant who, claiming to receive visions from God, turned the tide of the Hundred Years' War in favor of a French victory. She was famously martyred for standing by her claim of divine inspiration and later canonized as a saint.]


Chapter 56  The New Student? by Harem-Fan


     The next day in class 2-B...

     Saji, Kiba, Issei, Tomoe, Yura, Motohama, Aika, Matsuda, Katase, and Murayama were all taken aback at the new girl who came into the class.

     On the blackboard, the girl's name was clearly written... [Asia Argento]

     The nervous Asia bows her head and introduces herself.

     "Hello everyone, my name is Asia Argento, and I am an exchange student from Italy, please take care of me."

     """"""""""So cute!""""""""""

     Most of the homeroom class, boys and girls were just instantly taken by her adorable demeanor. But when her eyes landed on Saji near the back left of the class, next to the windows, she waved and said.

     "Hello Gen, we are in this same class, I am glad." (Saji is his last-family name, and Asia is using the shortened cute form of calling him just Gen, from Genshirou Saji, showing intimacy)

     Issei, seeing and hearing that, grabbed Saji by the collar and shook him, half crying, and half yelling.

     "What the fuck man?! How do you know this hot girl!"

     Asia seeing Saji getting unfriendly glares, and wanting others to understand, covered for her friend... Or made it worse...

     "Oh, please don't hurt Gen, I actually live at his house now."


     Issei shook him harder and yelled.

     "Dammit! You are my neighbor and did not introduce her to me first, aaaarg!"

     Whack! A paper-fan from next to Issei's desk, swatted him back into his seat and the commotion ended. Tomoe just smiled at her skill.

     The usual questions, and fun continued for Asia's first morning, as she instantly made many friends, and caused many hearts to bloom...


     Out in the hall, two Devils are suppressing their presences as they kindly watched through the class in the door...

     Sona asked me.

     "Ray, this surprises me that you wanted to take in an avid believer in God? And I was amused when Kuisha said she was surprised, because you have not taken her in as a harem member, and the Harem King nickname is crumbling."

     She is smirking at me so I throw it back.

     "Oh? And how is your reverse-harem going? You have a lot of boys in your Peerage too?"

     Sona pushed up her glasses with an angry set of eyes, and threatened me.

     "You know damn well I have no relationships with no others but my future husband, and if you ever make a bad joke like that again, you will eat my baked goods for a week, understand?"

     Cold sweat covered my back, and my stomach cramped in fear, so I nodded fast and said.

     "Ah! Sorry, that was a bad joke, have mercy on me my wonderful and beautiful friend. But seriously, that girl is a true talent and treasure. As far as the church thing, I am fine with it. I personally do not have hatred for other factions, just the bad elements in all of them. Finally, it was Saji who brought her into my family."

     "Hmm? Her Sacred Gear is surely impressive, the Twilight Healing, able to even heal the creatures of the dark. But I know you too well, Ray. What is her real talent?"

     I point to Saji and then tell her honestly.

     "You are right, Sona. Her real potential is not her Sacred Gear, but she is actually a natural-born Dragon Tamer, and that is why Saji is so infatuated with her. He is the Black Dragon King after-all."

     Sona pushed up her glasses in shock and asked me.

     "Wait, you mean Saji really is the Black Dragon King, the Prison Dragon Vritra?! You were not kidding back then?"

     "Vritra is slumbering inside of Saji, and is not yet able to emerge. Saji is like Gasper, they are both slumbering. Sona, you and I are holding onto future powerhouses in the Underworld. So, never mistreat your Queen, and cherish all of your family more. I know you like draconian punishment, but make sure to let them know you care. Well, I am only telling you this because you will be married to a Gremory in the future."

     "Ray, is the Evil God really inside of Gasper?"

     I smile at my worried friend and nod.

     "But... Don't forget, you and I are Evil Devils, okay."

     "Oh... I see what you are telling me... He is only as Evil as we make him."

     "How Evil is Gasper to you? That is how Evil the Evil God Balor is. Gasper is amazing, so rely on him. Frankly, I hate the idea of fighting him when you and I have to do our Rating Game against one another."

     Sona and I are done watching, and turn to go to our class, but she smirks and says,

     "Don't think I will go easy on you when you are my husband, in fact, I will know more of your weaknesses than anyone else, Ufufu."


     Diodora Astaroth was being massaged by his Queen while being told of the current affairs in Kuoh Town. He was currently staying at the local high end hotel in the city.

     His black-haired Knight was prostrating at his feet while reporting the latest events.

     "My Master, things have taken a very wrong turn from your predicted plans... Asia Argento was not able to make it to tonight's scheduled ritual in the Churches Basement level as you waited for."

     Diodora, lost his happy smile and used his boot to lift his Knights chin, and he asked with a dark look.

     "What? Did those Crows kill her early? My spies in their midst said they have not fully prepared the ritual, did they kill her?"

     "N-No Master, she was working with Freed the Exorcist, and Ray Gremory dropped in and started a fight with him. Asia was captured by Prince Gremory, and last night was turned into his Mutated Pawn. She is currently in his service, my Master..."

     Crack! The wine glass in his hand slowly cracked and shattered, his eyes and face contorting in rage.


     Thud! He in rage, kicked his Knight in the face, then stood pointing his finger at her.

     "You useless whore! I told you to take her away if she was going to be killed early, did I not?!"

     The beautiful Holy Maiden (ruined and unholy toy) ignored her broken nose and prostrated again, trembling and explaining.

     "My Master, I was going to try, but Ray Gremory saw me at a distance, and identified me. I was wearing my mask and cloak, so he cannot identify you as my Master. He smiled at me, daring me to take her... I-I could not do it."

     "Reyna, whip this failure till she is unconscious and do not heal her, then lock her in the box for 5 days, take her away."

     Diodora's Servants trembled at his words, but as his slaves, they must obey. His Rook grabbed the Knight to be punished and was dragged away, while the Knight only cried, knowing how unforgiving her Master is.

     As the Knight was pulled away, she had remembered how kind, charming, and loving her Master was when they first met, and how his true face was shown once she fell from grace...

     Diodora clenched his fist hard saying out-loud.

     "Fuck, none of my Pawns can be traded to him for a Mutated Pawn! And because all of his other Pawn Pieces are used up, I cannot even give him multiple of you bitches, fuck! Do any of you have any good ideas? No, never mind, you are all suckers."

     His Queen hesitantly suggested.

     "What if with your new power, you accidentally killed him in the Battle Royal? Surely you are powerful enough to take him by surprise? Then his Pawn would be without a King."

     Diodora with a scowl looked at her, and she flinched, but then he said.

     "And if I kill a Gremory Heir, how could I get my hands on Asia, genius? But, killing Ray Gremory might ease my hatred. Hmm? Maybe I can get someone from the Khaos Brigade to come and deal with Ray? I need to contact Shalba Beelzebub..."

     A smug smile was placed on his lips again, then he said.

     "Arrange a meeting with my future wife, Sona Sitri, I need to butter her up and show her my kind side, ha-ha."

-      If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     In Germany...

     Cao Cao was standing over the unconscious body of a large man who had a body made of hard-rock from his Transformation Element Earth type Sacred Gear.

     And Georg was currently using Mind Control Magic on the unconscious Human. He said to his Leader.

    "This German was very strong without a Balance Breaker, so if he survives, I can only imagine his utility. Too bad he was not willing to join us on his own, this will lower his loyalty to you in the future."

     Cao Cao tapping his spear on his shoulder, just dismisses it as a trivial thing.

     "Doesn't matter, Pawns are disposable. I cannot win everyone's loyalty anyway. He may not even survive the Ophis Snake implant in his Sacred Gear in the future, so it is fine. Oh, Jeanne, what brought you to me today?"

     The beautiful 19 year old French descendant of Jeanne D'Arc, with her flowing blonde hair and blue eyes, looked a bit serious today, and said what she found out.

     "Our Khaos Brigade spies on the Underworld Devils side reported... All of our identities and most of our Sacred Gears were exposed just after your Kyoto trial. Somehow, the Devils had better intelligence than we thought... I think someone in the Khaos Brigade betrayed us."

     The tapping spear on Cao Cao's shoulder stopped and he asked with a frown.

     "Even my True Longinus, the Dimension Lost, and Annihilation Maker are revealed?"

     "Yes, and the fact all of our Balance Breakers are awakened, including Your Truth Idea Balance Breaker ability. Your skill level of even fighting Leader Class beings was revealed." (Leader Class is equal to Satan Class, and includes beings like... Azazel, Michael, and Serafall.)

     One would expect news like this to upset a normal person, but instead Cao Cao grins while tapping his spear again, and tells his companions.

     "That is good then, this means no one in the Khaos Brigade betrayed us yet, because none of them knew about my Truth Idea. This is very interesting, to think there are those on the other-side who can find this stuff out. But there is something comforting about this information."

     Georg finished with his Mind Magic asked in confusion.

     "How is any of this good? It is like we were caught with our pants down?"

     "Sure they caught me with my pants down, but they do not know how big my spear is... Okay, jokes aside... They missed the most important piece of information, meaning they do not know me well. They do not know about my Subspecies Balance Breaker, ha-ha."

     After Cao Cao let out his laughter, he asked his Vice Leader.

     "Where to now?"

     Georg cleaned his glasses and said.

     "Next is Canada. There is a strong weather controller there, that is running from the Fallen Angels. She should be more easily swayed by your cause, so let me set up a Transportation Circle..."


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